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V10 has sooooooo many problems: EVERYONE NEEDS TO SPEAK UP

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  I'm sorry if the final closure of the obsolete Legacy software has caused you any issues.  While Support has been overwhelmed in the past few months,  it is still worth feeding back any v10 issues that you find - if they don't know something doesn't work,  they can't fix it.  And the number of submissions in each case will indicate which issues are most urgent. 

If you can explain some of the things you experience here,  perhaps we can suggest some work-arounds.

While I understand your need to get back to the previous experience,  closure was announced 3 years ago and the recent server changes have only disconnected the last remaining few users.  There is no going back.


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  • Level 5

Thin hot air - want to know why ?

Legacy was deprecated since 2020, officially unsupported. If you subscribed since, you did so knowing which software was supported, and which not. Out of luck with getting legendary rich, it seems.

There was no need to export anything from legacy (except local notebooks, as well unsupported since 2020). All data is on the server, and syncs with v10.

The "Untitled attachment" is simply not yet downloaded and converted - little wonder watching the bunch of procrastinators who waited 'til the last moment. The servers are probably still busy moving all that data from the server to the users devices. You now need what EN had with you dragging your feet with legacy - patience.

Meanwhile you can check on the web client.

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The issue's you are having like @PinkElephant said are due to your notes converting from the legacy to the new data structure.

This happens the very first time you open a note in v10.

If you encounter issues with a certain note try going to Note History to see if there is a prior version that can be restored. That seems to be helping some people with conversion issues.


Needless to say the more you use v10 the more these issues will work themselves out.

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They -- BS -- don't seem to care (about your anger or disappointment).

Judging from EN v10 updates (and I'm tried to use it from the very beginning, when they sneakily tried to 'upgrade' ), dev team just doing whatever fancy fluff they want instead of fixing year-long bugs.
And even that fancy fluff typically doesn't work. Just look at '/' command or '->' madness. 

Bottom line -- I'd rather not hope for BS fixing/improving EN v10. Pick your alternative (Joplin, Notion, Obsidian), convert your notes (evernote-backup, yarle, Joplin) and move on -- this is probably best you can do about current EN situation.

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During the last few years when the legacy version was available, I tried again and again to give the V10 a chance.
Unfortunately, the desired reliability that I was used to from the legacy version was never present in the V10.
Like @enfan-01 , I also invested many hours in finding errors, reporting them and regaining the reliability that I am used to, which unfortunately has not yet been 100% successful.
The Android version in particular is FAR away from the usual reliability!!

But I also see a lot of improved features in the V10 and that gives me hope 😉
I advise you to report any errors you find as best as possible so that we give Evernote the opportunity to fix them as quickly as possible!!

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On 3/30/2024 at 1:24 AM, mackid1993 said:

This happens the very first time you open a note in v10.

To me this happened several times with content created in V10 more than two weeks after the (forced) switch from Legacy. So this explanation is falling short since these notes never have been in Legacy format (if it is that different after all). 

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16 hours ago, pbelcl said:

The Android version in particular is FAR away from the usual reliability!!

Thanks, exactly my view. It has gotten a little better over the past few months to be honest. Before it was absolutely unusable for me.

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6 minutes ago, Feitz said:

To me this happened several times with content created in V10 more than two weeks after the (forced) switch from Legacy. So this explanation is falling short since these notes never have been in Legacy format (if it is that different after all). 

Like I told you in another thread, you need to contact Evernote for help. The issues you are having are abnormal and we can't help you here.

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6 hours ago, mackid1993 said:

Like I told you in another thread, you need to contact Evernote for help.

You are right but there are several issues I have and in my experience I will get a canned reply asking for a lot of probably unconnected info and until then they put the ticket on hold.. This would be viable for two or three issues but not for the many I encountered.

For me it was less hassle to export everything and switch my important stuff to Keep It.

I guess BS know very well where they have issues even without my comments.

TBH I followed your approach for a couple of issues earlier this year but only one that I marked urgent was solved (which was nice btw.).

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On 3/30/2024 at 5:15 AM, enfan-01 said:

So, if BS in not already overwhelmed with the tsunami of anger & disappointment from their existing users, I suggest we LET THEM KNOW LOUD AND CLEARLY by creating lots & lots of noise everywhere we can. Support tickets, forum threads, social media, regular media, etc...

Tell everyone you know what you think about Evernote now, just like we all did all those years ago while we helped it grow!

A lot of people have complained over days but I don't think they are interested in hearing it. They will work on V10 which currently is miles away from V7 productivity. 

I have switched to diff app, others can do the same.

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  • Level 5*

The reality remains that v7 was abandoned 3-4 years ago.  No support,  no upgrades.  v10 is the only current Evernote product.  And of course any user has the choice - if you can't work with it,  you need to find an alternative.  Constructively,  if you do work with it and feedback where it's not working for you,  Evernote may be able to change features to be more efficient.  They can't improve things if users don't tell them where it's needed...

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I don't get it why so many people don't get it. It's a very simple calculation:
If even half of all paying customers are leaving along with all of the non-paying (which BS is forcing by turning the free version into a demo anyway) and the subscription price for the remaining users (which might well be more than 50%, BS will know, we don't) double, they have lost nothing. No matter how loud the others are shouting. It's simply math and business. So I'd suggest to use the energy to look for alternative apps and workflows and leave silently. I do.

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  • Level 5*
3 hours ago, StefanW said:

So I'd suggest to use the energy to look for alternative apps and workflows and leave silently. I do.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been an Evernote customer for over 10 years and have now found a workaround for many of the shortcomings!

I reported the rest to support! Due to the lack of support, I am always open to a better program. Once I find it, I'll be gone too...

Evernote's original goal was to provide its customers with optimal access to MY data.

I still hope they find their way back there!

For me there is nothing more to say here!

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  • Level 5

What you ask for is that the software needs to do everything the way you want it. This will not happen.

Treat v10 as the new app it is, a completely rewritten tool to access your data. Learn your ways. Enjoy.

Or export your notes, and leave to another app.

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23 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

What you ask for is that the software needs to do everything the way you want it.

What we ask is for V10 to reliably do what it is meant to do, like not loose content. This is essential and not a personal preference.

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  • Level 5*
21 minutes ago, Feitz said:

What we ask is for V10 to reliably do what it is meant to do, like not loose content. This is essential and not a personal preference.

As far as I'm aware no one has yet shown that data synced to an Evernote account has been 'lost' through no fault of the user.  Given the in house backups and the common sense option to keep local backups,  it should not be an issue either way.  Please don't make unsupported derisory comments.

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27 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Please don't make unsupported derisory comments.

I experienced this yesterday, found several notes with 'untitled attachments' that I knew were there before I switched my main Mac to V10. 

They are in the ENEX file that I created from Legacy before the switch and they are definitively gone in V10 with no trace in note history. 

So I'm just stating what happened, why would this be a derisory comment? 

27 minutes ago, gazumped said:

As far as I'm aware no one has yet shown that data synced to an Evernote account has been 'lost' through no fault of the user.

EDIT: my fault was to switch to V10 then...  

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  • Level 5*
55 minutes ago, Feitz said:

So I'm just stating what happened, why would this be a derisory comment? 

Because it's the first time the topic has been raised here (as far as I can tell) and you quoted no background.  So do your files still exist but are shown as 'untitled attachment',  or are the actual files completely gone from your note?

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11 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Because it's the first time the topic has been raised here (as far as I can tell) and you quoted no background.

I thought this issue was raised some time ago and on @ferol's list already?

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2 hours ago, gazumped said:

As far as I'm aware no one has yet shown that data synced to an Evernote account has been 'lost' through no fault of the user.

I have & I've spent countless hours reading, trying, writing & reporting them!

I was unable to complete a successful ENEX backup from both Legacy & V10, as well as have notes with inaccessible 'Untitled Attachments'.  I have posted proof of these on one of the many threads here and described fully to support, neither has proven to be helpful in resolving either issue.  These are MAJOR PROBLEMS and I'm not the only one.

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v10 is horrible. I switched over from Legacy well ahead of time. That didn't make it any better.

A lot of users here don't seem to see the major issues that many of us have w/ v10. They're excited by new developments such as AI (buzz buzz), and don't seem to care about the missing functionality, the incredible slowness, and the instability.

I agree that we all need to make our voices heard, but unfortunately the only folks who seem to be listening are other members in this forum -- some of whom will simply tell you you have a bad attitude and to just live with it.

There is no support to speak of. Not sure how long they can sustain that business model (especially with the huge price hike), but the truth is, they have many of us hooked. I can't switch to a new app without a major disruption in my work schedule. So for now I tolerate the many minor disruptions that waste my time each day. It's a terrible situation.

I know Legacy isn't coming back, but for crying out loud, making the app actually work for note taking rather than piling on new and often useless features seems like a logical approach for the dev team...


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  • Level 5*
1 minute ago, kkarney said:

I agree that we all need to make our voices heard, but unfortunately the only folks who seem to be listening are other members in this forum

Of course, because … this is a users forum.  Send to feedback@evernote.com if you want them to see your comments.

3 minutes ago, kkarney said:

I know Legacy isn't coming back, but for crying out loud, making the app actually work for note taking rather than piling on new and often useless features seems like a logical approach for the dev team...

If the app isn’t working for you, give them specific feedback why.  Complaining here won’t get you anywhere.

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5 minutes ago, kkarney said:

v10 is horrible. I switched over from Legacy well ahead of time. That didn't make it any better.

A lot of users here don't seem to see the major issues that many of us have w/ v10. They're excited by new developments such as AI (buzz buzz), and don't seem to care about the missing functionality, the incredible slowness, and the instability.

I agree that we all need to make our voices heard, but unfortunately the only folks who seem to be listening are other members in this forum -- some of whom will simply tell you you have a bad attitude and to just live with it.

There is no support to speak of. Not sure how long they can sustain that business model (especially with the huge price hike), but the truth is, they have many of us hooked. I can't switch to a new app without a major disruption in my work schedule. So for now I tolerate the many minor disruptions that waste my time each day. It's a terrible situation.

I know Legacy isn't coming back, but for crying out loud, making the app actually work for note taking rather than piling on new and often useless features seems like a logical approach for the dev team...


All of what you said is true for me also.  Especially "It's a terrible situation"

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Just to give you a heads up, DOS has also been discontinued. You need to migrate to Windows as soon as possible. Make sure you back up your autoexec.bat file.

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Well, well, well. Amusing.

But totally off the mark. Old DOS batch scripts are still running under W11, so workflows are not broken. And there a subsystems that give you a nice DOS environment. And I do not know of any major function that worked under DOS but is totally broken in Windows, let alone dozens or mayhaps even hundreds.

It is not comparable, I humbly submit.

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  • Level 5

The ransom gangs are well aware of the fact that any sort of old, not maintained code will still execute on Windows computers.

It is the foundation of their disgusting „business“ model.

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1 hour ago, s2sailor said:

Of course, because … this is a users forum.  Send to feedback@evernote.com if you want them to see your comments.

If the app isn’t working for you, give them specific feedback why.  Complaining here won’t get you anywhere.

I realize this. I have sent feedback. I don't think they care, but I have sent feedback.

And one person's complaining is another's commiseration...

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  • Level 5*
2 minutes ago, kkarney said:

I have sent feedback. I don't think they care, but I have sent feedback.

Thanks for doing that.

Whether they care or not, I assume, depends on the feedback.  If the feedback is in the form of Legacy did this or that and we need it back now, then probably not.  If you provide a good use case and explain how implementing it will benefit many users, then I think there is a good chance.  Even though I like many of the changes they have made, I fully expect I won't like them all.  I doubt I will like the home page they end up with on mobile, but I'll live with it.

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Hah, what kind of kindergarten is that? If one mentions, boo-boo legacy: no help! Mind your manners!

But if you say "V10 is great, but it can be even greater" and "pretty please!" then they listen?

I am a paying customer, for crying out loud, and have been for many-many years! Currently I am paying one of the, if not, the highest price in the industry in this category.

But as long as I am locked in, I'll have to come to senses, or else!

How nice is that?

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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

It is the foundation of their disgusting „business“ model.

I'm sure their targets are folks who don't want to spend $100 for software.  🤣

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8 hours ago, gazumped said:

As far as I'm aware no one has yet shown that data synced to an Evernote account has been 'lost' through no fault of the user.

7 hours ago, gazumped said:

Because it's the first time the topic has been raised here (as far as I can tell) and you quoted no background.  So do your files still exist but are shown as 'untitled attachment',  or are the actual files completely gone from your note?

This is not true, it has been raised many times over the past year and while you may not remember, I know you have participated in threads where this has both been mentioned (e.g. by yours truly) and has been acknowledged by Bending Spoons (e.g. the untitled attachment issue). It is a known issue, thought to be solved multiple times over the past year. And apparently it's back, at least for one user. A little empathy goes a long way.

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5 horas atrás, kkarney disse:

v10 is horrible. I switched over from Legacy well ahead of time. That didn't make it any better.

A lot of users here don't seem to see the major issues that many of us have w/ v10. They're excited by new developments such as AI (buzz buzz), and don't seem to care about the missing functionality, the incredible slowness, and the instability.

I agree that we all need to make our voices heard, but unfortunately the only folks who seem to be listening are other members in this forum -- some of whom will simply tell you you have a bad attitude and to just live with it.

There is no support to speak of. Not sure how long they can sustain that business model (especially with the huge price hike), but the truth is, they have many of us hooked. I can't switch to a new app without a major disruption in my work schedule. So for now I tolerate the many minor disruptions that waste my time each day. It's a terrible situation.

I know Legacy isn't coming back, but for crying out loud, making the app actually work for note taking rather than piling on new and often useless features seems like a logical approach for the dev team...


1 - I don't think v10 is horrible.
2 - I don't think v10 is slow, much less unstable. I use it every day and I'm satisfied with its speed
3 - There really are several features missing in v10. Fortunately for me, none of them are essential. I hope that in the coming months or years BS can include them

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4 hours ago, Razmataz said:

Well, well, well. Amusing.

But totally off the mark. Old DOS batch scripts are still running under W11, so workflows are not broken. And there a subsystems that give you a nice DOS environment. And I do not know of any major function that worked under DOS but is totally broken in Windows, let alone dozens or mayhaps even hundreds.

It is not comparable, I humbly submit.

It's not DOS lol, Windows NT runs doslike commands but NTVDM (NT Virtual DOS Mode) hasn't been a thing for a very long time. It only worked last in 32 bit Windows 10 which no modern computer would ever run.

Windows hasn't had anything in common with DOS since Windows ME.

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  • Level 5
1 hour ago, CalS said:

I'm sure their targets are folks who don't want to spend $100 for software.  🤣

Nobody can be sure what their targets are. Assume it’s anybody - there are cases reported with a few hundred bucks paid to get back the victims family pictures. Apart from the occasional zero day exploit, nearly all cases start with compromising a Microsoft product.

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Just now, PinkElephant said:

Nobody can be sure what their targets are. Assume it’s anybody - there are cases reported with a few hundred bucks paid to get back the victims family pictures. Apart from the occasional zero day exploit, nearly all cases start with compromising a Microsoft product.

Or a user clicking on something they shouldn't.... let's all install Tax Return 2024.pdf.exe!

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2 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

Great idea - especially when MS shows this attachment as „Tax Return 2024.pdf“ only, because by default it will not show the file type identifier.

Yup, that's the first thing I change on a fresh Windows install. Dumbest setting ever.

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  • Level 5*
4 hours ago, Razmataz said:

But as long as I am locked in

You are a savvy enough user to know that isn't true.  Many come here proudly(?) to state they have "escaped."  I have tried other apps and know for a fact that I can leave.  Surely, you could manage to if that is what you really wanted.

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2 hours ago, s2sailor said:

You are a savvy enough user to know that isn't true.  Many come here proudly(?) to state they have "escaped."  I have tried other apps and know for a fact that I can leave.  Surely, you could manage to if that is what you really wanted.

The great thing about Evernote is the exports are in a human readable format that anyone can write an importer for. There are very few alternatives that can't ingest an enex file natively. Some even connect to Evernote's API and migrate without you having do export, I know Notion does that.

Open an enex file in Notepad++, if you can read Basic HTML or more of less if you have a brain and don't really fully understand HTML you can easily make out your notes.

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2 hours ago, s2sailor said:

I have tried other apps and know for a fact that I can leave.

Yeah - I've been pretty impressed with Evernote's ENEX export and other tools support for it. It has made it easier transition to something else for me. (Looks like it's going to stick... I was just kind of toying with it at first.) The easy part is copying content over, the harder part is the mindset change and workflow adjustments.

Also -- no escaping for me. 😃  Even though I am (95% sure I am) migrating away, I still think Evernote v10 is pretty great software, but I think I've found something that will suit my style and needs a little better.

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20 hours ago, Cristiano478 said:

1 - I don't think v10 is horrible.
2 - I don't think v10 is slow, much less unstable. I use it every day and I'm satisfied with its speed
3 - There really are several features missing in v10. Fortunately for me, none of them are essential. I hope that in the coming months or years BS can include them

Yes, many folks here are completely satisfied, and that's great. I really wish I could join you there...

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Maybe it's easy to be satisfied with V10 when all you use it for is hoarding random notes on how to clean your underwear with vinegar.  But for those of us who have developed a highly-structured & detailed tool that we rely on regularly, it's a different story.

I don't know how anyone can post here telling me that I'm doing something wrong.  I spent days documenting & preparing for the end of Legacy following the steps recommended by EN themselves & others in this forum, only to find that I couldn't do a complete ENEX backup, which I reported to support & received a reply like 2 weeks later than was useless.  I also tried & failed to create an ENEX backup from V10 (which took much much longer than Legacy to reach that same failed point), again reported, again, no solution.

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8 minutes ago, testYYer said:

Legacy was the perfect program.

v10 can't take notes, that's it, the company doesn't care about this.

Lots of people feel that way.  I think most of us are hopeful that they (BS) will see the light & actually start fixing the broken items rather than implementing more useless ones....  Personally, I'm even more hopeful that somehow, somewhere the previous developers (of Legacy) are all having a beer together working out the details of how to create RoL (Return of Legacy)!!!!!

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1 hora atrás, enfan-01 disse:

Maybe it's easy to be satisfied with V10 when all you use it for is hoarding random notes on how to clean your underwear with vinegar.  But for those of us who have developed a highly-structured & detailed tool that we rely on regularly, it's a different story.


Many here like v10 and I am one of them. You don't need to belittle us just because you're angry about the end of the legacy. Those who use Evernote simply deserve respect too. Blame Evernote, Don't Blame Us

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Don't get your panties in a knot, I'm not trying to belittle anyone.  I just wanted to point out that some of us may use & rely on it more heavily than others.

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  • Evernote Expert

But you do it anyway - even if unintentionally. My use is as heavy and important to me as anyone else's is to them. I'd prefer we stick to the specific issues that are causing us problems rather than claiming some form of high ground and superiority of use. Please...

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Really?  Does your livelihood depend on being able to access data in a system you've spent over a decade developing?  THIS IS ON TOPIC.

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1 hour ago, enfan-01 said:

Don't get your panties in a knot, I'm not trying to belittle anyone.


2 hours ago, enfan-01 said:

Maybe it's easy to be satisfied with V10 when all you use it for is hoarding random notes on how to clean your underwear with vinegar.


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  • Level 5*
On 4/13/2024 at 11:35 AM, enfan-01 said:

Really?  Does your livelihood depend on being able to access data in a system you've spent over a decade developing?  THIS IS ON TOPIC.

This would have been on topic ... 3 years ago when announced that V10 was replacing Legacy.  Many ran/run their business using Evernote and when the change to V10 was announced did what was best for their business.  Evaluated and watched where V10 was heading and decided whether to stay or leave, long before the lights were shutdown.  Waiting until the end and now whining about it is on you and has gotten old.  Unless Legacy related posts have anything useful to share, they will be deleted.

Also, I have bad news if you think the old Evernote team in California are sitting around drinking beer and planning a new Legacy release.  They are the team that moved away from Legacy to V10.  It was not the Bending Spoon group.  They just finished the process started by Evernote. 

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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, enfan-01 said:

I think most of us are hopeful that they (BS) will see the light & actually start fixing the broken items

Nothing is 'broken' and there's nothing to fix.  Legacy is gone and v10 has the features you see.  If you want something added,  make a case for it.

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57 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Nothing is 'broken' and there's nothing to fix.  Legacy is gone and v10 has the features you see.  If you want something added,  make a case for it.

That's one perspective. My perspective is that a lot is broken, for a professional quick tool. Not even compared to legacy. But a lot has been fixed, that's great. It gives me hope for the future. However, when you are merging, tagging, untagging, sorting on tags (which is absent right now) continuously during a workday, then I consider v10 broken and heavily insufficient, slow and lagging behind on updates on search indices, long hourglasses (circles) whie TRYING to merge for over one and a half minute, and such. Mind you, on great hardware and a great 1gbit glass wired fiber Internet up and down. Note also, that if I only do this 10 times an hour, then Evernote would be near perfect. If you do it non stop for an hour, then it is a horrible experience many times. I'm glad you experience Evernote as nothign broken and nothing to fix! 🙂  I hope I'll be in your camp soon!  

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Evernote desktop won't load. I have uninstall and reinstall every day, sometimes the toys jump around on the intro and then black screen and then program disappears. I loved Evernote I have been using it for over 10 years but the older it gets the more laggy and slow it is, and the more notes and attachments seem to go missing.

Evernote just raised my price and now the program does not work on the desktop. I feel like Evernote is really just an online app now and the "desktop version" is just a skin for the website.

Random note pictures and attachments are just missing now and I can't access them from the phone, then I need to remember what note it was so I can check it on the desktop later but oh yeah desktop doesn't load anymore. 

The search functionality is so slow. Filter or search by tag never refreshes so I get old results even though the notes in the search results don't have the tags on them. This happens across all my devices, phone, tablets, and both laptops, when the desktop program worked. 

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19 minutes ago, MvdH said:

slow and lagging behind on updates on search indices

Not sure this can ever get fully fixed with the phone home model.  For iterative, quick turn use cases there will always be a lag if all updates/searches are done on the server.  FWIW, this issue and the loss of local notebooks led to  my exit in late 2021.  I didn't think it would get fixed any time soon due to the structure.

Don't know what happens if you do all your updates offline and then connect for the sync?  Do indexes update on the client in that mode?

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3 minutes ago, CalS said:

Not sure this can ever get fully fixed with the phone home model.  For iterative, quick turn use cases there will always be a lag if all updates/searches are done on the server.  FWIW, this issue and the loss of local notebooks led to  my exit in late 2021.  I didn't think it would get fixed any time soon due to the structure.

Don't know what happens if you do all your updates offline and then connect for the sync?  Do indexes update on the client in that mode?

What program are you using now instead after your exit in 2021?

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Rolled my own solution.  Combination of Windows files, Windows indexing on those files, Mega for syncing, Directory Opus for PC access, Workflowy for tasks and notes.  My use case is paperless, GTD, and second brain  30GB of data for a scale reference.  YMMV.  Not for everyone.  But it is at least as fast as Legacy which keeps me happy.

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46 minutes ago, CalS said:

Rolled my own solution

I believe we discussed this in another thread; but just to clarify, you're accessing & editing the HTML files directly right?  I've looked at them & like that they're very familiar & both external & internal links work, but haven't actually taken it any further (like learning how to search for tags, notebooks, etc..). Can you describe your workflow a little further?

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3 hours ago, gazumped said:

Nothing is 'broken' and there's nothing to fix.  Legacy is gone and v10 has the features you see.  If you want something added,  make a case for it.


that's the problem with some of you on this forum, you see. 

It is clear that legacy is gone, and no amount of complaining will bring it back. It is true, that BS/EN has the right to double prices and they could even quadruple them. It is true that forum is not there for the disappointed user to simply complain. And it is true that valuable help is given here to people who have problems.

But is is also true that the help often comes with belittling comments, some of the dominating forists even outright bully other people, who genuinely have problems. So the these people have to endure this style, because there is no other way to get help, as support does not exist (for practical purposes).

You understand your job as having to be complacent with EN and having to down-talk or even negate any problems others might have.

But your mantra 


Legacy is gone and v10 has the features you see.  If you want something added,  make a case for it.

is true, too.

But it isn't true and it is an egregious lie to say 


Nothing is 'broken' and there's nothing to fix.

You read this forum. There are literally dozens of broken things with V10. Not even counting the  missing and promised (but not delivered) features.

Features that are there and have been implemented, are broken. Broken to the bone. There are dozens of examples for anyone to see.

You say you are not paid by Evernote. But even if you were, such a blatant distortion of the facts would be appalling. From a volunteer it is not just appalling, it is mind-boggling and shocking.

And as a moderator you are supposed (at least by conventional rules) to be neutral, fair, and a guardian of the facts and truth.

"Nothing is 'broken' and there's nothing to fix." could not be farther from the truth. Why are you doing this?

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My old EN stuff is an HTML export so a combination of HTML, folders, and PDFs.  I don't have much need to modify it as it is primarily a repository for search.  I have edited some HTML from time to time, but not much.  Mostly to add/delete a tag or change a description.  By and large I only edit new stuff.  Tags are searchable by entering the tag name, or tag*tagname to avoid unwanted results. 

My workflow is to add documents and things I want to remember to my file structure.  It is a simple structure, a root folder of My Paperless with two sub folders, Evernote and Post EN.  There are four folders in Post EN where most new stuff gets added.  Any notes or to-do's I now manage with Workflowy.  I use assorted AHK hotkeys to facilitate working between Workflowy and Directory Opus (a high powered in my view file manager and so much more).  For example if a file represents a follow up I paste the name into WF and have a hotkey which finds and displays in DO.  I use Mega to sync between PCs and mobile devices.  It has E2E encryption and has as quick a sync as I have seen with cloud providers. 

Not a particularly complicated set up which emulates what I did with EN.  I'm 2 1/2 years into it now and it is reasonably fine tuned.  I keep coming back to the forums to check progress as I did leverage EN for quite a few years.  Old habits I suppose.

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7 hours ago, enfan-01 said:

Maybe it's easy to be satisfied with V10 when all you use it for is hoarding random notes on how to clean your underwear with vinegar.  But for those of us who have developed a highly-structured & detailed tool that we rely on regularly, it's a different story.

6 hours ago, enfan-01 said:

Really?  Does your livelihood depend on being able to access data in a system you've spent over a decade developing?  THIS IS ON TOPIC.

Leaving aside the insulting implication than only Legacy users do serious work.... You spent over a decade developing a business process centered on Evernote Legacy. You mean the whole process didn't just arrive with the Evernote 6 package? It took time to develop it? Then perhaps it's reasonable to think that using a new iteration of Evernote redesigned from the ground up will also take time to adjust to. Maybe it even would have been reasonable to start doing that in 2021, when it became clear that v. 10 was the future of Evernote, and Legacy would not continue forever.

George Bernard Shaw said, "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." I'm beginning to think the great man was mistaken, or at least too limited. It seems that all resistance to progress also depends on the unreasonable man.

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  • Level 5
3 hours ago, avb623 said:

Evernote desktop won't load. I have uninstall and reinstall every day, sometimes the toys jump around on the intro and then black screen and then program disappears. I loved Evernote I have been using it for over 10 years but the older it gets the more laggy and slow it is, and the more notes and attachments seem to go missing.

Evernote just raised my price and now the program does not work on the desktop. I feel like Evernote is really just an online app now and the "desktop version" is just a skin for the website.

Random note pictures and attachments are just missing now and I can't access them from the phone, then I need to remember what note it was so I can check it on the desktop later but oh yeah desktop doesn't load anymore. 

The search functionality is so slow. Filter or search by tag never refreshes so I get old results even though the notes in the search results don't have the tags on them. This happens across all my devices, phone, tablets, and both laptops, when the desktop program worked. 

Sorry this got lost in the, um "sand" storm. WRT the desktop app, how are you uninstalling? Many recommend using Revo Uninstaller as doing a superior, more complete job than the standard Windows uninstall. If you haven't tried that yet, might be good to give it a shot to be sure there aren't any random bits left over.

As you install Evernote and download all your notes data, that will take some time. Everything will be slower as the notes are downloaded and the index rebuilt. After that, it should get better. The other factor will be the necessary conversion of notes to the new structure introduced a year ago for real-time editing and syncing, note by note as they are opened. Generally, once a note has been converted it will be faster to access than before.

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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, Razmataz said:

"Nothing is 'broken' and there's nothing to fix." could not be farther from the truth. Why are you doing this?

I was trying to encourage you to face reality,  but clearly you prefer to wait for the Return of Legacy.  Which is not going to happen.

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You'd think by now everyone who was on an old plan should have been sent their renewal now given the increase was last May? Legacy has been gone for two weeks. So I'd expect by August we can start living in the real world on this forum instead of 3 years in the past?

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I hope so too. So no crying. But realistic, reproducible, clear discussions about whats wrong with V10 from a realistic and pragmatic viewpoint and discussions on how to influence Bending Spoons to get Evernote better for most users and professional use cases! 👍 ♥️

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8 hours ago, gazumped said:

I was trying to encourage you to face reality,  but clearly you prefer to wait for the Return of Legacy.  Which is not going to happen.

No, that’s propaganda and your spin. 

I don’t want legacy back. 
I want the numerous bugs in V10 fixed!

You equate that with legacy. That's ridiculous. 

 You can't wind out of this: there are bugs, there is a lot to fix in V10.  And paying customer are within their rights to  expect that. 

Again: you are the MODERATOR! Stick to the truth!

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@Razmataz There are different truths... 🙂 And emotion will not help you. Labels like "ridiculous", using capitals, using exclamation marks usually makes the people I talk to stop thinking, stop asking me questions, stop helping me. It might be different for you, but I just share my experience. I do understand your frustration, I share your frustration (though I try to park that) but frustration has never helped me. 😘🙏🤗

It's a fact for me that if Outlook would function as Evernote, people would leave it en masse. For example, if I change tags, delete notes, etc.. My filters many times show for 10 minutes, sometimes up to half an hour an out of date result. If Outlook would do that, everybody would complain and leave. For me this is clearly broken. According to the support responses (also from people, not only AI) Evernote recognizes the problems, is working on RENT to fix these and I am patiently waiting.

For people who don't delete/sort/edit/tag/filter the way I do with my types of notes, they apparently see nothing broken in Evernote v10. I respect that. Two things can be true at once. My truth is a different one.

I repeat: First versions of v10 got 1 star out of 10 from me, when I switched v10 got 3 stars out of 10. Now I give v10 5½ stars out of 10. In 12 months I hope I give it 8 stars out of 10.

In the meanwhile I chose thé two items to report to Evernote that would help me most and start a civilized, stripped-of-emotion dialogue with clear reports, reproduction. My experience so far is that they listen to me and fix about half I report.

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@Razmataz just took a look at your string of posts. You only post your opinion(ing) about others.

You never add anything of substance to this forum. Helping others - zero. Conclusion: Nobody needs you here but yourself.

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51 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

@Razmataz just took a look at your string of posts. You only post your opinion(ing) about others.

You never add anything of substance to this forum. Helping others - zero. Conclusion: Nobody needs you here but yourself.

What is the goal you try to achieve with these statements my pink friend?  Do you think people might read your post above as disqualifying and polarizing, not seeking connection and a shared vibe? 😘🙏🤗❤  You keep touching each others nerves.... Why.... Let it rest.... Both... There is no value in describing the opposition and trying to make the point that THE OTHER is de cullprit. It's not interesting who is....if even any single person is.

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1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

@Razmataz just took a look at your string of posts. You only post your opinion(ing) about others.

You never add anything of substance to this forum. Helping others - zero. Conclusion: Nobody needs you here but yourself.

This is a personal attack and has nothing to do with the thread. The dispute was about whether it is true or not, that in V10 "Nothing is 'broken' and there's nothing to fix."

Zero help to other: is a lie. A lot less than you, but a number of times, one can dig them out. And I consider pointing out problems as help to others, too.

This is a plain personal attack. You are bullying me like so many others. I'll let you be (just as the moderators do). This is your forum, you own it. You have chased away a number of people already. Reign on.

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15 minutes ago, Razmataz said:

This is a personal attack and has nothing to do with the thread...

You might be totally right or totally not...that's not interesting...because ask yourself... What is the goal you try to achieve with these statements my @Razmatazfriend?  Try to seek connection and a shared vibe? 😘🙏🤗❤  You keep touching each others nerves.... Why.... Let it rest.... Both... There is no value in describing the opposition and trying to make the point that THE OTHER is de cullprit. It's not interesting who is....if even any single person is.

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On 3/30/2024 at 12:08 AM, gazumped said:

If you can explain some of the things you experience here,  perhaps we can suggest some work-arounds.

As I said originally;  if we can have some actual facts to work from - without the usual emotional wrapper - maybe we can suggest some options,  or maybe even agree that it would be good to add that feature.

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4 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

... Nobody needs you here but yourself.

Sometimes I wish you were an EN employee. I'm sure you would be much friendlier with others here... 

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Please can everyone stop with the cheap shots?  It'll be a pain to start deleting posts,  but I'm willing to have a go...

The subject of this thread is v10 has problems.  Please list 'em here (and yes I know someone was compiling a list,  but it's not here) and let's see what everyone is complaining about.

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3 hours ago, gazumped said:

Please can everyone stop with the cheap shots?  It'll be a pain to start deleting posts,  but I'm willing to have a go...

The subject of this thread is v10 has problems.  Please list 'em here (and yes I know someone was compiling a list,  but it's not here) and let's see what everyone is complaining about.

  • pdf export not working
  • print not working
  • filtering tasks not working
  • sorting notes by title not working
  • shortcuts wigdet not working
  • line spacing messed up
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  • sorting notes by tags not working (='we take you seriously MAYBE some day we will fix this')
  • merging/tagging/deleting DEADLY slow after a while » 30 minutes out of date filter results (='in RENT development')
  • merging not respecting selection order anymore since recent v10 version (='in first line of support')
  • copy paste from gmail/html/outlook missing images (='in hands of devs - last line of support')
  • duplicate notebooks, no default notebook, wrong notecount on Android (='in hands of devs - last line of support')
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  • HTML export is not working: all attachments are show as "unknown attachment"
  • HTML export is not working: hotlinks to attachments point to NIL
  • Context menu of attachments (e.g. EXCEL or PDF) have copy and cut grayed out
  • Number of notes that can be selected is limited to 100, thus re-orgs of notebooks or tags are extremely time consuming
  • If sections are expanded (un-collapsed) for reading, the change-time-stamp is updated
  • If encrypted text is decrypted (but not altered), the change-time-stamp is updated
  • PDF printing from the web interface is showing partial text only, with a (frozen) scroll bar
  • The view mode of attachments (Title, Preview,…) is set to the option specified in systems settings only once, on import/adding it. Subsequently, we have to change every one of them manually
  • That default setting is not applied to PDF-s, not even on import/adding it
  • searching for a term typed in into the search mask clears the already set search tags
  • typographic issues within code blocks: "->" becomes "→" etc.
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51 minutes ago, gazumped said:

...and how many of those got reported in detail to Support?

pdf export not working

print not working

filtering tasks not working

sorting notes by title not working

shortcuts wigdet not working

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Thanks - so they're aware of the issues and you're waiting for a fix.  Since we don't know what priorities Evernote have and we're all users here,  there's not much anyone can do except sympathise...

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6 hours ago, gazumped said:

...and how many of those got reported in detail to Support?

All of course. 🙂 Why would I complain here but not report it to Evernote with clear reproduction:

  • Ticket #3830959: sorting notes by tags not working (='we take you seriously MAYBE some day we will fix this')
  • Ticket #3709725: merging/tagging/deleting DEADLY slow after a while » 30 minutes out of date filter results (='in RENT development')
  • Ticket #3870761: merging not respecting selection order anymore since recent v10 version (='in first line of support')
  • Ticket #3851206: copy paste from gmail/html/outlook missing images (='in hands of devs - last line of support')
  • Ticket #3851202: duplicate notebooks, no default notebook, wrong notecount on Android (='in hands of devs - last line of support')

Thanks - so they're aware of the issues and you're waiting for a fix.  Since we don't know what priorities Evernote have and we're all users here,  there's not much anyone can do except sympathise...

Yes. That's about it. In the meanwhile I try to use as little words as possible to repeat my tickets, give new info, respond to @Federico Simionato on X and such, such that my company, people working there and other companies I promoted Evernote to in the past can have there use cases fixed and stay with Evernote. Because there are not many note tools that fit our usecases in principel. Aside from some clear bugs/problems and deadly slow parts of functioning.

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OK - so everyone who's replied (so far) has been following due process.  I just got fed up with the generic - and very unspecific - "it's unusable" comments coming from some quarters. 

In general I have to agree with all the points raised - they clearly are issues that need attention - but they don't seem to be affecting everyone*;  so I wonder what priority Evernote are giving them,  alongside their breakneck development of other features.

* I don't think I've seen many issues reported that could be down to the tickets quoted here.

From their track record so far I don't believe that Evernote 'ignore' users' wishes - I'm sure these issues are working their way through the system.  The devs will have their own timescales for revisiting different processes and -hopefully- these items are in there somewhere.  Time will tell...

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I agree @gazumped  I liked your call for concreteness. There is too much emotions woven in the lines of posts. That doesn't help. I also believe Evernote is taking great care to prioritize right.

And it's simple: They have clearly more issues than they can fix in a short time. So they prioritize. Things with the concrete reproduction and continouus attention and enough impact on a big enough group, will get attention first. Niche problems, requests, etc. will get attention later. They'll not double the team to get things done. Twice the issues? Twice the total time...

And I see all the evidence they are doing a good job.....no matter how hindered I am personally and no matter how much too low I think the quality is compared to what I pay for it. I'd gladly pay double for years, if it would get 90% of my problems fixed coming half year and quality good enough so that I dare to update in the future.

@Federico Simionato Keep it up Evernote! You are on the right track! 😘🙏🤗

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Just read the title of this thread and the first post.

The OP intended rant and emotion, no factual discussion.

“train wreck - ignore - law suit - laughable - tsunami of anger“ - just a few key words from the first post.

This thread should be closed, not psycho analyzed.

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16 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

This thread should be closed, not psycho analyzed.

Bit late for that,  but I agree;  a couple of recent posts have made me lose all patience with users (or former users) who wave around the 'unusable' label,  claim Evernote is now doomed and do their best to disrupt the Forums. 

I'm normally happy to donate my time for free helping others,  but if some jerk comes along and just starts arguments,  that's wasting my valuable time and - which I guess is the point - scaring off other potential Forum Users.

So I decided:  No More Mr Nice Guy.  IMHO the doomsters are just making 'empty' posts,  which - according to the Code of Conduct - are against Forum policy.  I invite any user to let me know if you see one of these agonised  pleas for a return to the Good Old Days.  Please don't add to the thread,  just send me a link.  I'll be pleased to take some appropriate action.  :angry:

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It might also be good to recognize openly that bugs do exist in some use cases, sans excuses for BS.  There are folks who have made the transition to V10 reporting legitimate issues. Too often the response is "it works fine or me", which doesn't help if the use case is different.  Let BS represent themselves re how they will/are handling the issues.   🤷‍♂️

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1 minute ago, CalS said:

It might also be good to recognize openly that bugs do exist in some use cases, sans excuses for BS

Absolutely - my focus was on posts that use the 'un' word without bothering to quote any details.  Anyone who genuinely runs into a brick wall with any process is welcome to post  - that's kinda what we're here for!

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1 hour ago, CalS said:

It might also be good to recognize openly that bugs do exist in some use cases, sans excuses for BS.  There are folks who have made the transition to V10 reporting legitimate issues. Too often the response is "it works fine or me", which doesn't help if the use case is different.  Let BS represent themselves re how they will/are handling the issues.   🤷‍♂️

Hmm ... "bug" is hard to define precisely, or at least harder than it seems like it should be. "It works fine for me" in a different use case suggests that this is not a bug, but a different way of using the software (which doesn't work like it used to, and there we are again). "It works fine for me" on a different OS or hardware points more toward a genuine bug and a need for testing in more environments.

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2 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Hmm ... "bug" is hard to define precisely, or at least harder than it seems like it should be. "It works fine for me" in a different use case suggests that this is not a bug, but a different way of using the software (which doesn't work like it used to, and there we are again). "It works fine for me" on a different OS or hardware points more toward a genuine bug and a need for testing in more environments.

Which makes it a BS decision in whatever their triage process may be. 

Works fine for me in a different use case kinda is the point.  It's not the same.  And it really doesn't help without follow on pointed questions to ascertain the differences.  One voice in the wilderness.

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11 minutes ago, MvdH said:

Please delete your post my friend. It doesn't help... ❤️

true, deleted. but you should understand. Many "old" users here complaining a lot.

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