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Control Which Image Shown in a Note's Thumbnail/Snippet View



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The largest smallest dimension?

Yeah. For example, if you have 3 images with the following dimensions:




The "smallest" dimensions are 75, 100, and 200, respectively. We're going to use the image with the largest of those "smallest" dimensions (i.e., 200).

There are probably better ways to describe that algorithm, but that's how we've been describing it internally.

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Has anyone actually ever seen a response from Evernote regarding this??


Seems a little disrespectful of a company who's paying customers repeatedly ask for a feature  - and for years, to be completely ignored. If there's a reason why they can't do it or if they do plan to do it in some sort of near future, why can't they at least respond?

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+ 1

This feature-gap is even more annoying with the new / 10.# EN web version:

If You delete the image which is automatically chosen and shown in the note's thumbnail/snippet view or even delete all pictures in the note and add a new proper one the new picture won't show up in the note's thumbnail/snippet view of the EN web version.

Instead of this the unwanted old thumbnail sticks with my note in the thumbnail/snippet view ...

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On 11/18/2016 at 1:18 PM, offringa said:

I would like to see following additions:

- Option to switch between 'automatic' (based on algorithm) en 'manual'

- Option 'set as thumbnail' for the image within the note

I fully second that! 

It's such a basic feature, it's amazing that it still isn't there after so many years.

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Seems stupid to leave selecting which picture appears as thumbnail in OUR notes, up to some dopey algorithm.

What about leaving it up to the person CREATING, USING, and PAYING FOR the notes???  Hmmm, now that would be fair and rational. 


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I completely agree with @SashaS and many of the rest of you. My thoughts exactly.

Such a useful and obvious feature, as to almost be assumed:

Right click image in note
"Set image as Snippet"

Right click note in list
"Remove Snippet"

EN -- this is the kind of thing that drives users crazy. Let's make this happen. 

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All right, after some shopping around for ideas I ended up with Microsoft's OneNote which was not on my radar, given that I'm a Mac user. On a Mac, the app is usable without having to buy the Office suite. (As I understood it, that might not be the case for some Windows operating systems?)

Anyway, long story short, I copy/pasted my notes from Evernote to OneNote and lo and behold - the first image is the one used for the thumbnail! Which is perfect for me as that image is the flower's closeup. I have no idea, if one can actually set another image as thumbnail - apparently the Mac version doesn't have all the goodies the Windows version has - but for my simple purposes it works like a charm, search function included.

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Hi @RightPaddock,


Yes and no. It has to do with the "largest smallest" dimension, explained here:






... until Evernote provides a way to manually select the desired image. Who know, it may be just around the corner :-)


Hi Frank - thanks for that, even though it is bit whacko - through no fault of thine though ;)


Note To EN Developers


Please add the ability to override with right click->Use this image as snippet thumbnail

IMO a more sensible default would be to use the first image in the note as the snippet thumbnail.   


The current algorithm is based on data that is obviously available to the SOFTWARE but that same data - the size of the images in a list - it is not readily available into the OWNER of the data.


Added 1 : The note where I noticed this issue has two images - one that I'll call the identifying image, it's 780x1200px, the other one is an infographic, which is 920x2600px.  So I could upsize the identifying image, or downsize the infographic - and lose image quality on the image I resize!  


Added 2 : Also clip  this ==>> http://www.gamengadgets.com/10-features-windows-7-95-users-dont-know  And then have a look at snippet thumbnail, and then find the image that the algorithm decided 'best represented' the note




Edited by RightPaddock
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I used Evernote food before they shut down the service. I then painstakingly edited my notes so that the thumbnail I wanted was the "largest smallest" but now iOS version 8 messes up everything again. Why not let us choose which image WE want ? The left picture is iOS version 8. The 2 on the right are iOS version 7.17. 





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Another long time, premium user here - continually frustrated by the lack of this feature.  Well over 5 years now users have been asking for this.    :(    

One of Evernote's powers is the ability to visually scan notes, but that power is useless when the wrong snippet image is chosen by the default algorithm.  Please Evernote, fix this - add this feature.

A couple use case examples:  

Recipes - I use Evernote as my recipe book, menu planning headquarters.   I clip recipes from all over the web.  It's really frustrating when an irrelevant image is chosen as the snippet image. 

Journal entries - I often send images, text, notes, thoughts, etc. of my day to Evernote.  It's really frustrating to view my journal and have a document scan (for example) be the snippet image instead of a photo I choose to represent my day.  

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Please let us select the thumbnail picture shown in the note previews. It is really irritating that Evernote choose this picture for me and will not let me decide what picture I want to be displayed. It ruins the flow in my notes. I can not belive users have been asking for this for years now without Evernote doing anything. How hard can it be to fix this issue??? If anyone know a trick to work around this please let me know.

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This is my biggest frustration with Evernote.

I often want to have a thumbnail act as a reminder of the content of the Note to trigger my recognition of the Note while in the application AND to help me remember mentally. In the Note I might want to have other images - screen clips of graphs etc... So Evernote then uses that as the thumbnail and defeats me. Personal Brain is a nice example of a tool that allows you to pick your own thumbnail while attaching documents and images with arbitrary detail. 

By the way, I also don't like that Evernote Android shows an iconised loudspeaker if the Note contains an audio clip rather than a thumbnail of any image that is embedded. Then you have a ton of indistinguishable snippets. Again, I'd rather have control over the icon.


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I mean guys is this like... Serious?? 😂🤣😳 I just came back after a ~1 year hiatus and this still not implemented? What PC or advertising agenda would we hurt lol?? It's requested since years on. What's happening? 

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On 8/9/2017 at 7:52 AM, ToddinTX said:

I think it's obvious, at this point, that Evernote users want the ability to select the default thumbnail for notes.  I agree that it seems ridiculous that this conversation started in 2013 and 4 years later this hasn't been added to the application.  As a visual person, the thumbnail helps me quickly find what I'm looking for.  For example, when I'm looking for a recipe for pancakes, an image of the video (pertaining to the recipe) of two cooks doesn't help me find what I'm looking for.  I need to be able to select the pic of the stack of pancakes.

The whole purpose for using Evernote is to be able to organize things so that they are easily found/accessed.  I'm confused why this isn't already an option.  This seems so simple to implement.

Can we get some love on this issue?!

So I'm just starting with Evernote, it's 2020 and why is this still not an option? There are so many great things about this platform but so many agrevating things that suck all my time and energy from my projects that I end up losing my enthusiasm for them. 😐 Then I read posts from years ago like this and I am even more frustrated. 😡

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I didn’t get so far as to buy a subscription.   I dropped Evernote (and went with a competitor) as soon as I figured out I would not be able to select the pic I wanted for a thumbnail.  Wonder how many other potential customers have been lost.  

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On 4/8/2018 at 11:52 PM, endemic said:

Even something simple like consistently displaying the first image in the note would work MILES better than the current system. It's one of my most-hated features of Evernote, the seemingly random thumbnail selection. It's like the developers took time in considering the question "How can we best frustrate our userbase?"

This is one of the most annoying features of the "upgraded system"... I would much rather have no image snippet than the haphazard system in place now.  I put a lot of news articles in EN and for the source I use most often they have a picture of the author/reporter...

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4 hours ago, rhoan74 said:

This is one of the most annoying features of the "upgraded system"

I'm not sure what is meant by the "upgraded system" but I'm also frustrated by the lack of ability in selecting which image is shown in snippet view.  They have an algorithm in place to select the image and I'm ok with that as a default but we should be given the ability to remove the image or better, select a different one.

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I'm new to Evernote and was looking for a way to select my thumbnails for a note. Then I found this thread.

This is... wow. I don't even know what to say. I wanted to use Evernote to catalogue orchids, but yeah. I don't really see this happening now. Each note contains several images, one of them being a thumbnail with the flower since that is what I am usually going for when I want to identify an orchid.

How is it possible that such a simple thing is not part of a generally lauded organizing tool? And as I understand it - not possible despite customers asking for it for years now. 😲

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On 3/9/2019 at 12:10 AM, gugel said:

I'm new to Evernote and was looking for a way to select my thumbnails for a note. Then I found this thread.

This is... wow. I don't even know what to say. I wanted to use Evernote to catalogue orchids, but yeah. I don't really see this happening now. Each note contains several images, one of them being a thumbnail with the flower since that is what I am usually going for when I want to identify an orchid.

How is it possible that such a simple thing is not part of a generally lauded organizing tool? And as I understand it - not possible despite customers asking for it for years now. 😲

I recently found Numbusnote, it both supports choosing the thumbnail of your choice and hierarchical folder organisation, both highly requested features for years. I've been a paying subscriber for many years now and I'm feed up with the fact they just don't care to implement any of these fairly simple features, they've been ignoring the community for years now. I'm planing to eventually leave if nothing happens soon.

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The utter inability to respond to these requests in a satisfactory manner is why I am considering cancelling my membership for......gasp. OneNote.


I just found this migration tool:


I think it's time to experiment how this works and I will report back.



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Another +1 for this feature.  Evernote is an amazing tool but this is my biggest issue.

Due to this oversight, I regularly find that I can't find the note I want as some other less important image has been chosen for the thumbnail.

As they say a picture says a thousand words so when you are scrolling down looking for a note this is crucial.

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I agree with everyone on this post and couldn't have said anything better.... so glad you allow images but this is a big inconvenience to not be able to control which image ends up as the thumbnail.

I have over 2,000 notes in Evernote and rely on it, on multiple devices, at a premium price, to run my entire life! 

I so appreciate what you have created here but there are some seemingly very simple workarounds that have been ignored now for eight years since this post started...

Could you possibly just make the first picture we put in the file be the one that shows up no matter what size or shape or density it is?

This inability to control images coupled with the recent incomprehensible decision to remove the search function and make it a multi-step process could be a kiss of death for my and many people's use of Evernote and they both seem really simple to fix guys and gals! 

RSVP anyone who can help me with either issue!

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Maybe the head of dev can explain to all of us why thumbnail selection is so above and beyond their ability despite so many other apps making this feature accessible. Maybe we’d be somewhat sympathetic of the fact that Evernote can’t seem to hire competent developers.

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I subscribed to Evernote because of the thumbnails. In light of many advanced features in competing platforms, I really hope Evernet listens to their paid users and get this thumbnail edit/select feature added.

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Yeah. For example, if you have 3 images with the following dimensions:




The "smallest" dimensions are 75, 100, and 200, respectively. We're going to use the image with the largest of those "smallest" dimensions (i.e., 200).

There are probably better ways to describe that algorithm, but that's how we've been describing it internally.

One way to express this in a more definitive way is the image with the largest width, assuming that your example you gave is in the order of width x height.

However, it is not clear that this is actually what you mean.

For example, what if we add an image that is 250x150?

Then the list would be:





Does that mean that EN would now select the last image (250x150) for the thumbnail?

Well, I'm going out of the business of making suggestions, but as one of the last, does it make sense to anyone at Evernote to choose the first image in the Note for the thumbnail?

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I would LOVE to see this as an added feature.  As so many have said it seems ridiculous that the algorithm selects the image and not the user.  Additionally, does anyone know why when I delete all the images of a note, Evernote still shows a thumbnail?

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On 2017/10/1 at 3:53 AM, Pyrefox said:

Please let us select the thumbnail picture shown in the note previews.

I read the forum and I saw there is an annoying work around, but that's why I'm requesting this feature for real. Something like:

• right click the image and select "Use this as Preview image" (I believe this should be the easiest to implement)

• right click the note preview and select "Pick a thumbnail" that leads to a small selection of the images available inside that note

• right click the image and set a priority that overrides the current priority


These are just ideas, but any of those would be amazing so we have decent control over the thumbnail pic!

Over 6 years.




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1 minute ago, DTLow said:

Create a  new note.

Thanks for the workaround suggestion - this serves to remove the thumbnail, but... I lose

  • URL from webclipper 
  • original date
  • the time it takes to duplicate each problematic note!

It seems that the thumbnail might get removed from the original post after syncing... In 'details' it now says "No images to index"

Cheers... hoping for a civilised solution soon


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On 1/4/2019 at 4:52 PM, kspratt said:

It would be much simpler to be able to right click on the graphic in a note and have an option there to designate that graphic as the image that shows in the thumbnail view.

A much-requested feature. Please go here and add your upvote: 


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Yes.  Agree. We need this feature.  I’ve added photos image and notes on the back from my grandpas WWII collection.  All I see are the notes in the snippet when of course I just want the image.  We need control over snippet.

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17 minutes ago, DTLow said:

What would be a "satisfactory manner"

We could dig up the smaller of the larger explanation

For starters, a better acknowledgement than this would be great:

I don't want some convoluted answer being provided by a Lvl5 fan boy. I want a path to a feature update or fix with real developers like I can with Chromium (which is free!!), or with Customer Service folks at Uber or Lyft, for examples, all three have been able to initiate fixes or feature requests or Clear coherent explanations on why the option is what it is.

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1 hour ago, Joe Loves Watercolors said:

Evernote just needs to show the top image or let us select the image that will show

There is a request posted at the top of the discussion.  
You can indicate your support using the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion,1154852445_ScreenShot2019-03-12at13_13_06.png.eded211b6316cf6b158df7ff018c89ab.png

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From 2014.

I suspect the migration tool for Microsoft is much faster

20 minutes ago, DTLow said:

There is a request posted at the top of the discussion.  
You can indicate your support using the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion,



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1 hour ago, DTLow said:

What would be a "satisfactory manner"

We could dig up the smaller of the larger explanation

Good grief, sometimes I really wonder ...

A satisfactory response would be to provide us a way to override their default image selection algorithm.  I prefer snippet view and many of the snippet images, especially those from web clippings, show an image that has no meaning to the note.  I live with this but don't like it and once Evernote gets the bug list under control, they really, really should consider addressing this.

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Alongwith the ability to select the thumbnail image manually, There Must also be the feature to select the SIZE of thumbnail - ie, small, medium, large in the Notes list with Thumbnails, ie, the WIDTH of each Note in the Notes-list panel.

It is Very surprising why Evernote has Not yet implemented this feature even in last 5 years ?

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On 4/27/2018 at 7:20 PM, Joe Loves Watercolors said:


Their value is DIVERSION not LISTEN TO USERS.  No listening to the users wants to make them happier with the product.

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This is the one feature I am still waiting on.  I stopped using Evernote for homeschooling, though I keep looking at it periodically.


But as a recipe book Evernote would be ideal.  Unfortunately the thumbnail snippet needs to be the image I choose.  Otherwise it doesn’t do any good.


Why are we still waiting on this feature?

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The lack of this feature is very frustrating. It's obvious that users want to decide for themselves which image is displayed as a thumbnail. I have so many cases in my notebooks where a completely unsuitable motif appears in front. How long do we have to wait and complain, Evernote, how long?

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6 hours ago, Martin Braun said:

How long do we have to wait and complain, Evernote, how long?

Just did a quick survery of users.  Sorry .... the majority are unwilling to pay and fund development

How about yourself.  Do you vote to pay? 

At least indicate your support for the request using the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion

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Long time paying user (I think 6ish years now?), and I've got to say, the manner in which Evernote handles users is slowly wearing down my patience. I've come to accept and deal with a laundry list of problems with the service since I understand how hard it can be to integrate complex features or change heavy structure. Plus, I really do like the general design of EN, and use it daily for both professional and personal projects. 


But changing the thumbnail? This seriously can't be accomplished in more than 5 years of requests? Plus the fact that I almost never see any actual EN staff members responding directly to their users. I wouldn't even mind if they straight up asked for cash donations to add features, so long as the users had some more say in what was added. 

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On 9/14/2018 at 4:38 PM, Shane D. said:

Hi All,

You may have noticed that all threads requesting the ability to manually set a note's thumbnail/snippet have been merged into this thread, regardless of platform specificity. 

This was done in order to better enable us to quantify and qualify user requests, and amplify their voice.

While this does not mean this is a feature that will be coming, we certainly want to relay user feedback/sentiment to our various teams.

Moving forward, please put all commentary and votes the ability to manually set a note's thumbnail/snippet here!

I'm not programmer but I don't think adding that option would be that difficult. Itis actually the one reason I signed up for this forum!

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On 9/14/2018 at 9:38 PM, Shane D. said:

Hi All,

You may have noticed that all threads requesting the ability to manually set a note's thumbnail/snippet have been merged into this thread, regardless of platform specificity. 

This was done in order to better enable us to quantify and qualify user requests, and amplify their voice.

While this does not mean this is a feature that will be coming, we certainly want to relay user feedback/sentiment to our various teams.

Moving forward, please put all commentary and votes the ability to manually set a note's thumbnail/snippet here!

Finally, I found a topic that express exactly what I'm looking for since so many years...

I still don't understand how it works, the thumbnail image seems to be chosen randomly (and it's never the image I would want)


Please evernote, it's so obvious I wonder how it's not still implemented

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How is this not fixed yet?  I'm getting so frustrated with all the new useless features they keep releasing while this is something that is still not resolved.  It's a very simple request that will make the app WAY better for many ways it is used.  I use it primarily to catalog patterns (as do a lot of other sewists) and I include all images associated with the pattern in the one note, but I want the main pattern image to be the one I see as the thumbnail so I can easily locate a design I want without needing to just remember what it looks like based on the name.  A lot of people in the sewing community are starting to move over to another note taking app based simply on the fact that it lets you choose your thumbnail photo.  I canceled my subscription I've had for over 4 years today.  The team has a few months to win back my business before my annual prepaid time is up, but I'm not holding my breath.

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There is no option to select the thumbnail image, and no update

To indicate your support for his feature, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion

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How long will I have to continue staring at photos of my ex-boyfriend in many notes? It's hurting me so bad, it makes me not want to use Evernote. It can't be a difficult feature to install. I just want to have my own control of what pictures show up in the thumbnail. Even if I delete the photos, they still come back up in the thumbnail. it's like he's haunting me, please... 



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+1, this is a feature which would be highly appreciated.
If we can't select the thumbnail, then it's best to just disable the feature.

I use evernote extensively for cooking and keep track of the evolution of my bonsai trees.
The thumbnail HAS to be a picture of the tree/the dish, otherwise there is no point.
How can I recognize which tree this note is about if evernote pick as thumbnail the receipt of the tree I bought, or a random picture of an inspiration "model" ?

I went for the Premium account, hoping for cool features like this one.
I'm kind of disappointed to be honest to see such an on going discussion and no progress in several years.

Was the development of evernote stopped ?



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7 hours ago, Yanic said:

+1, this is a feature which would be highly appreciated.
If we can't select the thumbnail, then it's best to just disable the feature.

I use evernote extensively for cooking and keep track of the evolution of my bonsai trees.
The thumbnail HAS to be a picture of the tree/the dish, otherwise there is no point.
How can I recognize which tree this note is about if evernote pick as thumbnail the receipt of the tree I bought, or a random picture of an inspiration "model" ?

I went for the Premium account, hoping for cool features like this one.
I'm kind of disappointed to be honest to see such an on going discussion and no progress in several years.

Was the development of evernote stopped ?



This has been requested for years, one that I dearly wanted. It's a pretty trivial thing to implement yet Evernote progress on this issue is like stagnate s**t water.

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This is my first time posting in this forum. I 100% agree this feature is key. Evernote is all about organizing our ideas into an easily searchable and referenceable layout. If there is a reason to put a picture or multiple pictures in a particular note it stands to reason that there is some visual component to the note or series of notes. Regardless of all the other bells and whistles, being able to visually organize those notes only makes sense. I also know that for this particular set of notes the visually scan and reference them based on the thumbnail would be incredibly  helpful.

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Another newbie to the forum here, although I have been using Evernote for a few years now (and do pay for it with a Premium account). 

It is very frustrating not to be able to change the thumbnail to the image most appropriate to the note, particularly when using it to inventory my craft supplies. 

It would vastly improve my Evernote experience if the ability to change the thumbnail was implemented. 


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New user here and to Evernote......spent hours trying to get one image to sit above another in iOS, have tried everything suggested in here, resized images, renamed files , changed pixel resolution, but still comes out random in my opinion (or maybe one image has more blue in it than another so takes precedence!!!)

It can't be rocket science to have a featured image, or thumbnail




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Please please please, get on this!! I am a potter and I use Evernote to document every stage of the process. It does me no good for the thumbnail to show me a ball of clay rather than my finished product. Please change it so we can choose which picture to make the thumbnail!!!

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15 minutes ago, schematic said:

What is the status of this feature development?

I merged your post with the primary request discussion for this feature

There has not been any interest indicated by Evernote

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I put in my vote.  I've wanted this feature since I started using Evernote in 2013.   Great product!  But I've spent way too much of my time tricking the system to get the desired result.

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Put my vote in, I'd like to see this happen; right click to change snippet would be nice, or first image would work though less ideal.  I've been an Evernote user since 2008, premium four months later (wow, 12 years)!  This is the first time I've found a feature that's lacking or missing.

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Dear Evernote - this is clearly a big yet simple but overwhelming request from a lot of your users - to simply be able to select the thumbnail/snippet image for each notebook by our choice.  Just deal with it as it's been over 9 bloody years since the first request back in 2011.  Failing to do so, at least give us a lame technical reason of why you guys managed to fail your users for 9 years and we'll all shut the fxxk up, would'ya?!  

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The problem is that Evernote does not have any real competition, at least not that I could find. If there was another similar app that would seamlessly allow you to import all your Evernotes then you'd probably see them care a little more about what users want.

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30 minutes ago, techlectics said:

The problem is that Evernote does not have any real competition, at least not that I could find.

You're kidding, right? Evernote has tons of competitors. A web search on "alternatives to evernote" makes them pretty easy to find. Some of them do allow import of Evernote content (though I was less than impressed at what OneNote did to my notes when I tried it several years back),

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Come on, Evernote team, just add a 'use as a thumbnail' item to the context menu which you already have on a file click. Add like a couple of lines overriding a selection algorithm. If for some reason you dynamically assign the thumbnail to the note when it is displayed then add one stupid "If" crutch which would check whether a specific pic was selected, even in this case you'll have one more field for the file id or whatever, wouldn't overload your note class too much, so please, implement finally what looks like a 30 minute junior dev task. With hope, yours faithful for like 7 years user. 

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23 hours ago, Gleb Kilichenko said:

Come on, Evernote team, just add a 'use as a thumbnail' item to the context menu which you already have on a file click. Add like a couple of lines overriding a selection algorithm. If for some reason you dynamically assign the thumbnail to the note when it is displayed then add one stupid "If" crutch which would check whether a specific pic was selected, even in this case you'll have one more field for the file id or whatever, wouldn't overload your note class too much, so please, implement finally what looks like a 30 minute junior dev task. With hope, yours faithful for like 7 years user. 

Gleb, this is never going to happen.  Evernote is too tone deaf to get it. I used to be a Premium subscriber, but got so frustrated by Evernote's stupidity that I started using MS OneNote.  My prediction is that Evernote will go out of business before they change.

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On 2/24/2015 at 1:06 PM, Natalie said:

Has anyone actually ever seen a response from Evernote regarding this??


Seems a little disrespectful of a company who's paying customers repeatedly ask for a feature  - and for years, to be completely ignored. If there's a reason why they can't do it or if they do plan to do it in some sort of near future, why can't they at least respond?

they just send me to this forum which doesn't solve my issue....I have 2300 notes, really hate to have to move it all to another platform!


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I also agree that this will be a useful feature. I might put several images into a note, but I only want to use a specific one as a "cover". This image helps me to better see if the result is relevant for me and to let me bind the note content to a visual element. This has a big impact for binding and summarizing the content of the note.

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I'm back in this thread after another 2 years cos this is still bothering me enough to log in to the forum, and…

Notion is fantastic! I've adopted it an an organisational level at both my jobs... regular releases, good release notes, real people replying with intelligent replies if I have a question not covered in their excellent documentation.

Will get around to migrating my personal notes sooner or later… ciao Evernote!

On 3/10/2020 at 2:11 PM, DTLow said:

There has not been any interest indicated by Evernote

(this is why)

Edited by ptim
pure frustration
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