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Evernote Legacy

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28 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

We had login issues with all clients, on all versions in the last days. EN staff issued some information about it.

To me this looks like a login problem, and not (yet) the end of legacy.


Ok but it doesn't mean they listen user needs about Evernote Legacy

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  • Level 5

Legacy was deprecated 3 years ago. At that point at the latest the clock started ticking.

Be happy about every day it is still syncing. It’s borrowed time, and the reasons why syncing will stop soon have been explained.

From a certain point you are responsible for your own decisions - sticking with an outdated software that depends on an equally outdated backend to function is among them.

Relying on legacy is no sustainable strategy.

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2 hours ago, onrb said:

Why don't you listen the user needs? And it is gone, I cannot login anymore on legacy app

I'm not sure that I need to. I'm another user trying to point others to answers to issues the raise.

I don't accept that Legacy is no longer available although I do understand that it doesn't work for some. Equally there are some users who cannot use v10 eg those still using old versions of Windows.

I'm not trying to win an argument. Rather registering that those who currently use Legacy need to make a plan for the future. For some that future is arriving sooner than for others.

I wish you well in your search for a solution.

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  • Level 5
2 hours ago, Regor said:

… has anyone asked the support in the last few weeks whether there will be a solution for the problem with the checkboxes in the future?

Checkboxes are treated in a certain way in EN v10. This was quite hotly debated after the initial release. The discussion has nearly completely calmed down - the checklist format introduced with v10 is simply far better to create and handle lists.

Who is using v10 when will likely have skipped checkboxes nearly completely.

Now we have some users doing their conversion at the moment, 3 years later. You can do the same as some did 3 years ago: Contact support. I doubt it will have a different outcome.

From the perspective of EN it’s not a bug, it’s a feature migration started when v10 released. And they won’t fix what’s not broken.

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On 10/5/2023 at 12:54 AM, Boot17 said:

You can do that same test in v10 and it will make the changes in real time in both notes at the same time. No conflicts. No duplicates. It’s pretty slick. 

@Boot17 can I save emails directly from Outlook into Evernote 10? When I uninstalled Legacy on a test machine several months ago, I lost that functionality on that computer.

I use it several to many times each week ... so I it is a required function for me!


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On 10/3/2023 at 8:25 AM, PinkElephant said:

All is good if no conflicts can arise. What you describe is the old syncing method, obviously still in use there. It always syncs a full note / file. State of the Art maybe 2010.

Just a remark, if you can live with it …

Yup. old style still works. And yes, I can live with it, Your comments about about v. 10 ignore the fact that there are many who still use Legacy because of features that were pulled in the upgrade to v. 10.

As I have mentioned before, I complained about the features being pulled back in the Evernote betas more than 3 years ago:


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4 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Legacy was deprecated 3 years ago. At that point at the latest the clock started ticking.

Be happy about every day it is still syncing. It’s borrowed time, and the reasons why syncing will stop soon have been explained.

From a certain point you are responsible for your own decisions - sticking with an outdated software that depends on an equally outdated backend to function is among them.

Relying on legacy is no sustainable strategy

Yup, that's why I'm moving to Joplin after being a Premium Evernote user since weeks after it came out!

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  • Level 5
3 hours ago, johnm243 said:

@Boot17 can I save emails directly from Outlook into Evernote 10? When I uninstalled Legacy on a test machine several months ago, I lost that functionality on that computer.

There was an Outlook - Clipper. Since there are several versions of Outlook, both installed and cloud based there is no general answer. You find more in this help article:


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4 hours ago, johnm243 said:

As I have mentioned before, I complained about the features being pulled back in the Evernote betas more than 3 years ago:

If everybody had switched over to V10 when it came out Evernote would have gone belly-up long ago. Not only because of dropped functionality but because of being buggy as hell and not to be trusted with relevant stuff.

Sync has allegedly been fixed in August (!), since then images keep disappearing (?).

I don't blame BS for these issues, they seem to tackle quite a bit and I trust they will eventualy fix EN. Until then they should simply leave the choice of Legacy/V10 to their customers. 


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The „choice“ is at the root of the problem.

Keeping the double data structure, double syncing, double interfacing up infinitely will only cause continued problems. It is like having the intention to go to new shores, but being afraid of lifting the anchor. Best case you burn all your fuel, worst case it rips everything apart.

I am using v10 practically since it launched. There have been issues, but there have been great new features as well. With legacy I had issues (many of which are unresolved, since legacy hardly ever received any substantial updates), and no new features.

While we discuss, the technical debt of the legacy code base and infrastructure keeps piling up. Let‘s have a „successful“ zero day, and some user accounts encrypted, just because somebody insists on still running 32bit code on unsupported OS systems. Will we still discuss then ?

There can‘t be infinite „choice“, and running a company that serves millions of users is not a democratic, minority protecting endeavor. Those who use the modern platform can‘t be held hostage while legacy users explain that their use case is not supported in a nitty bitty detail, and they won‘t switch.

Anybody can put himself into this position - but then it means to find another place for content and processes. I want to add now „urgently“, its not a game of „hold and see“ any more.

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2 hours ago, Feitz said:

Do we know the percentage of users still on Legacy vs. V10 and their respective percentage of total storage?
Do BS publish these data?

Probably the percentage will still be very high, otherwise they would have turned it off a long time ago and not bothered with it...

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13 minutes ago, ferol said:

Probably the percentage will still be very high

My thoughts exactly. Here in the forum we're in a bit of a bubble but when they turn Legacy off they risk loosing a great deal of their customers. I am always wondering how some people downplay the basic issues that v10 had and that keep popping up regularly (albeit hopefully this will gradually get better).

I find the Legacy interface uglier but way more productive than V10, but data integrity is my foremost concern with V10 and in that respect its history is underwhelming to put it mildly.

Communication is another issue, BS plaster you with messages and banners to update but don't bother notifying users of a potential / probable outage during a migration.

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How many legacy users are still around is perfectly well known to EN - each client syncing tells who he is.

But that’s beside the point: For many good reasons the parallel operation will come to an end. And that’s it, it’s up to any user himself to check the impact on the own workflows, and adapt accordingly.

There is no need for EN to supernanny a group of users who got several notifications that they are still running outdated, deprecated software. I think there will some more notifications, just to make sure everybody got the message.

Why didn’t they act earlier ? Very simple: No harm done by using legacy, This has changed with the new syncing in May, Now legacy forces into a permanent conversion of data. This is not sustainable for long.

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  • Evernote Expert

There's no confirmation that this issue is because Evernote turned off sync for the Legacy applications although there are a number of reports that this is an issue for some Legacy users since last week's service outage.

You are correct that v10 does not work with versions of Windows earlier than Windows 10 but it should be possible to upgrade an operating system to Win 10 and then work with the newer version of Evernote.

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Thanks, but there are some reports online that other people's synchronization was switched off on Legacy.
It's not just Windows, the phone has to be bought new because it only works with legacy.

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16 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

There is no need for EN to supernanny a group of users who got several notifications that they are still running outdated, deprecated software.

That depends on how large this group is. They should publish their statistics.

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11 hours ago, coldwinds said:

Is your evernote legacy working with no problem after the 2023-10-04 outage?

Yes - no problem at all - even the red outdated-message went away.

To be honest: I use both versions (EN10 on Android, iPad and Windows, Legacy on Windows). But if I really have to work with my notes, I use Legacy. It's faster, shows all necessary information in note lists, shows multiple accounts in parallel and gives me a comforting feeling while syncing because I know what it does 😉

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16 hours ago, AlbertR said:

To be honest: I use both versions (EN10 on Android, iPad and Windows, Legacy on Windows). But if I really have to work with my notes, I use Legacy. It's faster, shows all necessary information in note lists, shows multiple accounts in parallel and gives me a comforting feeling while syncing because I know what it does 😉

I am almost in the same situation. Main Workstation: Legacy, everything else (most importantly a W11 laptop) on V10. I have an opportunity to compare every day.

And serious work can still only done on legacy.

Some "features" are simply infuriating and I do not believe what was said here in the forum, that EN developer work themselves with EN. That cannot be.

They would discover that even after 3 years

  1. import folders still don't work (files not deleted after import, you need to do it yourself),
  2. attachments cannot be saved out of several (selected) notes or a single note with multiple attachments (there is a clumsy work around with exporting them as HTML and find the folder with the attachments and copy them out of there)
  3. attachments cannot be copied in EN if they are set to display as "title" (first you need to switch to "preview")
  4. the configuration option for attachments (e.g. use "title" has no effect, attachments are still displayed as preview and each of them need to be set to Title individually)
  5. displayed keyboard shortcuts simply do not work (at least in the German version), so constant switching between keyboard ad mouse is needed)

…. and on and on.

Many of these can be solved with workarounds, but require 5-6 more clicks. Or a macro in Autohotkey.

But why do they make EN V10 way harder and clumsier to use, as legacy? If developers and the product manager used EN, they'd know how clumsy V10 really is.

In my view some price increases can be justified. Missing features can, too, if there is a roadmap to restore them in future versions. But the two together, both rather dramatic and substantial, is a strange plan.

Ad adding fashionable features (AI!) as a justification for both of the before doesn't work, because they do not work, or  provide value for many users, or many (not all) do not need them.

And the arguments here along "it works just fine for me", "it did get much better", "I don't need attachments"… are useful to show that there are some users who are satisfied. But that just means the I don't seem to fit into the target group. 

I am struggling and will continue to do so for a while, before I make up my mind. In the meantime, I continue to use both V10 and legacy (not on the same device though).

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19 minutes ago, Razmataz said:
  • import folders still don't work (files not deleted after import, you need to do it yourself),

I prefer the ability to decide when or even if files are deleted in Import Folders.  If I require to delete them it only takes seconds.

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11 minutes ago, bmcl26 said:

I prefer the ability to decide when or even if files are deleted in Import Folders.  If I require to delete them it only takes seconds.

But of course you do. And that's fine. But I  don't want to spend those seconds. Please think about it for a moment how I could be right. You can have it your preferred way but I cannot in V10, even though it was there (and it is incredibly simple to implement). So you think, this is good?

And how about the other items? You prefer not to have them either?

For clarity: both in legacy and in V10 there is an option for that behavior of import folders. The difference is: in legacy it works as it should (you can have it on or off) but in V10 it has been saying "coming soon" for the delete option for 3 years. 

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3 minutes ago, Razmataz said:

But of course you do. And that's fine. But I  don't want to spend those seconds. Please think about it for a moment how I could be right. You can have it your preferred way but I cannot in V10, even though it was there (and it is incredibly simple to implement). So you think, this is good?

And how about the other items? You prefer not to have them either?

For clarity: both in legacy and in V10 there is an option for that behavior of import folders. The difference is: in legacy it works as it should (you can have it on or off) but in V10 it has been saying "coming soon" for the delete option for 3 years. 

Edited for clarity. 

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5 minutes ago, Razmataz said:

But of course you do. And that's fine. But I  don't want to spend those seconds. Please think about it for a moment how I could be right. You can have it your preferred way but I cannot in V10, even though it was there (and it is incredibly simple to implement). So you think, this is good?

And how about the other items? You prefer not to have them either?

For clarity: both in legacy and in V10 there is an option for that behavior of import folders. The difference is: in legacy it works as it should (you can have it on or off) but in V10 it has been saying "coming soon" for the delete option for 3 years. 

I cannot comment on Legacy, it has been so long since I binned it and moved on.

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This post was not about legacy. It was about how v10 is way behind in terms of productivity. You commented that you don't need those features, you prefer to put in extra seconds.

Fine and understood. 

But some others on the Forum will perhaps better understand why certain users continue to use the legacy version and cannot simply "bin it and move on". 

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1 hora atrás, Razmataz disse:

I am almost in the same situation. Main Workstation: Legacy, everything else (most importantly a W11 laptop) on V10. I have an opportunity to compare every day.

And serious work can still only done on legacy.

Some "features" are simply infuriating and I do not believe what was said here in the forum, that EN developer work themselves with EN. That cannot be.

They would discover that even after 3 years

  1. import folders still don't work (files not deleted after import, you need to do it yourself),
  2. attachments cannot be saved out of several (selected) notes or a single note with multiple attachments (there is a clumsy work around with exporting them as HTML and find the folder with the attachments and copy them out of there)
  3. attachments cannot be copied in EN if they are set to display as "title" (first you need to switch to "preview")
  4. the configuration option for attachments (e.g. use "title" has no effect, attachments are still displayed as preview and each of them need to be set to Title individually)
  5. displayed keyboard shortcuts simply do not work (at least in the German version), so constant switching between keyboard ad mouse is needed)

…. and on and on.

Many of these can be solved with workarounds, but require 5-6 more clicks. Or a macro in Autohotkey.

But why do they make EN V10 way harder and clumsier to use, as legacy? If developers and the product manager used EN, they'd know how clumsy V10 really is.

In my view some price increases can be justified. Missing features can, too, if there is a roadmap to restore them in future versions. But the two together, both rather dramatic and substantial, is a strange plan.

Ad adding fashionable features (AI!) as a justification for both of the before doesn't work, because they do not work, or  provide value for many users, or many (not all) do not need them.

And the arguments here along "it works just fine for me", "it did get much better", "I don't need attachments"… are useful to show that there are some users who are satisfied. But that just means the I don't seem to fit into the target group. 

I am struggling and will continue to do so for a while, before I make up my mind. In the meantime, I continue to use both V10 and legacy (not on the same device though).


I agree with everything you said. The problem boils down to the fact that Evernote has not yet migrated all Legacy features to version 10. This makes me angry.


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On 10/6/2023 at 9:40 AM, PinkElephant said:

There was an Outlook - Clipper. Since there are several versions of Outlook, both installed and cloud based there is no general answer. You find more in this help article:


@PinkElephant I decided to test the Outlook Clipper. I installed it. However, for some reason unknown to me, it installed it in an Outlook 365 account I didn't even know I had, not in my Desktop Outlook 2021 that uses a different IMAP/SMTP server...

Let me see if Evernote support can help me out...

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  • Evernote Expert

It might be worth noting that the Outlook Clipper that was available with the Legacy Evernote only worked with older versions of Outlook. The note recent Clipper required a more recent version of Outlook and, as I recall, a corporate setup.

Either way the Outlook integrations are moribund. If you can get it working great but don't waste time trying to get it working if it fails.

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  • Level 5
10 hours ago, Razmataz said:

But why do they make EN V10 way harder and clumsier to use, as legacy? If developers and the product manager used EN, they'd know how clumsy V10 really is.

Or else they use it in ways other than as you do. And yes, for lots of us it's working fine, as you acknowledge. And we're even doing "serious" work. The attitude that some Legacy -- dare I say "fanboys"? -- probably not -- enthusiasts seem to have, that their long-standing way of using Evernote is the only rational and productive way, is what causes some of us who use v. 10 in rational and productive ways to respond with annoyance here.

@bmcl26 has responded about import folders. WRT #4 and #5 (attachment display options and keyboard shortcuts), the display options work as they should, but only affect new attachments; they don't apply retroactively, which may be a bug or a feature. If KB shortcuts aren't working as they should, that should be reported to support, esp. if it may be a keyboard-language issue. Considering that the current Evernote managers are working with Italian keyboards, I think they'd be interested.

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11 hours ago, Razmataz said:

And serious work can still only done on legacy.

Absolute love your posts, you absolutely speak my mind. 

First: basics MUST work, how can integrity, sync and disappearing attachment issues be downplayed and ridiculed by some users? With more than 20.000 notes and your complete private and professional life in Evernote you simply don't want to find out 'something' is missing 'somewhere'!!! With 100 notes I will probably detect this but with 20.000 I can't.

Second: There are so many things wrong with the new UI that need additional, unnecessary work. 

For example (haven't checked, if that has recently been mended): Last time I tried, when I am inside a notebook and want to add tags, V10 shows me ALL tags I ever used in Evernote in a list instead of all the tags I used in this notebook so far like Legacy did. To add tags I have to browse the full list or remember all the tags I already used.

Who in his right mind programs such nonsense and how can it not be detected by QA?

And before someone tells me that no one really uses tags today, let me remind them that tags were from the start the filter criteria of choice due to Evernote lacking nested notebooks (which is actually a good thing).

For me this simply is a show stopper as I almost exclusively rely on tags.

And this list goes on and on (some issues might have been corrected since I last checked them but last time isn't that long ago): 

- columns in list view can't be sorted by clicking on the column top.

- I can only have three columns of cards in card view (on a 43" screen) as opposed to as many as I liked in Legacy 

- huge waste of space everywhere: in Android my top third of the display is wasted by a nonsense image.

- Android app is a total mess altogether, not usable, blank screens, crashes, not syncing, slow etc.

etc. etc.

@Federico Simionato Please fix at least the basics / integrity issues before you cut off Legacy users and communicate a clear timeline. Otherwise you risk that with the first major / data loss issue after cutting off Legacy EN will be in real trouble.

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34 minutes ago, Feitz said:

First: basics MUST work, how can integrity, sync and disappearing attachment issues be downplayed and ridiculed by some users?

Evernote support is unfortunately dependent on these rude and mocking evernote-devotees/hobbyists, so they are allowed to do as they please 🤥

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What functionality is in legacy that isn't in production that people are so up in arms about? Modern Evernote is fantastic in my opinion. Using unsupported software is never a good idea and I'm really surprised they haven't blocked legacy clients already given that there are probably security vulnerabilities being that these clients haven't been patched in years. Times change and as things move on workflows have to adapt too. Can someone give me some background here as to why people are still hanging on to legacy today?

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You could start with reading this thread and branch out to a couple other "why is this not in V10" type threads. 

V10 just doesn't fit all use cases that were once run on Legacy.  Good for some, not so much for others.  In any case, I don't think there's a TLDR for all the issues.  🤷‍♂️

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8 minutes ago, CalS said:

You could start with reading this thread and branch out to a couple other "why is this not in V10" type threads. 

V10 just doesn't fit all use cases that were once run on Legacy.  Good for some, not so much for others.  In any case, I don't think there's a TLDR for all the issues.  🤷‍♂️

I just installed Legacy and from my perspective it felt extremely dated. Tasks are a huge part of my workflow and that being absent made me uninstall pretty quickly. I'm perfectly content with V10 and the consistent experience across all platforms.

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35 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

What functionality is in legacy that isn't in production that people are so up in arms about? Modern Evernote is fantastic in my opinion. Using unsupported software is never a good idea and I'm really surprised they haven't blocked legacy clients already given that there are probably security vulnerabilities being that these clients haven't been patched in years. Times change and as things move on workflows have to adapt too. Can someone give me some background here as to why people are still hanging on to legacy today?

Actually, I've greatly enjoyed all of the unsupported software that I've used.  I used win7 until not too long ago and still dearly miss it.  I used Acrobat X which is desktop version that I literally installed on about 10 computers and used unsupported for the past 12 years for a negligible cost.  Same for Quickbooks 2010 and ActiveWords.  I still use a payroll program that I installed 7 years ago.  All fantastic programs that never needed to be updated and still work great even without support.  Many of these programs are now on an annual subscription basis and are far more annoying (and hugely expensive) than the older versions.    I kept Legacy on every one of desktops and even unsupported I like it because it does one crucial task for me that v10 does not (I won't beat that dead horse in this thread).   Nonetheless, I accept the fact that there is a lot to be said for not using deprecated software especially if it's the kind that needs online access.  

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1 minute ago, idoc said:

Actually, I've greatly enjoyed all of the unsupported software that I've used.  I used win7 until not too long ago and still dearly miss it.  I used Acrobat X which is desktop version that I literally installed on about 10 computers and used unsupported for the past 12 years for a negligible cost.  Same for Quickbooks 2010 and ActiveWords.  I still use a payroll program that I installed 7 years ago.  All fantastic programs that never needed to be updated and still work great even without support.  Many of these programs are now on an annual subscription basis and are far more annoying (and hugely expensive) than the older versions.    I kept Legacy on every one of desktops and even unsupported I like it because it does one crucial task for me that v10 does not (I won't beat that dead horse in this thread).   Nonetheless, I accept the fact that there is a lot to be said for not using deprecated software especially if it's the kind that needs online access.  

As an IT professional with a cybersecurity background I have an inherent hesitancy to use unsupported software. I prefer to adjust my workflow to what is supported or switch to a new product that meets my needs better. 

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21 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

I just installed Legacy and from my perspective it felt extremely dated. Tasks are a huge part of my workflow and that being absent made me uninstall pretty quickly. I'm perfectly content with V10 and the consistent experience across all platforms.

Glad you are content. 

But I left EN about 2 years ago now.  The loss of local notebooks, the punishing that tag usage took, the extra clicks and wasted real estate, the UI and processing speed slow downs all led me to believe that V10 was not for me.  After 12+ years and 60 some thousand notes including archived. 

The one thing that has improved for the these items in the last two years is speed.  But even now there is a slight beat before display.  Can't get rid of that with browser emulation.  But hey, that's my use case and idiosyncrasies not yours.

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4 hours ago, mackid1993 said:

What functionality is in legacy that isn't in production   

Integrated scripting via Applescript (Mac) was dropped in the v10 product    
I’m not “up in arms” but this forced my transfer to another product

>Tasks are a huge part of my workflow

Likewise, project/task management is important to me    
My workflow was implemented in Evernote Legacy, long before the v10 product    
I made use of tags for status; reminders for due-date; and scripts (Applescript)

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7 hours ago, mackid1993 said:

What functionality is in legacy that isn't in production that people are so up in arms about?

What everybody should be in arms about is data integrity and data loss. As long as these are not bullet-proofed (and they clearly aren't if you look at other threads popping up only recently) V10 is simply not viable and in beta stage.

6 hours ago, mackid1993 said:

As an IT professional with a cybersecurity background I have an inherent hesitancy to use unsupported software.

That is, if the new, supported software works as advertised. I am more concerned about server-side security than my outdated client (as long as my Monterey is supplied with security patches). 

As stated before I tried V10 again only recently and watched my work on edited notes magically disappear. I've had attachments / images not showing (on neither client, they are probably gone) and tasks don't seem to work as they should. So I - again - switched back to Legacy which just works.

These are all not UI quirks but basic foundations that at least I need and want to be able to rely on.
To me V10 is the equivalent of what Vista was to Windows.

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1 hour ago, HeBoIz said:

@CalS personal solution and system-components have been posted on several places, see for

OK, thank you. I'm on a Mac and if I leave Evernote I would be looking for a solution that takes advantage of native OS and finder functionality like tags, Spotlight and icloud integration. 

I only began actively evaluating alternatives when Evernote started with their nag screens and an impending cut-off for Legacy users. 

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  • Level 5

The closest sibling to legacy is v10.

Everything else means a migration out of the server platform, and probably a lot of new or adapted workflows. But Mac users are better off than anybody else - there are 2 solid options by Apple Notes and Devonthink. Both will not run on Windows or Android.

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2 hours ago, Feitz said:

OK, thank you. I'm on a Mac and if I leave Evernote I would be looking for a solution that takes advantage of native OS and finder functionality like tags, Spotlight and icloud integration. 

I only began actively evaluating alternatives when Evernote started with their nag screens and an impending cut-off for Legacy users. 

I guess Windows indexing is similar to Spotlight re searching computer contents. Similar.  Existing tags in EN survive the export for search.

A few changes since the link above, but the big one was a shift from BoxCryptor to using MEGA.  If you don‘t know MEGA is cloud storage with E2E encryption.  Enables sync across devices and a form of backup. And a place for my “local notebooks”.

Rolling your own isn't for everyone.  Good luck in your search. 

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This will not surprise you, but Spotlight does (from my experience) a much better job than Windows indexing. It integrates more sources, and does it in a more clever way.

Then there are tools for the Mac that integrate Spotlight nicely. Alfred does, and (trara !) Devonthink does it as well. ENs local database is not indexed, however.

What‘s nice for me: My NAS is indexing everything on that device. I can make Spotlight integrate even this source - which means Spotlight doesn’t not only search my Mac, it does search my file server as well.

Finally it‘s a calculator: cmd-Space opens Spotlight, when now I type 3*4 (or any other expression), I get 12 (or any other result), and the build in calculator app opens automatically.

Not thinking about switching, Cal ?

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One thought WRT the v. 10 UI and "wasted space": v. 10 seems to follow some principles of "modern" interface design, which seems to consist most prominently of large blocks of unused screen. Evernote is very far from being the worst at this. My Fitbit Android app just got a makeover and now everything is huge, empty, and colorless, and requires endless scrolling and minute attention, since color and typeface no longer distinguish different sections of the information presented. My healthcare provider similarly, both in its Website and in its Android app, makes use of enormous blocks, large letters, and cavernous spaces. Oh yeah, and Windows 8, which some Legacy users want to stay on. Windows 8.

IMHO, Evernote simply chose to adopt a current design practice, one that will hopefully be laughed off the stage in a couple more years. Or not, and we're stuck with it all over the place.

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2 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

The closest sibling to legacy is v10.

Everything else means a migration out of the server platform, and probably a lot of new or adapted workflows. But Mac users are better off than anybody else - there are 2 solid options by Apple Notes and Devonthink. Both will not run on Windows or Android.

I would add Bear as a possible third option for Mac users to consider.

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1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

My NAS is indexing everything on that device. I can make Spotlight integrate even this source - which means Spotlight doesn’t not only search my Mac,

Synology? Does it store and index metadata (finder tags) as well? 

12 minutes ago, s2sailor said:

I would add Bear as a possible third option for Mac users to consider

Unfortunately Bear is out since it doesn't support finder tags, so you have to maintain two separate tagging systems.

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

This will not surprise you, but Spotlight does (from my experience) a much better job than Windows indexing. It integrates more sources, and does it in a more clever way.

Then there are tools for the Mac that integrate Spotlight nicely. Alfred does, and (trara !) Devonthink does it as well. ENs local database is not indexed, however.

What‘s nice for me: My NAS is indexing everything on that device. I can make Spotlight integrate even this source - which means Spotlight doesn’t not only search my Mac, it does search my file server as well.

Finally it‘s a calculator: cmd-Space opens Spotlight, when now I type 3*4 (or any other expression), I get 12 (or any other result), and the build in calculator app opens automatically.

Not thinking about switching, Cal ?

This dog is too old to change at this point!  As I said similar.  I limit indexing on my PC to my repository locations. 

And as stated before, I am somewhat amazed at the speed of indexing and search with Windows.  For example, I have mail opened on left screen, Directory Opus (my repository gateway) opened on the right. 

  1. I get an Amazon receipt and I have a hotkey which cleans up body and title and saves the email as a PDF to the repository.  I add LeftMsg as a "tag" to the end of the file name. 
  2. The hotkey stops at the save button.
  3. After I click save I go directly to DOpus and click on the saved search for LeftMsg. 
  4. The new file is in the search.  Zero lag.
  5. Same for file contents.

Sorry, way off topic.  But always like to share some sweet mysteries of technology bits.  🤣

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

One thought WRT the v. 10 UI and "wasted space": v. 10 seems to follow some principles of "modern" interface design, which seems to consist most prominently of large blocks of unused screen.

Yeah, never have understood this one.  Not sure what the right amount of data to absorb in a screen is but I am sure that if I have to scroll a lot something is amiss.  Most of my searches, Legacy and new system are less than 30 notes.  And if not refining the search or an inverse sort by date sets the table. 

I think I had about 42 lines on Legacy and I have 42 lines in new.  Much quicker for me to have access to more.  But my use case is focused a lot on search.  Definitely a denser view


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22 hours ago, mackid1993 said:

What functionality is in legacy that isn't in production that people are so up in arms about?

For me (Mac user) the ability to EASILY (1)  edit BOTH the Creation Date and Updated Date (2). I am scanning very old documents (1940s~1960s) that I want sorted automatically by date.

(1) the Date editing is HORRIBLE requiring mouse clicks rather than typing in the date. This is INEXCUSAbLE in this day and age.

(2) there is no ability to adjust the Updated Date and that is the default criteria on folders.

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You can edit the created date in v10. The date picker of the current app can be discussed (I doubt it has any priority right now). It was already improved over the one that was initially delivered.

I doubt the update field will be available at all. The current logic changes this field a lot, for example when a tag was added or the note moved. So even when editing it, it would be a short lived intermezzo until the next overwrite would happen.

The best solution for many was to add the date in a standardized format into the text field. Best for sorting works the convention YYYYMMDD.

In general I don‘t think any user should overwrite content in a field that is under system control. Even if overwriting it is allowed now - nobody will guarantee that a change of the app tomorrow or in a year will not start using such a field in a different way, effecting the loss of data typed into it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/10/2023 at 2:01 AM, Mr. GROWF said:

For me (Mac user) the ability to EASILY (1)  edit BOTH the Creation Date and Updated Date (2). I am scanning very old documents (1940s~1960s) that I want sorted automatically by date.

(1) the Date editing is HORRIBLE requiring mouse clicks rather than typing in the date. This is INEXCUSAbLE in this day and age.

(2) there is no ability to adjust the Updated Date and that is the default criteria on folders.

This is 100% the reason I stick to Legacy. I am handling docs in Evernote for 10 years now and it was always very easy to alter the creation date. Now it's an unbelievable nightmare, since you cannot type the date anymore and are forced to use the date picker. That's a lot of fun if you just scanned 100 documents from the 90ìes. OMG who designed this? Fix that and I will happily upgrade to 10.

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It's unfortunate that nobody at Evernote will actually address the question of when the Legacy version is going to stop syncing.

It's also unfortunate that they removed features that so many of us use every day. Yes, I know there ore other ways of doing things, but I had a method that I used for over a decade, and then it was taken away for NO APPARENT REASON, and that's very, very annoying. 

If I got the feeling that anyone at EN cared about this, that would help. But they obviously don't.

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Syncing cut ? Soon (without knowing, but the current double whopper puts permanent stress on the server operation).

Features ? You can shed tears for the next 10 years, and it will exactly change - nothing. Arrange yourself with what’s available, or prepare to switch apps.

Hint: What we experienced v10 users often see is that experienced legacy users who stayed away from v10 completely underestimate the available features. They often look where they used to look, and not seeing the expected believe it’s not there.

Often it’s just somewhere else, or requires a different approach. On they other hand they miss out many new features that didn’t exist in legacy, but are very useful in v10.

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22 hours ago, kkarney said:

Yes, I know there ore other ways of doing things, but I had a method that I used for over a decade, and then it was taken away for NO APPARENT REASON, and that's very, very annoying. 

I get the annoyance. But (1) there was every reason to make a change, because the "old" Evernote was not sustainable, requiring different programming and programmers for every platform, and not capable of doing some worthwhile new things. More importantly, (2) how long did it take you to craft that method that worked for a decade? What did you do before you had it? At some point, like all of us, Evernote as it was became essential to what you were doing. It didn't happen overnight, and none of us was born with it. I learned new ways of working to use the old Evernote effectively. I learned a new version of those ways to use the new Evernote. Sometimes a bit annoying, but not the end of the world.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello... I am going to tell you my problem that, although I think it is almost certain that almost no one will be interested, least of all those who run this company, I want this to remain as an example. of how the Evernote company is managed with its subscribers. I have been an Evernote subscriber for more than 10 years. I have NEVER stopped paying the subscription. Due to the economic problems in my country (Argentina), I have not had the opportunity to update my computer. Unfortunately, I'm still using a MacBook Pro Mid-2012, running "El Capitan" OS. EVERYONE has told me that it is not convenient, with this computer (already considered obsolete in many aspects), to upgrade to a more "modern" OS (I think they are right: until 2020, I used "Catalina" and I continued punctually all the updates that Apple suggested... until reaching Catalina... which ended up DESTROYING my Mac -and my nerves- and that's why I had to downgrade my OS to "El Capitan" 10.11.6).

The problem I have now with Evernote is that I CANNOT, in any way, enter my Mac application. I was using Evernote 7.2 without any problems but, suddenly, for some circumstance that I cannot understand, without me having EVER logged out of my app on my Mac, Evernote tells me that I have to "download a new version" and, from that moment on, I could NEVER access my application on my Mac. This happened to me once and, I don't know how, I was able to log into my account again from the app on my Mac. Well... Now I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE. The fact is that I have HUNDREDS of notes in Evernote that, of course, I CANNOT export from Evernote Web. I can't access my application from my Mac either (because, of course... "you have to update"). I mean... I am an Evernote subscriber and, of course, that DOES NOT MATTER ANYTHING to Evernote. It's the least of it... What I don't understand is this kind of "religion" that is the permanent "update" either for "security problems" or for "improvements" or for whatever occurs to someone who run Evernote.

I would assume that what a company wants is for its subscribers to pay for subscriptions on time and NOT whether or not they use an "outdated version." Imagine how much I like Evernote that I haven't stopped using it even when the updates they made seemed, many times, uninteresting to me. Still, I always stayed with Evernote over other applications. However, this time, it is not going to be possible... It is simply not going to be possible because Evernote, due to some mysterious circumstance, has decided that a portion of its subscribers, for example, cannot continue using Evernote on their computers and have than using it in the "web version", without being able to export your notes or make a backup copy, losing (indirectly) independence over your own works (my notes, they are mine, my property, of course... I should be able to save them on my computer, which I can't do with the "web version").

I write this with the remote hope that some supportive user can give me a solution to this problem and, perhaps, I can stay in Evernote without abandoning the subscription (I'm not very far from that... obviously Evernote doesn't care about this). It matters, of course... but I won't have any other option if I find a way to migrate ALL my notes to another application: Bear or whatever you can offer me, I won't be EXPELLED from there for not having a computer enough "updated" - despite the fact that I behave like a subscriber who pays his subscriptions regularly for more than a decade without interruption).


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  • Level 5

You are in a difficult situation, and I think everybody understands that upgrading your hardware is a lesser concern when other fields of life need to be sustained with priority.

To put things under a different perspective:

EN is a cloud based service. It was back when you joined, and it is today. This means that every user needs to access the server to synchronize local and central data.

Now imagine what it means for the server interface with the web and the dangers of the real world. It means that the server will be under constant attack. The interface will be bombarded by requests to enter, many of them illegit. EN needs to filter them, to allow only legitimate users to access their data.

If they now keep an outdated interface alive, just to support a few users with backward, unpatched old clients, it means that they allow this access FOR ALL ACCOUNTS. Nobody knows if a user will tomorrow come with a long unused client, because he works by accident on an older computer he still owns. These old clients do have login routines and security protocols that are not up to todays threat scenarios.

EN would put all accounts at risk if they allowed an alternative access based on outdated security protocols. It is not about your account, it is about all of them.

EN is legally forced (being in the EU now, operating under GDRP) to apply the "state of the art" technology to safeguard its operations and the data of its users.This is not optional - even if a user would like to opt out of this obligation, by law it is not possible. And I repeat: It puts all accounts in danger.

A second reason probably is that they are currently replacing the old server software (with a lot of technical debt) by a new backend. They will develop this new engine with the latest technology - not going backwards and intentionally implement routines that were the last cry 10 years ago - and are today obsolete und beyond maintenance at best, or outright dangerous in many cases.

All his means: The legacy clients will be phased out. That's for sure, and "legacy" means most older releases of v10 as well.

You will be able to access your notes through the web client, and maybe through a mobile device (Android 9 or iOS 13 are the minimum requirements).

If you can't update you computer, you can still export all of your notes. You need to install this project from GitHub and work yourself through the necessary terminal commands. It doesn't need a client, it works through the API with the cloud server. It creates a database first, and from this database one ENEX file per notebook.

If your Mac can't run this efficiently coded project, it is in fact too old for anything.


Wish you luck with the current situation. Argentina deserves better !

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hace 52 minutos, PinkElephant dijo:

You are in a difficult situation, and I think everybody understands that upgrading your hardware is a lesser concern when other fields of life need to be sustained with priority.

To put things under a different perspective:

EN is a cloud based service. It was back when you joined, and it is today. This means that every user needs to access the server to synchronize local and central data.

Now imagine what it means for the server interface with the web and the dangers of the real world. It means that the server will be under constant attack. The interface will be bombarded by requests to enter, many of them illegit. EN needs to filter them, to allow only legitimate users to access their data.

If they now keep an outdated interface alive, just to support a few users with backward, unpatched old clients, it means that they allow this access FOR ALL ACCOUNTS. Nobody knows if a user will tomorrow come with a long unused client, because he works by accident on an older computer he still owns. These old clients do have login routines and security protocols that are not up to todays threat scenarios.

EN would put all accounts at risk if they allowed an alternative access based on outdated security protocols. It is not about your account, it is about all of them.

EN is legally forced (being in the EU now, operating under GDRP) to apply the "state of the art" technology to safeguard its operations and the data of its users.This is not optional - even if a user would like to opt out of this obligation, by law it is not possible. And I repeat: It puts all accounts in danger.

A second reason probably is that they are currently replacing the old server software (with a lot of technical debt) by a new backend. They will develop this new engine with the latest technology - not going backwards and intentionally implement routines that were the last cry 10 years ago - and are today obsolete und beyond maintenance at best, or outright dangerous in many cases.

All his means: The legacy clients will be phased out. That's for sure, and "legacy" means most older releases of v10 as well.

You will be able to access your notes through the web client, and maybe through a mobile device (Android 9 or iOS 13 are the minimum requirements).

If you can't update you computer, you can still export all of your notes. You need to install this project from GitHub and work yourself through the necessary terminal commands. It doesn't need a client, it works through the API with the cloud server. It creates a database first, and from this database one ENEX file per notebook.

If your Mac can't run this efficiently coded project, it is in fact too old for anything.


Wish you luck with the current situation. Argentina deserves better !

Thank you VERY MUCH for your response. REALLY.

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1 hour ago, hernanballesteros said:

Thank you VERY MUCH for your response. REALLY.


I tried to resist updating for a very long time since I have a situation with multiple win 7 machines that needed actually to become win 10 so as to get the EN v10.  Finally I simply had no other choice and had to accept the headache, expense and time loss that it takes to convert everything.  In retrospect it was an extremely good move in many ways.  One can mess around with old updated equipment and run older programs but eventually it catches up to you and you start running into lots of problems.  I bit the bullet and simply upgraded/updated everything.  Much, much happier now even thought it wasn't easy.  Everything (not just EN) simply works better now.

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hace 37 minutos, idoc dijo:


I tried to resist updating for a very long time since I have a situation with multiple win 7 machines that needed actually to become win 10 so as to get the EN v10.  Finally I simply had no other choice and had to accept the headache, expense and time loss that it takes to convert everything.  In retrospect it was an extremely good move in many ways.  One can mess around with old updated equipment and run older programs but eventually it catches up to you and you start running into lots of problems.  I bit the bullet and simply upgraded/updated everything.  Much, much happier now even thought it wasn't easy.  Everything (not just EN) simply works better now.

I understand that and I don't resist it, quite the opposite. But it is not me who resists, but my financial resources. I am a kindergarten music teacher and my monthly salary, hopefully, reaches US$400.-. I would very much like to be able to update not only my Mac, but even my iPhone (11). I have become a "fan" of Apple products and, literally, I love them and I love Apple's after-sales service. But, unfortunately, I cannot, at this time, access any of it. MONTHLY inflation, in my country, is accelerating... In December, in Argentina there was a monthly inflation of 30%. And it is expected that, for January, monthly inflation will be around 40%... And in February, it will be the same inflation as in January or even higher. In addition to this, poverty levels in Argentina have increased: if in December poverty was 45% of the population, in January poverty already reached 55% of the population... And poverty will increase from month of February and March and April... And all this, for now, without any increase in salaries. To give you an idea: to NOT be poor, in Argentina, a family (father, mother and two children) needs US$800.-; and yet, only 10% of the population has that income... For my part, I am almost "lucky": for now, I have a job and, despite everything, I still have a fairly stable income that is enough to live and do what I love: play and study the piano and read. For now, I can't make any other decision other than to try to make my old hardware and software last as long as possible and, eventually, try to increase my income (cutting out the EN subscription, even if I don't like it, is going to make me benefit, because it will prevent my income from being diluted in something that no longer provides me with good service or options to be able to continue with it). I thank you, in any case, for your affectionate and intelligent advice. I send you a big greeting from Argentina.

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@hernanballesteros, I send you my deepest sympathies. My sister (from the U.S.) lived in Argentina for many years, but recently moved to Colombia, to be closer to her son and his family, but also I think for economic reasons. People in the U.S. love to whine and moan about our economy, but the truth is we have no idea what reality is in much of the world. Forgive me, I really have nothing to offer you in the way of advice about your situation, but I appreciate your willingness to share your information. Personally, I think kindergarten music teachers are doing more important work than a lot of politicians and business executives, and I admire your courage in sticking with what you love.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the delayed posting -- I just found this thread.

One frustration I've been having with the current EN versions is that some simple, basic functions still available on Legacy have been dropped. My particular frustration is not being able to have authors displayed in the note lists and then be able to sort by author. It would seem that would be a simple thing to add. Back when we could send comments/suggestions and questions directly to EN, I suggested this - but that channel of communication now seems closed. Our inability to communicate with technical staff may be the biggest loss.....

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11 hours ago, jabaron said:

Sorry for the delayed posting -- I just found this thread.

One frustration I've been having with the current EN versions is that some simple, basic functions still available on Legacy have been dropped. My particular frustration is not being able to have authors displayed in the note lists and then be able to sort by author. It would seem that would be a simple thing to add. Back when we could send comments/suggestions and questions directly to EN, I suggested this - but that channel of communication now seems closed. Our inability to communicate with technical staff may be the biggest loss.....

I think I've seen someone mention this before, but just TBC, you edit the Author field in a note's information, and wish to be able to sort a list of notes by that field? Because the Author now refers to an author mentioned in the note, or the author of a quotation that the note incorporates, and not to you, the creator of the note? Because you're working in a group environment and each collaborator creates specific notes, and the authorship needs to show up in the sorting? In either case, wouldn't a tag work just as well? (Not that tag sorting is working brilliantly these days, I know, but at least it's theoretically available.) Asking out of curiosity -- one of the things that Evernote's flexibility has always done is to encourage people to develop particular, sometimes idiosyncratic methods of working, which I find admirable; but v. 10 has some areas with less flexibility (and some with more), which requires adaptation.

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1 hour ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

I think I've seen someone mention this before, but just TBC, you edit the Author field in a note's information, and wish to be able to sort a list of notes by that field?

There's no need to edit the field. I don't know exactly the rules EN follows to fill this field (didn't use it so far 😉) but is seems that it contains descriptive eMail addresses coming from forwarded or simply collected eMails.

Displaying this field in a list is simply a possibility to see where a note comes from. Sorting a list by this field enables you to group notes by senders...

The field is editable so a user was able to use it as a "Author" property on this own... (maybe managed by API scenarios?)

1 hour ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

wouldn't a tag work just as well?

No. A tag has to be assigned first to be usable. And even if EN will be able to sort a list by tags, you cannot achieve what was possible with sorting by Author because you have many other tags that might disturb the list. 😤

1 hour ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Asking out of curiosity -- one of the things that Evernote's flexibility has always done is to encourage people to develop particular, sometimes idiosyncratic methods of working, which I find admirable;

Yep - at the end these people are a worthfull group of users who helped to get EN what it is. Now they're punched out with no reason by UI gimmicks and lost or forgotton functionality. 😞

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  • Level 5
13 minutes ago, AlbertR said:

There's no need to edit the field. I don't know exactly the rules EN follows to fill this field (didn't use it so far 😉) but is seems that it contains descriptive eMail addresses coming from forwarded or simply collected eMails.

For me, the Author field generally has my name in it, except for a few that are mysteriously blank; but notes that I emailed to myself do have the email address in the Author field.

16 minutes ago, AlbertR said:

Displaying this field in a list is simply a possibility to see where a note comes from. Sorting a list by this field enables you to group notes by senders...

Thanks. I see that now. "Author" is an extremely misleading label for the field--it ought to be "Origin" or "Source" or something; and since it is editable, it should be capable of being displayed and sorted on. Always a learning experience in the forums!

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3 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

For me, the Author field generally has my name in it, ...

In Teams accounts the Author field should lead to the Author (team member) of a note... (if it is not coming from an inbound eMail). Because the rules are not defined clearly, I(we) did not use it...

But the discusson around not implemented display and sorting capabilities is not limited to Authors. EN10 knows all the fields (Notebook, Tags, Reminder Time, Reminder Done Time, Author, ...) - but prevents the user at least from sorting them - or from seeing them at all in lists. 😡

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I think the move "away" from the Legacy version ranks among the dumbest moves a note software company has ever made.

If the goal was to move the majority of users to a single code base with v10, then OK - I get that.

There is a nice consistency with v10 across the new desktop app, the web app, and the mobile apps.

But it all PALES IN COMPARISON to the productivity that you have when working with Notes in the "legacy" version.

They should have, and in my opinion, still SHOULD offer a new plan with an updated and fully supported Legacy version as the Desktop Pro version, or whatever marketing would suggest it should be called.

They can include that with the Professional plan for all I care, and MANY people would quickly embrace that approach and PAY MORE to maintain access to this SUPERLATIVE note-taking and information management toolkit.

I still have not found ANY OTHER app 3 years later that works as well or as fast with notes, note LISTS, and Tags showing IN THE NOTES LIST as the Legacy version.

I'm not sure who Pink Elephant is, but he or she is speaking as if he has all the inside information on the strategic direction of the Evernote management team. Including fear-mongering about WHEN the Legacy syncing will be turned off.

Evernote the COMPANY could EASILY regain a strong market lead IMO by INTEGRATING the Legacy app in their service offering at a cost, and make A LOT OF PEOPLE very happy by regaining TRUST in the Evernote platform.

That is what was lost when they yanked the rug out from underneath, IMO.

There is still a way back to "not just being another note taking app" by recognizing the special qualities and features that the "Legacy" app provided to its users.

You would think that a new management team would understand that serving customers and enhancing TRUST to all the users who put THEIR OWN information into this "information management platform" would pay attention to this REAL BATTLE and CATASTROPHIC management mishap that occurred.

In my situation, I just PAID one more year for the Personal Plan to manage about 2000 topics with a lot of tagging activity. I use the Legacy app on two machines for the heavy lifting, and the web app to capture some raw data on other machines. If the Legacy rug is AGAIN pulled out by killing syncing, I will NEVER pay these people another CENT.

You have been warned that customers like myself AT SOME POINT give up.

You broke the TRUST already once before. If this happens one more time, you will have become a USELESS provider of "just another note-taking app", instead of the SPECIAL provider of INFORMATION Management with notes that you once were and STILL COULD BE if only you would listen to your 90th percentile customers who can drive your "uniqueness" in the market place.

I used to recommend Evernote to anyone who would listen and had a need for a note taking app.

I currently recommend ONLY Obsidian to people.

I wish I could recommend Evernote again with the Evernote Desktop Pro (Legacy app) as the Cadillac version for the most discerning "note management" users.

There, I had to get that AGAIN of my chest, as it still bothers me how STUPID it was to KILL a TOP SHELF application that to this day has NO ALTERNATIVE or peer.

Unreal what they did here in this company. Listen to your users and NEVER pull the rug out and burn the TRUST you established. 

PS Legacy features that matter to me include:

- speed, everything is FAST

- Search that works - the v10 Search is NOT finding notes I just renamed a few minutes ago, or a day later, no matter how hard I try. I DO NOT care about AI search, I would like a normal Search that works, works right away, and has an EASY option to ONLY SEARCH titles with a simple click, not syntax. Do developers not use large sets of notes, looking for a note??

- Sort by Tags - have a tagging system where I use a . prefix, / prefix and number prefix to create a topic organization that works for me. Being able to select a Tag, look at a list of 20-50 topics in that set, and then ORGANIZE those topics with my "meta tags" is super useful. Using these prefixes put THESE tags at the front of the note's tags list!

The Sort by Tags option has not been implemented in v10, but it worked and works FLAWLESSLY in the Legacy version.

And that's IT. These are just basic productivity features for when you want to organize a large set of topics in the 1500+ items range. 

I thought that is what Evernote was supposed to be designed for - high productivity with large sets of NOTES.

And TITLES of notes and searching within titles only are just as important as the text in the  NOTES, by the way.




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The dumbest move for any company would be to stop innovating. This includes renewing the lineup by replacing outdated software that can’t be maintained any more.

Just as a reminder: intitle:“search string“ to find a text in the title field only.

About the rest: If you want to ask for a feature, or  help to improve the product, send it to


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3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

The dumbest move for any company would be to stop innovating. This includes renewing the lineup by replacing outdated software that can’t be maintained any more.

Just as a reminder: intitle:“search string“ to find a text in the title field only.

About the rest: If you want to ask for a feature, or  help to improve the product, send it to


That is very true and understandable. If features are dropped, workflows are broken and many bugs are introduced in the new software, then it is less understandable. 

I reported a number of bugs in V10, none of them got fixed.

I sent a number of feedbacks & suggestions for improvement, none of them was even acknowledged, let alone implemented.

These are perhaps not the "dumbest moves" but they are pretty dumb, I dare say.

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Official announcement in blog of the end of legacy. All I can say is THANK GOODNESS! Evernote have been beyond patient with those who refuse to make a decision, either use Evernote or find an alternative, to the extent as they have said - it’s holding Evernote development, features and SECURITY back. I am not ok with the security of my data being lessened because people can’t decide to either use 10 or leave. I might get heat for that but honestly I don’t care, I’m sick of the narrative, sick of the pandering, sick of the nonsense and so glad it’s finally coming to an end! 

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I understand that.

But many (including apparently you) on this forum don't seem to understand that comments are not a praise for legacy, they are a criticism of V10. And the way EN doesn't listen.

And I do stand by it and can provide a list of glaring omissions, incoherent implementations and crying bugs. This is not nonsense, not a narrative or pandering, it is called criticism. As a paying customer I thought I was entitled to it. If not, I apologies.

(Unlike yours, this posting is unlikely to receive a like from Federico 🙁).


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23 minutes ago, Razmataz said:

I understand that.

But many (including apparently you) on this forum don't seem to understand that comments are not a praise for legacy, they are a criticism of V10. And the way EN doesn't listen.

And I do stand by it and can provide a list of glaring omissions, incoherent implementations and crying bugs. This is not nonsense, not a narrative or pandering, it is called criticism. As a paying customer I thought I was entitled to it. If not, I apologies.

(Unlike yours, this posting is unlikely to receive a like from Federico 🙁).


I don’t wish to debate this but what bugs? V10 has come on light years in the last year alone, it holds most of the legacy features. The idea legacy was bug free is inaccurate too, I constantly had issues with sync failing especially around tags. 

The simple reality is this though - it’s been starkly clear even before bending spoons that legacy was a stop gap, that has been drawn out, I genuinely hope you can adjust to 10, it’s honestly really good, but if you can’t I hope you find something else that really works for you. Demanding the stagnation of this service isn’t fair on current users, especially if that carries security implications. 

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13 minutes ago, Federico Simionato said:

In December we've wrapped up some extremely heavy work on more foundational and less user-facing things, more details in all the blogs we've shared. Although we've tried, I don't think we succeeded in communicating how enormous that work has been.

Thanks for your work, synchronisation is now fast and reliable as never before!

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  • Level 5
19 minutes ago, Federico Simionato said:

If it's just a couple of very vocal customers on the forum asking for something that takes 2 months of precious development time to build, we won't do it. If it's something that improves quality of life for many, we'll ship it.

I agree that the app and its functioning has really been improved a lot during the last months.

The last paragraph is why I always ask users (especially legacy users) to explain WHY they want a specific feature. Best thing would always be to describe the use case.

Unfortunately only a tiny part will do it - most only insist it is essential, and start to rant.

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I don’t wish to debate this but what bugs?

Well, are you doubting that there are bugs?

Just today I c*rsed, because:

  1. can right-click an attachment for copying out of V10, but the copy option is grayed out. Yeah, you can still copy it because on the top menu the option still works. It just interrupts a smooth and quick flow and violates logic.
  2. Whether an attachment is is displayed as preview or just a title is totally random end even if you set it once (one must do that for every single attachment in the note separately), the V10 forgets the setting after editing the attachment.
  3. Stored searches are a nightmare. They are not editable, only their title (not the content). It is difficult to find them, too.
  4. If you export a notes as an HTML file with a bunch of notes and attachments in it, the links in the generated index file (even though underlined as link) are dead.

So, it appears to me that there are in fact bugs in V10.


 I genuinely hope you can adjust to 10

Oh, I do, too, I still do.


Demanding the stagnation of this service isn’t fair on current users, especially if that carries security implications. 

I certainly did not demand any kind of "stagnation", please reread my post.

On the contrary. I am asking - not demanding - for progress on killing the bugs and adding a few very useful features (but I understand that I will be told here that "no one needs those". And @PinkElephant will label it as "ranting". Especially if those features were in the legacy version).

Federico's post above is actually giving me some hope that the situation might improve. We will see. But at least this was sign that he is reading some of the messages on this board.

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27 minutes ago, Razmataz said:

Federico's post above is actually giving me some hope that the situation might improve. We will see. But at least this was sign that he is reading some of the messages on this board.

Yeah! That's the point that helps us being patiently in good hope...
But as long as our workflows keep broken, we'll insist on either Legacy availability or EN10 being able to replace it.

Regarding @Net-config's in depth post above: couldn't have said it better.

And sorry @PinkElephant - simply calm down with boring tips to forward complaints to  feedback channels on an eMail base. We're a user forum to discuss all arguments around EN as a service - not only to answer trivial question around EN10.

EN as a service provider should offer a way to keep good paying customers work as usual forEver. (und du weißt, was ich damit meine 😉)

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59 minutes ago, Razmataz said:

Well, are you doubting that there are bugs?

Just today I c*rsed, because:

  1. can right-click an attachment for copying out of V10, but the copy option is grayed out. Yeah, you can still copy it because on the top menu the option still works. It just interrupts a smooth and quick flow and violates logic.
  2. Whether an attachment is is displayed as preview or just a title is totally random end even if you set it once (one must do that for every single attachment in the note separately), the V10 forgets the setting after editing the attachment.
  3. Stored searches are a nightmare. They are not editable, only their title (not the content). It is difficult to find them, too.
  4. If you export a notes as an HTML file with a bunch of notes and attachments in it, the links in the generated index file (even though underlined as link) are dead.

So, it appears to me that there are in fact bugs in V10.

Oh, I do, too, I still do.

I certainly did not demand any kind of "stagnation", please reread my post.

On the contrary. I am asking - not demanding - for progress on killing the bugs and add a few very useful features (but I understand that I will be told here that "no one needs those". And PinkElephant will label that as "ranting". Especially if those features were in the legacy version).

Federico's post above is actually giving me some hope that the situation might improve. We will see. But at least this was sign that he is reading some of the messages on this board.

Hey, no I’m not arguing there are no bugs in Evernote 10 - as far as I know humans are not capable of creating infallible software :) 

I was more curious about what the pain points are, my use case is more basic so I don’t encounter these. As you said there is hope, I do think Federico and the team are keen to get these sorted and to give them their due they seem more focused on user experience than it was previously. 

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2 hours ago, Razmataz said:
  • can right-click an attachment for copying out of V10, but the copy option is grayed out. Yeah, you can still copy it because on the top menu the option still works. It just interrupts a smooth and quick flow and violates logic.
  • Whether an attachment is is displayed as preview or just a title is totally random end even if you set it once (one must do that for every single attachment in the note separately), the V10 forgets the setting after editing the attachment.
  • Stored searches are a nightmare. They are not editable, only their title (not the content). It is difficult to find them, too.
  • If you export a notes as an HTML file with a bunch of notes and attachments in it, the links in the generated index file (even though underlined as link) are dead.

Copy paste looks like a bug. A few weeks ago on a call folks were mentioning copy/pasting and I think its on a list to work on.

Attachment thing I don't see at all. It remembers all my view settings fine. There was a bug a few versions ago on this but as far as I know it was fixed.

I wouldn't call stored searches a bug just a change in behaviour. It may come back but again depends on how many folk perform this action.

Just exported a bunch of notes as HTML and the links worked fine.

You on the lastest version? 10.77.3.

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3 minutes ago, Jon/t said:

I wouldn't call stored searches a bug just a change in behaviour. It may come back but again depends on how many folk perform this action.

How many folk should perform an action that is not available?

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9 minutes ago, AlbertR said:

How many folk should perform an action that is not available?

I mean performed it in legacy. Personally I'd like to see it back.

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110% agree with @AlbertR that @Net-config couldn't have said it better. EN has lost my trust & I will no longer recommend it to anyone the way I used to.

I have a massive amount of time invested in my notes & between the FORCED upgrade of the Android app to a significantly worse version than it was before, to the complete inability of many support staff to explain lost/changed note formatting, I'm reluctant to believe anything EN (directly) says or does, let alone a user like @PinkElephant (who the hell are you anyway & why do you think you can speak on behalf of the company?)

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The only people who speak for the company are carrying a STAFF designator in their forum badge.

About the rest: You decided what app and service to use. If you don't like the course it is taking, grab your stuff and go where you like it better.

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Spendingbooms? Like why? I gotta say I’ve never seen worse, nails scratching a chalkboard level icky puns than I have from irate notes users. Someone have mercy on our eyes! 

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15 minutes ago, fuchsfr said:

All that said I never want to be in a position like this again.  That a product I love and use daily get sold and changes to the point that I hate it.  I feel like all my research and thoughts are held hostage by an external entity.

Absolutely!!!!!!  I'll definitely be looking into Obsidian. Thanks @fuchsfr

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