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The new Evernote 10 Version List of Missing Core Features



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17 minutes ago, theonlyoblong said:

Do you know a way to fall back before the 10.1.7 update?

In the post preceding yours, I provided a link to the Legacy version

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folks.  evernote said they reengineered everything down to their basic code.  why did you expect the first release to work and have all of the features you are used to?  this is still a company trying to accomplish a turn around...  also, let's be frank, its not like previous releases fixed much (at least of the things that have been annoying to me, i'm looking at you search, styles, tag and notebook organization, etc...)

it seems an open question as to whether evernote plans to abandon their customer base in the hopes of becoming relevant again in the market place (a mistake in my view), or they create decent interoperability with the legacy versions.  I would love to see the latter, but based on many years of history with the company, I don't expect that to happen.

In either case, it seems prudent to back up your databases and expect to use the legacy version for some time, and possibly look to offload parts of your evernote workflow to other apps where a replacement works better.  in other words, the status quo...

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17 hours ago, MaratR said:

Hi. I've been an Evernote user/customer since October 2010. 10 years. I cancelled my subscription today. At some point, you just stop letting a software provider treat you like trash.I suggest everyone do the same.

Done. Requested a refund as well

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On 10/10/2020 at 4:33 PM, MarcSant said:

It's unbelievable how such a good product can turn into such a bad thing that it induces a customer from years of using the product and the platform to start a process of mass migration of their data to the competition. 

How can a company do not make a market research, a survey among its loyal customers about what they expect or not from a new version. To me, if Evernote continues like this, it really died. And there it is to look for alternatives to other products, which maybe don't have all the features of Evernote but at least they don't charge us for what they can't offer, different from Evernote which keeps charging and at the same time has removed crucial functions for me.

Let's go to the list of CRUCIAL functions that have been removed, and that for me disfigure the whole product:

- There is no way to change the color of lateral toolbar from Dark. 

- There is no way to put shortcuts list in the top of screen. It will not move anymore

- There are only FIVE Fonts. For me that store computer code in the notes, it is A TERRIBLE choice

- Desktop App is a web based one, and notes are not synchronized anymore. Just turn off your Ethernet adapter and the program will not show notes anymore. The proof is that you are able to show "developer options" that show a web page render in the right side of the screen. Another proof is you can use the old classic version side by side with the new one, so the new version 10 is not using the database files that is stored locally.

- I can't change the Interface Language. I like to use English Interface, since I can have a lot of info in foruns instead to get translated the Brazilian version to English one.

- I can't create a Notebook inside the Notebook stack as I always did. You need to first create the Notebook, then move it to stack

- I can't grab a screen capture anymore

- I can't Paste text directly to Evernote note (CTRL+shitf+V) anymore

- I can't import a folder anymore

- I can't un-stack a Notebook from a stack using right click mouse. I need to drag an drop them. 

- I can't narrow a search inside a specific Notebook or Notebook Stack.

- I can't group my tags anymore. I used to group them in a hierarchy but now they can only be presented as a flat list, impssible to work with. 

Please, if you noted some another missing feature, feel free to contribute to this list.



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And it's this kind of response -


"...being considered..." - that's making me so nervous now. The Top View feature, one of so many, which was just culled, may or may not return.

This lack of certainty is not good enough. For those interested, Joplin has now overtaken Obsidian. But switching to Markdown is still an uncomfortable prospect.

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Glad i found this thread. Mind numbingly bad update. I can't even begin to express how badly i want to migrate off now. All my old notes are in strange states of un-editable HTML, old fonts are gone, performance is still bad etc etc. Awful.

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On 10/7/2020 at 10:57 AM, gazumped said:

Another service I use is Postach.io

Cool app! Thanks for mentioning. I'm going to check it out in more detail this weekend. Love the idea of going from my EN to my blog (assuming it will work with whatever v10 is going to end up being.

On a nearly related note, I learned of a very cool site today called WordToHtml. Type and format something in Word. Then paste it into their free converter and, voila, HTML. 

Perfect for doing simple one-off "pages" like when selling something on Ebay. 

Just thought I'd mention in case it's useful. Payback for the postach.io tip. 👍

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2 hours ago, avevers said:

For those interested, Joplin has now overtaken Obsidian.

Obsidian is very cool looking. I like the graph feature. I have always wanted graphing for Evernote ever since I tried Personal Brain.

I think the biggest thing I'd have to get over not having is multi-device access to my notes and the Web Clipper.


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On 10/15/2020 at 6:10 PM, t8769 said:

New version is terrible

In Notes 
Cannot remove note list
Cannot remove Left column
Cannot remove spellcheck
Cannot remove formatting bar
Cannot customise toolbar at top of note

The new version should be called 'Cannot 10.0'

Since upgrading to v10.x, I've been looking how to re-add the 'Code Block' button to the toolbar (instead of having to run through the extra step of clicking the 'Insert' button first).  Guess that answers my question.  Really disappointing that it isn't possible to customise.  I have all this extra real estate on my toolbar and the one tool I use the most, I need to go through a menu each time now, very frustrating.

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5 hours ago, J.esse said:

Since upgrading to v10.x, I've been looking how to re-add the 'Code Block' button to the toolbar (instead of having to run through the extra step of clicking the 'Insert' button first).  Guess that answers my question.  Really disappointing that it isn't possible to customise.  I have all this extra real estate on my toolbar and the one tool I use the most, I need to go through a menu each time now, very frustrating.

I don't understand why some items are hidden away in the insert menu and others are easily accessible from the tool bar. As somebody with a PhD in chemistry it hurts me to say this, but do people really need to subscript text more often than add a table or codeblock?

I digress. The good news is that the markdown shortcut of three backticks followed by enter inserts a code block. Also, and you couldn't do this in 6.25, surrounding text with a single back tick allows you to have inline code.


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30 minutes ago, mczin said:

@Mike PI was asking me the same.... 

While we are on the subject it might be worth documenting two other handy shortcuts for items in the insert menu:

--- (3 dashes) adds a dividing line

[][][]x2 (3 open then close square brackets) gives you a 2x3 table

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I've been searching for ages but haven't found much on this particular issue: I can't place images inline with text any more, and there is no way to change the justification of images (inline or no).


Half of what I do is pasting in images from other software, then center justifying it (looks hugely ugly if left justified). Furthermore, I type a lot of math inline (usually in LaTex), which I convert to inline images of the same size as my font (via LaTexit when I'm on my Mac, or codecogs when on PC). Without those two features my notes have had their formatting positively wrecked. The inline math one is especially bad, since some notes now have a few words, then a paragraph space, then a single math symbol, then another paragraph space, then a few more words, and so on. Almost unreadable. 

Had to downgrade immediately after and fix the notes I had foolishly opened (which all had this formatting change). If anyone knows a way to get around this, or if EN has said anything about fixing this later, let me know. This is actually serious enough that if the legacy version becomes unusable and they don't fix it, I'll have no choice but switching to other software (and I don't want to; been with EN for over 6 years with more than 1k notes). 

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1 minute ago, RJB Davis said:

I've been searching for ages but haven't found much on this particular issue: I can't place images inline with text any more, and there is no way to change the justification of images (inline or no).

This was reported during the initial beta, and again after the launch of v10 by myself and so far no response from EN on this issue. 

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I've read a couple of articles months ago about the possibility that Evernote was going under, and we should migrate our notes somewhere else just in case. The IOS update that takes away so many features and severely limits Evernote's usability makes me fear the doomsayers knew what they were talking about, and Evernote is on the way out. I can't see a thriving company doing something this detrimental to its paying users. 

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Oh my goodness!

While trying to send some images and notes to a client, I found issues with the "new and improved" version of my favorite app. I'm concerned what else I'm going to find.

1) all of my .tiff image saves are in the notes but not viewable in the notes. I have to save as and then bring them back.....I think. Might have to screen capture and place. Anyone else have such issues? See image below

2) searching for notes is NOT easier

3) moving notes is NOT easier

I hope Evernote staff follow these discussion groups. I am a huge advocate but now am not so sure. Who asked me if I wanted all my notes in the cloud alone? A brilliant electronic filing system is mucked up.


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Uh yeah Evernote, but no. I've downloaded the old client and will most likely be massaging my data so that its easily exportable and usable in something else - perhaps One Note. If I wanted to use the web client, I can just log in with a browser. I don't need a browser wrapped in a crippled application.

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The new app is seriously terrible. I absolutely do not want to use an app which doesn't have local sync. They've taken out all the power-user capabilities and essentially given us a simplenote. I'm already looking at alternatives, but it's kinda bleak. OneNote seems like the best choice as it syncs locally as well at to the cloud. As soon as I re-organize my data so that it's friendly to the non-tag system (i really like this, and it's going to be painful), I'm jumping ship.

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I just join this forum to voice my discontent and shock with this new version 10 . 

This version should not have been released. 

Sync button  missing

No access to preferences

Shocking management the window real estate

Thank god I could remove it and install the version 6.25.

If Evernote continues with the version 10 I will need to look for a new product.


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I have just decided to install last version (Mac  Catalina) without reading first this discussion ... and I was astonished when started up ... it is not able to start up, it become frozen, unusable ... so I downloaded the legacy version in order to recover my 9000 notes... and decide what to do, whether to move or not to Onenote. I loved Evernote as worked in 7.4 ... so difficult to change... what do you think?

For the time being every things works with Legacy ... but I am agree with all of you: Evernote is dead with this approach

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On 10/20/2020 at 11:57 AM, gazumped said:

See Ian Small recent video - explains v10.0 released as (almost) blank slate on which to bring back old and add new features.  There's more to follow.  Allegedly.

Yeah, I get that.  But this  is a step back from the original feature set.  Local sync was a foundational feature, and the one that convinced me to go premium. This is like Ford giving me an "upgrade" to my car, replacing the tires with skis.  Sure, it goes fast on the snowy hills, but it won't go at all where I need it to go.

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10 minutes ago, BobRed_0965 said:

Yeah, I get that.  But this  is a step back from the original feature set.  Local sync was a foundational feature, and the one that convinced me to go premium. This is like Ford giving me an "upgrade" to my car, replacing the tires with skis.  Sure, it goes fast on the snowy hills, but it won't go at all where I need it to go.

Exactly. Local sync, for items I do not want in the cloud, is the main reason I  stayed with Evernote for the last decade+. Without it, it becomes useless to me. About a third of my notes (over 2K of them) are local only.  I will stay with the Legacy as long as it is supported, since I do love Evernote. But I will not be able to upgrade ever, if local sync is not there. I will have to go with a totally different solution, even though my whole workflow revolves around Evernote.

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Probably finding another solution apart from a folder & files setup will not be easy. It is all cloud service today, be it OneNote, Notion or what you name.

There are solutions based on NAS systems, like NoteStation from Synology. However they lack a lot of features compared to EN. For Macs and iOS there is DEVONThink that runs locally.

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I realize that. It is what made Evernote so useful. But I will go to folder and files before I put my private info on their cloud. I do not trust their security enough. Or anyone else's, for that matter. If they allowed me to encrypt notes (and not the 1/2 assed solution for text notes), then maybe. But not as it is now.

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Update on my status.

App seems to be faster so at least I can test it out which is good.

I have to have the F2 and F3 shortcuts to efficiently move around the software.

F3 is a hit and miss. It sometimes get me to the tags sometimes nothing. It needs to work consistently and anywhere in the app.

F2 is a must for me too, I want to be get to the title and then into the note with the keyboard. I hope these can be fixed with the next update at least.

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2 hours ago, eddyj said:

I realize that. It is what made Evernote so useful. But I will go to folder and files before I put my private info on their cloud. I do not trust their security enough. Or anyone else's, for that matter. If they allowed me to encrypt notes (and not the 1/2 assed solution for text notes), then maybe. But not as it is now.

There's more detail elsewhere on the forums, but I thought Joplin might have been a contender - optionally encrypted syncs to your Dropbox account.  But I tried it out and was not overly impressed with the reliability of the syncs.  Secure is good,  but Flaky secure is even more worrying than untrustworthy servers... 

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1 minute ago, gazumped said:

There's more detail elsewhere on the forums, but I thought Joplin might have been a contender - optionally encrypted syncs to your Dropbox account.  But I tried it out and was not overly impressed with the reliability of the syncs.  Secure is good,  but Flaky secure is even more worrying than untrustworthy servers... 

It also does not show PDF previews, which makes it a non-starter.

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well, nimbus note does local notebooks as well, very similar to the fully featured "legacy" evernote apps. as does devonthink (which is mac only though)...

both allow for a pretty seamless import of evernote's .enex files....nimbus is still lagging a few of the evernote "legacy" features, but moving rapidly and devonthink is substantially more feature rich than evernote (and if you wish fully encrypted with your own keys as well) with the exception of note sharing which is inferior compared to evernote "legacy"...

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9 minutes ago, toao said:

both allow for a pretty seamless import of evernote's .enex files..

Nimbus stumbles badly on notes that were created via email to EN.  Today anyway. 

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5 hours ago, TK0047 said:

Update on my status.

App seems to be faster so at least I can test it out which is good.

I have to have the F2 and F3 shortcuts to efficiently move around the software.

F3 is a hit and miss. It sometimes get me to the tags sometimes nothing. It needs to work consistently and anywhere in the app.

F2 is a must for me too, I want to be get to the title and then into the note with the keyboard. I hope these can be fixed with the next update at least.

F3 is still hit and miss fo rme. Normally it works but sometimes it doesn't.

So far F2 seems to be working as expected. (in 10.2.4)

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40 minutes ago, Mike P said:

F3 is still hit and miss fo rme. Normally it works but sometimes it doesn't.

So far F2 seems to be working as expected. (in 10.2.4)

I downloaded 10.2 after my post. Did not realize that was out there since CHECK FOR UPDATES did not say anything.

But F2 now seems to working, F3 continues to be a hit & miss for sure.

At least they seem to be releasing updates more quickly than before, let's hope that continues. 

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  1. I can’t seem to select multiple notes
  2. I cannot select multiple notes so I cannot batch tag or move multiple notes either.

This is crazy making.

If someone knows how to do that on iOS / Mac please reply... I accidentally upgraded to this horrendous downgrade they call version 10.


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Just installed the new version today. And noticed to my horror that the settings option is gone. I have assigned a number of personal keyboard shortcuts, and the Evernote shortcuts are interfering with them. As there seems to be no way to disable and/or change them, I'll just have to go back to the legacy version. Thanks to whoever posted the link!
Too bad, really. I liked the layout in the new version, but I can't use it unless I'm able to change the shortcuts 😟

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Downloaded and installed v10.2. A bit happier about how it looks and functions.

  1. How can you "anchor" the note title? I would like to not have to scroll back up to remind me what NOTE I am working on.
  2. I still prefer tags on the top because I use TaskClone a lot and I would like to be able to monitor if TC has run (tag will disappear) but maybe it's an adjustment that I will need to make?
  3. I have NOT tested TaskClone yet but I hope it works as it is supposed to and there is no significant delay.
  4. I feel like there's a longer delay in syncing from cloud to desktop app. Where is the SYNC button?


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On 10/11/2020 at 12:55 AM, MarcSant said:

It's unbelievable how such a good product can turn into such a bad thing that it induces a customer from years of using the product and the platform to start a process of mass migration of their data to the competition. 

How can a company do not make a market research, a survey among its loyal customers about what they expect or not from a new version. To me, if Evernote continues like this, it really died. And there it is to look for alternatives to other products, which maybe don't have all the features of Evernote but at least they don't charge us for what they can't offer, different from Evernote which keeps charging and at the same time has removed crucial functions for me.

Let's go to the list of CRUCIAL functions that have been removed, and that for me disfigure the whole product:

- There is no way to change the color of lateral toolbar from Dark. 

- There is no way to put shortcuts list in the top of screen. It will not move anymore

- There are only FIVE Fonts. For me that store computer code in the notes, it is A TERRIBLE choice

- Desktop App is a web based one, and notes are not synchronized anymore. Just turn off your Ethernet adapter and the program will not show notes anymore. The proof is that you are able to show "developer options" that show a web page render in the right side of the screen. Another proof is you can use the old classic version side by side with the new one, so the new version 10 is not using the database files that is stored locally.

- I can't change the Interface Language. I like to use English Interface, since I can have a lot of info in foruns instead to get translated the Brazilian version to English one.

- I can't create a Notebook inside the Notebook stack as I always did. You need to first create the Notebook, then move it to stack

- I can't grab a screen capture anymore

- I can't Paste text directly to Evernote note (CTRL+shitf+V) anymore

- I can't import a folder anymore

- I can't un-stack a Notebook from a stack using right click mouse. I need to drag an drop them. 

- I can't narrow a search inside a specific Notebook or Notebook Stack.

Please, if you noted some another missing feature, feel free to contribute to this list.

The new version for iPhone/iPad is ruined and unless they go back to the previous version I will be dumping my premium subscription. Even simple things like having icons for checkboxes are missing. If you want to add to an existing note, you have to add one checkbox at a time. At the end of an item in a checklist, when you hit return you now lose the checkboxes and have to add it in manually. All basic stuff that has been stripped away for some perceived improvement in how the interface is coloured????


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I just uninstalled v 10 and reinstalled the legacy.  Three issues were dealbreakers for me with Version 10:

1) Lack of manual sync button

2) Lack of option to run Evernote at Windows startup

3) Clunky Userface - I kept getting stuck in notes and unable to get back to the list screen.

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I'll be leaving.

I relied on spelling corrections. Gone.

I relied on embedded links in notes. Now i think I'm in Google Docs. Yes, that link I placed in the note and I clicked on -- I want to go there. I don't need a hover or buffer or whatever that function is supposed to be. i don't like it in Google Sheets. I don't like it in my Evernote.

How many extra keystrokes and clicks need to happen in this new version? Too many.

Notebooks or notes... why add the navigation complexities that appear now?

AND you can go to the Legacy version if you don't mind that it's not going to be supported, and it won't work on mobile.

I don't have time or interest in this. I've been with Evernote since 2012. This is the worst update of any software I've seen. Not sure what UX team thought this was a good idea.

I liked you guys. A lot. For a long time. Sorry. It's you, not me.


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On 10/11/2020 at 7:26 AM, mi_cha said:

I`ve just installed the new v. 10 and I just couldn't believe my eyes: oh, no, they kept most of the horrible beta version they realeased a few weeks ago!

I would't call it an upgrade. I see it as a new concept, a whole new design - and they turned the back to old customers, simple as that.

I spend 90%> of my computer time at Evernote. It has been so for the past 11 years, my workflow is based on Evernote, I have thousands of notes.

They messed everything up.

My first shock (not yet recovered): they killed the local databases and syncing. Who asked me if I want to have all my notes on the cloud ALONE?

I'm collecting a list of missing functions and I'll add to this node.

For now, my statement is that the downgraded their own piece of software. They sacrified a robust desktop client in favour to an Andoid-like app: just the basics.

Not my idea of a note taking software.

I found (stumbled on) that if I go File>LOGOUT (i.e. not QUIT) I'm asked if I want to backup locally. Dunno where that local backup goes though as I don't see a "browse to where you want it to go" option. I'd like an option called "Backup locally to" to replace the old "Export as .enex" (or what was wrong with the old system anyway?)

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Guy, Hopefully someone at Evernote reads this comment and the others before me.  So, who the Q#$%@#$% is responsible for version 10?  It's rhetorical, just FIRE THEM!

I logged on to write a lengthy comment on my issue but see so many others with the same and more than I ran into, so that is now necessary. 

Check, if you want, how long I have had an account? Honestly, I truly think our relationship is over and I will migrate to another product.  I am doing dealing with Evernote.  


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This is so disappointing, especially after sticking with Evernote all these years since the very beginning. I got a new computer, installed the "new" Evernote, and couldn't figure out what I had done wrong because so much of what I used was missing!

Couldn't agree more with everyone who is saying WTF, why would you release an inferior version like this? Luckly, I found this thread and was able to download V6 again. I'm hoping you fix the situation, otherwise I'll have to find a new product, or just switch everything to OneNote.

Please, please, remedy the situation.

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I'm do glad I found this forum thread.  I, unfortunately, updated my iPhone and desktop from legacy versions to version 10 and have experienced several of the problems discussed above.  I see the links for reverting to the desktop legacy version.  If I revert, will my iOS version 10 behave nicely with the legacy desktop version?

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On 10/22/2020 at 10:41 PM, Mike P said:

In the coming soon section of the release notes it says

Meanwhile I am using the Gadwin Printscreen utility and simply pasting in to a note. I can't stop it saving the picture to my HD as well but I just periodically purge the unwanted files.

Interesting that the three types of capture (screen, window, region) are all in the Helper screen, but only screen capture works. Makes no sense to release one without the other two being functional. Of course, it may be unique to me, I don't know.

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Based on the fact that I can't seem to get my Notes list back on top, plus all the other stuff I've read in this thread, I'm going back to a previous version. Well done, Evernote, well done.

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Best news ever: i found a copy of the v6.25 MSI. I installed it and my EverNote world is back in order. Even better,  I clicked on Help > Check for Updates (since i now have a fallback plan) and got this:


Maybe they've pulled this horrific v10 update? And by the way, what happened to v7, v8, and v9? Were they equally horrific and got pulled before the community revolted?

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Currently my greatest problem (after they restored the ability to edit anything at all) is the inability to turn off auto formatting. Slows me down significantly when I have to constantly battle the formatter.

On a positive side, the text editor no longer freezes on notes/diaries 1000+ lines long. Still not fast but usable.

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Just cancelled a 10+ year subscription and spent this weekend migrating. Can’t say I was a power user, just a dedicated believer that liked to have and support an independent Evernote. Kind of like Dropbox.... A bit of a rebel in the big kids world.

However, I think Evernote just traded software ease of maintenance against user needs, and the users lost. No need to stick around with that lack of respect. My concerns about the ability of the company to remain viable with this lack of respect, and given all the competition in this field doesn’t make me want to invest any more time and energy into this product.

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Adding a stack of notebooks as filter

It would be great to be able to add a stack of notebooks as filter in the search, or in the filter dialog.

I have about 100 notebooks in a stack and want to search only in these 100 notebook.

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So having read the above I decided to revert to the Legacy Software, only to find the following:

“Evernote Legacy.app” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.

Sorted by going to finder and opening from there via a right click choose open click

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I am a longtime Evernote user, and after using the free version for a short while I have been a Premium user for years. I use Evernote many times a day: collecting recipes from the web and news sources, copying articles, taking notes. I am totally dependent on Evernote. I have thousands of Notes. I use the web version, the Windows version for desktop, and the iOS version for mobile.

Then suddenly a week or two ago, an upgrade. Suddenly:

  • I can't simplify formatting
  • My Windows version rarely even opens
  • I can't edit easily on the new version, I must use the Legacy version 
  • Search simply does not work, either on the Web version or the Windows version, and is far worse on the iOS version.
  • In iOS: To save a news article, it's way inconvenient now compared to before. I must manually copy the article title and cut/paste the content, before I could just automatically upload the article and the title was automatic.

It's so bad that I am considering finding an alternative and switching. Why why why did you do this Evernote?

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1 hour ago, mczin said:

Adding a stack of notebooks as filter

It would be great to be able to add a stack of notebooks as filter in the search, or in the filter dialog.

I have about 100 notebooks in a stack and want to search only in these 100 notebook.

I agree. Notebooks should also appear in the filter menu but they do at least get listed in the search suggestions and you can filter on them there. The undocumented advanced search syntax for stacks still works in the new version. So if you type the following:

stack:mystackname smith

you will get results for notes containing the word "smith" within the stack called "mystackname".

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5 hours ago, MarcRock said:

I am a longtime Evernote user, and after using the free version for a short while I have been a Premium user for years. I use Evernote many times a day: collecting recipes from the web and news sources, copying articles, taking notes. I am totally dependent on Evernote. I have thousands of Notes. I use the web version, the Windows version for desktop, and the iOS version for mobile.

Then suddenly a week or two ago, an upgrade. Suddenly:

  • I can't simplify formatting
  • My Windows version rarely even opens
  • I can't edit easily on the new version, I must use the Legacy version 
  • Search simply does not work, either on the Web version or the Windows version, and is far worse on the iOS version.
  • In iOS: To save a news article, it's way inconvenient now compared to before. I must manually copy the article title and cut/paste the content, before I could just automatically upload the article and the title was automatic.

It's so bad that I am considering finding an alternative and switching. Why why why did you do this Evernote?

The newest desktop version, 10.2 is a bit improved as far as simple editing and adding comments to a clipped note. I've not tested the new version a lot because I have been using the legacy version. Will be bouncing back and forth this week. Still not happy that I have to manually sync the legacy version because the note takes a while to show.

I tried to create a note using my iPhone yesterday and wanted to use a table but there's no table "tools" in the iOS version. You can't add row or column. Then I got the brilliant idea of creating the table in Excel (mobile) then inserting (also tried "sending' to EN)...both were a disaster. Apparently, this has been a requested feature for quite some time, so it's not part of this new "change".

I'm still evaluating Nimbus Notes. Similar look to EN but not quite as "mature". However, the pricing is extremely attractive.

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On 10/10/2020 at 9:37 PM, mi_cha said:

I am also a user of MS OneNote (collaborative work with some specific institutions).

As far as I know, ON notebooks are stored on the cloud (OneDrive), notes are not local - just the same problem as EN v.10.

Syncing is realiable, web-clipper for Chrome and the android widget work fine. You're right, the software is well written and stable.

ON looks fancy (lots of color and icons, the design is very nice) but is not conceived to manage thousands of notes. It simply lacks the tools, I don`t mean that ON is technically unable to save thousands of notes.

It works  well for small-to-medium databases, but - in my humble opinion - is not a substitute for heavy users of Evernote with large databases.

I just moved from OneNote to EverNote. I made the move because MS "dumbed down" OneNote along with Sharepoint and other services.

Here is a response from MS on one of its boards in March 2019:

In my humble opinion, the reason why Microsoft replace the OneNote desktop app with OneNote for Windows 10 is this app has improved performance and reliability, and it's powered by a brand new sync engine (Now also available on web, Mac, iOS, and Android). Which will enhance user's experience on work collaboration a lot.

There are a few features that are only available in OneNote for Windows 10. To find out, you could check the following article:

 What's the difference between OneNote and OneNote 2016?

But, we need to admit this transition cause our customers a lot of troubles, and some importance features like Outlook tasks or open local notebooks are not available on OneNote for Windows 10.

We are deeply sorry about it.

Given this situation, we would suggest you vote for make the Windows 10 version feature rich in OneNote UserVoice, which is a specific platform for us to collect user's request. Your suggestion will help us improve our Products and give users a better experience.

Your understanding is highly appreciated.


Alex Chen -- MSFT, Agent, Moderator


The Verge also wrote about MS changes in November of last year. Things are going to be unstable over there for a while as they move to their Fluid platform. 

I'm not waving you off, just letting you know you may be trading one headache for another.

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1 hour ago, Grinstead said:

I just moved from OneNote to EverNote. I made the move because MS "dumbed down" OneNote along with Sharepoint and other services.

Here is a response from MS on one of its boards in March 2019:

In my humble opinion, the reason why Microsoft replace the OneNote desktop app with OneNote for Windows 10 is this app has improved performance and reliability, and it's powered by a brand new sync engine (Now also available on web, Mac, iOS, and Android). Which will enhance user's experience on work collaboration a lot.

There are a few features that are only available in OneNote for Windows 10. To find out, you could check the following article:

 What's the difference between OneNote and OneNote 2016?

But, we need to admit this transition cause our customers a lot of troubles, and some importance features like Outlook tasks or open local notebooks are not available on OneNote for Windows 10.

We are deeply sorry about it.

Given this situation, we would suggest you vote for make the Windows 10 version feature rich in OneNote UserVoice, which is a specific platform for us to collect user's request. Your suggestion will help us improve our Products and give users a better experience.

Your understanding is highly appreciated.


Alex Chen -- MSFT, Agent, Moderator


The Verge also wrote about MS changes in November of last year. Things are going to be unstable over there for a while as they move to their Fluid platform. 

I'm not waving you off, just letting you know you may be trading one headache for another.

Hi @Grinstead, I later updated the post you mentioned (Oct 20th).

See further information here: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/129055-the-new-evernote-10-version-list-of-missing-core-features/?do=findComment&comment=582526


It looks like MS revised its plans regarding the development of different versions of OneNote.

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On 10/20/2020 at 1:26 PM, mi_cha said:

Good news! I guess the negative feedback changed their mind. They plan premium features for Microsoft 365 subscribers in 2021.

Here is the FAQ about OneNote

2025 seems to be the end date of extended support only, it does not mean it will discontinued (as implied before). The desktop version is bundled with Microsoft 365 subscriptions, while the Windows 10 app remains a free download.

Whatever the life cycle of ON may be, one thing is certain: LOCAL notebooks work with the desktop version only. The windows app 10 saves all notebooks to the cloud.

My ON is attached to a Microsoft 365 subscription, and it works fine. The mobile apps (Android smartphone/tablet) are really great. No problems with syncing.

But, as I said somewhere else: I can't imagine managing +20k large notes in OneNote, as I do in EN6. I work in ON with shared business notebooks (once my part is over, the owner ceases sharing them with me, so the amount of information is temporary and easily manageable) but my "entire life" is in EN6. You just can't compare EN6 organization/search tools with ON, EN6 is much, much, much better.

Thanks. I saw that update, but for what I need it for, ON no longer works. Everyone's needs are different and if ON does what you need, I'm happy for you. Regardless, we're all in for some bumpy time over the next few years. I have 365, so, who knows, I may switch back.

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Mac Desktop User here.

Another disappointed customer. It's the simple things like not being able to turn off automatic indenting bullet lists  with large round bullet icons that really annoyed me. Hard to believe this was properly beta-tested with users, and clearly rollled out well before it was fully baked.

This has all the hallmarks of a Cola-Cola taste rebranding. The company thinks it knows what's best for its customers rather than they do. 

How can I roll back to the previous version?

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16 hours ago, EndUser456 said:

Mac Desktop User here.

Another disappointed customer. It's the simple things like not being able to turn off automatic indenting bullet lists  with large round bullet icons that really annoyed me. Hard to believe this was properly beta-tested with users, and clearly rollled out well before it was fully baked.

This has all the hallmarks of a Cola-Cola taste rebranding. The company thinks it knows what's best for its customers rather than they do. 

How can I roll back to the previous version?

This worked for me: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote

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The list goes on! I've been a dedicated user for over 10 years and this is not about hating change. It's about convoluted paths.

I want my list view back. Have you read the suggestion on how to change it? Find the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Evernote\Evernote, file and delete it. Are you kidding me??

And this thing is SLLOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwww.......

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22 hours ago, Eganic said:
  • Also it would be great to have keyboard shortcuts for the headers

If you mean the different header styles you can do this with markdown type formatting. #, ## or ### followed by a space. Works really well.

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for god's sake I cannot even select more then 50 Notes in Mac version !!!!! what is that ??????
Printing cannot put info in different pages !!!! 


there are like 10 issues !!! ( 10 core issues !!!!) 


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On 10/30/2020 at 5:46 PM, eddyj said:

As long as Legacy is supported, I will stick with it. But I will be looking at alternatives if that changes.

Evernote has already said that the Legacy edition won't be kept around indefinitely. Considering what a red flag v10 is for Evernote as a company, and how in tune they are with the needs of their target market, I've already bought the lifetime Nimbus Notes account on Appsumo. All the features that matter to me are available there.

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I've been using Evernote Premium for a decade or more, just created the account here to express my sadness and frustration for this "New" Evernote 10.

I'm a program manager and I'm used to product and services launches on a large scale, and I truly can't imagine how the Evernote team could even think of releasing such a disaster for their customers.

I realized in less than 2 minutes that the most relevant features for me were lost (local db, creating notebooks in stacks, seeing the note counts, exporting notes/notebooks to pdf + all the above defined in this thread) and immediately rolled back to the "legacy" version.

If v10 won't be at least aligned to the legacy version before my premium subscription ends, I'm afraid I'll move out.

Evernote: how could this happen? Rolling out a new release with less than half the features and usability of the previous one? How? Why?


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On 10/17/2020 at 6:48 AM, GrumpyMonkey said:

we just lost local notebooks

OMG! Is that what happened? No more local notebooks? I've just upgraded to Catalina on Mac, and then updated my Evernote. I cannot find my local notebooks anyplace. This is where I stored confidential data.

If there are no longer local notebooks, then where did that data go? I searched my disk for a ".enex" file of my local notebook but I can't even find that.

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On 11/1/2020 at 5:07 PM, Holly said:

Best news ever: i found a copy of the v6.25 MSI. I installed it and my EverNote world is back in order. Even better,  I clicked on Help > Check for Updates (since i now have a fallback plan) and got this:


Maybe they've pulled this horrific v10 update? And by the way, what happened to v7, v8, and v9? Were they equally horrific and got pulled before the community revolted?

My goodness, if I could do this, I'd be happy-ish. I don't think this solves the iOS issue. Is there a tutorial on how to do this Holly? (on OS X?) Thanks.

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I frequently use colored text as a way of organizing things and the new version limits my colors to 14 choices, and they're not even the basic Mac colors. This, along with 50% of the above comments forced me to move back to 7.14. Evernote does not seem to be the least bit concerned about my thoughts, so I just left a 1-Star rating on the App Store with a short Review stating how disappointing the app has become. I wonder, if we flooded the App Store with 1-Star ratings, would Evernote begin to take note? I hope so! I love(ed) this app!!!

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7 hours ago, Bryn26 said:

Evernote has already said that the Legacy edition won't be kept around indefinitely. Considering what a red flag v10 is for Evernote as a company, and how in tune they are with the needs of their target market, I've already bought the lifetime Nimbus Notes account on Appsumo. All the features that matter to me are available there.

Nimbus looks to me to be the closest Evernote replacement. There are a few features that I'm used to in Evernote that Nimbus doesn't have, but I'm pleased with their roadmap. 

Nimbus' web version is robust.

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On 10/16/2020 at 12:10 AM, t8769 said:

New version is terrible

In Notes 
Cannot remove note list
Cannot remove Left column
Cannot remove spellcheck
Cannot remove formatting bar
Cannot customise toolbar at top of note

The new version should be called 'Cannot 10.0'

"Cannot remove Left column"    Actually you can at least 'toggle sidebar' (in View menu) so that's cool. 

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16 hours ago, PTKen said:

OMG! Is that what happened? No more local notebooks? I've just upgraded to Catalina on Mac, and then updated my Evernote. I cannot find my local notebooks anyplace. This is where I stored confidential data.

If there are no longer local notebooks, then where did that data go? I searched my disk for a ".enex" file of my local notebook but I can't even find that.

you can go back to the previous version (there are plenty of links around this forum) and will (hopefully) find your local notebook data there. be aware however that the previous version is now considered "legacy" by EN and while still working could stop doing so at short notice.

would recommend to export and backup your local notebooks (all of them for that matter) immediately. as you are a mac user, you might want to look into devonthink where I have sadly migrated my data to last week amidst this mess...

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On 10/26/2020 at 2:05 PM, jcnassoc said:

First of all, let's not blame developers for what senior and project management failures exist in Evernote. As both a software developer and a project management professional (PMP), I can attest how projects like this play out and this is not a developer-driven collapse. I think even suggesting it is is unfair to the Evernote development team. 

Next, I too have been using and paying for Evernote since 2011--daily! Overall I still consider my Evernote experience positive when considering my entire history with it. That said, the past two or so years have been quite lacking--in my opinion--in terms of the frequency and significance of Evernote updates compared to prior years. This would have been acceptable had our patience been rewarded with a Version 10 that at least supported most of the heavily-used features we all rely on. Understand, from what I am reading most Evernote customers understood the need to rewrite the product and many understand it's difficult to migrate a product AND add new features during the same product. But to jettison basic, heavily-promoted (by Evernote), heavily-used (by paying customers) features and declare the release production-ready is--honestly--and insult to current customers. 

Finally, in reading Evernote senior management's response to the outpouring of specific feedback and issues with Version 10... Oh, wait! That's right: There has been no response! This is--in my opinion--much worse than the issues raised by releasing what at best can be considered a Beta Test release as production-ready, as it basically is the shortcut way of responding to our complaints with a very loud: "SO?!"

I am a big believer in personal responsibly, and I think that also applies to business organizations. Evernote senior management is failing to accept responsibility for what is clearly a disaster of their own making. 

...just my two cents. 


What about the codebase? I heard it was a mess and there were limitations on what they could achieve based on their architecture or choices they chose etc. Isn't it at least partially developers choosing a specific way to code up Evernote that has lead to 1 reason to wanting to recode Evernote? I understand other reason wanting one codebase for all platforms etc.

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After experiencing things I didn't like with V.10 and reading all the complaints, a bell rang in my head.  Evernote is owned by LogMeIn.

LastPass is also owned by LogMeIn and a very similar update scenario occurred with LastPass.

I am seriously entrenched in both LP & EN as they worked well before their major updates.  In future I am afraid I will be very cautious about using any other products from the LogMeIn stable. 

p.s. 7/11/2020    SORRY SORRY SORRY..... Evernote does not seem to be owned by LogMeIn.  Be very cautious about believing what I say.

Edited by Herbie
correction to incorrect statement
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I am also finding that the app is so slow now that it is highly disruptive to work flow. Also, the “find in note” search function doesn’t work at all anymore. It either spends an hour searching for the first letter of the word I entered, or it just doesn’t turn up any results. Am I going to need to find a new platform?

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  • Level 5
12 hours ago, Herbie said:

After experiencing things I didn't like with V.10 and reading all the complaints, a bell rang in my head.  Evernote is owned by LogMeIn.

LastPass is also owned by LogMeIn and a very similar update scenario occurred with LastPass.

I am seriously entrenched in both LP & EN as they worked well before their major updates.  In future I am afraid I will be very cautious about using any other products from the LogMeIn stable. 

Interesting. I did not know that... Thought EN was still going through VC funding. 

Ages ago I was a LogMeIn customer for quite some time. Signed up when they started and got a "lifetime $$$$ annual renewal offer" (Think it might have been like $39 / year). A few years later they totally did not honor the original deal even though I raised it up through the customer service ranks and showed the original email order confirmation. Left a very bad taste in my mouth about that company. 

Coincidence? Big Coincidence? [Go for it, Seinfeld fans!] I think perhaps not. 

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  • Level 5
17 hours ago, aashish108 said:

What about the codebase? I heard it was a mess and there were limitations on what they could achieve based on their architecture or choices they chose etc. Isn't it at least partially developers choosing a specific way to code up Evernote that has lead to 1 reason to wanting to recode Evernote? I understand other reason wanting one codebase for all platforms etc.

Unless we're talking about a one or two person shop running out of someone's garage, developers are not the final say in these decisions. There are business analysts, architects, Team Leads, project managers and--especially for a flagship product--senior IT management (e.g., CIO, CTO, etc.). 

I'm not saying developers have no responsibility for the direction of the code base, but I've never seen a professionally-run software development shop that totally let developers do whatever they wanted to do with no peer / code review, adherence to corporate software development standards, etc. If EN management allowed developers to run amuck then they (management) are not responsible for making poor software decisions; they're responsible for not knowing how to manage a software project. Either way, not good imho. 

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42 minutes ago, jcnassoc said:

Unless we're talking about a one or two person shop running out of someone's garage, developers are not the final say in these decisions. There are business analysts, architects, Team Leads, project managers and--especially for a flagship product--senior IT management (e.g., CIO, CTO, etc.). 

I'm not saying developers have no responsibility for the direction of the code base, but I've never seen a professionally-run software development shop that totally let developers do whatever they wanted to do with no peer / code review, adherence to corporate software development standards, etc. If EN management allowed developers to run amuck then they (management) are not responsible for making poor software decisions; they're responsible for not knowing how to manage a software project. Either way, not good imho. 

Thanks for that!

I mean, for example, they barely managed to implement notebook stacks due to the way it was implemented thus my reasoning. Such a strange architecture to implement thats so restricted.

Anyway, I am still confused as to what to do lol! Still trialing out Nimbus. What you gonna do? Some people are just gonna stay on EN.

For Nimbus, I can export my notes to PDF and HTML but EN won't import those anyway as it was originally.

Ah well.

Edited by aashish108
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  • Level 5
8 minutes ago, aashish108 said:

Thanks for that!

I mean, for example, they barely managed to implement notebook stacks due to the way it was implemented thus my reasoning. Such a strange architecture to implement thats so restricted.

Anyway, I am still confused as to what to do lol! Still trialing out Nimbus. What you gonna do? Some people are just gonna stay on EN.

For Nimbus, I can export my notes to PDF and HTML but EN won't import those anyway as it was originally.

Ah well.

I know... it's really tough to know the "right" move to make. And I'm sure everyone's situation is different (e.g., different features of the "legacy" EN that one uses), which may lead to a different roadmap. 

I've installed the legacy version and will keep using that for a while (especially since my subscription is paid through next September). I am performing monthly backups so at any point I can take those backups into any other solution that supports importing of EN-formatted data... just in case EN goes belly-up. 

At the same time I've installed and keep Notion open to force myself to test it out a bit. I'm not using it right now for long-term note retention, but more as a temporary scratchpad and daily TO DO list. Still, it gives me a feel for its strengths and weaknesses. So far I am pretty impressed with it, though I wish it had the ability to encrypt text the way EN does. 

Good luck! Let's hope that somehow EN management sees there err of their ways and gets back to having the type of product people used to rave about. We'll see. 

Be well and stay safe!

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  • Level 5*
5 hours ago, aashish108 said:

What you gonna do? Some people are just gonna stay on EN.

I'm still using the Evernote Legacy product    
I don't think I have to make any decisions at the present time

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1 hour ago, DTLow said:

I'm still using the Evernote Legacy product    
I don't think I have to make any decisions at the present time

Everyone has their own risk comfort and loss of trust levels.

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6 hours ago, jcnassoc said:

Interesting. I did not know that... Thought EN was still going through VC funding. 

Ages ago I was a LogMeIn customer for quite some time. Signed up when they started and got a "lifetime $$$$ annual renewal offer" (Think it might have been like $39 / year). A few years later they totally did not honor the original deal even though I raised it up through the customer service ranks and showed the original email order confirmation. Left a very bad taste in my mouth about that company. 

Coincidence? Big Coincidence? [Go for it, Seinfeld fans!] I think perhaps not. 

Sorry. I was wrong. I was prompted to check by another poster. There does not seem to be any association between LME & EN

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How can such an amazing product go backwards with the latest update. Agreed that EN has never had all the features for my needs but it has always been very close up until now.

As a premium customer of EN I must confess I am very dissapointed with the latest release and also not overly impressed with the EN support response times for resolutions/questions since the update.

EN what is going on!!??

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The problem is that Nimbus Notes was getting 502 errors (server down or some  issue there end) a few hours ago when I was trialing out by importing Evernote. So Nimbus does not seem stable enough! 

Might be stuck with Evernote; price and all. Not seen any similar alternatives that I like. YMMV. 

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