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10 minutes ago, Stakh Vozniak said:

Most wanted thing last few years :) But Evernote team doesn't care.

I'm wondering about your source for this information.  My source is the user vote counts but I have no access to Evernote's priority list.

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On 8/20/2018 at 10:05 PM, DTLow said:

I'm wondering about your source for this information.  My source is the user vote counts but I have no access to Evernote's priority list.

Just my feeling, based on visiting this forum and the constant requests from other users.

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13 hours ago, Stakh Vozniak said:

<image of a 6 part essay table of contents>

Evernote is not the tool I'd use to write a 6 part essay.211282648_ScreenShot2018-08-25at08_02_46.png.39c16d6f6343f4ef6142c143e39e73de.png
That seems more of a word processing exercise.

I'd at least break the work into separate notes

  • This also allows for the easy construction of a table of contents.
  • It also allows emulating explanding/collapsing sections


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4 minutes ago, DTLow said:

Evernote is not the tool I'd use to write a 6 part essay.211282648_ScreenShot2018-08-25at08_02_46.png.39c16d6f6343f4ef6142c143e39e73de.png
I'd at least break it into separate notes
This also allows for the easy construction of a table of contents.

Why do you think so? Evernote is a universal text editor. 

Evernote does not remember the last location which you viewed in the note. Also, if a note has more than 50,000 characters (about 7,000 words + images), it's terribly inconvenient and long to scroll to find the necessary information without the navigational anchor points.

The current implementation of Table of content in Evernote (linking different notes in the new note) this is not a very elegant option, as it generates a mess in Notebook. Especially if you can not create sub-notebooks to place all related to Table of content notes in one place.

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1 hour ago, Stakh Vozniak said:

Evernote is a universal text editor. 

Actually it's an enml/html editor.  https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/enml.php
My universal text editor tool is Textastic.

>>Why do you think so?  (more of a word processing exercise.)

  • The Evernote editor doesn't support inline anchors/links.
  • " Evernote does not remember the last location which you viewed in the note. "
  • The note format is more suited to web pages than documents.
  • There are other word processing features I need that aren't supported by the editor.
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I already give up on Evernote (I hava a payed plan) ... but they focusing on "reskin" and so on, instead of bringing in convinent features to Evernote.

EN will be my primary sourcen. But when it comes to taking notes serius: I rely on Notion.so. The way how they handle text is incredible and a game changer. The only thing EN does (yet) better: tagging, and search (but truly say: where is a good UI for stack together a search ... the search itself is powerfull, but the implementation of the UI (Windows, Android) puts it to ashame.

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15 hours ago, Zsolt.Juhasz said:

EN will be my primary sourcen.

Can you explain the "primary sourcen."

Evernote is my digital filing tool; I'm currently at 12K+ documents (I have a paid account)

>>But when it comes to taking notes serius: I rely on Notion.so.

I agree; the Evernote editor is not the tool I'd use for serious work.
MS Word/Excel is the standard for my office.  As an Apple user my tools are Pages/Numbers
- this addresses my inline tag/anchor requirement
I also have a large number of pdf documents and images

Evernote works well with Office/iWork documents, pdfs, and images

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11 minutes ago, Zsolt.Juhasz said:

So I'm working only "static" on it, but new stuff I put elsewhere (an import it later). - So I changed my workflows to try to get around with thats what's missing in EN.

I'm not in favour of the "elsewhere (an import it later)".  
I also use dedicated editors (best tool for the job) but immediately store the document in Evernote.

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13 minutes ago, DTLow said:

I'm not in favour of the "elsewhere (an import it later)".  
I also use dedicated editors (best tool for the job) but immediately store the document in Evernote.

I would love to ... but sometimes ... the limitations are blocking?

Would be awesome, If I don't need any 3rd party apps to do my work in a way I want to achive. I could provide a very long list of´possible improvements. But all good suggestions in this forum get ignored anyway - as this article, created 4 years ago. Any as other apps are showing: inline tags are not rocket science...

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2 minutes ago, Zsolt.Juhasz said:

Would be awesome, If I don't need any 3rd party apps to do my work in a way I want to achive.

I have the opposite opinion.  Evernote does ok with basic notes, and I have no problem using a 3rd party app when I need extended features; word processing, spreadsheets, calendar, ...

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18 hours ago, Mahmoud Zalt said:

Hi Evernote, after the dark theme, the best feature you can add is the ability to generate a "Table of Content" within a note, from titles and subtitles.
It's really hard to find a particular section in a long note without that table, you're kinda pushing us to use Google docs! 😕

Hi.  I generally don't make long notes.  I make a series of short notes which I can find because of a common title or tag - like a project number or tag.  My 'diary' is a series of dozens of notes tied together by the standard word 'diary' in the title,  plus the date to which that note relates.  A saved search finds all the notes,  which are sorted in date order (from the title,  not the created date - I'm lazy sometimes,  and do this in arrears).  I can search for anything in the diary by including the title keyword + the search term,  and edit as necessary:  and if I need to print off a day,  a week,  or a month in one go,  that's pretty easy.

Not saying it wouldn't be handy to index a note,  but that ability depends on having identifiable header styles or anchor locations to search for,  and AFAIK Evernote haven't gotten around to including those yet.

Plus there are a bunch of bugs and little things like encryption and better print options that Evernote might need to work on - no knowing what priority they can give this.

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Before you write a note, you need to decide: what exactly do you want to convey to all progressive humanity? What thoughts, feelings, methods, etc.? Here are the questions that I use when I write to check the spelling critical essay writing help of the text. In the scientific world there is a good canon of thought design, which implies the answer to the following questions:

    What problem am I trying to solve?
    How was she solved before me?
    What is the novelty of my solution methods compared to its predecessors?

For example, you want to describe your personal time planning system. Try to identify the shortcomings of the previous methods or planning systems, and show at the expense of what its features your system does not suffer from these shortcomings. It is desirable to clearly state the problem area and novelty at the very beginning of the article and in the abstract.

By the way, this canon is convenient not only for writers, but also for readers.

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57 minutes ago, Cody Sartony said:

Before you write a note,

Note definition:

  • a brief record of facts, topics, or thoughts, written down as an aid to memory.
  • a short informal letter or written message.

My point is, for serious work, I use proper writing tools; not the Evernote editor/format
I store the document in Evernote as a note attachment.

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2 hours ago, Cody Sartony said:

Before you write a note, you need to decide: what exactly do you want to convey to all progressive humanity?

Is this related to this topic, namely, the feature request to add internal anchors to Evernote notes?

Before you write a topic comment, you need to decide: how exactly does it pertain to the topic at hand...

Your comment is probably good advice, but would be better served to have een made elsewhere in the forum, maybe in the General iscussions Forum (https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/53-evernote-general-discussions/) or one of its subforums.

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I use evernote every day for academic work.  Inline tags would be an HUGE help, as I generate very long notes, and frequently want to search in them.  I currently use a workaround, including something like [_tag] so that at least it is searchable.  But an properly supported system would be much better.

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On 2/28/2019 at 6:34 AM, Vladislav Krakhalev said:

And yet another one simple feature is not realized. I started to think that user is not the main priority for evernote team. Looking for alternatives..

Very frustrating.
I'm trying the fee opensource encrypted alternative Joplin.
It offers both internal anchors and encryption - you provide your own storage or use dropbox, google drive, icloud, ... and you can sync it to all your devices
I'm still using Evernote but those days are numbered until I see some improvements.

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+1 from me. I absolutely rely on ToC/bookmark navigation within notes for speaking assignments and teaching resources. 

The workaround using many separate notes and a table of contents note might work for some people. For me, it isn't a solution.

Fortunately, jump links are becoming general in other apps e.g. Word, OneNote, Google Docs + Keep, Zoho Writer, Notion, Dropbox Paper, iWriter etc.

I'd like to use Evernote as more than a digital filing cabinet. This is a limitation. I would urge Evernote to catch up with the field – and even better, innovate for a change!

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6 hours ago, greiggy said:

 I absolutely rely on ToC/bookmark navigation...

Fortunately, jump links are becoming general in other apps e.g. Word, OneNote, Google Docs + Keep, Zoho Writer, Notion, Dropbox Paper, iWriter etc.

I'd like to use Evernote as more than a digital filing cabinet. ...

Digital filing cabinet works for me.  
My documents are Word/Pages format and include ToC/bookmark navigation

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Link to specific position is not supported by Evernote

A work-around is to split the contents into separate notes
Create a master table-of-contents note to link to the sub-notes

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1 hour ago, Alex10115 said:

I know how to create links to a note.
But if you have long notes, it would be very helpful if you could link to a specific position within a note. Does anyone have an idea?

😀 THX+

Workaround.  You can create your own anchors (keywords) in a note and then Ctrl-F to find them (double click the keyword, Ctrl+C to copy, Ctrl+F, Ctrl+V to paste, enter).  You can automate the process using a text expander like PhraseExpress such that  Alt+RightMouse for example would be the hotkey used when hovering over the keyword.  I would precede the keyword with an underscore  _  to prevent false positives in the in note search.

I use this method for infrequently used saved searches (don't want to pollute saved searches or shortcuts).  I store the saved searches in a table in a note.  I have that note in shortcuts, in the toolbar.  So I can click on that saved search, then hover over the search I want, and then do an Alt+RightMouse to execute the search.  So basically two clicks to execute one of these searches, 

Sounds like more work than it was.  IAC, with very little work you can create a jump capability in any note.  Not saying it wouldn't be nice if EN added the capability, but in the meantime....

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I'd also really like this.

The alternative offered by Evernote, is to splitting up a long note into a separate notes and collecting them together via Table of Contents. For me this creates too many separate moving parts that can become a mess very quickly.

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I'd also really like this feature. However, as this request is almost 5 years old, can we assume it's not on the roadmap?

Linking between notes is not a viable alternative as it would be too complex to divide them into logical sections.

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3 hours ago, Ginjam said:

I'd also really like this feature. However, as this request is almost 5 years old, can we assume it's not on the roadmap?

Linking between notes is not a viable alternative as it would be too complex to divide them into logical sections.

Me too, and I agree to this.

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3 hours ago, Ginjam said:

However, as this request is almost 5 years old, can we assume it's not on the roadmap?

I have no knowlege of Evernote's roadmap, but I think that's a safe assumption.

>>Linking between notes is not a viable alternative as it would be too complex to divide them into logical sections.

I'd be looking at work-arounds, such as using a differnt format.

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This first note in this thread states that Anchor notes is "impossible".  First, are you kidding, anything is possible.  Second, you should hire people who know this.  Third, if this many people want this feature and your (Evernote) think it's impossible the correct approach is to assign the task of a whitepaper on why its impossible (Specifically).  If by the end of the paper that person can't give you a solution you have the wrong person.  But if the solution is complex or abstract give the problem to a real programmer or 2.  You will get solutions.  Review that for consistency with your implementation philosophy, see where it breaks, fix that, add the feature, and move on.

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1 hour ago, DTLow said:

The post was indicating that Anchors are not possible using the existing Evernote editor/format (2015).
It's still not possible using the Evernote editor/format

You're welcome to indicate your support for the request using the voting buttons in the upper left corner.
So far, Evernote has not considered this a priority for notes

YOU ARE SOO ACCURATE! Make this happen! 


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22 hours ago, umina said:

First, are you kidding, anything is possible.

👍 😂 

And I agree to this.

Edited by MatS14
"And I agree to this"
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Pending EN doing anything I solved this for my self using PhraseExpress.  I add keywords at the front of the note body, all preceded by an underscore.  Then I hover over a keyword and use the Phrase express hot key which is a Alt + right mouse.  Not particularly elegant but saves all the teeth gnashing.  By product is the hot key finds any word in a note.  FWIW. 

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On 4/30/2019 at 1:41 PM, umina said:

This first note in this thread states that Anchor notes is "impossible".  First, are you kidding, anything is possible. 

First, you didn't understand what the first poster was saying, and it would really help if you learned to use the forum quoting mechanism so it would be easier to see what you were objecting to. I am guessing that it's this post:


This is not saying that it's not possible for Evernote to implement such a feature, just that the OP cannot do what they want in the current Evernote world.

On 4/30/2019 at 1:41 PM, umina said:

Second, you should hire people who know this. 

Second, the person who wrote the above post is not an Evernote employee; he's an Evernote user just like you and me.

On 4/30/2019 at 1:41 PM, umina said:

Third, if this many people want this feature and your (Evernote) think it's impossible the correct approach is to assign the task of a whitepaper on why its impossible (Specifically).

Again, nobody at all is claiming that the feature is impossible to implement.

On 4/30/2019 at 1:41 PM, umina said:

If by the end of the paper that person can't give you a solution you have the wrong person.  But if the solution is complex or abstract give the problem to a real programmer or 2.  You will get solutions.  Review that for consistency with your implementation philosophy, see where it breaks, fix that, add the feature, and move on.

Nice rant, but irrelevant. Add your vote, and move on.

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1 hour ago, CalS said:

Pending EN doing anything I solved this for my self using PhraseExpress.  I add keywords at the front of the note body, all preceded by an underscore.  Then I hover over a keyword and use the Phrase express hot key which is a Alt + right mouse.  Not particularly elegant but saves all the teeth gnashing.  By product is the hot key finds any word in a note.  FWIW. 

Could you elaborate a bit on your setup using PhraseExpress? I seems interesting.



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I need navigation within long notes.

The concept of navigation and anchors within a note sits well with bookmarks, which have wider applications.

I am posting this within iOS Evernote because navigation is especially needed when working with a small mobile device – and often in a fluid situation rather than deskbound.

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35 minutes ago, greiggy said:

Having got used to using jump links to navigate in a variety of docs and notes, it is hard to put up with Evernote's limitation. Increasingly I am having to rely on Evernote's competitors which all seem to do jump link/bookmark navigation rather well. 

I am familiar with "jump links" and make use of them.

They're more of a document feature; not so much notes.

I can put up with with Evernote's "limitation" by using a word processing file attachment, or splitting notes into sub-notes (note links)

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2 hours ago, greiggy said:

I need navigation within long notes.

Hi.  Lots of previous discussion on this. Long story short,  a note that needs internal navigation is better off as a series of short notes linked by title, tags or keywords. 

I find it similar to mind mapping - any subject on which I'm writing a lengthy screed comes out as a series of ideas that vary widely in importance and relevance.  A mind map lets me create little notelets around the screen that I'll eventually (hopefully) link together in a logical order that may or may not have any relation to the order in which the points occurred. 

That's why long notes need editing - I'm moving paragraphs around,  correcting the logic and generally making a coherent argument out of whatever chaotic thoughts first came up.

Short notes are like the branches in a mind map.  I can create a note for each point,  save a search for the common title or tag, and see a list of all my notes on this subject whenever I wish.  I can create a parent Table of Contents note containing links to all my 'child' notes,  and I can move those links around in the ToC note until I like the order they're in.  Then I can either print all those notes in that order,  or just merge the notes into one.

Some users like to keep long diary notes - a year's worth of entries in one note.  Same argument though - just have a tag for the diary so you can find all the notes or one individual.  Added benefits include:

  1. not scrolling for ages to find the current entry
  2. not losing all content to a corrupted note - at worst you may lose a day

It works for me,  but YMMV


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3 hours ago, greiggy said:

I would imagine that bookmarks and anchors would be quite straightforward,

Yeah.  So Evernote works on Windows (various versions) / Mac (various versions) / Android (various versions) / iOS (various versions) and the Web (only two current versions!) and has 250 million-ish customers (let's just call them 'Japan').  It's available worldwide and 24/7. 

Let's not talk about the huge range of devices and screen sizes they cover,  because around now my head starts to hurt.  If you make a change to the package that breaks any one of the millions of existing use cases...  someone will notice.  Loudly.  Invasions have happened with less incentive.

"Simple" and "straighforward" tend to go out the window when you have that much of a juggernaut trundling along behind you..  😁

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On 6/23/2019 at 3:08 PM, thatdh said:

Suggestion of implementation

Hi.  Thanks for that,  but I don't imagine Evernote are unsure how to implement this function;  they just haven't made space in their schedule yet to include the work.  It's impressive that this feature now has over 400 votes,  but I suspect that other work they've talked about to do with harmonising the functionality between different operating systems,  and upgrading the editor features will delay any single-feature requests like linking until it's added as part of the new architecture.

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2 minutes ago, Brother Tobias said:

he fact that this is a standard feature of html going way back (not sure how far, but I know I used it years ago!) indicates this is a question of priority rather than possibility. 

Wot I said (but more elegantly put...)  ;)

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On 6/24/2019 at 4:07 PM, gazumped said:

Hi.  Thanks for that,  but I don't imagine Evernote are unsure how to implement this function;  they just haven't made space in their schedule yet to include the work.  It's impressive that this feature now has over 400 votes,  but I suspect that other work they've talked about to do with harmonising the functionality between different operating systems,  and upgrading the editor features will delay any single-feature requests like linking until it's added as part of the new architecture.

More a UX idea rather then a coding suggestion but felt it was best illustrated in both, if only rudimentary.

Yes I expect they are busy, especially when it comes to there more general 2019 road map https://evernote.com/blog/looking-ahead-evernotes-priorities-2019/ thought it they start slipping on some of the details their 'top of the category' position might be more unstable as other more targeted products come out.

I seriously feel for the devs when there must be such a push for enterprise use and stability and when more and more of their direct rivals are the likes of Microsoft and Google themselves (though Googles workflow differs enough with keep + drive docs that maybe its more direct with Microsoft's one note?).

Would be genuinely interesting to see what selling points sets are valued the most, I know text recognition on images must be one of the killers.


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29 minutes ago, thatdh said:

Would be genuinely interesting to see what selling points sets are valued the most, I know text recognition on images must be one of the killers.

What I value most is the storage/organization/sync of my data

You're right - Evernote's OCR feature is/was one of the "killer" selling points

I may be the exception but text recognition on images is not a feature I make much use of.
I rely more on tag searches.
I can do my own OCR, with an external app

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I am not sure I have ever used text recognition of images...

There are more important things. Evernote is not doing well as keeping up with competitors, let alone pioneering (as it once did). This spells decline, in today's fast moving world.

There are lot of votes aggregating, for important features. No sign of implementation. Previously loyal users will find solutions elsewhere, in this climate.

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33 minutes ago, DTLow said:

I may be the exception but text recognition on images is not a feature I make much use of.

Always a surprise for me when an image appears in the results of a text search.  :)

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Not being much of a tagger I do find this occasionally useful.  I will take pictures of something and just stuff it into Evernote knowing that a word search will dig it out for me later.

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It would be awesome to have anchor links within a note, I have huge notes and I always want to add new content in the subtopic where it belongs, it takes me forever sometimes to find what I'm looking for so I can start writing under it. Even though I have titles and subtitles, I don't always remember what I called them to be able to search, so anchors with a little table of contents on the top of a note would be really handy!

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2 hours ago, Thais SRG said:

It would be awesome to have anchor links within a note

Hi.  Recent Videos* suggest that Evernote is in the process of a root and branch rewrite of the Web (and other) clients,  so we should now be able to look forward to some of our requests being realized in months rather than years.  Given that this one has 425 votes now,  I'd hope that it's likely to be part of the package,  but a few extra votes can't hurt if anyone out there wants to chime in...

* See:


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For Evernote, this could be rather simply implemented if the Evernote notes were supporting a slightly expanded version of html.  With html anchors, we could do that.

And while improving the html, Evernote could also add the html titles... (heading 1, 2, 3...)

Don't reinvent the wheel, Evernote.  :-)

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2019, and this is still not been implemented? Why? This has been a request like, forever?

So useful feature, but so little the dev team listen to the community. It’s sad, really.

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4 hours ago, Thorz said:

2019, and this is still not been implemented? Why? This has been a request like, forever?

So useful feature, but so little the dev team listen to the community. It’s sad, really.

It's a request.  Evernote aren't obliged to respond or deliver - and may have other developments in progress that would delay this being implemented until they can provide the feature in all supported operating systems and on all devices.  If it was easy,  it would surely have been provided already...

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Hi, how do I get the beta editor in my desktop version? I already like it

Feature request:
We need in note hyperlinks where I click on something and then it takes me
to a different part of the same document. I know I can link to another note
but I want to be able to link to different parts in the same note, like a
lot of other people on the forums.

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On 2/22/2019 at 10:12 PM, Shane D. said:

Hi All,

You may have noticed that all threads requesting Inline Tags/Anchor Points have been merged into this thread, regardless of platform specificity.

(This is a separate request from the ability password protect the Evernote App itself)

This was done in order to better enable us to quantify and qualify user requests, and amplify their voice.

While this does not mean this is a feature that will be coming, we certainly want to relay user feedback/sentiment to our various teams.

Moving forward, please put all commentary and votes for Inline Tags/Anchor Points here!

Shane, please. Inline Tags/Anchor Point requests merged into this thread so you can better quantify and qualify user requests. I've been using Evernote for many years now, but I feel very conned when I read it. For more than 5 years now the community has been demanding a simple function that has been HTML standard for ages and you still seriously want to quantify?

I'm so annoyed by this that I'm seriously thinking about changing the product.


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16 hours ago, mherman said:

Google docs provides this very basic, essential functionality - linking to sections within notes is a necessity. It's just simple html via anchor tags. Any basic WYSIWYG allows this, too.


Hi.  Evernote apparently didn't consider this feature to be "essential functionality" when the app was initially designed,  and a lot of users are still finding it possible to manage without linking to sections within notes.  It's a little more complicated than simple html when links need to work in various versions of several operating systems.  Evernote does not yet offer this option,  though it may be available in the future.  Meantime one possible work-around is to make each section a separate note,  and link them together with tags or titles;  access to all sections in then possible via one table of contents note

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17 hours ago, mherman said:

linking to sections within notes is a necessity

There's other requests for this and I'll merge the discussions

This is more of a document and word processing feature
Evernote is a note editor; more suited to short records

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I would find it very helpful to be able to create links within notes ... especially for those notes that are long ... so that I could jump to a section or place within that same note.  Often my notes get long, and I edit them frequently, but I spend a lot of time scrolling up and down trying to find my place.  If I could only create a marker or two ... or createose a couple of links (almost a table of contents?) within those notes.   Thanks!

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14 minutes ago, geshelman said:

I would find it very helpful to be able to create links within notes

I moved your post to the primary discussion for this feature

>>notes that are long

oxymoron, like jumbo shrimp  😋

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This feature would be really be very helpful for handling larger notes. I know personally because "One" competitor of Evernote has it already implemented.

Having each line/paragraph as addressable object with its own GUID would then also fairly simple allow other cool features like giving each line/paragraph a class (like header level 1, 2 3) and automatically create the table of contents in the beginning of the document.



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I desperately need this feature as I am writing a novel. Writing short notes and linking them together through a table of content would mean the flow of the chapters would be lost because I need to switch to another "note" go to the next part of a chapter. Having everything all in one chapter is bad because finding a part of a chapter is tedious, making editing very difficult.

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I did not see this discussed anywhere and sorry if it has been discussed... anyone have an idea on how to place a link within a note to travel to another spot in a long Evernote? Basically I have many notes, but one is very long and involves Sun-Saturday headers and would like to place a hyperlink at the top to click and take me to the day AND a hyperlink under the day to take me back to the top.

I know you will tell me to make a note one for each day - does not apply in this scenario

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17 minutes ago, RobertCOL said:

I know you will tell me to make a note one for each day - does not apply in this scenario

Hi.   Well...  what can I say:  Evernote does not 'do' super-long notes well.  It's possible to create them, but the risk of accidentally deleting some or all of a year's work / the difficulty of finding places to edit or continue the text / the tendency of editors to jump to the top of the note when closed,  all make the job harder than it needs to be.  There is no 'trick' to linking back to individual sections,  it's just not currently possible.

However (as they say) there's no bar to using another app like Word which will support long documents,  then attaching that file to an Evernote note to be available to edit anywhere you have a device that can open the attached file.

The shorter notes thing is doable if you keep a Table of Contents note* with links to the headings of section notes,  which can themselves by ToC notes with links to even shorter passages,  so that a specific paragraph is only a couple of clicks (or a quick search*) away...

* ToC notes can be 'automated' by external app Filterize.  Every time you save a new note tagged <Story07> it can be added to that note's ToC with the entries optionally sorted by creation date or title.

** The search thing is possible if you have a unique code for each individual section - 'Story07_001' forinstance.

I have a couple of note 'trees' like this - they're kept in their own Stacks to avoid confusion with the rest of my content...


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  • Level 5

As @gazumped said, Evernote is not currently set up to do internal links within notes, though you're not the first one to request them. Searching, which is certainly more keyboard-centric, is the only way. If searching for the day names (Sunday-Saturday) wouldn't work, perhaps begin each section with a unique identifier, such as ###1, ###2, etc., which could be quickly searched for. As for returning to the top, Ctrl+Home should accomplish that. Best of luck!

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  • Level 5*
9 hours ago, RobertCOL said:

anyone have an idea on how to place a link within a note to travel to another spot in a long Evernote?

As per the others, linking within a note is not supported by the Evernote note editor
There is a feature requested posted here.  You're welcome to add your vote

My solution would be to switch to a word processing editor (Apple Pages), and store the document as a note attachment

I like @gazumped's suggestion of using a Table of Contents to serve as the link,
however the means separate notes (which is also a good idea)

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Bring this idea to life please. I've been an evernote user since the application launched. This seems like a simple a logical idea. Keep the development of evernote moving forward by bringing this essential digital note taking feature.

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Yes, is would be great useful to have such anchors like 



For example you write some long manual for users. It is impossible to break it to multiple notes. So the clickable TOC is nesessary.
How can I vote for this feature?



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  • Level 5*
16 minutes ago, Vladimir P. said:

How to vote for TOC inside a note?

Vote button is at the top left corner of the discussion

Requests for this feature have been merged

>>For example you write some long manual for users. It is impossible to break it to multiple notes.

Why is it impossible?

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37 minutes ago, DTLow said:

Vote button is at the top left corner of the discussion



Voted. Only 3 votes? EN loses to Google Docs in that...

>>Why is it impossible?

Because some typical manual usually  is a single document. You will give the user in discomfort trying to read many notes instead of one. A document must be read back and forth. If user lost in big text, he always can return to TOC and click any topic.

If the text is long enough, you must provide  user some simple navigation. Like interactive or clickable TOC. The navigation anchors (eg. topic1#) is also good solution, because you can use it anywhere in text.


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  • Level 5*
9 minutes ago, Vladimir P. said:

typical manual usually  is a single document...If user lost in big text, he always can return to TOC and click any topic

Manuals are usually divided into sections
ToC is a good idea - each entry can be linked to a section (stored as a separate note)
Include a link back to the ToC note in each section

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1 minute ago, DTLow said:

Manuals are usually divided into sections
ToC is a good idea - each entry can be linked to a section (stored as a separate note)

>stored as a separate note
This is just workaround. If user wants to read fast whole document he needs to make a lot of useless clicks, jumping to other notes and back.
Just imagine if Microsoft forces users to make a lot of Word files only to divide one document for sections :)

"sections" are not always big parts of text. It can be just a big paragraph that flows out of current screen. So TOC is very helpful.


good examples from Google (sure in EN it can be much simpler designed):







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