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ferol last won the day on May 7

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  1. look here: https://share.note.sx/7fhov09z#CFrmfq7krL/LyQ99NTGmxZCvo/YLDRHtskwBpcJe6sM
  2. This is a super positive response....
  3. Just because you publish it doesn't mean you change your approach to development. You can make it public with it clearly written that you are doing it for your own purposes and you are making it public. And whoever wants to use it, let them use it at their own risk. And thou shalt not address any user service. And everyone will be able to decide whether to take that risk.. The terms of disclosure are, after all, at your own discretion as to how they are worded.
  4. I use the calendar and Tasks elsewhere. Better said, I never got used to using any system with Tasks. I only have simple reminders in the calendar and appointments written down. So I can't judge whether other competitive systems have Tasks and calendar integration better than Evernote. I have not tested this functionality anywhere. I know it's possible in Obsidian and people use it a lot. But whether it is well implemented I don't know.
  5. I've had this in my account since yesterday... I don't even get excited about it anymore. I don't use Tasks or Events... I don't need to look at it... Even so, I work less and less in Evernote.
  6. This is a bit of logic on its head. If I'm an Obsidian programmer and I'm dealing with an ENEX import, I assume it contains everything it should contain. Why would I substitute a bug on Evernote's part as the native ENEX export.
  7. We'll see. It's almost too early to make a hasty statement. In any case, I'm now working in Evernote and Obsidian. Obsidian is clearly better for some of my activities. And for the things where I need to maintain ease of use for my colleagues in time, Evernote is the way to go for now... I did a rocky subscription a month ago... so there is plenty of time to evaluate...
  8. So I will add my news today. Gianluigi found in my account (among about 6500 notes) another 2 notes where attachments were wrongly drawn. He ran a script on them and the attachments are now working for me. So he found a way to find these wrong notes in the whole account. This is exactly what he wrote: " Yeahhh!!! now i have to find an easy way to list all "corrupted" notes "
  9. I assume that your positive mood and indulgence towards the Evernote team.
  10. Currently I have given permission in a private message to run a script on my corrupted note. And I look at it, and voila... those missing attachments came up So now they can restore it on demand. But it doesn't work retrospectively and you have to run those scripts manually on demand. At least at the moment, this is the state of the solution. He is now solves how to bulk find all the erroneous notes without rendered attachments and how to bulk execute a script on them.
  11. This is my comunication...So we'll see if the problem is resolved in time...
  12. The point is that it is very likely that many people don't even know that they are missing attachments in older notes. I found this out by accident because I was go to oldrer note ( 6 months old). And it happened to me a couple of times with a couple of recent notes as well. I have about 7000 notes, and with that many it's more of a coincidence to come across the wrong notes. I hit. But a lot of people may never even look at the old notes, so they live in sweet ignorance and a sense of security. And I'm certainly not going to go through note by note now. And at the beginning, when it happened to me a couple of times, I didn't write here right away .. there was no time and the attachments were not important. That way some people can react... because they will evaluate that maybe they themselves messed up...
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