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AlbertR last won the day on January 16 2023

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  1. Yep - It's a bug for me... Space between text sections is OK (hasn't been enough in former versions) - but without {Shift-Enter} it's impossible to continue text on a next line (without additional space) within a text section. Moreover I would like to get a possibility to show invisible text controlling characters like in other text editing programs for section separators {Enter} to show a simple newline {Shift-Enter} stand for a tabulator {Tab} marks spaces {Space}
  2. Yep - see below how I'll use it... Oups - how did you achieve it in Legacy (where we had not anchored links...)? Here's my use case: In longer lasting activity notes I start every new event (phone call, discussion, ...) with a short headline (always on top of the note) Before EN10 these headlines where simply bolded text - now I'll convert them to small headlines (H3), which enables me to collapse all text below. This would save some space and would act like a TOC: Since the real TOCs came up, I do not collapse the section but go to top of the note and insert a TOC with the /-command and change the numbered list to a bulleted one: This again saves (much) space on my screen and shows the complete story most often on one page. Clicking on a line moves me directly to the desired subsection... But beside all joy with this new feature, I have some wishes for the future: TOC lines should use text decoration from headlines (bold, italic, underline, colour) URL format should be configurable (no underlining, no fix colour, ...) TOCs should be dynamic with automatic updates... if headlines' text changes if headlines are added if headlines (with sections below) are moved if headlines are deleted I know that this can't be done with the current implementation because the /-command simply generates a "TOC" by inserting approriate anchored links to the current editing position. I wonder why EN used this poor methodology - seeing that other editing systems (incl. competitive apps) use special TOC-blocks with configurable properties: A TOC block is a placeholder that might be moved around the note (or even to other notes) Because it is known as a TOC, the system is able to change it's content on request (i.e. if headlines change) Within a single TOC block, it might be possible to attach special display properties this this block instead of using global TOC settins (font, list type, coloures, ...) Too bad... (or @Federico Simionato - is there a chance to get it later?)
  3. Not even by selecting one file 😞 - but it's a good idea 😉
  4. For the moment, we don't know an URL to achieve this (but it's a good idea 😉) You may use your eMail client to create new notes without starting EN itself: Take your EN import eMail address from account settings (Kontoinformationen... -> Kontoübersicht -> Notizen per E-Mail senden an) Use your eMail client to create an eMail to this address Subject line becomes the title of the new note Body will be text of new note Send the eMail - some seconds later you'll find a new note in EN See Save emails into Evernote – Evernote Help & Learning for more information (i.e. adding tokes to define Reminder, Notebook and Tags)
  5. app. 1 second with 20625 files Yep - but Files ist faster - and will be limited to attachments 😉. Regarding deleted attachments: If they reside in Files even after Trash is cleaned: Might be either a caching problem or is simply a bug for the moment...
  6. ??? If it will be implemented completely (see above), it will get a very usefull tool to search for things around and inside attached files. I'm often sure that something is inside an attachment. If the Files search will be able to scan text in images and sound files - bingo! Until now there's no search keyword to find text only inside attached files...
  7. Yep - preview works only for images and PDF. Other files (.XLSx, .DOCx and all others) throw only a message to open or download it 😞. Search does not search within the files. 😞 If you are looking for a specific word within an Excel oder Word document, the normal search (within notes) will lead to the file - but not the search within Files 😤 But all-in-all the Feature itself is a very good idea
  8. ??? If you placed a tag (by Drag&Drop) on the desktop, EN-Legacy placed an ENEX-export. Don't know why because it would be a better choice to habe only something like an URL that causes EN to show what's requested in a search phrase embedded in the URL's address 😉. But this functionality (storing and re-executing search phrases) was and is given by defined Favorite in EN10... You may place the tags in Favorites and sort Favorites by your own. Even if you rename tags, the order within the Favorites will not change.
  9. added to 058 - Suggestions for TOC, anchored links and collapsed sections handling
  10. added to 058 - Suggestions for TOC, anchored links and collapsed sections handling
  11. ... added to 058 - Suggestions for TOC, anchored links and collapsed sections handling
  12. ... added to 058 - Suggestions for TOC, anchored links and collapsed sections handling
  13. EN10.85.2 started to support of anchored links and creation of TOC (Table Of Content) sections. EN10.80.3 added support to collapse/uncollapse sections below headlines and list items. Together these are great features but need (and I'm sure will get) some enhancement to get really usable. Here are some of my ideas: Anchored link should display headline text automatically (including color) If you create and paste an anchored link, it shows the title of the note This might be OK if you paste link to an other note But normal case will be to paste the link inside the current to allow a reader to jump around note sections If an headline text changes, text of anchored links should change also (automatically) Within notes an anchored link text should be displayed in the same color of the headline it points to If the destination of an achored link is collapsed, the section should be un-collapsed automatically For the moment the user has no glue what's happening because the cursor is lost ☹ If note is displayed in a separate window, clicking on an anchored link displays the note in EN's main window Annoying - a user surely does not want to leave the current window 😤 Jumping to an anchored link from outside EN should open a new note window This was possible in former EN versions and should be implemented in EN10 also to avoid disturbing the current EN display There are no keystrokes available to collapse and uncollapse sections Writers would like to use their keyboard without mouse as long as possible For the moment you can collapse and uncollapse sections only by clicking [>] and [v] icons with the mouse... I'd like to get Alt-Right-Arrow and Alt-Left-Arrow to uncollapse and collapse a section below a headline or list item Some would like to use Shift-Right-Arrow or Shift-Left-Arrow like Windows Explorer uses to open/close subfolder - but these keystrokes are used to select text within note editing windows. This behaviour should not be changed. Ctrl-Right-Arrow and Ctrl-Left Arrow are also not a good choice because they're used to move the cursor to the next or previous word. /-Command to insert a TOC should create TOCs only from current position to end of the note Often a document (note) starts with a headline like "Content" just at the beginning - followed by the table itself. For the moment all inserted TOC start with "Content" as a first line - can be removed easily but might be inhibited by EN itself😉 Internal links should be displayed in green color ... as it was the case until anytime within the last patches😉 Anchored links (as base of the TsOC) are used for navigation inside EN which should be clearly separated from links to outside Anchored links (and TsOC) should work in publicly shared note view, HTML and PDF exports also If you click on an internal link within a share note (like https://tinyurl.com/missing-in-EN10), an EN account will be opened instead of simply jumping around inside the web page. At least with HTML and PDF exports, the problem might be easy to solve: EN has to change internal link addresses to point relative to the document (do not use evernote:///... syntax in address) In case of publicly shared note views, solution is the same - but conversion has to take place with every download of the page from server because the note view should show the actual state of a note... ... (will be extended as more ideas come up...)
  14. Tried to add a line "<back to Content>" at end of each section to be able to jump back to the TOC... add a H1 "Content" to the top of the note copy anchor link to clipboard by clicking on icon right of the headline paste this link to new line at end of a section unfortunately the title of the note is used as link text - should be "Content" change link text to "<back to Content>" copy this line to each end of a section go <back to Content> insert TOC with /-command just after H1 "Content" delete first line of TOC (because it points needless to "Content" 😉) Works great 👍:
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