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Restore Multiple Tabs



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Thanks, Pink Elephant... but I'm weird... there's lots I like about the new version... I was ready for a fresh new look. Damn!! But I miss TABS... and wish some of the batch functions were still with us... i.e. I move e.g. 10 notes at a time to a new notebook, and I have to reach for my coffee while I wait for EN to complete a task which in the prior version, was virtually instantaneous.  So we wait for improvements, huh?

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I can not imagine why this feature would be removed! If you live and breath the Mac OS environment you certainly understand how crucial the window tabs feature is to a productive workflow, so much so that Apple must find it IMPORTANT, and keeps it in all their updated releases of MacOS. Please do more careful research before removing features that many people depend on for their daily workflows. 

If the reason for removal is product awareness, or in this case product "unawareness" as was stated in a previous comment, then perhaps better marketing materials and videos are in order to help new customers understand all the features. 

I will give this some time before I decide to part ways from this product as a premium customer, but I should hope your development and marketing team will have better communication before making such drastic changes. 

Evernote has taken a step backwards in my opinion. I use to shout from the rooftop of how great this software was, but hopefully this is just a minor oversight and all things will be righted very soon.



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Please give your good customers our tabs back. How complex could it be since you have already done it.? 

Apparently it was indeed used by many. It's an option, if people don't want to use it they don't have to. I'm not a programmer but I just don't get it.

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why why why oh why evernote did you think it was a good idea to remove tabs? users had to grovel and beg for it a couple of years ago, it took a long time for it to come, and it was great once it was here. but now you take away the single most requested feature. SMH

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Been on Evernote since like 2011 and feel like its one of the essential apps in my life... removing tabs really lost me a lot of clever productivity flow. Bring them back ASAP, its sad I have to run "Legacy" until you do.

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EN is not a Mac app. The last native Mac app is legacy.

EN v10 runs based on a framework, that handles the OS relation. The embedded EN app probably does not know in which environment it is currently running. To make it platform independent, EN v10 does not make use of the build in abilities of specific operating systems.

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A new version every other day, always the hope that TABS are back. But oh the disappointment each time.

I was pretty happy when finally the "send note by e-mail" was back but I still can't get over the fact that they removed tabs. Why on earth??

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3 hours ago, lightnin93 said:

Even if we could have multiple Evernote Windows would help a little. 

In my opinion multiple Evernote windows would help a LOT and is much more useful than Tabs.  With multiple monitors and MacOS spaces, I really miss the ability to have multiple instances of Evernote open at the same time with different filtered lists on different screens.

I really hope they fix this issue and that it is not an inherent issue with the new code base.  

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I agree. Tabs are great, but EN multiple windows would offset the absence of tabs, allowing us to move from search set to search set without having to re-enter the search... and wait.

EN TEAM - Are you listening??

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This topic has more than a year. It seems that evernote don’t want to hear about tabs.

Evernote is a whole part of my workflow anf I love this app, but I’m very disappointing when I see the how fast concurrents like Notion are moving forward.

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I have used Evernote on Mac consistently as a premium user for over 8 years and am now for the first time considering an alternative due to the tabs issue. Even more annoying is the lack of response by Evernote to the users' perfectly logical request. Not cool!

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Give the People what they need: WE NEED TABS!  and not new windows

Using multiple windows does not get even close to the productivity and flexibility of using tabs.  The new Evernote version is effectively like a crippled web browser without tabs, that only lets you open new windows.

I can only imagine the Mac Evernote developers pulling their hair about their clueless leadership while being shunned for their tab-love deviance, perhaps even using the older version in secrecy!

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Sometimes a new version feels worse just because it is new. So after "upgrading" to v10, I spent several months working with it, learning its new features and capabilities.

Conclusion: v10 is in fact much worse than v7. The removal of tabs reduces my productivity significantly. In addition, v10 is slow and unresponsive. 

Today I upgraded back to Evernote Classic: v7.

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Just another vote for it. 

It is sad to pay for a service but have to use their legacy version and not get any of the other updates or features..

A BIG disappointment that I keep hoping will change but maybe using paying members do not matter. 

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PLEASE BRING BACK TABS. IT WAS THE BEST FEATURE OF EVERNOTE. Or is it time to start the transition to OneNote? You've been way behind MS and Apple on things like handwriting and math, if you're now getting rid of usability in favor of a computer app that looks like an iPad, then I'm out. (When I want a dumbed-down iPad app, I'll use my iPad.)

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This is ridiculous, they have removed many useful features, like the new tab and the local notebooks, and  the only new things are a new "add note" button? Seriously who cares? I don't even see what's different

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I beg you to bring the tabs back. The fluidity of my workflow is considerably affected by this removal and I am considering alternative services since I cannot concieve the new version of Evernote as my main note-making tool on the long-term.

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+ 1 for getting the tabs feature back.

This is really not an improvement over the previous Mac version of Evernote. It think is an improvement for the Windows version, but not for the Mac version.

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I totally agree that Evernote should bring tabs back. I actually didn't know about the tabs feature until sometime earlier this year. Once I did, I started using them religiously. The low usage the CEO talks about, is probably because most people did not know about them. Just needs better promotion.

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9 minutes ago, AlbertR said:

Multiple windows for notes works on Windows with EN-10.5 by Shift-Doubleklick on a note(link).

Maybe this works on Mac - pls check yourself...

@AlbertR, Yes, you can open individual notes in a new window on Mac, but that's not what I was referring to.  In the Legacy version you can open the entire EN application in multiple windows.  So I could be viewing one Notebook in the first window, and a different Notebook in the second window as an example.  

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I agree with all the other comments as well...Tabs was a great tool to help move efficiently thru the notes.  Why would it have been removed?

Furthermore, in general a lot the so called "updates" on this new version makes no sense... looks like they went backwards instead of building onto all features that were good.


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On 12/16/2020 at 7:25 PM, PK213 said:

I agree with all the other comments as well...Tabs was a great tool to help move efficiently thru the notes.  Why would it have been removed?

Furthermore, in general a lot the so called "updates" on this new version makes no sense... looks like they went backwards instead of building onto all features that were good.

Calling Evernote 10 a "new version" of Evernote is a bit of a misnomer.  It's really a whole new platform that has been rebuilt from the ground up for many reasons.  As part of that, they didn't try and recreate every single feature of the Legacy version right out of the gate.  If you want to get a better understanding of why it is the way it is currently, here's an interview the CEO did a few months back that explains where things are at and where they are heading.  Evernote’s CEO on the company’s long, tricky journey to fix itself.  There was also a recent blog post on the current state of the product, what's gone well and what hasn't, and what they are currently focusing on. 

5 hours ago, Jakub Kalensky said:

Also in need of tabs. Is there any chance they would be brought back any time soon, or is the only option to downgrade? 

To see what features are coming next, the release notes include a section called Coming Soon that lists those.  

As far as getting tabs back, the only way to do this is to install the Legacy version of Evernote.  If tabs is a big part of your workflow, then you may want to stick with this version for the time being. 

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Me quitaron las múltiples pestañas.. me quitaron la opción de arrastrar fotos o documentos para introducir a evernote como para sacar de evernote.. prácticamente todo lo que hago en evernote.. yo jamas pago suscripciones en otras app.. si pago evernote era porque lo valía .. no creen que deberían devolver el dinero de premium?, es un desastre como funciona.. no testean la app antes de brindarla?

Por otro lado que es evernote Legacy.. ? es una versión anterior.. no se supone que debería tener la ultima actualización..?


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Nothing constructive to say, I'm sorry. This was such a shock - why are you removing functionality? My workflow efficiency has suffered so much I intend to start looking for Evernote alternatives. This was a really, really, really bad choice. What were you thinking. 

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You can install and run both versions side by side. Just be aware it will create 2 data bases on the desktop, so you need sufficient disk space. To avoid conflicting notes, I would not open the same note in two sessions at the same time.

One pro of this double setup is you can pick what options you like, and track progress of the v10-releases.

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Just a guess: EN v10 is practically a session running inside of a browser. The browser is the framework on which the new version is based. You don’t see it when you start EN, but it is there.

The EN client runs inside of the browser, isolated from the underlying OS, and the browser / framework translates this into the environment in which it is running.

To run another tab, probably there needs to be another session opened within of the framework. First I don’t know if this is supported by Electron, second I don’t know if it would create a mess regarding note conflicts and third it would probably further boost CPU, RAM and energy consumption.

Have you tried a support ticket on this ?

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Back ?

This was never part of any EN iOS client. Since the mobile clients don’t have the ability to handle multiple notes at once, I doubt it will be implemented any time soon. Maybe one day there will be a split screen feature for the iPad.

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I too would like to see the tabs come back to the Mac version.  I was using them constantly before the "update".

This is also related to the less functional internal note links, although that's another thread. There should be an option to open a note link in a new tab within the current window.  Having all links require two clicks and they only open in the main window is really annoying.

Please return tabs and fix the related note links.

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I've used Evernote for well over 5 years and the missing Tabs feature is sorely missed. I waste an enormous amount of time searching for certain notes when I could have multiple tabs open with the information I need.

Every modern browser has tabs - I can't imagine using a browser without tabs.

Please bring them back.

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It's good to see so many of my fellow, heavy Evernote users weigh in on this point... I'm using the current version... lots I like; somethings I don't like (e.g. the slow processing when batch tagging, inability to sort by NOTEBOOK when I'm organizing my notes, having to re-learn my shortcuts, etc.,)... but the absence of TABS is really big... we all want it - and every time I get an update, I think... sweet! Maybe this is our time!  But no. Nothing. Nada. Not a peep from anyone. What's up with that?? 

PS - I've been relying on EN to manage my  life for years... I've got some 30,000 notes to manage.

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Has Evernote given any reply to this anytime recently? They must have changed the underpinnings and broken the ability to do this. I believe multiple tabs are baked into Mac apps by default. I joined this thread months ago and just came back to check the status. It is a real loss to the app to no longer support them. 

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Still using the Legacy version just because of the Tabs.  I could live with the rest as far as I can tell. 

Reason for tabs simply stated is for focus.  You can have a notebook open in one and jump back and forth between.  I'll have multiple notes in a notebook I need to go back and forth on and another notebook open in a different tab. 

Even if we could have multiple Evernote Windows would help a little. 

Please make this a priority.  If the legacy version goes away I don't know if I can continue.  This is a core feature and I may end up looking for something else.  I've been using Evernote since 2008 and have been paying for many of those years.

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The new release is available since half a  year now - and received more releases already than the prior version in years. Maybe it just needs a bit of patience...

Meanwhile you can use the legacy client, even side by side with v10 if your workflow demands tabs.

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While I remain desperately in need of the tabs... I did want to point out that the new Evernote Web v10 is now available to users with high note counts:

I have over 15k notes and after a very long load time, I find that it is very snappy and operates nearly identical to the desktop version.  I have found it to be a HUGE efficiency booster to have one Evernote search in the main app and another in a browser version.  I still do most of my operations in the app window, but am able to easily reference notes and grab internal links from the web window to update what I am working on in the main window.

Obviously it would be better to have tabs and ability to open multiple windows, but wanted to share this effective work-around (for me).

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On 10/20/2020 at 1:26 PM, BrooklynBen said:

Watched the recent YouTube video interview. The CEO says "we are not implementing tabs at this point... it was not a heavily utilized feature."

Thanks for pointing this out @BrooklynBen.  For other peoples' reference, here is the YouTube video interview.

Absolutely infuriating. Evernote's growing incompetence may force me to make a better version pretty soon.  I've tried dozens of notes apps and keep coming back to Evernote, which is unfortunate because it leaves much to be desired.

If anyone wants to share some key features in their dream notes / info management app, I would love to hear from you. Can connect with / message me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cscav/
...Please don't connect without a note, as I almost always delete these 🙃 

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8 years of using Evernote daily on Macs (more than 5500 notes ...).

I've tried to update today to the latest version of Evernote desktop (but as I'm smart I've kept a copy of my "old" Evernote).

It happens that he TABS are now gone !!!!!!! What the hell are you think at Evernote office ??? TABS are part of the workflow of Evernote, especially on a single screen laptop. I'm now back to the "old" (7.14) Evernote.

Paying an annual 60€ and loosing TABS functionality is a total nonsense ... 🙄🤔

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Still no multiple tabs? Really? What's the deal Evernote?

Come on now! This is now several times I've requested and searched for this seemingly simple feature to be added back the macOS version.

I'm continuing to use Evernote Legacy as a workaround but can't use some of the newer features.

Can someone at Evernote please give an explanation of why multiple tabs is still not being supported. If there's a technical issue then I would understand.

Please and thank you.

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On 7/14/2021 at 9:01 PM, PinkElephant said:

To use tabs with v10, you can try the web client. It is pretty close in functions to the installed desktop client, and you can open several tabs.

this is a terrible "solution". "core app doesn't work as it should, use the website".

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3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

You can bang your head against the wall, wait until it disappears, or use the door 3m to the left.

To me it seems you currently try the wall.

What I propose from one user to another is a workaround. To ask for a solution use the clients feedback function or issue a support ticket.

P.S. The web client isn’t all that terrible, in fact it is nearly on feature parity with the installed app.

We all can see everytime you suggest the same things. but everyone wants this . we have our own judgements . and so many people are posting on this forum , imagine how many more users actually want multiple tabs features.
Using multiple instances on browser is not the same. the page reloads etc and doest stay the same. i may want to come back to a tab after maybe 6 hours, most times a few mintues. Its about the workflow. But you are having such a FIXED mind about it . Try to see what we want. If it were actually same we wouldn't have spent our precious time to come here and post.
It also seems you are from the evernote team, stop being arrogant and actually LISTEN to us. 
and stop suggesting web alternative all the time. you are the one who is banging your head on the wall. Your point is good but stop forcing this solution to everyone who is posting here to use browser.

PS = evernote is brilliant. and their recent development and pace and features are Super impressive.
This is just about MUltiple-tabs and all of us here raising our rightful request for it in this forum , the same purpose it is built for. So if you can support our request please help us ottherwise you can stop replying here if you just want to defend againt this feature all the time. We will not be convinced. 

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I was a fan of tabs on MacOS too. I also use the Windows desktop version and I always wondered why there wasn't tabs on that OS version. I think Windows was also lacking the Cmd-J "Switch To"... which is now back in MacOS and is also now in Windows too. So that's cool.

So maybe if and when tabs ever come back, it can come back to Windows so the Windows peeps will know what they were missing out on! (What's funny is most Windows users probably *don't* miss it now because they never had it to begin with.)

I've been able to work-around the lack of tabs ok by opening more notes in new windows and using the web version as well (which works great except for lack of keyboard shortcuts). There is always the legacy version that could be used as well.

I'm really liking the unified look and feel between the MacOS and Windows versions of Evernote.

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Not having tabs is a deal breaker. Tabs have become the norm for so many apps, from browsers to coding apps (VS Code, BBEdit, etc.), Adobe apps, OneNote,  I'll keep using the old version as long as possible.

From my own experience as a longtime Evernote user, I suspect that the design team at Evernote doesn't listen to the public as much as they claim. They say that tabs was an underutilized feature, yet look at all the people in this discussion who want tabs.

Evernote contacted me in an email after I downgraded back to the old version and they asked why I did it and if I'd be willing to speak with someone. I explained why, told them I'd be happy to speak with them and haven't heard anything for a couple months. Evernote seems to only want to hear from its users who are happy with the product. That's not a good way to design software.

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Its ridiculous that I depend on Evernote Legacy just to keep tabs. Why deny such a feature? Must be some outlandishly stupid principle or something? Include it now already and respect customers who have had and supported the app for many, many years...

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It was just not build into the app until now. They probably have it on their backlog list anywhere, hopefully not to far down. From experience they will hardly comment on it - it will show in the release notes one day, and then we can uncork a bottle or two … 🍾

But feel ignored if it gives you a better mood.

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I've been a member since 2013 and have been paying $5 a month for *years* now. Tabs are an essential feature. I just installed Legacy so I could use tabs. Hope to see them again in the new and improved Evernote 10 or I'll be looking for another note app.

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I couldn't agree more - PLEASE bring back multiple tabs - either in Safari or the Mac application.  It seems so odd to me to ask Mac users to use another browser.  Evernote are promoting easy linking with drag and drop so I create index pages with links out to relevant content.  Now, I can only have one note open at time which is super frustrating.

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I don't understand what is going on. I'm researching alternative note taking apps at this point. Evernote are constantly upgrading silly features while a truly useful feature like being able to spread your thoughts out on multiple tabs is missing. Anyone who works on multiple projects simultaneously needs multiple windows or tabs.

The whole Evernote Mac experience feels significantly worse than it did years ago. This probably (I guess) has something to do with the whole cloud integrating of having Evernote on your computer, phone and tablet but I think Evernote has spread itself thin and diluted the experience of all apps in some quest for a balance. The Mac version is significantly worse than it used to be in previous years. 

Get it done Evernote team, come on, people have been begging you for multiple tabs (or windows) for years (the floating window thing isn't useful as it stands, it disappears behind other windows and its messy and confusing). We all use your bloody app constantly, why don't you work with your users on this? I'm close to moving to Ulysses just to give another team a shot at charging me for a decent note taking application. You've had years to fix this feature.  Its very annoying.

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22 hours ago, Cuckoo Lala said:

I've used Evernote consistently since it came out and never ever knew about tabs.

Are you a Windows user? Multiple tabs was a feature that only existed on the MacOS version. (and sounds like the commenter you are quoting probably didn't realize that either because *that* is most likely the reason for it's 'low usage'). It was a pretty obvious feature. Nobody needed to tell me about it - it was pretty obvious that it was there.

The low usage was probably because the high majority of Evernote users are Windows users, since Windows currently has 5 times as many users as MacOS and historically had up to 10 times as many users.

In any case I think the 'low usage' comment was just an excuse. Do they have any kind of real hard statistical data to support that? I doubt it.

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On 2/20/2023 at 11:48 AM, PinkElephant said:

I think it would be good to get a tabs feature in v10, but I also think we should find better arguments than "we want it back". Handling multiple notes is not really enough, this can be done by opening several notes in their own windows.

I regularly jump between multiple notebooks since I use the content from one notebook as a reference while working in another notebook. Having multiple notes open kind of works, but I'd much rather be able to flip back and forth between multiple open notebooks.

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@aukirk, on v10 in macOS you can open notes in new windows. That isn't my workflow...but worth noting as a workaround. For instance, you could put EN in a workspace and open two notes side by side. Variety of ways - right click on a note in the list of notes...or click the 3 dots in top right of an open note.

The lack of tabs is why I stopped using the beta. I get that sacrifices must be made to get to one platform on which Evernote can build...but tabs feels non-negotiable.

Also concerned about speed and syncing. Syncing has what has kept me paying for EN through the years - type something on my computer, flip open my phone 30 seconds later and the changes are there.

I've already had one 'merge conflict' on v10. 

Will be interesting to see how fast they can make progress.

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14 minutes ago, Rufus M said:

I'll probably revert to the old version until it returns.

I'm still using the legacy version   
Tabs aren't important to me, but there are other outstanding items

Actually, I"m not seeing any items in the new version that makes me want to upgrade

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In one of the latest YouTube interviews with CEO Ian Small, he indicates at 27:20..... "at this point, we are not implementing tabs... we will see what happens to that set of feedback, but that was not a massive heavily used feature"

It came amid what I think was a bit of miscommunication between Ian and Tom Solid, as Tom seemed to think that Ian said you could open two Evernote windows and indicated maybe that is why tabs are not needed.  However, Ian was referring to opening multiple Note windows.... not multiple versions of the Evernote list/search, etc.  For my use case, I would much prefer the ability to open two instances of Evernote (including different search results/notebooks/lists) over tabs... but sadly that is not able to be done with the current v10.

Hopefully there will be some feedback to influence the apparent decision to remove tabs and multiple Evernote instances from the current roadmap.



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38 minutes ago, aukirk said:

In one of the latest YouTube interviews with CEO Ian Small, he indicates at 27:20..... "at this point, we are not implementing tabs... we will see what happens to that set of feedback, but that was not a massive heavily used feature"

It came amid what I think was a bit of miscommunication between Ian and Tom Solid, as Tom seemed to think that Ian said you could open two Evernote windows and indicated maybe that is why tabs are not needed.  However, Ian was referring to opening multiple Note windows.... not multiple versions of the Evernote list/search, etc.  For my use case, I would much prefer the ability to open two instances of Evernote (including different search results/notebooks/lists) over tabs... but sadly that is not able to be done with the current v10.

Hopefully there will be some feedback to influence the apparent decision to remove tabs and multiple Evernote instances from the current roadmap.



Yes that’s exactly what I want, not tabs but the ability just like in the classic version to be able to open two instances of Evernote windows next to each other, with all the notebooks, tags, favourites on the left of both windows. It’s so useful to be able to see two separate lists of your notes and be able to drag between and reference them, sort them, find them separately on the same screen at the same time, leaves tabs in the dust so I hope they bring that feature back. Also I never thought of myself as a power user but did you hear that shocking statistic about how many users actually use tags! Just 2%, I suppose it’s true but wow and then use that statistic instead as a example of how they have failed to get over their usefulness, use that statistic to tuck them away at the bottom of the screen in that stupid new place instead of where they should be at the top next to the name of the notebook you are in as before. To say as Ian said that this saves on screen real estate like he did is not correct, it actually takes up more room on the screen and means your eyes have to work harder getting the info on the note you are looking at. Still my eyes could do with the workout. ;)

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