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Feitz last won the day on October 17

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  1. thanks for the tip, that sounds like it is a helpful utility.
  2. OK, I closed and reopened the web client window, now it doesn't reset me to the top of the list but stops at about 105 notes (out of 1000+). So some consistency here at last, but not the result one would hope for.
  3. Thanks for this hint, I didn't check whether the results list actually showed the 1000+ notes or stopped earlier. Anyway, none of this should happen. If it isn't luck then some flakey programming base that constantly returns inconsistent results.
  4. Then you're lucky. I'm on latest Macos / safari. Hoped I could use the web client as a reference base once I'm on the free tier.
  5. PS.: Web client: when I scroll down in a saved search with 1000+ notes (V10 doesn't tell me how many there actually are) the notes list keeps refreshing and resetting me to the top of the list. Impossible to work with these search results. 4 more days and my subscription ends (after a decade and a half) and by then I will hopefully have made the switch out of V10.
  6. So, I'm slowly making progress with the web app, half of my new notes tagged and moved to a new notebook for ENEX export. The web client seems to update the tags search index much faster than the desktop, but still with a considerable delay. This would all not be necessary if V10 allowed to select all notes that match search criteria. This is such a basic operation in every app that uses tags but alas not in V10.
  7. Nope, not again. Tagging 100 notes obviously is a major task for V10, so it takes time but eventually matches. I thought RENT would make metadata sync instant? Working with tags for me has become virtually useless, mainly due to the 100 notes selection limit.
  8. That seems to be working much better than the mac desktop app. There is some lag but at least the search returns valid results.
  9. That's a good idea, I'll try this... Thanks for your help, I'll play around a bit and see where I land.
  10. Is there a downside to simply exporting every notebook again to ENEX i.e. are the export results identical to Legacy?
  11. The first thing I tried was -tag:export0324 -tag:export1124" but that didn't return any results which is clearly wrong and should not be affected by a slow index update.
  12. -tag:* returns all the recently tagged notes, so it seems that I have to 1. tag 100 notes, wait a couple of hours until the index is updated (RENT anyone?) and then tag the next 100 notes and so on until I am at ca. 2500. Reminds me of ("Nun, ich hab' die erste Hälfte der ersten Platte fertig. Ich verschnauf' ein wenig, dann *****' ich die zweiten Hälfte der ersten ...")
  13. sorting by date modified won't work either
  14. Thanks, Albert - I tried to combine -tag:export0324 export1124 in a search but that didn't return any results
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