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About jecrensh

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  1. I'm having two big problems. First, when I leave Evernote open on my iPad, close the iPad, and then reopen it, the note I am working on either disappears, or for some reason creates a new note from a template, overwriting my work. This can happen even when I'm sure to sync before closing the iPad. "Undo" will not recover previous work. Also, if I am working in a shared notebook, it doesn't even save the note history! This caused me to lose all my notes from hours of a session with a highly paid consultant.
  2. I'm curious to try version 10 for Mac, but after reading some of the reviews, I'm hesitant to ditch the old version altogether. I've seen references to installing the new version in parallel to the old (that is, installing the new app without overwriting the legacy app). I've also seen where some people just lucked into that, and others wish they had done that. Thanks for any specific guidance for a parallel installation of version 10.
  3. I'm curious to try version 10 for Mac, but after reading some of the reviews, I'm hesitant to ditch the old version altogether. I've seen references to installing the new version in parallel to the old. I've also seen where some people just lucked into that, and others wish they had done that. Thanks for any specific guidance for a parallel installation of version 10.
  4. I've read a couple of articles months ago about the possibility that Evernote was going under, and we should migrate our notes somewhere else just in case. The IOS update that takes away so many features and severely limits Evernote's usability makes me fear the doomsayers knew what they were talking about, and Evernote is on the way out. I can't see a thriving company doing something this detrimental to its paying users.
  5. Definitely need a simple "Export to docx" feature for notes. I'm using Evernote to write a book, and it's excellent for organizing chapters and main points within the chapters. Ultimately, however, I need to put that all into a Word format. Someone suggested saving as HTML and that Word could read that, but as with a previous poster in this thread, Word couldn't open it. Are we stuck with copying and pasting each individual note?
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