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Links within notes



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To get a TOC for all notes within a notebook you don't need a 3rd party app, EN has that feature itself.

EN does not have a TOC feature for titles within a note, which is where EAtags comes in handy.

Thank you for your answer,


I think it is not really friendly, also, because you can't define styles like Titles  (h1, h2, h3...) to style your notes. Is really rare that EN doesn't have this feature, for me is essential. 

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@rbianchi: do you know if there is a limit to the number of times a note can be processed by EATags? I ask this because I am still experimenting & noticed that after amending a note a couple of times & successfully readmitting for processing, EATags stopped processing that note.

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I think the rationale behind Evernote is to provide a very good general tool that can be applied across multiple use cases. With a little imagination you can nearly always create a workaround.

In this case, you could use a nonsense text string as the anchor and then search the note.

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Hi all,


Evernote is brilliant - could not navigate life without it!!


A feature that I feel is dearly needed and would be tremendous to have is the ability to create an anchor point in notes.


eg if I am working on a lengthy note and constantly referring to other notes at the same time I want the ability to specify a point where I am working in that note so I can go straight back to it.


Also, when you open a note it goes straight to the start of the note. You always have to scroll down to the bottom of the note to add to it.


Many thanks for any comments. 


In Windows, if you open your main note in it's own window (double click it), you can reference your other notes in the main EN window and when you return to the prime note you will be on the same "page", or if the window is visible, you can click on the spot.  FWIW as a workaround.

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Hi all,


Evernote is brilliant - could not navigate life without it!!


A feature that I feel is dearly needed and would be tremendous to have is the ability to create an anchor point in notes.


eg if I am working on a lengthy note and constantly referring to other notes at the same time I want the ability to specify a point where I am working in that note so I can go straight back to it.


Also, when you open a note it goes straight to the start of the note. You always have to scroll down to the bottom of the note to add to it.


Many thanks for any comments. 

I also agree this would be very useful.  Until then I try to keep individual notes on the short side to avoid excessive scrolling and then use an outline note with links to the others to collect the information if needed.

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I also agree this would be very useful.  Until then I try to keep individual notes on the short side to avoid excessive scrolling and then use an outline note with links to the others to collect the information if needed.



Remember: you are taking a certain risk if you use links in local, unsynchronised notes !

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The thing with workarounds is that they work more or less, but it is long-winded and after a while it becomes a PITA. But, for the patient & not-fussy, it works & is good enough.


I use this work around, less for the anchoring more for the ease of getting back to the main note.  Since I'm a two monitor user, the primary note is just sitting there and I can flit through the other notes without the "where exactly did I put that......" issues.   :)

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I experimented with this for a while. EAtags puts a nice TOC of tagged note links at the top of a note --much like a Header.


However, from what I can see, it does NOT update the TOC in the existing note dynamically when I add a new note with the specified tag.


This operation could be done entirely within EN without EAtags. Just create a TOC note and then merge it with the target note in which you want the TOC to appear in.  Or.... just copy/paste the TOC into the target note,   However, this still does not solve the problem of dynamic updating.


The only solution to a dynamically generated TOC that I can see is to create a new TOC note each time you need it. The problem here is that you inevitably wind up with dozens of largely redundant TOC notes on, say, Broccoli or Asparagus that may or may not contain all of the current listings for that tag. This creates issues with version management. This also does not play well for accessing an up-to-date TOC as external or local links such as a hyperlink a mind map or other external application.


Does anyone have any other ideas on how to generate a dynamically updated TOC in EN???

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I found this thread because I was searching for the possibility of using anchors to link to sections within a note... just wanted to cast my vote for the feature in case the development team is considering.  Considering everything else EN does, it seems like a simple thing to implement.  Until then, I guess I'll try scattering unique search terms across my longer notes.

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Many people like me use Evernote to save topics, links, and short snippets of text, on a few curated notes rather than importing a large amount of notes and then get an overwhelming amount of information that makes it difficult to retrieve the desired information later.

What is really missing though is an easy way to quickly jump through sections within the notes that I have. The way Evernote works right now, makes it easy to novagate through notes but not within.


What I would really need is the possibility to select a header/portion of text, or just a point in the note and save it as a bookmark within the note, then have a navigation tree somewhere (a sort of table of contents/note outline) where I can see a list of the bookmarks within that note and quickly jump to the desired one.


I would be willing to get a premium account if such funtionality was available.

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There's no way (yet) to jump around inside a note,  but there are good reasons for making lots of smaller notes rather than one large one,  including this situation.  If you made lots of separate notes with meaningful titles you could select all notes and create a TOC note which would effectively allow you to jump from one 'paragraph' to the next within your collection of notes.  You could also save searches to the same effect.

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That's a very good recommendation indeed, thank you very much for this useful tip, I do appreciate! I still like the idea of keeping the amounts of notes to a minimum and have some structure instead of generating hundreads of them, but I could, let's say, split each big note into chunks of 5-6 separate notes and then create a TOF for that note. The only drawback is that you can't scroll, but it's still a reasonable solution. Saved searches is also something interesting that I was not aware of. It's great that there's someone like you who knows the software in detail. Thanks

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The only drawback is that you can't scroll...


Well, you can, sort of... if you use the arrow keys on your keyboard once you've selected a note in the Note List, you can "flip" from one note to the other by hitting the up or down arrows. If you have your notes in order and they are in bite-size portions, depending,  it might be very similar to scrolling... So try that in tandem with @Gazumped's suggestion. You can do a similar thing on tablets... except that you have to tap the next note in sequence. You can have the note list and note panel open simultaneously on tablet. To expand your note panel a tad more, you can hide the Left Panel on desktop (F10 on Windows). That may help to see more content in a note on one screen without needing to scroll while flipping through notes using the Note List, depending on the structure (line breaks) within your note. 


Edit: Almost forgot... If you access presentation mode you can scroll from one note to another when you reach the foot of one note. Depending on your platform, there are various ways to do this (right arrow on Windows).  

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I cold handedly agree with Bryanne, Evernote PLEASE work on this feature! I tried to use the new Table of Contents feature but it has problems when I share the link with non-Evernote users. It would be great to hyperlink to those points way down the document, hope it's on your list. Would also love to see Evernote create a UserVoice account so we can vote on what we think is most important to give you a point of reference on what to add next.  :D

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+1 for anchors within (and achross) notes - so you could then create an index note, but also a table of contents on a long note you have linked to. having multiple depths of note links is a pain.


Also, read somewhere else the idea for links to tags. +1 for that too :-)

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Hi all,


I know how to create a table of contents that links to other notes, but I want to create a table of contents just within a document (i.e., a ToC that jumps to the headings within the existing note, not to other notes).


Is this possible?


Many thanks.

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Hi all,


I know how to create a table of contents that links to other notes, but I want to create a table of contents just within a document (i.e., a ToC that jumps to the headings within the existing note, not to other notes).


Is this possible?


Many thanks.


Actually this *is* possible with the help of external tools like AppleScript.

See Create jump links in your notes with ELIN! 


For a more full featured version of this technique, see

EVND (Ever Notedown) - Markdown, TOC, Bookmarks, Anchors, & More 

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Thank you both very much for your conscientiousness and responses.  I really appreciate it!


The Ronin


p.s.  For you kind Evernote programmers out there, formally integrating bookmarking/embedded header links into a Note would be very useful, please consider doing so.  Thanks.

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I've seen a few posts about these, but I'm curious as to if any of the Evernote team has address or made comment to whether or not we can look forward to these. Below are a few things I am wondering about:


Anchor Points: Inner note linking, jump points-- whatever. It's super crucial to organizing within documents.

Shared Font Color Assignments: When you have a shared file/document/stack it would be amazing to be able to assign a color for each user (not have to select the font color every time you want to type)

Stack/Organization Colors: Neither here nor there, really, but might be nice to be able to color organize notes within notebooks per relevance.




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I'd be very interested to have this TOC feature added as well. I maintain a "runbook" for a group and am looking for an easy way to have an external, but securable, way to have it available off the company network. 

What I use right now is Confluence, where like it was mentioned in previous posts in this thread, it procedurally generates a table of contents from the H1, H2, H3 tags in the page.

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After few days with eatags, I give up

Not convenient at all 

TOC appears with a big lag and every time I add a new item, the links are going away.

Very disapointing  :(


Uninstalled and still waiting for this functionality in Evernote


Cheers from Bordeaux (France)

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5 hours ago, Alan Rew said:

Splitting up a long note into multiple notes would in many cases add other inconveniences that would more than cancel out the added convenience of note-level links.


I find this to be the best work around in the absence of internal hyperlinks.

It also resolves a few issues

  • Lengthy notes are problematic; chance of corruption; searches are less effective.  For example, in the case of a journal, I find it better to keep separate days instead on an entire month or year
  • I can simulate collapsing and expanding sections by using links to sub-documents
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15 minutes ago, DTLow said:

I find this to be the best work around in the absence of internal hyperlinks.

It also resolves a few issues

  • Lengthy notes are problematic; chance of corruption; searches are less effective.  For example, in the case of a journal, I find it better to keep separate days instead on an entire month or year
  • I can simulate collapsing and expanding sections by using links to sub-documents

Good point but a big downside I see is that once older notes are updated, sorting/sequencing/organization can be problematic and unpredictable.

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I love Evernote and use it extensively everyday.

One key feature I would like to use in Evernote is the ability create or link words or tags within a note

You highlight a word or phrase or create a tag to link to another topic within the same note.

A simple example is a TOC or table of contents within a note linking details in the note with related details in the same note.

I know I can create another note but then I end up with to many notes.

Jumping around between notes is counterproductive when you are creating research notes with many links.

Every time I create a note, I  end up searching online to see if this is possible.

Please seriously consider this since you already have the know how to do this

with your copy a note link feature.



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6 hours ago, rtglennr@earthlink.net said:

I love Evernote and use it extensively everyday.

One key feature I would like to use in Evernote is the ability create or link words or tags within a note

You highlight a word or phrase or create a tag to link to another topic within the same note.

A simple example is a TOC or table of contents within a note linking details in the note with related details in the same note.

I know I can create another note but then I end up with to many notes.

Jumping around between notes is counterproductive when you are creating research notes with many links.

Every time I create a note, I  end up searching online to see if this is possible.

Please seriously consider this since you already have the know how to do this

with your copy a note link feature.



There is a workaround for what you are asking for here:


Run the program. give the "Jump name" a (hidden) name that doesn't conflict with any other words/word combinations in the note. Give the "Link text" the name you want displayed as your link, and give "Destination text" the name of the header you want to jump to in the text.

After you have generated the text, you copy the first line and paste it into the note where you want the link. And the second line where you want the link to jump.

The reason why this works is because the second line which looks like plain text, actually has a hidden code in it which contains the hidden "Jump name". The link is therefore searching for the hidden "jump name" and not for the plain text.

It's a bit cumbersome to do, but at least it's a choice for when you really need it. You can also create a note "template" and just copy that for later uses.

I doubt this will ever be implemented as a feature in the client, mainly because of how EN relies on everything to work across platforms.


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On 11/30/2015 at 9:34 AM, agroppi said:



After few days with eatags, I give up



Not convenient at all 





Nothing is ever convenient about using EN. Too many work arounds. Yep, sucks that EN still does not have this feature. This is why it's hard for me to take EN seriously. Did it not occur to the developers at all that people may want to do research in EN?! I use EN for this purpose and I use one note for my conclusions and commentary on research from other notes I keep in EN but it's a pain having to scroll through the note when it would be much easier just to have a TOC for the note itself. 

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I'm using Evernote more and more to build systems documentation and having the ability to link to an anchor Evernote would be tremendously helpful.  I'm surprised this functionality was not included from the start.  I'm not interested in work-a-rounds or having to edit the raw files to add this manually, it's simply to cumbersome.

+1 - Add URL Anchors to Evernote.



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2 minutes ago, Zsolt.Juhasz said:

How can Google implement it in such a tiny tool like Keep, but EN is unable to handle it?

I was not aware that "EN is unable to handle it".
I thought it was a priority thing, hense my posting the request so it can by voted on.

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See https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/96782-feature-request-inline-tags-create-anchor-points-in-notes/ and please click there to support the request.

(Probably been said before in this or the other threads,  but my way to navigate large notes is not to have them.  Treat note titles like chapter or paragraph headings and split the whole thing into several notes held together by a Table of Contents note..  just sayin')

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11 hours ago, gazumped said:

(Probably been said before in this or the other threads,  but my way to navigate large notes is not to have them.  Treat note titles like chapter or paragraph headings and split the whole thing into several notes held together by a Table of Contents note.. 

That is a workaround that many of us have been using.  But it is NOT a real replacement to having anchors/bookmarks in the same note.

Even for relatively short notes (2-3 pages/screens) this would be a great help, a great feature, to have a TOC at the top of the note, with links to details lower down in the same Note.

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How come that evernote, a platform that offers extensive presentation modes, chat features and an Atlas(what?) does not support a seemingly basic operation like inline table of contents. To put things in perspective, how should i navigate a book with 500 pages if i had no table of contents? My two cents, very slowly, just like navigation in evernote right now without this feature.

Please add this as a free or premium feature, i don't mind paying for this.

Thank you.

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19 hours ago, kevoh said:

Please add this as a free or premium feature, i don't mind paying for this.

You might want to indicate your support by voting for the feature request posted in the feedback forums.
For example  https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/96782-feature-request-inline-tags-create-anchor-points-in-notes

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This has been requested many times before.  You can do a search on "anchor" to find these threads/requests.

You may want to add your voice and vote to one of these, for example, here's one:


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It's been two years since the original request. I hope we will get a chance to see this feature...

It's difficult to navigate very long but important notes without this feature, that would allow use to make a clear table of content.

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9 minutes ago, connies123 said:

Has anyone used this program? Good? Bad? Worth money?

I haven't used it but I was looking at the addon yesterday and if I understand correctly, I would have to uninstall version 6 for Windows, reinstall version 5, install Evernote Batch and then upgrade to version 6 again. Really? Seriously, that is ridiculous. I'm going to pass.



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1 hour ago, connies123 said:

Has anyone used this program? Good? Bad? Worth money?

I paid for it when I was on EN5 and it wasn't such a sweat to downgrade,  install and then re-upgrade.  No idea why that's required. but it was necessary to get the app working.  Since then there have been several upgrades and I've used it for various batch changes and to use background color in notes.  The safer option to get a table of contents in a note is to split the heading level into separate notes and use Evernote's ToC feature to tie them together in one parent note. 

If you have lots of notes to process however,  and the other options available seem useful...

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This is a feature that has been requested a number of times, for instance in this thread:

and in this one:

If you go to that second one, you can click on the upward-arrow at the top of the page to vote up the suggestion. Or if that's not what you're thinking of, you could create a new suggestion topic in that Windows Desktop Product Feedback forum.

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For a reference tool not to be able to cross-reference is a serious weakness. When I take notes that refer to protions of other notes, I want to be able to link to the cited portion, not just the whole note. Being able to embed an anchor (similar to the html # format) would be direct and familiar.

Thanks. (I've voted at the feature request ...)

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On 6/10/2016 at 8:23 PM, DTLow said:

Please show your support for the request by voting using the buttons in the upper left corner


@DTLow, could we request the Evernote team to increase the vote button size or make it more prominent at least? To be honest, I wasn't aware of this button until scrolling through the +1s and eventually finding your vote posts with the image. I think a lot of new users to the forums tend to miss out on the vote button. I think it should be made bigger or displayed more prominently. I know this statement is not related to this discussion but I do not know where to make this specific request.

Also, I would like this feature to be implemented as well. Voted up!

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2 hours ago, ChiragC said:

@DTLow, could we request the Evernote team to increase the vote button size or make it more prominent at least? To be honest, I wasn't aware of this button until scrolling through the +1s and eventually finding your vote posts with the image. I think a lot of new users to the forums tend to miss out on the vote button. I think it should be made bigger or displayed more prominently. I know this statement is not related to this discussion but I do not know where to make this specific request.

You might want to create a separate topic for this request. Screen Shot 2016-08-25 at 6.14.32 AM.png

Post An Idea located at the top of the discussion



You could also post your comment in this discussion


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+1 for a TOC-macro

I use Confluence (by Atlassian) for my job, and it has a lot of features in the editor which would be great for evernote as well. Especially the easy insertion of macros. I use the TOC-functionality there a lot...

Currently I'm keeping my notes short, because of I want to be able to link information quickly...
Also see the following topic:


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I ditto the feature request here. I use the Jive platform, and they have a sweet TOC function (within a note) that would make my life SO MUCH easier. 

I LOVE Evernote and take all of my "permanent" notes here. I find the formatting generally buggy, however. I've lived with it, but it would be really nice to have an editor that is a little more robust.

Thanks, and keep up the great work!

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18 hours ago, mamaphd said:

I ditto the feature request here. I use the Jive platform, and they have a sweet TOC function (within a note) that would make my life SO MUCH easier. 

I LOVE Evernote and take all of my "permanent" notes here. I find the formatting generally buggy, however. I've lived with it, but it would be really nice to have an editor that is a little more robust.

Thanks, and keep up the great work!

Hi.  Always important to click or tap the counter in the top left of this page if you agree.  The higher the count,  the more likely Evernote is to add this feature.  As I write this,  there's one click so far - I'll add another.  Click the button guys....

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Links to a concrete part of a note.

My sugestion is just an improvement in note linking, it would be awesome that the links could actually redirect to a specific part of a note. 

Sometimes the notes can become very large, specially if there are several contributors. I guess many people keeps writing on the same notes during long periods of time, extending them. Some examples of when would one do this, are for example:

  • A note where you make annotations about a reunion you hold regularly (every week for example).
  • A note where you write your diary.
  • A note where you store funny jokes
  • A note where you store quotes, or interesting websites, etc...

Problem: The current note links only allow to link to the note itself, to the beggining of it to be exact.

Request: It would be nice to make a link to a concrete piece of text inside the note, to make it more accesible. Like the "id" tag in html language, which leads you to a concrete part of the website by clicking on www.website.com/#idtag

Possible solution: The way I would implement this is by making a new type of link which acts like a mirror somehow, connecting two points in two different notes in both directions. Like a button, which could be moved around and treated like regular text, and whenever you press one of them it would lead you to the other one, wherever it is located, and viceversa.


Other aplication of this links would be to make an index in the beggining of the note, to the different sections on it.



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It is already possible to link connections between notes, but it would be useful for me to link to specific sections of larger notes. When I'm writing something and annotating with citations, linking to the area in the paper which I'm citing (stored as a PDF in another note) would be very useful, instead of having to write something like "scroll to page 4 of this note" where this is the hyperlink.  

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On 02/12/2016 at 7:40 PM, BobbyV_Cali said:

Hi All,

I was going to open a feature request for this exact feature. I've been wanting this for a while and this feature will make my workflow so much smoother. No more scrolling up and down.

When I start a new customer project, I create a note for it. Then I start adding sections to that one note separated by a horizontal bar and a title. A note can become pretty huge. It would be awesome if I can mark the title as a header and then at the top of the note automatically create a table of contents of that note. Just like in Word or Google Docs.

Please add this feature. I've been paying for Evernote for years now and am a huge advocate at my work. Please listen to your customers.

- Bobby

Hi. Why not use a new note instead of drawing a line across an increasingly long and unwieldy document,  and link all the notes for one client/ project together with tags <myclient> and <project>.  Then you can list all projects per client,  and/ or all notes per project and create a ToC note that will take you to any single note.  That feature already exists.

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