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Links within notes



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3 hours ago, Vladimir P. said:

If user wants to read fast whole document...if Microsoft forces users to make a lot of Word files

MS Word is a good product for creating documents
Evernote notes are more equivalent to web pages than "documents"    
Regardless, jump anchors are a web page feature; also jump to sub-pages

>>So TOC is very helpful

I agree - I use ToCs to simplify navigation between notes

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I'd want this as well. 

You could preset heading objects which generate an ID based on the content of the heading. And, when a user hovers over the header, an image to the left could appear that allows you to copy the ID as a possible link. Then, you can use that id to create a link in the document that routes the user to the location of the ID. I believe Github Readme's already do this. Would be nice in note-taking for generating a table of contents. 

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Why isn't this a thing yet?

Pretty sad that this company clearly not listening to users. Google docs have had this ability for years.

If Evernote doesn't add this simple but essential note taking / document management feature,  I am moving entirely to Google.


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On 5/1/2019 at 3:34 PM, greiggy said:

Thanks, DTLow, and I agree with your strategy. For many situations... But I keep coming back to wanting jump links in Evernote and not having to swap between applications.

I think Evernote needs to be aware of the shift in expectations of users who will now be familiar with navigation in OneNote, Notion, Dropbox Paper,  ZohoWriter as well as the heavyweights MS Word, Apple Pages, Google Docs etc. 

Evernote must adapt and move on, or it will wake up and discover that its user base has moved on...

Couldn't agree more. This feature has been requested since 2014. 6 YEARS!

This feature could literally be added in 1-2 weeks of work from one of their teams.

Absolutely pathetic that this application does not have linking within notes available. So simple but fundamental to research, writing, content management, and hundreds of other uses.

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On 2/24/2020 at 2:16 PM, DTLow said:

MS Word is a good product for creating documents
Evernote notes are more equivalent to web pages than "documents"    
Regardless, jump anchors are a web page feature; also jump to sub-pages

>>So TOC is very helpful

I agree - I use ToCs to simplify navigation between notes

Dude, stop making excuses for poor feature development. Evernote is not listening to users.

This feature is the second most requested feature and has been requested for over 6 years.

Jump anchors are not only web page feature (maybe in 2014). They are a document management feature. Evernote is a document tool. Without this simple aspect, the note taking capability is severely limited.

For example I find myself using evernote to do academic paper writing. I need to link to other areas of the same note to cross-reference ideas, and synthesize information better. Evernote is not capable of something so simple. So I move the note to docs and voila.

Google docs has had this feature for 5+ years. The same amount of time that this feature has been requested on Evernote. If a product manager was listening, and actually investigated this use case requested by hundreds of users, this may already be part of the program. Clearly they are not listening.

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27 minutes ago, LeBlanc said:

Jump anchors are not only web page feature (maybe in 2014). They are a document management feature.

Agreed, jump anchors are a quite useful feature; I use them in many of my documents

>>Dude, stop making excuses <whine> <whine>

No excuses; just solutions

There's a feature request posted at the top of the discussion.  You're welcome to indicate your support using the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion

>>Evernote is a document tool.

Evernote is a storage and organization tool for Notes/documents
The included note editor is adequate for basic notes
There's note links, but no internal jump anchors

>>So I move the note to docs and voila.

I use Apple Pages.  Microsoft Word is also a good solution    
The document is stored as a note attachment

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On 5/1/2019 at 4:40 PM, gazumped said:

Hi.  Lots of previous discussion on this. Long story short,  a note that needs internal navigation is better off as a series of short notes linked by title, tags or keywords. 

I find it similar to mind mapping - any subject on which I'm writing a lengthy screed comes out as a series of ideas that vary widely in importance and relevance.  A mind map lets me create little notelets around the screen that I'll eventually (hopefully) link together in a logical order that may or may not have any relation to the order in which the points occurred. 

That's why long notes need editing - I'm moving paragraphs around,  correcting the logic and generally making a coherent argument out of whatever chaotic thoughts first came up.

Short notes are like the branches in a mind map.  I can create a note for each point,  save a search for the common title or tag, and see a list of all my notes on this subject whenever I wish.  I can create a parent Table of Contents note containing links to all my 'child' notes,  and I can move those links around in the ToC note until I like the order they're in.  Then I can either print all those notes in that order,  or just merge the notes into one.

Some users like to keep long diary notes - a year's worth of entries in one note.  Same argument though - just have a tag for the diary so you can find all the notes or one individual.  Added benefits include:

  1. not scrolling for ages to find the current entry
  2. not losing all content to a corrupted note - at worst you may lose a day

It works for me,  but YMMV


This does not work and is not a good workaround.

Clicking through multiple windows and managing your 'note' through multiple 'notes' makes no sense at all.

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1 minute ago, DTLow said:

Agreed, jump anchors are a quite useful feature; I use them in many of my documents

>>Dude, stop making excuses <whine> <whine>

No excuses; just solutions

There's a feature request posted at the top of the discussion.  You're welcome to indicate your support using the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion

>>Evernote is a document tool.

Evernote is a note/document storage and organization tool   
The Included note editor is adequate for basic notes - but no jump anchors

>>So I move the note to docs and voila.

I use Apple Pages.  Microsoft Word is also a good solution    
The document is stored as a note attachment



Thanks for your feedback!

I've already upvoted this over a year ago. Not sure why, since it doesn't appear that these power user requests are being prioritized.


Yes, Apple pages and Google Docs and Microsoft Word are all good solutions, but you need to go to a new application.

We pay more for Evernote than all 3 of those above put together. This should be a feature that Evernote has. Its very easy to do and would take minimal development work.

Anyway, if this feature doesn't come by the end of my annual sub I will be moving off Evernote completely. Google Docs is now 100% up to speed with the ease of access to docs, and mobile friendliness. Plus has 1000x more features. I've been looking for reasons to stay on Evernote as I've been a user since the beginning. Without this simple feature its a no brainer.

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17 hours ago, LeBlanc said:

How many power users does it take to get a feature developed?

Dunno -- how many of them have access to the Evernote code base and are capable of developing this feature so that it works across all of Evernote's applications and its back end, or are involved with actual Evernote decision making?

17 hours ago, LeBlanc said:

Links within notes would take you 1 - 2 weeks (one sprint).

You are either not being serious or not actually knowledgeable about software development.Or both.

17 hours ago, LeBlanc said:

Its also a feature all of your major competitors have.

The story remains the same as it's always been: it would certainly be a useful feature to have (and I've upvoted it), but if it's a critical feature for you to have, then you should explore other options.

17 hours ago, LeBlanc said:

I think you need to look at your voice of the customer feedback a little more seriously.

And they do, but they're doing something else right now. I'd suggest that you check out any and all of the CEO's posts to find out why new features might not be a big priority at this time. I'd start here: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/306-behind-the-scenes-series/

17 hours ago, LeBlanc said:

Evernote is supposedly known for its design thinking methodologies.

I'm not even sure what that even means; sounds like technobabble gobbledegook to me. References?

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5 minutes ago, MosesGTC said:

any word, sentence, bullet block, can be tagged, and turned into a page/link. 

This discussion related more to a table of contents within a note

Currently tags can only be set at the note level   
I also use keywords within note contents, for example[keyword1]   
These are searchable

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7 hours ago, silvershower said:

so this has been asked for for 6 years and no one at evernote cares? 

Or they care about something else more...  🤷‍♂️

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Could Evernote please consider having a feature that enables the user to place a bookmark(s) at certain place(s) within a note?
This is particularly helpful in long notes, where I’m reading or editing a certain part of the note and I have to temporarily leave the app and toggle onto another app (eg. reply to a whatsapp message) before returning to the note again to continue at the point where I had earlier left off.
Often times, when I swivel back to the note, Evernote re-loads and displays the note right at the beginning of the note I had been working on, and not the place within the note I had earlier been working on prior to toggling to whatsapp. This requires me to spend time scrolling back down to locate the earlier position. Thanks.

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Please build this feature in. I'm horribly disorganized and trying to get better. I would love to be able to create my to-do list at the top of a note, then have a details section at the bottom for each of my tasks. From there, I could place an anchor at each task to bring me to that exact comment.

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I was compelled to create a forum account just now after learning that simple linking between notes isn't a feature of Evernote.

Apparently this was first requested back in 2014 and still hasn't been implemented.

I'd been thinking of coming back to Evernote the last few days, paid for premium, and created some notes to get a feel for the software after being away for awhile. But now that I know linking isn't a thing at all (let alone bi-directional links, the new craze thanks to Roam), I'm shocked that anyone can effective take notes and connect ideas within Evernote.

Until Evernote solves this problem, I just don't see this as a serious piece of software for those of us wanting to do more than just clip things from the web and write stuff. Drawing connections between ideas is important and Evernote doesn't seem to get that.

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6 minutes ago, Ellimist69 said:

simple linking between notes isn't a feature of Evernote.

That's incorrect      
Simple linking between notes is a feature of Evernote; I use it all the time

The discussion you're posting in is for links/bookmarks within note contents

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On 12/31/2015 at 1:20 PM, JMichaelTX said:

This is a very, very, long-standing HTML feature, and oh so very useful for long notes.

Two features I see essential for long (more than one page/screen) notes:

  1. Anchors/bookmarks
  2. Collapsible sections

Both have been available in web pages since the early days of the web (late 1990's).

ATTN:  Evernote/ @Jackolicious, @SoftwareMarcus, @Justin Street:   Come on, this is the very definition of productivity!

I truly agree 👆

Really want to see they implement this feature

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For the record I have some jump links that work in a 'view only' Evernote note by a very round-about method.  It also allows markdown styling of the note.

Allocate the note to a notebook linked with Postach.io and tag "published" to publish it online as a blog. (Your blog can be password-protected for security if required)

Use standard HTML tags to include the jump anchors,  and place the connecting links anywhere you like in the page.

Set up link
Jump to link
<a id="linkname"> </a>
<a href="#linkname">Click here </a>

I use Typora to generate the note content and copy the markdown version of my WYSIWYG text into the note.

An example is here

It's a good way (IMHO) to get a reference notebook online and visible from anything with web access.  Editing is something I'm currently addressing by including a link to a Google document which can be edited by my users.  I can then edit the original note as required.  (There's no such link on this page)

NB This is not the best-designed blog in the world - I'm very rusty at HTML, new to Markdown and Postach.io and I'm sure I can do a lot better.  Working on it!

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5 hours ago, Joweirqt said:

I'd be keen on recommendations for other note apps that can handle links.

I recommend word processing apps MS Word or Apple Pages,    
stored in Evernote as a note attachment fille

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4 minutes ago, Joweirqt said:

Thanks, but I use a PC with an iPhone, and the iPhone doesn't have MS Office so would this still work with a Word attachment?

Generally speaking, whatever app you chose - you need a copy on all your devices

btw  Apple Pages can read/write MS Word documents

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Thanks for the suggestion. While I have been able to insert and view MS Word attachments in EN, with the particular note I need this function for it does not work. I added some links to an attachment to this particular note and now the note won't even load on my iPhone. I can see the preview and the time it was last edited, but now I just get  a blank page when loading the note on my iPhone.

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I am not sure if this is the best place to put this recommendation, as it really applies to all the new Betas/versions.

I really love the new "feature" with different style headers.  It would be great to provide some sort of option to view an index or outline based on the Large Header, Medium Header and Small Header, with clickable links to take you to that point in the note.  Especially for longer notes, this new feature really provides the opportunity to help organize notes.

This outline/index could be just another item under the three dot menu, or maybe it can just be made a part of the Note Info screen that already exists 

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36 minutes ago, aukirk said:

It would be great to provide some sort of option to view an index or outline based on the Large Header, Medium Header and Small Header, with clickable links to take you to that point in the note.

Your post has been merged with an ongoing discussion on links within notes      
This is the next requirement before getting to generate a ToC based on heading styles

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I can't believe this request has been around since at least 2014 and it still hasn't been implemented. Every other platform already has anchor points and a table of contents! May have to give up Evernote premium in favor of another service if this does not get fixed.

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19 minutes ago, tavor said:

So amazing that Evernote hasn't been able to deliver this for over a decade, while tiny open source competitors started within the last few years allow you to easily navigate long notes.


3 hours ago, oma5 said:

Evernote, up to now, has been at least 5 different separate versions on the various platforms. To add a feature like this would have required 5 major, different software development projects. So the priority was set to consolidate everything onto one application and then start considering features to add. This way only one development project will be needed to add any major feature.

Tiny open-source competitors get to choose their feature set from the start.  Evernote has a little bit of baggage to sort out before they can add new features...

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3 minutes ago, gazumped said:


Tiny open-source competitors get to choose their feature set from the start.  Evernote has a little bit of baggage to sort out before they can add new features...

Not to mention they were preoccupied with distractions like selling bags, socks and mugs.  

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51 minutes ago, tavor said:

Not to mention they were preoccupied with distractions like selling bags, socks and mugs.  

Yeah, the old management dropped the ball, but the present one is doing a great job cleaning up the mess.

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Take the most basic functionality of Roam Research and add it to Evernote and you have the perfect product.

At it's most basic you want to be able to search other notes from within a note and link to them.

Be able to create a note with a certain name from within another note if it doesn't exist.

Either have the option or have it automatically happen that any note linked to shows an automatic backlink each note linked to it

This would be much more complicated but if you could link to a block / anchor within notes that's a bonus


-- A todo function where you can enter multiple todo's in a note
-- All todo's in any note automatically link to a master 'todo' note
-- When a todo is ticked off it automatically gets moved from the todo note to a master 'done' note

I've used Evernote for 8 or 10 years and this functionality would make it my number one can't live without app. Thanks!

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47 minutes ago, dniem said:

Hi, is there any update for this issue? A lot of people struggle with this problem of creating links within a note. 

No updates to the Evernote - links within a note are not supported 

I recommend separate notes, or use a different editor and store the document as a note attachment

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I use an Index note where I have something like this which allows me to jump to a note within a notebook. 

What I'm wondering, however, is there a way to create one of these hyperlinks within a note? For example, let's say that my note Applying to College was really long. Could I put a couple of key words at the top of the note and link them to a particular section that might be 5 or 6 or 7 screens lower?

I hope that makes sense.




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26 minutes ago, ChipM said:

is there a way to create one of these hyperlinks within a note?

I merged your post with an ongoing discussion    
Such hyperlinks are not supported

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On 12/21/2020 at 6:04 PM, tavor said:

Not to mention they were preoccupied with distractions like selling bags, socks and mugs.  

Because we know that the people who sold bags, socks and mugs were actually top programmers who should have been adding features ...

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Currently best practice would be to split a note when it grows larger and larger, and link the segmented notes together. Since there are no backlinks (hello Roam), the links need to be created manually in both directions. A table of content note can be created by using a legacy client.

Another way to group the parts together would be by adding a tag to all of them, and use a saved search to call them quickly.

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2 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

A table of content note can be created by using a legacy client.

It's still possible in v10 (apparently)...  I just use a title line to link notes together.  Dates (IMHO) are a good 'keyword' so in a possibly long meeting note I'd probably set up a note with "20210312 - meeting -" as a heading and just copy the original and add a 1/2/3 etc to signify the order.  Search the date and ToC the list and your rmeeting is indexed for future annotation...

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6 hours ago, ehrt74 said:

Because we know that the people who sold bags, socks and mugs were actually top programmers who should have been adding features ...

I really shouldn't have to explain this. Resources are finite, are they not? If a company pours some of its finite resources (funds, CEO mindshare, etc.) into merchandising, that necessarily reduces resources available for other pursuits.

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50 minutes ago, tavor said:

I really shouldn't have to explain this

We're not talking Elon Musk here - I have no inside info,  but my guess would be Evernote bought a corporate package from an online retailer who produced and warehoused the goods and fulfilled all deliveries.  Not likely that any management time was spent choosing colours or licking stamps.  Plus all that ended 5 years and two CEOs ago,  so they've had time to regroup...

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I have a workaround for large notes - I prefix each section title with a hash symbol (pound symbol for American friends) and simply search for that symbol to jump back and forth to each section.

Certainly not the same as in-note anchors, but (just) better than nothing.

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1 minute ago, avevers said:

and simply search for that symbol

? Evernote search normally excludes anything outside 1-9 and a-Z;  are you using the Ctrl+F search?

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9 minutes ago, gazumped said:

? Evernote search normally excludes anything outside 1-9 and a-Z;  are you using the Ctrl+F search?

Yes - I use any symbol I tend not to type much, such as hash.

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35 minutes ago, ivan.dabbles said:

I like to keep a single note as a running kind of journal organized by date. Would love to have automatic toc/anchors for headings so when I put, e.g. a date in H2, it creates a link to it (see basic google doc for example). I still use other notes a lot, and appreciate all the features, but really want to have the option of having one long note. Also, password protection for notes, please. 

Hi.  Lots of disadvantages to long diary notes - slow to load / eggs in one basket (one error loses all records) / etc

Plus.  Create a new note - comes with created date;  add data and save in "Diary" file - sort in created date order.  New day = new note. 

Saves entering any dates at all.  Easier to find given entries,  and 'automatic toc' is just a listing of those entries.  Third-party add-in Filterize will keep that up to date for you if necessary.

There's also a voting thread around for password protection,  though unless you're keeping medical, banking or financial detail in your notes it seems overkill for a daily record...

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2 hours ago, ivan.dabbles said:

... journal organized by date ...but really want to have the option of having one long note.

Another vote for new note each day

I also do individual journal posts   
This allows individual tags, title, reminder, ...

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One note per day, one note per week. Not longer, one per month is too long.

If one wants to jump, a TOC note as a collector. If daily one per month, if weekly a yearly TOC.

What I found an interesting idea is to have a note for each day of the year, and use it over again. You write every year what you did on the 10th of July into the daily Note for the 10th of July, and you get a view of every 10th of July, year by year. 

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No horse in this race but if I were to become an avid personal historian I might have tags for Y99, M99 and D99 with a note per day.  Then I could get any combo of days that I might like.  But that is not me!!!  🤣

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23 hours ago, DTLow said:

Another vote for new note each day


Right. One note per day is the current way. I get it, and I know that Evernote is built on that. I'm not trying to upend that, just hoping to have headings be anchor links so that I can ALSO use it (sometimes) in this other way. 

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You can insert links into notes, any place you want to place them.

They will take you to another note, opening it at the beginning.

If you want to jump, right into a note, way down, no way currently. 

Workaround: Split long notes into several smaller ones.

PS: EN very rarely comments on new features under development. You see it is there when you get it. However I would not bet this is currently a top runner on the backlog.

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"SInce 2014 this idea - inline links/anchors have been asked for.  It is now 2019  Come On Evernote!"

2021 checking in.

I'm 90percent using Obsidian these days and the text collapsing and links to headers plus ability to search  headers only is amazing. There are still a few things I like about Evernote and probably would come back and renew my subscription if it got links and duplicating notes got sorted.

*Also links took a major step back in Evernote some time back. On iOS, I just "copied internal link" and it pasted plain text. Went back and copied it again, it then creates a link that when clicked on in desktop client opens in Evernote web.

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One says "Oh, this brilliant idea was put on the table in 2014, and these morons still haven't got it".

The "moron" says "Look, this idea didn't make it since 2014, and we are still there and thriving without it".

Personally I think we should look more to the future than always dig around in the past. Yes, links inside of a note, precisely where I would like to place them, maybe even on a picture or attachment, would be a useful extension. When talking about it: Please together with a back linking capability, thank you.

But fingerpointing seems to be more fun ...


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Never thought Evernote developers are morons, clearly there's brilliance in it. They simply have priorities and many things are improving drastically,  that's why I came back to boost the signal of this. Especially since links took a step backwards recently and go to the web UI. 

One could say, a person who seems to spend their whole life on the forum of a note-taking app and seems to reply to everything is exhibiting moronic behavior. I wouldn't say that though, but one might.

Linking "is" part of the future.  Maybe not in the near-term for Evernote, I can live with it and thrive regardless.

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The argument that something becomes more important just because it was proposed some time ago is just not valid. I just wanted to point to that fact. One can take both positions - that it is a pity nothing has happened yet, or that it proves that the product can do without.

If the argument would be valid, the world would be full of pyramids.

If you dislike the wording, have my apology.

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One more time, "internal links" aren't working properly as they are. This "pity" and "do without" extreme talk is  nothing  but another hit for you to get high on the smell of your own farts.

Even your apologies reek of insincerity.

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1 hour ago, bounce said:

Even your apologies reek of insincerity.

I don't think it was an apology.  However personal attacks aren't helping anything except to get this thread closed down if they continue. 

Please -everyone- keep it relevant to the original discussion.  It is a fact that internal links aren't (yet) available;  also that viable or not,  there are work-arounds. 

Evernote aren't going to announce when or whether they're about to introduce a new feature,  so as with any request... use what you have,  or find it somewhere else.

Votes in favour here will be noted,  but may or may not speed things up.

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On 9/7/2021 at 5:17 PM, Mareydenis said:

I really wish they'd add this feature.

I like to do one note per week for my work journal, but would like to be able to have an anchor type link within a note so I can quickly navigate to each day or specific content without so much scrolling.

A little less tweaking with existing features and a little work on something that's been asked for repeatedly for 7 years would be nice.

Long notes are a pain.  A notebook dedicated to the journal,  with a separate note for each day,  would give you a timeline,  and tags to indicate any content of significance would allow you to find all the notes containing "Project X" forinstance.  Actually Evernote's search is so good that a search within that notebook for all notes containing the phrase would do the same.  No scrolling involved...

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On 9/7/2021 at 9:17 AM, Mareydenis said:

one note per week for my work journal ...   
I can quickly navigate to each day ...

Can you identify the advantages of the "one note"

I use one note per day for my daily journal   
plus separate notes though out the day    
I can quickly navigate to a specific day

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17 hours ago, DTLow said:

Can you identify the advantages of the "one note"

I use one note per day for my daily journal   
plus separate notes though out the day    
I can quickly navigate to a specific day

I can try: In my case, I write a few lines everyday (gratitudes), and so I'd like to be able to add or tag a date of entry within a single note, and navigate there. It's a long note, so maybe I wanna see some entries from 2020 (for example). Doing one for each day gets to be hundreds (thousands?) of individual notes each with only a few lines of text. Looking over them requires clicking in and out of different notes. This isn't ideal. Make sense?

I'm now using Google Docs for this since they have the outline feature (so easy, enter the date, and it's an anchor link...really seems like it's not a super difficult feature), but I'm still using Evernote for other stuff. It's not ideal.

There are other ways that utilizing a long single note that can have anchor points would be helpful (i.e. jotting down project ideas over time within a larger project notebook). 



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18 hours ago, gazumped said:

Long notes are a pain.  A notebook dedicated to the journal,  with a separate note for each day,  would give you a timeline,  and tags to indicate any content of significance would allow you to find all the notes containing "Project X" forinstance.  Actually Evernote's search is so good that a search within that notebook for all notes containing the phrase would do the same.  No scrolling involved...

Long notes are desired and helpful for some. 

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Anybody can create notes as long as he wishes.

A note with the maximum size allowed for subscribers (200MB) can contain all characters written into 100 books with 500 pages each, counting 4.000 characters (50 rows of 80 characters) per page. This is a small library of text - in a single note.

Who now expects this small library to be pressed through a maybe slow internet connection in a blink, not creating syncing conflicts because the typing goes on while the syncing has not yet finished, will learn some truth about why small notes do much better than large ones.

There is a real world equivalent to the use case mentioned above: There exist calendars with one page for each day of the year, with 10 entries per day. They are meant to write down some memorables every day, and by doing it year by year on the same page see how things were going year by year.

Translate this to the use case above: Create a template note, put a table into it, and on day one start to create a copy. Insert a link to the prior note (the first linking to a TOC note), and in the prior note a link to the new one.

Do so every day, until you have 365 copies with 365 first entries. From year 2 you start to reopen the existing notes, adding a new row to the table, adding a new entry to the note.

You will be able to repeat this for a whole long life, if you are around, and if EN is around long enough, without ever scratching on any critical size of the daily notes. If you add 100 words each year, for 100 years, the note will have 50kB, smaller than even a small picture taken by any smartphone camera.

But sure, you can throw everything into one large note, suffer bad performance, loose some of the content due to sync problems or a fat finger, then come back here, complain and ask for help. Don’t say it happened without warning and advise …

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3 hours ago, dniem said:

The only feature I've missed in Evernote

I use the Evernote editor for basic notes  
When I need features not supported by the editor,    
I create a document using an external editor like Apple Pages   
The document is stored in Evernote as a note file attachment

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Hi, Evernote has the option to create internal link to a note, I wonder if there is a feature to create a link to the content of a Note? This would make it easier to refer to the specific contents in a Note. 

Microsoft OneNote has the option to link the contents in a Note. Make it easy for cross reference between Notes. 

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5 hours ago, Rakeshistom said:

It would be great if Evernote transparently display their roadmap, like other software vendors. After 7 years we are still waiting for this feature to release. 

Which other vendors, exactly? None of the 'big' software companies (Amazon, IBM, Microsoft...) publish anything in detail.  (And Evernote are developers,  not vendors.)

Plus for 6 of those 7 years it wasn't feasible for the app to provide features that would work reliably in several different operating systems on nearly all devices.  Now the app is more independent of the device OS,  lots more is possible - but there are still lots of development issues to resolve first.

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On 1/30/2021 at 5:10 PM, DTLow said:

No updates to the Evernote - links within a note are not supported 

I recommend separate notes, or use a different editor and store the document as a note attachment

We love Evernote and just want to use it to the maximum potential. Through the years notes can grow and become essential and detailed. We can create internal links in MS Word and OneNote which help navigate a long Note. For example I keep a Note for all my annual activity by topics. That Note grows long through 12 months, but is very helpful to get an overview of what I have done through the year. I have separate notes for topics that I can link into this document, but I would like to have links to navigate within the long Note.

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1 hour ago, sdadell said:

Through the years notes can grow and become essential and detailed.

Or you could create a table of contents note for "Daily Log" and link to a new note each day through the year from Daily Log 2020-01-01 to Daily Log 2020-12-31 and beyond.  Each log note can contain links to other topics.  Open the ToC note to choose a date,  or run a search to isolate weeks or months.

That's not a defence or any block to your request - just reminding that there are viable options,  and internal links are not currently available.  It's unknown,  as yet,  when - or if - they ever will be. 

Evernote has its own budgets and timetable

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2 hours ago, sdadell said:

For example I keep a Note for all my annual activity by topics. That Note grows long through 12 months, but is very helpful to get an overview of what I have done through the year.

I keep separate notes   
Note titles are prefixed by the date;    
example 2021-10-09 Actionable [Fix ...   
Tags identify the topic areas

A note list sorted by name shows "what I have done"    
The list can be filtered for specific topic areas

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2 hours ago, gazumped said:

Or you could create a table of contents note for "Daily Log" and link to a new note each day through the year from Daily Log 2020-01-01 to Daily Log 2020-12-31 and beyond.  Each log note can contain links to other topics.  Open the ToC note to choose a date,  or run a search to isolate weeks or months.

That's not a defence or any block to your request - just reminding that there are viable options,  and internal links are not currently available.  It's unknown,  as yet,  when - or if - they ever will be. 

Evernote has its own budgets and timetable

All understand. I used to do a daily, weekly, monthly notes, but I like the way I am doing it as a pending/active list all in one. It really does work well, but would be great to have the Bookmark links at the top.


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Fact check:



Implemented - sorry, no. Which means there is probably something fundamental standing in the way. I hoped they would at least allow to navigate to headers after they got introduced, but even this feature has not matured yet into something really useful.

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Hey, babe, I got us a new car. Why ? Oh, the ashtray of the old one was full ...

Which means: Notion is a significantly different app from EN. Some overlap, a lot of differences. It may work for some, but the use cases supported are not the same. To say "I got this app, and it solves this problem" is a very shortish view of how and why an app should be selected.

But if you feel this one issue makes or breaks it all, your choice.

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It seems like this guy couldn't clean up the ashtray by himself and everything was fine with the old car but he couldn't handle this one small thing that bothered him so much. So I totally understand his decision as he didn't care about other things if he loves smoking in the car.

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22 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Hey, babe, I got us a new car. Why ? Oh, the ashtray of the old one was full ...


11 hours ago, dniem said:

It seems like this guy couldn't clean up the ashtray by himself and everything was fine with the old car but he couldn't handle this one small thing that bothered him so much. So I totally understand his decision as he didn't care about other things if he loves smoking in the car.

You two are in total alignment now!

I wish there was linking within notes too and I'm thinking it might actually happen now that we have v10. (But I'm satisfied with Evernote without it too.)

I also tried Notion a couple of different times and the way that you input data literally gave me a headache -- it seemed so tedious. (Maybe I should have given it more time, but...) I know other people like it, so yay for them and for you @dniem. Your comments do feel a little bit like drive-by-shooting, so I just had to mention my personal dislike for Notion in particular. Lol - Sorry!)

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years ago ,  there was an external service that allowed the creation of theseinternal links to nore paragraphs /  toggle lists / collapsable outlines :


the results were pretty good  , and the service reasonnable fast (  after syncing ) , the only  need was to add # before the title of the paragraph ( another user, today  is applying the same concept , but using the CMD F  or CTRL F .  less intuitive ) 

Maybe , somebody with good web skills can re-create this or Evernote..... May be only  hopes so fra 



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It really makes no sense to post a link that leads to a non existing server. Any request tells the server is not available.

Which leads to another observation: Over time there have been a lot of services who tried to add features for EN users, and survive on the income. Most of them failed - it seems the much hyped additional abilities are not enough to make users open their pockets again.

And of course: Without granting the external service access to your account, most of them will not work. If the service goes off the air, the backdoor will be still in place, posing a danger to account integrity.

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Competitors (Notion, Mem, Craft, and more) all can drill down to and link notes from within a blank screen.  Top down.

In EN I may have a "Project" note that links to other notes about the project. 

BUT its backwards and tedious.  I have to manually copy the subnote link, go back and paste it into my masternote for that project. 

In the competitor, they can start from the "Project" note and even create a subnote on the fly.  I really dont' want to switch but that is VERY attractive.    

For example - suppose I'm going to teach a lesson.  I want to start at the top and create my key points. I'd like to drill down from there and create the content for each of those key points. 

In EN.  I create my "Master" note.  Then manually create the subpoints and manually paste the links into the masternote.

Is there a better way to do this in EN? 

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1 hour ago, Wichita State Shocker said:

Is there a better way to do this in EN? 

Don't know if its better,  but I'd go ahead and create all my notes as separate documents,  with a common title keyword or tag;  then search the keyword/ tag and copy the search results into your 'control' note.  No need to open specific notes or copy individual links.  If you have to create a new sub-link,  try dragging and dropping the note onto your index - that also works to create a link.

@sdadell - your caps lock seems to have stuck.

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Em 02/12/2016 at 17:40, BobbyV_Cali disse:

Hi All,

I was going to open a feature request for this exact feature. I've been wanting this for a while and this feature will make my workflow so much smoother. No more scrolling up and down.

When I start a new customer project, I create a note for it. Then I start adding sections to that one note separated by a horizontal bar and a title. A note can become pretty huge. It would be awesome if I can mark the title as a header and then at the top of the note automatically create a table of contents of that note. Just like in Word or Google Docs.

Please add this feature. I've been paying for Evernote for years now and am a huge advocate at my work. Please listen to your customers.

- Bobby

Thats the same for me. I am medical doctor and for some subjects i have a lot of notes but would really prefer to have a bigger one which i can tag the headliners with a table of contents

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9 hours ago, FigueiredoLuis said:

Thats the same for me. I am medical doctor and for some subjects i have a lot of notes but would really prefer to have a bigger one which i can tag the headliners with a table of contents

I don't think I understood exactly what you're asking for,  but same answer really - use a ToC to tie your smaller notes together.  Each note will have a link back to the main ToC,  and each one can have its own tags...

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On 7/15/2023 at 10:56 AM, gazumped said:

I don't think I understood exactly what you're asking for

You can't be serious... 🤔. Have a look on https://tinyurl.com/missing-in-EN10
It would be fine to have local links from every line "Overview (see below for in-deep descriptions)" to the corresponding paragraph within the note below.

This allows to share only one note (and not all that are referenced by a ToC note) or to print only one note (an not all on seperate pages)

On 7/15/2023 at 10:56 AM, gazumped said:

... each one can have its own tags...

OK, this is an advantage of your (currently available) solution. But in case of only small fragments that should be references, locals links would be the very best solution (in future).

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I was just about to add such a request to Evernote and found here that this has been required for years.
I have a lot of very long notes and could really use this feature.
In addition, it would be great if it can link from another note to a specific location in another note, so it would be even more flexible than just navigating within a single note.

I know you're probably busy right now, but is the current Evernote team considering such functionality? @Federico Simionato

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