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Can't Take it Any Longer - Migrate Out of Evernote

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Anyone have tips on how to get out of Evernote.  I've absolutely hit the wall of tolerance for the tool.  The interface gets worse with every update, and my team is about to explode with frustration.

Any thoughts on how to get out?  I'd like to be able to export into something useful, but the XML and HTML export options aren't exactly easy to work with or useful.  (Thanks Evernote - one more reminder that it's time to get out.)  I might move to Google Drive, or just Dropbox for now, but I want the notebooks in something more useful.  Anyone found an easy path?


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On 5/28/2018 at 9:12 AM, MRWConnected said:

Anyone have tips on how to get out of Evernote. 

On my Mac, I can select all my notes, then export in html format. I actually run this weekly for a full database backup The result is an html file for each note, with a resources folder for attachments.
>>HTML export options aren't exactly easy to work withor useful. 
I can work with this.  The notes can be viewed in any browser.
What's your problem?
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Wow! We are getting a lot of "I am leaving Evernote" posts lately. 

I recommend going with a version that was working for you and your team, @MRWConnected, for a temporary fix. If you are on Windows version, I can understand the frustration with the latest releases.

For some reason, I have a good feeling about V7.0 . So wait for that. But this is NOT based on anything I know, heard or anything remotely close it. So you might call it "hope". 

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I'd have to go back a dozen versions because it has just gotten worse with every release.  Your interface/UI team should be fired and replaced.  Do some user testing, or something.  It's horrible.  We're all on Macs and increasingly everyone we work with is complaining about it.  You guys should figure it out before it's too late.  Your software has gone from a business essential to absolute garbage on all platforms.  The mobile apps should be dragged out and shot too.  Sorry, to be harsh, but it's reality.

I have hundreds of notes, and dumping to html isn't exactly easy to manage and import into another system.  


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  • Level 5*
42 minutes ago, eafpres said:

Sure -- that was from that heady time when the sky was falling, and Evernote was writing its own death-ticket by raising prices and everyone with any brains was looking for an escape hatch. So at the time, I checked out the Evernote-->OneNote import tool -- more out of curiosity than any burning desire to throw Evernote over; I looked at a number of the so-called alternatives back then -- and it was absolutely wretched. Some weird 100 note per notebook limit, tags lost/useless, etc.. The folks who wrote it didn't seem to understand that what was good about Evernote needed to be preserved in OneNote to make it a viable alternative. Well, maybe it's changed over the last two years, and if you're really looking to get out, it might be worth a look. For the OP, maybe the Apple-only Bear might work, but I am Windows/Android, so not an option for me to explore.

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Thanks, that’s good to know. I’ve been considering alternatives for a while. I reverted back to an older version but performance is still poor regardless of less bugs. I have 20k + notes with a large fraction having PDFs and for 2 years performance has been an issue. 

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  • Level 5
18 hours ago, eafpres said:

Thanks, that’s good to know. I’ve been considering alternatives for a while. I reverted back to an older version but performance is still poor regardless of less bugs. I have 20k + notes with a large fraction having PDFs and for 2 years performance has been an issue. 

I've been in the same sluggish boat for the past couple years. Downgrading to an older version (released 9 months ago) has helped. When it gets really bad, I'll get up and make a cup of coffee. My other technique is to work with two monitors. When Evernote decides to get finicky, I use the other monitor and check up on the news.

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Broken record from me I suppose, but I still have snappy response using a 6 year old lap top in a docking station with 2 monitors, 37.8 K notes and a 17.8 GB data base.  Solid State disk and 8 GB of memory.  The SSD was the fix for me, way back. Not sure if I have any other ***** turned that make it so.  FWIW.

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I have been a premium Evernote user for five years. Loved this app.  Web Clipper is not working anymore, particularly, the picture copy tool is what I use a lot.

I contacted support a couple days ago, after months of not working correctly.  they said, oh yeah, that is an issue. Staff is working on it. I mentioned to Geoff that it has not been working for months. I understand when google updates chrome, then Evernote has to update and this may be the issue. Yet, every other App I use manages to deal with updates.  Evernote is now 10 different apps in one, perhaps that is five too many.

After a few texts back and forth with tech support, I asked if he had any solution or was their another App that clips photos I could use until Evernote Web Clipper was working again.

He said no, and I said asked nicely,  Why am I paying Premium when I have got no cost Basic service for the last 6 months.  His response was he could send the link to cancel my subscription. I thought that response cold.  I said goodbye to Geoff.

If that is Evernote's solution to a long time customer, it means I am trusting over 3000 notes, files to a company who could care less about me or my money.  Please post if anyone knows a way transition my data out of Evernote?  Or better yet, Evernote CEO, COO, CFO, please get back to the basics of what was a great tool for me to use. I will be glad to spend the money you charge.


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  • Level 5
21 hours ago, CalS said:

The SSD was the fix for me, way back.

After several support requests to address the sluggishness, I have not seen Evernote recommend this option.  I haven't seen it suggested by Evernote in their blog posts.  If HDD's are the culprit, why is Evernote so silent?

If it was the solution, Evernote should make a formal statement and tell users to switch to SSD's.


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3 hours ago, jbenson2 said:

After several support requests to address the sluggishness, I have not seen Evernote recommend this option.  I haven't seen it suggested by Evernote in their blog posts.  If HDD's are the culprit, why is Evernote so silent?

If it was the solution, Evernote should make a formal statement and tell users to switch to SSD's.

SSD seems to work for most, but there are reports of those for whom it did not.  Not making any excuses for EN, there are other variables like memory, processor speed, whatever else is running on the machine at any given time, OS version, etc. that can impact performance.  But, if EN is the only thing running it would be nice to know what the minimal configuration is to achieve decent response times.  IAC, not sure a company would want to admit that software limitations can be brute force fixed with hardware?

Relative to SSD for me, it is a great solution because everything is faster, from boot to all apps.  EN comes along for the ride.

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, eafpres said:

I might look at the SSD options again.  I can get a TB for about $230; still have concerns about the cloning etc., but I might try it.

Cloning was actually straightforward for me using the cable and software provided by the disk manufacturer.   Took more time to do the physical swap. 

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16 minutes ago, CalS said:

Cloning was actually straightforward for me using the cable and software provided by the disk manufacturer.   Took more time to do the physical swap. 

Suggestions on manufacturers?


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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, eafpres said:

Suggestions on manufacturers?

I have a Kingston which was pre-installed on my Lenovo laptop and a Corsair on my backup laptop which put it on 5 years ago.  It came in "kit" form with the cable and software included.  Both work well.  Others may have a view.

Quick check on reviews and Western Digital and Samsung seem to do well.  As always a bit of fine print reading required to ensure compatibility, particularly with laptops I think.  Not onerous, but measure twice and cut once and all that.  FWIW.

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  • Level 5
6 hours ago, CalS said:

IAC, not sure a company would want to admit that software limitations can be brute force fixed with hardware?

TBH, IMO, IRL I think you nailed Evernote's evasiveness 100%.  Thank you for the explanation.

But in my case, all my other programs run smoothly. I'll just keep brewing my cups of coffee when Evernote decides to not respond.


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For me, switching to SSD didn't help the lagging. Got a state of the art system which can easily handle large image and video processing, but evernote is slow as a snail. Reindexing the db helped for a while, but I can't do that every week. Well I guess I could, but I don't want to.

I am reorganizing my data into notion.so and google drive right now, I think that combination will work for me. My premium subscription runs out at the end of July. Unless there is some serious progress or at least communication about the issues, I won't renew it.

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  • Level 5*
11 hours ago, CalS said:

As always a bit of fine print reading required to ensure compatibility, particularly with laptops I think

As @CalS mentions, a little bit of research can save you some grief.  Depending on how new your system is, there are a couple of different SSD interfaces out there and different installations.  Nothing difficult but not all SSDs come with mounting hardward or a mount that will fit your system.

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  • Level 5*
11 hours ago, jbenson2 said:

But in my case, all my other programs run smoothly. I'll just keep brewing my cups of coffee when Evernote decides to not respond.

Your other apps may not be as disk intensive as EN.  All that indexing, searching, and syncing require some disk time.  Doesn't mean it can't be more efficient, but it does take I/O. 


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In my case, there is a VERY high correlation between "Not Responding" and 100% Disk utilization in Task Manager.  So there is some reason to suspect EN wants more I/O.  Not guaranteed, however, as if it is poorly designed and generates a huge amount of queued I/Os, it might just max out the wait stack no matter what.  I'll keep you all posted if I proceed, for the benefit of others.

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Thanks for all the input on this. My issue is as much the clunky, busy interface as it is the speed thing.  I often have to switch between personal and work notes, and this in particular has become cumbersome.  I'm on a brand new, top-end machine with a 2TB SSD - so my issues are not hardware related.  It's unfortunate that Evernote continues to ignore this thread and repeated support tickets on this matter.

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  • Level 5*
3 hours ago, MRWConnected said:

I often have to switch between personal and work notes, and this in particular has become cumbersome.

I switch between personal and work notes all the time. I use two accounts, one for personal (a premium account) and one for work (a freebie). I share notebooks back and forth across as necessary: I share a small number of personal notebooks from my personal account to my work account (I don't want personal/private information on my work computer); and most of my work notebooks to my personal account, so wherever I am, I can generally access what I need. On the rare occasions when I am at work, but need something from a non-shared personal notebook, then I can use my phone for that.

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On 6/2/2018 at 4:54 PM, Dman777 said:

I have been a premium Evernote user for five years. Loved this app.  Web Clipper is not working anymore, particularly, the picture copy tool is what I use a lot.

I contacted support a couple days ago, after months of not working correctly.  they said, oh yeah, that is an issue. Staff is working on it. I mentioned to Geoff that it has not been working for months. I understand when google updates chrome, then Evernote has to update and this may be the issue. Yet, every other App I use manages to deal with updates.  Evernote is now 10 different apps in one, perhaps that is five too many.

After a few texts back and forth with tech support, I asked if he had any solution or was their another App that clips photos I could use until Evernote Web Clipper was working again.

He said no, and I said asked nicely,  Why am I paying Premium when I have got no cost Basic service for the last 6 months.  His response was he could send the link to cancel my subscription. I thought that response cold.  I said goodbye to Geoff.

If that is Evernote's solution to a long time customer, it means I am trusting over 3000 notes, files to a company who could care less about me or my money.  Please post if anyone knows a way transition my data out of Evernote?  Or better yet, Evernote CEO, COO, CFO, please get back to the basics of what was a great tool for me to use. I will be glad to spend the money you charge.


This is very similar to my interactions with them.  I almost forgot about how irritating the Web Clipper has been, as I'd given up on it.  

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Just now, jefito said:

I switch between personal and work notes all the time. I use two accounts, one for personal (a premium account) and one for work (a freebie). I share notebooks back and forth across as necessary: I share a small number of personal notebooks from my personal account to my work account (I don't want personal/private information on my work computer); and most of my work notebooks to my personal account, so wherever I am, I can generally access what I need. On the rare occasions when I am at work, but need something from a non-shared personal notebook, then I can use my phone for that.

Yes, I know how to switch, but it's clunky and slow.  It used to be nicely integrated.  Now it has to slowly reload a new window.  Jumping back and forth between business and personal feels like a chore.

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  • Level 5*
Just now, MRWConnected said:

Yes, I know how to switch, but it's clunky and slow. 

No, I don't need to switch; that's just the point. No reloading required; it's all done via sync. I share notebooks to the other account, and they appear as part of that account's environment. I can stack them as needed search works, etc. Switching to a personal notebook when I'm at work is as simple as clicking on it, just like I would on a work notebook. The only drawback is that you can't create tags in a notebook that's shared to you, but for me, my tag set is pretty stable, so it's rarely a problem.

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Just now, jefito said:

No, I don't need to switch; that's just the point. No reloading required; it's all done via sync. I share notebooks to the other account, and they appear as part of that account's environment. I can stack them as needed search works, etc. Switching to a personal notebook when I'm at work is as simple as clicking on it, just like I would on a work notebook. The only drawback is that you can't create tags in a notebook that's shared to you, but for me, my tag set is pretty stable, so it's rarely a problem.

I understand, but the notebook interface is lousy and the idea of sharing notebooks all over the place doesn't seem like a lot of fun. I can see how it might work for some, but I'm not really excited about a patch at this point.  Just need to get out of it.


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22 hours ago, MRWConnected said:

I understand, but the notebook interface is lousy and the idea of sharing notebooks all over the place doesn't seem like a lot of fun. I can see how it might work for some, but I'm not really excited about a patch at this point.  Just need to get out of it.


There is a a way to migrate from Evernote to Apple Notes. From there it should be easy to share or export notes to whatever platform you want.

I too think I want to move away from Evernote.


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Wow, been away from these discussions for quite some time, only to hear that I've missed out on all of the frustration. So Evernote remains a now minor part of my productivity toolbox. They still do offer certain bits and bobs that I can't find elsewhere... so I'll continue to use it once in a blue moon for the incredibly useful databases I created therein. 

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On 6/5/2018 at 1:01 PM, dudeman313 said:

There is a a way to migrate from Evernote to Apple Notes. From there it should be easy to share or export notes to whatever platform you want. 

I too think I want to move away from Evernote.


Perhaps if you are on a Mac. But it's practically impossible on Windows unless you want to export them one by one.

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On 6/7/2018 at 3:13 PM, Wanderling Reborn said:

Perhaps if you are on a Mac. But it's practically impossible on Windows unless you want to export them one by one.

There are import tools for a number of other systems, and for those that don't have them, you can always export to html and work from there.

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1 hour ago, chronistin said:

There are import tools for a number of other systems, and for those that don't have them, you can always export to html and work from there.

How do I export to HTML if I don’t have a Mac ? Or are you talking about Evernote ?

I was referring to Apple Notes. There’s a couple of $40 or so utilities that claim they can export Apple Notes, but otherwise there’s no way that I know of to use Apple Notes with PC without major loss of functionality.


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  • Level 5*
13 minutes ago, Wanderling Reborn said:

How do I export to HTML if I don’t have a Mac ?

Evernote has an export feature on the Mac and Windows platforms.

There are also third party cloud services, for example cloudHQ.

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This is for the OP.  Have you looked into Bear?  I know they have an Evernote import tool.

There's also this new kid on the block (well, new to me) called Notion.   It looks like it's meant to be more team-focused supposedly replacing other apps for wikis, notes, docs, etc.  Might be worth checking out.  I think I may actually give it a throw.  Bear is neat but is pretty much Apple-focused only.  It looks like you can import Evernote HTML files into Notion.  You'll have to do the images manually though.



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58 minutes ago, DTLow said:

Evernote has an export feature on the Mac and Windows platforms.

There are also third party cloud services, for example cloudHQ.

Sorry, there was a misunderstanding.

My original message was about getting data out of Apple Notes if one doesn't have access to a Mac and wants to retain images and attachments. Which seems pretty difficult to do and requires buying an expensive converter program that may or may not work as expected.

I was replying to this

" There is a a way to migrate from Evernote to Apple Notes. From there it should be easy to share or export notes to whatever platform you want."

I don't think it's easy, and may not even be possible without losing some data. That's why I am not using Apple Notes for anything other than quick notes I don't intend to keep.

Evernote export tools are solid, no question about that.

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3 hours ago, righteousdork said:

This is for the OP.  Have you looked into Bear?  I know they have an Evernote import tool.

There's also this new kid on the block (well, new to me) called Notion.   It looks like it's meant to be more team-focused supposedly replacing other apps for wikis, notes, docs, etc.  Might be worth checking out.  I think I may actually give it a throw.  Bear is neat but is pretty much Apple-focused only.  It looks like you can import Evernote HTML files into Notion.  You'll have to do the images manually though.



So I just played around with Notion for a little bit.  It's easy to sign up with a Google account or create a new one.

Holy cow, there is a lot of potential here.  I'm not interested in moving my life over to another app right now, but if I was I would seriously consider Notion.  I'm kind of overwhelmed by what it can do.  If you just need a place to keep text, there are probably better options for that.  But if you need text, next to tables, next to images, next to whatever, it seems like this might be the way to go.  Seriously, spend a few minutes playing around with it.  Here are some of my first impressions:

  • Very visual.  Lots of emojis.  You can add covers to pages and grab beautiful images from NASA or Art Museums right within the app.
  • Everything appears to be block-driven, so you create the kinds of blocks you need and move them around as needed.  Indent blocks to make them child blocks of a parent.  It's really well done.  If you just need text, just type text.
  • You can create code blocks and then choose a language.  Not sure exactly what that does yet.  Maybe it just highlights keywords.
  • Heavy focus on keyboard shortcuts.  Yay for that!
  • Lots of ready-made templates to create calendars, kanban boards, and so on.
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  • Level 5*
On 6/4/2018 at 4:44 AM, chronistin said:

I am reorganizing my data into notion.so and google drive right now, I think that combination will work for me

Is there a user forum for Notion somewhere where progress of the app can be followed?

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Count me in on getting out of Evernote after 5 years. Life's too short. 

Thankfully, I was late to this party and hope to learn from trials/tribulations of others. 

Would seriously appreciate any getaway tales re: Mac and Chrome.

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Em 28/05/2018 at 13:12, MRWConnected disse:

Anyone have tips on how to get out of Evernote.  I've absolutely hit the wall of tolerance for the tool.  The interface gets worse with every update, and my team is about to explode with frustration.

Any thoughts on how to get out?  I'd like to be able to export into something useful, but the XML and HTML export options aren't exactly easy to work with or useful.  (Thanks Evernote - one more reminder that it's time to get out.)  I might move to Google Drive, or just Dropbox for now, but I want the notebooks in something more useful.  Anyone found an easy path?


I'm very thankful for all the years I've been using Evernote (since 2007). That's my first time in En Foruns and I'm not glad to say that I've been thinking on leaving Evernote for another note taking software. The only one I found that deserves my attention is Nimbus Notes. See a comparion chart here Nimbus Note VS EverNote | Nimbus Note 
I hope it helps. I'm personally still not sure about leaving Evenote

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Thanks for all the input on this. My issue is as much the clunky, busy interface as it is the speed thing.  I often have to switch between personal and work notes, and this in particular has become cumbersome.  I'm on a brand new, top-end machine with a 2TB SSD - so my issues are not hardware related.  It's unfortunate that Evernote continues to ignore this thread and repeated support tickets on this matter.

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To add insult to injury, I can't successfully export my notes.  I keep getting "resource" errors.  I exclude a note that is causing an issue, and it finds another with an issue.  Notes appear fine in the application but clearly there's a problem.  Thanks again Evernote. 



Screenshot 2018-06-11 09.44.57.png

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, MRWConnected said:

I can't successfully export my notes.  I keep getting "resource" errors.  I exclude a note that is causing an issue, and it finds another with an issue.  Notes appear fine in the application but clearly there's a problem. 

I run a weekly full export with no problems (backups).

Possibly rebuild your database from the servers.  Warning: The rebuild will not include Local Notebooks or unsync'd notes.

Contact for Evernote Support is:

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, MRWConnected said:

To add insult to injury, I can't successfully export my notes.  I keep getting "resource" errors.  I exclude a note that is causing an issue, and it finds another with an issue.  Notes appear fine in the application but clearly there's a problem.  Thanks again Evernote. 



Screenshot 2018-06-11 09.44.57.png

Might want to export/import/modify the note to see if that addresses the issue.

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On 6/3/2018 at 7:31 AM, zinoff said:

You can import to Devonthink pro.  I wouldn’t call it pretty, but it gets most of the job done in alternative to Evernote.

this tool is good on Mac but horrible on iOS (it works reliable but has very limited functionality) - so if you are using iOS this is not a real replacement I would say.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/11/2018 at 9:30 AM, polycarpo said:

I'm very thankful for all the years I've been using Evernote (since 2007). That's my first time in En Foruns and I'm not glad to say that I've been thinking on leaving Evernote for another note taking software. The only one I found that deserves my attention is Nimbus Notes. See a comparion chart here Nimbus Note VS EverNote | Nimbus Note 
I hope it helps. I'm personally still not sure about leaving Evenote

Nimbus looks like an immature Evernote, and somewhat buggy, as noticed when trying to paste links and text, plus note links take you only to a browser, so not within the program itself.  I look forwards to seeing the competition grow some more.

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13 minutes ago, Don Dz said:

Nimbus looks like an immature Evernote, and somewhat buggy, as noticed when trying to paste links and text, plus note links take you only to a browser, so not within the program itself.  I look forwards to seeing the competition grow some more.

This is the first time I have heard of Nimbus. Got to say that I'm surprised it made it to the App Store with being so similar to Evernote. 

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Currently the only somewhat reasonable substitute I find to be an intelligent use of files together with Windows Explorer, plus a few Autohotkey scripts.  I have been surprised how fast Explorer can be, especially if you know how to set the indexing service correctly, search is nearly instantaneous (on my fast Windows computer anyways).  Theoretically one could sync with Dropbox to other devices. 

The only issue I would not be satisfied about is note (file) linking, I heavily depend on linking, and while html can handle file linking just fine, creating it and maintaining could be a bit burdensome, though browser bookmarks exports could help with this.

One advantage (or disadvantage depending on how you look at it) is that the responsibility for file protection against corruption is yours.  This limits the extent of any damage, but makes it very hard to detect hidden problems.

While this system would probably work best with text files, it can work with any file supported by Explorer (text, PDF, Office, etc), that is, as far as file content, Explorer can of course find any file name.

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On 6/24/2018 at 11:43 PM, Don Dz said:

Currently the only somewhat reasonable substitute I find to be an intelligent use of files together with Windows Explorer, plus a few Autohotkey scripts.  I have been surprised how fast Explorer can be, especially if you know how to set the indexing service correctly, search is nearly instantaneous (on my fast Windows computer anyways).  Theoretically one could sync with Dropbox to other devices. 

The only issue I would not be satisfied about is note (file) linking, I heavily depend on linking, and while html can handle file linking just fine, creating it and maintaining could be a bit burdensome, though browser bookmarks exports could help with this.

One advantage (or disadvantage depending on how you look at it) is that the responsibility for file protection against corruption is yours.  This limits the extent of any damage, but makes it very hard to detect hidden problems.

While this system would probably work best with text files, it can work with any file supported by Explorer (text, PDF, Office, etc), that is, as far as file content, Explorer can of course find any file name.

I've been using this solution for a year or so. It works excellent if you primarily use desktops. Where it is starting to run into issues is mobile. There's no quick way to take notes complete with images and links without getting into some proprietary software.  Not a single Office suite app on iOS is optimized for quick on-the-fly notetaking. Not to say that it can't be done, it's just not superfast as they all ask you if you want to save the previously used file. So I am using Apple Notes or Notability for quick notes & exporting them later.

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InfoSelect for Windows is an old tool from back in the day, still available, single platform and not as versatile in terms of graphics or multimedia  as Evernote, but it had the best search of any program in my recollection, plus it doesn't have the indexed search limitations of Evernote, if I remember correctly.

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On 6/27/2018 at 11:52 AM, Flavie Labranche said:

If you using Mac there`s no better software than Evernote, if you on windows there is a plenty of alternatives, Onenote and SipleNote are probably the best.

Thank you for this. I relish simplicity and, perhaps, in this case, restraint.

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On 6/27/2018 at 11:52 AM, Flavie Labranche said:

If you using Mac there`s no better software than Evernote, if you on windows there is a plenty of alternatives, Onenote and SipleNote are probably the best.

I second this if you are intent on leaving Evernote. 

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I wouldn't consider leaving Evernote unless the replacement offers sync across mobile devices and desktops as good as EN as well as being available on mobile devices for information look-up when offline (i.e. being 100's of km from the nearest cell tower, a mile underground, or deep in the bowels of a building).

Does anything else offer that?  I've looked at OneNote, it did not offer it when I iniitially chose EN, and recent attempts to confirm this did not leave me sure  that it does.


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14 minutes ago, Carl-L-ND said:

I wouldn't consider leaving Evernote unless the replacement offers sync across mobile devices and desktops as good as EN as well as being available on mobile devices for information look-up when offline (i.e. being 100's of km from the nearest cell tower, a mile underground, or deep in the bowels of a building).

Does anything else offer that?  I've looked at OneNote, it did not offer it when I iniitially chose EN, and recent attempts to confirm this did not leave me sure  that it does.


You might check out Notion..

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58 minutes ago, ObviousBob said:

You might check out Notion..

Notion seems really strong and has a lot of features for sure. It has aroused my interest and I am looking into it. But it is definitely not a simple app. Over the years, I started to value and understand the significance of "simplicity" for sure. 

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I finally cancelled my premium membership. Feeling a bit sad and nostalgic about it, but in the last months I had the feeling that working around all the bugs cost me more time than I saved with EN. 

I'm going forward with a combination of notion, google drive & OCR-Software. A setup I tested for the past weeks and it meets my needs. 

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25 minutes ago, chronistin said:

I finally cancelled my premium membership. Feeling a bit sad and nostalgic about it, but in the last months I had the feeling that working around all the bugs cost me more time than I saved with EN. 

I'm going forward with a combination of notion, google drive & OCR-Software. A setup I tested for the past weeks and it meets my needs. 

Hate to see a fellow Evernote user go but if it is not working out for you, so you have to find something works for you for sure.

I am curious to find out about your Notion use for sure. That app intrigued me for sure.

Nonetheless, good luck with the new system.

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  • Level 5*
3 hours ago, chronistin said:

I'm going forward with a combination of notion, google drive & OCR-Software. A setup I tested for the past weeks and it meets my needs. 

I understand the Google Drive use; provides storage and cross-device access to documents.
It also provides Google Docs/Sheets; although I'm actually an Office/iWorks user  (personal/business)

I'm guessing the OCR-Software is for PDFs.

Can you expand on your Notion needs.



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8 minutes ago, DTLow said:

I understand the Google Drive requirement; provides cross-platform access to documents.
Also Google Docs/Sheets; althiugh I'm actually an Office/iWorks User.

I'm guessing the OCR-Software is for PDFs.

Can you expand on your Notion requirements.



In the current setup, Notion is the center where everything comes together. For instance, to finish a project I might need a few audio files, a text document, a spreadsheet and some photos. So I'll have a notion page where I make a checklist for the required material and for the todos, which I check off as it comes in, and add either the material itself (photos, audio) or links/emebeds to the files (for docs and spreadsheets). Writing and editing would be possible (and in some ways better) in notion than in google docs, but the team consens is to use google. You could then share the pages / subpages for others to add or edit things, but that's not something I need.

There are also calendar and table/db options in notion which I use for other aspects of my work.

What I'll be missing most from EN is the reading text in images, quickly snapping a page from a book/magazione for later reference. I've got text fairy on my phone now, it does a good job, but of course it adds an additional step.

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  • Level 5*
22 hours ago, chronistin said:

Writing and editing would be possible (and in some ways better) in notion than in google docs, but the team consens is to use google

I understand; I'm an Apple user living in an MS Office world

>>In the current setup, Notion is the center where everything comes together.

Thats my view of the Evernote Note; a container where everything comes together.
I like the simplicity of the html based format; it's ubiquious, readable by any web broser.
I suspect Notion has better editing features, but I'm wary of a proprietary locked in format.

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Decided to try experimenting with Notion.  A few issues right away.  Exported ~ 1000 notes from EN to html.  Tried to import; it crashed after 500 or so; and decided to put them all in the trash.  Not a real loss, because on inspection, no attached content comes in anyway.  Their import guide warns images won't come over, but my PDFs didn't either.  That's a killer; out of 23,791 notes, I have 4788 w/PDFs, and more with various other content attached.  Also, Notion truncated note titles, and of course the detailed info that is kept with the notes goes away.  There is also a cap on free usage; it appears that just importing all my notes without attached content would hit 100% based on what it says I used in my test.  Appears a personal account w/unlimited is $4/month.  But unless there is a better migration, I don't see going that way soon.

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I'm moving on too. Transitioned to Google Drive where I spend a lot of time anyway. Using GQueues to integrate with it which gives me the tagging, task creation, collection from web clipper and emails etc. GQueues is a quaint little product, underrated in a lot of ways. Could do with a design refresh, and I always fear the small business factor. I like the look of Notion, it has a lot of potential, I'll watch it with interest. As with Evernote, I want it to be great!!!

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14 hours ago, eafpres said:

Decided to try experimenting with Notion.  A few issues right away.  Exported ~ 1000 notes from EN to html.  Tried to import; it crashed after 500 or so; and decided to put them all in the trash.  Not a real loss, because on inspection, no attached content comes in anyway.  Their import guide warns images won't come over, but my PDFs didn't either.  That's a killer; out of 23,791 notes, I have 4788 w/PDFs, and more with various other content attached.  Also, Notion truncated note titles, and of course the detailed info that is kept with the notes goes away.  There is also a cap on free usage; it appears that just importing all my notes without attached content would hit 100% based on what it says I used in my test.  Appears a personal account w/unlimited is $4/month.  But unless there is a better migration, I don't see going that way soon.

Never tried the import thing because I'm taking the opportunity to do some reoganizing, but I can see how that would be a show stopper.

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I too am frustrated by Evernote, but are you really saying your problem is the UI? Not the text editor bugs, problems with sharing, missing notes or workchat? Your team is going to explode with frustration because it's not pretty enough? Or am I missing something?

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12 hours ago, dixonbruce said:

I too am frustrated by Evernote, but are you really saying your problem is the UI? Not the text editor bugs, problems with sharing, missing notes or workchat? You're team is going to explode with frustration because it's not pretty enough? Or am I missing something?

For me the issues are the constant bugs.

  1. Windows editor bugs with cursors jumping around,
  2. Windows inconsistent behaviour especially with check-boxes, bullet lists and indenting (and combining these, OMG!),
  3. Windows drag and drop of files in and out of EN works one version and is broken the next, also often places files not where dropped,
  4. the sync issues,
  5. The Windows app freezing for seconds at a time, and sometimes just closes itself
  6. The android app display reminders in the list when there aren't any
  7. Android app notifications come up if you change the reminder time in another app before the notification time was due
  8. Android app widget shows ALL future reminders rather than just the same as the app settings (it used to mimic and worked fine)
  9. Work chat is useless.
  10. Tagging of shared notes doesn't work (ie I can't tag notes in a notebook that is shared with me)
  11. Saved searches is missing some key functions like AND and OR's (you're forced into one or the other)
  12. Bugs in saved searches, sometimes it displays things you don't expect, hit the same search again and it is correct
  13. Still can't have more than one layer of stacking notebooks or stacks
  14. No native google calendar integration (Cronofy works ok, but does shift my reminders by minutes at times for no reason)
  15. Doesn't have the editing and tagging functions within a note like OneNote (which would be very welcome)
  16. Rick click menu in tables is different to in normal editor (ie no access to right click, attach files in there)
  17. Google integration is hit and miss, sometimes it displays rich links, other times just shows error
  18. I'm sure there is more I can't think of right now...

Sure there are probably three times this list in features that are awesome with Evernote! I've used it for almost 10 years!! But it has deteriorated so much in recent times. At a time when other products have improved to the point they can take it's crown.

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The easiest way to export (in my experience) is to import everything using DEVONthink (Mac), which is probably one of the most robust personal information managers out there.

Is this a plug for DEVONthink in an Evernote forum? Not exactly (skip to the last paragraph if you’d like). Evernote has some amazing features that even after 10 years still puts it ahead of every other app out there, in my opinion. The handwriting recognition, snappy sync, effortless note creation / editing / management on multiple platforms, for example, still impress me after a decade with the service. With all of these great features, I wouldn’t be using anything else, except...

I need more security (encrypted database) for my work (handling personal data about others), and the days of thinking it was OK to have un-encrypted databases on the cloud are long gone (it was never OK for me, but after 2013, you’d think no one would accept such a state of affairs), but for some reason, Evernote refuses to invest in better security (zero-knowledge encrypted notes / notebooks). Too bad.

BUT, if I didn’t have to handle personal data, and I was like a lot of folks in this thread (if you are moving out of Evernote into Google, it seems to me that confidentiality isn’t a primary concern), I’d be wary of leaving Evernote. Heck, I still use Evernote for my research, and even pay for premium, because it is just too useful to leave. DEVONthink is a brilliant product with the best (?) security available (password protected app and zero-knowledge encrypted databases), but a lot of the things I mentioned that were great about Evernote are weaker or non-existent in DEVONthink. For example, I think it is fair to say that DEVONthink is the primary reason I would find it difficult to leave the Apple-verse, despite the problems with my keyboards (some Mac folks can probably sympathize with this dilemma).

Anyhow, if your question is how to leave Evernote, my answer would be that Evernote is exceedingly portable (it’s one of their three “laws”), and DEVONthink does the best (in my opinion) at extracting the data in a workable format. If you are on Windows, maybe it’s time to switch to a Mac :)


EDIT: LOL. I just got a message that my content will need to be approved by a moderator. After 11,000 posts, you’d think I’d be beyond that. And, I thought I was a moderator... Anyhow, I hope this gets posted, because I think it benefits everyone to know they CAN easily get out, but maybe they should take another look at what they want to get out of the service and what Evernote offers before throwing out the baby with the bath water.

EDIT 2: Whoops. Maybe I logged in with the wrong account. 0 posts after ten years? LOL. My bad. (“Grumpy Monkey”)

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  • 1 month later...
  • Level 5*
On 7/5/2018 at 9:11 PM, mayo-christopher said:

EDIT 2: Whoops. Maybe I logged in with the wrong account. 0 posts after ten years? LOL. My bad. (“Grumpy Monkey”)

Haha, newbie... :) 

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  • Level 5*
9 hours ago, Chandelais said:

Maybe Notion is the answer. 

There are many questions, and many anwers
I see a more detailed analyst here: https://www.slant.co/versus/2121/15790/~evernote_vs_notion
"Evernote is ranked 4th while Notion is ranked 33rd"

It may be looking "tired" but Evernote still seems a solid product, and still provides an easy exit process.
Also, I have no interest in adding unproven formats to my data collection.

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On 8/22/2018 at 11:46 AM, DTLow said:

I see a more detailed analyst here: https://www.slant.co/versus/2121/15790/~evernote_vs_notion
"Evernote is ranked 4th while Notion is ranked 33rd"

Hmm, I don't know, on that site Trello, Workflowy and Google Keep are rated higher than Evernote. 

Supposedly Trello is ranked 1st, but I don't buy it. 

I have not yet located a post of people leaving for Trello, but I have seen a few of people leaving for Workflowy.


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8 hours ago, Don Dz said:

Supposedly Trello is ranked 1st, but I don't buy it. 

I love Trello but I would consider it in a complete different category. I cannot see how it can be an alternate to Evernote, you can use it in conjunction with Evernote for sure and it can supplement nicely for any Kanban board style planning. I just can't see it being an alternate to Evernote...for me. I am sure someone can come up with a way to use it, I couldn't at this time.

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Hi, at this moment there are not other apps like Evernote. Bear is very closed to Evernote, but not for windows. Also apple note, but without tags and export possibilty.

There are years since I try to go away from Evernote becouse I think is too arogance with costumers. Evernote don't hear the voice of costumers!!! Evernote is the best example of how a costumers service don't must be .

Evernote don't care about his costumers.

I'm still waiting for Evernote alternative: Trello, notion, simply notes ecc. are not Evernote's alternative. Good apps , but there have not the Evernote features: tags, crossplatform, insert image, documents, files, record voice, good search engine.

I don't like the last Evernote's  joke: Better Evernote!!!! This is the arrogance of evernote. Nobody ask for restiling apps icon or colors, but For Evernote staff this is a priority. All the bugs, issues of Evernote app are not a priority. 

The apps icon design is the priority. 

Thank you evernote's staff!

Sorry for my bad english.


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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, enki said:

Evernote features: tags, crossplatform, insert image, documents, files, record voice, good search engine.

These are features I use the service for, and Evernote continues to work well for me with 12GB of documents sync'd between a Mac and iPad.

You mentioned "Bear is very close to Evernote"; I'm not seeing that.  
Bear seems more focused on the editor features, compared to Evernote's focus on filing features.  
Evernote does supply a basic editor, and it''s good for basic notes in enml/html format.

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2 hours ago, DTLow said:

These are features I use the service for, and Evernote continues to work well for me with 12GB of documents sync'd between a Mac and iPad.

You mentioned "Bear is very close to Evernote"; I'm not seeing that.  
Bear seems more focused on the editor features, compared to Evernote's focus on filing features.  
Evernote does supply a basic editor, and it''s good for basic notes in enml/html format.

Depends on what you mean by "close". I agree Bear is focused on the editor, which Evernote certainly isn't. But Bear works just fine for filing features - you can drag a .pdf file or text note or any other document in or out of a Bear note, just like with Evernote. Everything is stored in a database, just like Evernote. So for many people, Bear can be a direct replacement for Evernote, only with a good text editor. Its not that Bear is EXACTLY like Evernote, it doesn't have every Evernote feature (nor is the reverse true), but for many users it will work just fine in place of Evernote.

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27 minutes ago, ObviousBob said:

Depends on what you mean by "close". I agree Bear is focused on the editor, which Evernote certainly isn't. But Bear works just fine for filing features - you can drag a .pdf file or text note or any other document in or out of a Bear note, just like with Evernote. Everything is stored in a database, just like Evernote. So for many people, Bear can be a direct replacement for Evernote, only with a good text editor. Its not that Bear is EXACTLY like Evernote, it doesn't have every Evernote feature (nor is the reverse true), but for many users it will work just fine in place of Evernote.

I agree. For my workflow, Bear lack of document camera, draw on photos and export notes to reverse to a better Evernote... just in case. I'm very close to swich to  Bear. 


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15 hours ago, Don Dz said:

Hmm, I don't know, on that site Trello, Workflowy and Google Keep are rated higher than Evernote. 

Supposedly Trello is ranked 1st, but I don't buy it. 

I have not yet located a post of people leaving for Trello, but I have seen a few of people leaving for Workflowy.


I have used Trello for years.  It consists of boards which contain lists which contain cards.  Cards can represent nearly anything, and they can contain content, but it would be a monumental task to manage information at the scale many of us use Evernote, in Trello.  I used it for project management, including using to to run an agile software development project.  It has many nice features, but isn't in the same class of application as Evernote.

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  • Level 5*
5 hours ago, ObviousBob said:

Everything is stored in a database, just like Evernote.

On Evernote/Mac and html backups, every note is a folder.  1623612300_ScreenShot2018-08-24at12_47_32.png.dc88e8fd40a325dcf117e6b1555abbb6.png

I see the individual files comprising the note contents.  This is how I want to see my documents, not lost in a database.
There is a database holding the note metadata.

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11 hours ago, chronistin said:

So, has anyone tried the new (?) Zoho Notebooks? I heard a lot of good things from a friend, but too busy to test it myself right now.

Nice apps but you have no tags, no seach in pdf doc, no import from evernote. It is not fot me. 

Is nice becouse is free, but this means that you are the merchandise so take care about your data.


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22 minutes ago, enki said:

Nice apps but you have no tags, no seach in pdf doc, no import from evernote. It is not fot me. 

Is nice becouse is free, but this means that you are the merchandise so take care about your data.


Hm, I gave it a short testride today and the first thing I saw was a "migrate from Evernote" button, You may be talking about the old version? (I didn't try the import itself, but the option is there)

No tags ( I could live with that), no doc search (no good). It has a nice look and feel, though. 

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22 hours ago, enki said:

I don't like the last Evernote's  joke: Better Evernote!!!! This is the arrogance of evernote. Nobody ask for restiling apps icon or colors, but For Evernote staff this is a priority. All the bugs, issues of Evernote app are not a priority. 

The apps icon design is the priority. 

Thank you evernote's staff!

Sorry for my bad english.

This isn’t the first time I’ve heard someone say this about the recent rebranding. Just go to the discussion forums.  I see where people are coming from but rebranding can be very important. It’s like a team huddling before a big game. It tries to get all the players on the same page. If done right, it pumps them up and makes them focus on what’s truly important.  Just my take.

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  • Level 5
8 hours ago, righteousdork said:

This isn’t the first time I’ve heard someone say this about the recent rebranding. Just go to the discussion forums.  I see where people are coming from but rebranding can be very important. It’s like a team huddling before a big game. It tries to get all the players on the same page. If done right, it pumps them up and makes them focus on what’s truly important.  Just my take.

Yes, that makes sense. But I watch plenty of sports, and have yet to see a team promote their great huddling as a reason to support them. EN's brand refresh may have served a useful purpose, but I think they'd have done better to just do it, and let those of us users who are going to notice it say something about it. Otherwise, it feels like they're saying, "We've redesigned our packaging, but don't expect anything better on the inside." There have been so many unfixed bugs in the Windows program for the last year or so that many users felt that the highly-touted rebranding was an indicator of misplaced priorities.

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On 8/25/2018 at 5:00 PM, Dave-in-Decatur said:

There have been so many unfixed bugs in the Windows program for the last year or so that many users felt that the highly-touted rebranding was an indicator of misplaced priorities.

Nicely stated. We do not know what exactly they are working on or where the real priorities are. We only "perceive" what is happening behind the doors by what is being shown. They might have been working on an amazing V7.0 for Windows and just putting band aids on 6.x versions, we do not have a way of knowing. It is an "indicator" like you said. 

And when people are so frustrated with the core functions of the app such as disappearing cursor, notes disappearing, or being overwritten, a marketing effort that does not solve these issues frustrate people. I  think that is easy to comprehend.

Going back to the sports analogy, your team is sucking, they need to be practicing shooting, improve passing etc. Instead, they announce that they have new jerseys and been practicing a new celebration move. You don't know if during training they are practicing the fundamentals you expect but the announcement make you believe that their focus was somewhere else.

There is information you try to relay and there is the perceived information. Perceived information may be significantly different that what is going on or what you are trying to relay sometimes. 

Nonetheless, I sure hope the rebranding is getting the employees pumped up and it is a new direction for addressing many fundamental issues that have been frustrating especially windows app users. 

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Ok @Dave-in-Decatur and @TK0047.  I hear ya.  I'm using the Windows client in Windows 10 everyday at work.  It's definitely my favorite client, especially compared to the Mac, Web, and iOS versions.  The cursor disappearing (which was my biggest complaint) seems fixed now.  If we're talking about the same issue.  I wish there was a shortcut key to focus on the list of notes (like there is in the Mac version) and PDF handling could definitely be improved, but other than that I think it's pretty solid.

Can you give me some specific bugs, and I'll test them out?  I did notice some weird text resizing with tables.


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  • Level 5*
6 minutes ago, righteousdork said:

I wish there was a shortcut key to focus on the list of notes (like there is in the Mac version)

Can you provide details on the shortcut key.

>>It's definitely my favorite client, especially compared to the Mac, Web, and iOS versions. 

Mac is my favourite client; all (mostly) the desktop features plus scripting


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1 minute ago, DTLow said:

Can you provide details on the shortcut key.

>>It's definitely my favorite client, especially compared to the Mac, Web, and iOS versions. 

Mac is my favourite client; all the desktop features plus scripting


On Mac, it's like second nature to me.  Muscle memory.  Have to look it up.  :)

⌘ | Select Note List

I use that all the time on Mac to move around in the Note List and edit multiple notes.  If there is a way to do it in Windows, I haven't found it yet.  I basically use F2 to edit the title of a note and Shift+Tab to move back to the Note List.  It's not a very elegant solution.

Back to the Mac version though.  I wish it could be customized more.  I mean customizable toolbars is a staple of Mac OS, right?  Yet the Windows client is way more flexible in this area.  You can even throw your shortcuts up into the toolbar.


I wish there was one client to rule them all
...and in the darkness bind them.



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3 hours ago, righteousdork said:

Ok @Dave-in-Decatur and @TK0047.  I hear ya.  I'm using the Windows client in Windows 10 everyday at work.  It's definitely my favorite client, especially compared to the Mac, Web, and iOS versions.  The cursor disappearing (which was my biggest complaint) seems fixed now.  If we're talking about the same issue.  I wish there was a shortcut key to focus on the list of notes (like there is in the Mac version) and PDF handling could definitely be improved, but other than that I think it's pretty solid.

Can you give me some specific bugs, and I'll test them out?  I did notice some weird text resizing with tables.


It always depends on how you use it and how many notes you have, I guess. Worst thing for me in windows is the lag - start a search and wait minutes for results (~22.000 notes total) is my #1 problem, Image notes and business cards captured in Android not visible in windows unless I open the note in a new window is a close second. Also, search not finding notes which are definitely there (and contain the text I searched for) drove me to abandon ship a month ago. 

Today I caved and bought another year of premium at 40% off. Mainly because it was really difficult to migrate notes in "free". Selecting a note that exceeds the free size limit brings a popup ("note is too big and cannot be synced", paraphrasing here because I use the german version). right clicking brings the same popup. Whatever I tried, I always got that popup. I couldn't find any way to export those notes without upgrading. 

So, while I'll continue to move my notes, I guess I'll give EN another chance for that year. Maybe, just maybe, we'll have a usable windows client by then. 

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  • Level 5
4 hours ago, righteousdork said:

Can you give me some specific bugs, and I'll test them out?

I have avoided updating precisely in order to avoid the reported bugs. This is a list I have compiled, for purposes of keeping an eye on their possible fixes. They do mostly seem to be fixed in vv. 6.13-6.15.

Problems said to be solved in EN Windows v. 6.13
Known issues apparently not fixed
Issues whose fix status in 6.13 is not known
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  • Level 5*

Folks, please report Evernote client-specific bugs and feature requests in the appropriate subforums, preferably in their own topics. Yes, all posts are read by Evernote staff, as I understand it, but It helps to focus the conversation(s), and if you post in the correct forum, I believe that you're more likely to get direct feedback from the development staff for that product 9(though not guaranteed). 

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  • Level 5*
59 minutes ago, jefito said:

Folks, please report Evernote client-specific bugs and feature requests in the appropriate subforums, preferably in their own topics. Yes, all posts are read by Evernote staff, as I understand it, but It helps to focus the conversation(s), and if you post in the correct forum, I believe that you're more likely to get direct feedback from the development staff for that product 9(though not guaranteed). 

Agreed. But, I suspect some of the folks in this thread (judging by the title) aren't in the mood to go through bug reporting ritual in the hopes that the developers on high will hear their pleas of suffering and intervene to save them this time -- they appear to be going it on their own :)

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  • Level 5*
13 minutes ago, GrumpyMonkey said:

Agreed. But, I suspect some of the folks in this thread (judging by the title) aren't in the mood to go through bug reporting ritual in the hopes that the developers on high will hear their pleas of suffering and intervene to save them this time -- they appear to be going it on their own :)

Hey, if people want to have a public Evernote swan song, then fine -- I have no problem with that (though I'll confess to being amused by the "gimme nested notebooks by next Tuesday or I'm cutting the cord!" type posts you see occasionally). If people legitimately want bugs and feature requests (which are entirely fair) to be noticed by someone who might actually do something about them or comment with some authority, and not get lost in any drama and side-commentary, then it's probably better to post them appropriately. *shrug*

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  • Level 5*
1 minute ago, jefito said:

Hey, if people want to have a public Evernote swan song, then fine -- I have no problem with that (though I'll confess to being amused by the "gimme nested notebooks by next Tuesday or I'm cutting the cord!" type posts you see occasionally). If people legitimately want bugs and feature requests (which are entirely fair) to be noticed by someone who might actually do something about them or comment with some authority, and not get lost in any drama and side-commentary, then it's probably better to post them appropriately. *shrug*

A swan song thread sounds good to me.  “Let us sing; let us raise the cries; let us beat our breasts; lament with me!” 

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