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RJB Davis

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  1. I've been searching for ages but haven't found much on this particular issue: I can't place images inline with text any more, and there is no way to change the justification of images (inline or no). Half of what I do is pasting in images from other software, then center justifying it (looks hugely ugly if left justified). Furthermore, I type a lot of math inline (usually in LaTex), which I convert to inline images of the same size as my font (via LaTexit when I'm on my Mac, or codecogs when on PC). Without those two features my notes have had their formatting positively wrecked. The inline math one is especially bad, since some notes now have a few words, then a paragraph space, then a single math symbol, then another paragraph space, then a few more words, and so on. Almost unreadable. Had to downgrade immediately after and fix the notes I had foolishly opened (which all had this formatting change). If anyone knows a way to get around this, or if EN has said anything about fixing this later, let me know. This is actually serious enough that if the legacy version becomes unusable and they don't fix it, I'll have no choice but switching to other software (and I don't want to; been with EN for over 6 years with more than 1k notes).
  2. Long time paying user (I think 6ish years now?), and I've got to say, the manner in which Evernote handles users is slowly wearing down my patience. I've come to accept and deal with a laundry list of problems with the service since I understand how hard it can be to integrate complex features or change heavy structure. Plus, I really do like the general design of EN, and use it daily for both professional and personal projects. But changing the thumbnail? This seriously can't be accomplished in more than 5 years of requests? Plus the fact that I almost never see any actual EN staff members responding directly to their users. I wouldn't even mind if they straight up asked for cash donations to add features, so long as the users had some more say in what was added.
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