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  1. @Fumblingtowardsbliss, Getting kinda frightened at the possibility of having lost years of important notes!! Check the web client. Likely the notes are all there. If they are, you have a sync problem, not a data loss. Vinnie
  2. Yes! And let's just take a few moments to enjoy that happy ending and not worry about how the happy ending happened! 😁 Vinnie
  3. What @s2sailor said. What you are describing are the classic symptoms of a corrupted database. And moving a lot of notes around is likely to make it worse, IMO, because, as the server and local device continue to chunk away with the already problematic sync, you are now introducing even more load on that struggling sync engine. If it were me, I would try another cycle of uninstall and reinstall. @gazumped and @PinkElephant both have complete directions about how to do this to maximize your chances of success. At the end of the day, it's the one thing you can do yourself that >might< fix the problem while you are waiting for help from support. And, even if you've done it already, the first thing support is likely to ask you to do is a reinstall anyway. Vinnie
  4. My suggestion with anything like this is to first check the web client, if you haven't already. The web client gives you the most direct view of what is actually on Evernote's servers, compared to what might not have synced or not synced down to your local device. You might find those missing tags on the web server. If you do, then you likely have some kind of sync issue which >might< be solved by a reinstallation that @gazumped has pithy and precise instructions for how to do. If the information is NOT on the web server, then that's a different problem. Could be gone or just not in the right place in Evernote's server farm. If that's the case, I think you will likely need to see what support can do for you. Disclaimer: I don't use share much, myself, so I am only familiar with the basics. I wouldn't be able to help if the solution is about the buttons you are pressing that might make share work or not. Finally, I am aware from this and other platforms that Evernote is making changes to the way the software handles metadata, and information about which note is shared with whom may be part of the metadata they are tweaking. In this case, I think it would be important for you to let Evernote you are having a problem so they can be aware that something they are doing might be having an unintended result. Hope this is somewhat helpful, anyway. Vinnie
  5. I actually like the new look, myself. Vinnie
  6. Presumably you can group bills by the month they are due? If it were me, I would probably create a notebook for each month with a title like "Financial: Pay Bills due MMDD." I would then create a recurring task with a due date at the end of the month. Then I would use the ability when forwarding emails to Evernote to specify the notebook the forwarded email lands in to email the bill to the appropriate notebook. The task will then remind you to go to the notebook for that month to pay your bills. Task syncing across devices works pretty well for me. Not perfectly, and better on some devices than others depending on how old and slow the devices are, but generally well enough. If you're having trouble with task syncing, the first thing I would check is whether you can see the change on the web client. Sync doesn't happen device to device. Make a change on a device, it then syncs to the server, which you can best see on the web client. Then the server syncs to other devices. Checking the web client will give you a better idea about where the bottle neck is for each device - is it on the upload sync or the download sync. Vinnie
  7. While Evernote is great, I regularly store files outside of Evernote. Depending on what they are, sometimes I will have files both in and out of Evernote. I store in Evernote because search is really good and I have great hopes that as AI search matures it will get even better. Also having files next to other project management notes is really helpful. On the other hand, if not being able to produce the file will send me to jail or otherwise get me in trouble with the government, a client, or are otherwise of critical importance, I also store files locally. And my local drive is well backed up. I wouldn't trust OneDrive for these files either. I've had isolated cases where OneDrive has apparently eaten a file - rarely, but still..... Everybody takes a different approach. As you point out, it's a balance between efficiency and security, and that's a pretty individual choice, I think. Vinnie
  8. And, of course, since it is a work computer, your IT department may have changed something in their system that is blocking your desktop, so you may have to call them anyway. Vinnie
  9. @Aude DL When you uninstalled did you use Revo Uninstaller to do a complete uninstall? If you did not, you may not have done a complete install. If that is the case, I would uninstall again, this time using Revo Uninstaller to completely clean your system. Then reinstall. Vinnie
  10. And i don't notice any of this and none of it bothers me.... Vinnie
  11. The web view is your best view into Evernote's servers, so you likely have some kind of syncing issue, quite possibly from an update that failed to install correctly. If I were you, I would do a complete uninstallation using Revo Uninstaller and then reinstall downloading the latest version from evernote.com. Sign out of Evernote and uncheck the option to retain a copy of your data locally before you start the uninstallation process. This will hopefully give you a clean slate to start from. 10.97.3 is the latest release anyway, so you would be killing two birds with one stone. After reinstalling, give the Evernote servers some time to download a new copy of your data and for everything to get synced. How much time depends on the size of your database, the speed of your connection, and whatever other loads the Evernote servers are managing at the time. Vinnie
  12. Yes, if I were you I would try a complete installation. Use Revo Uninstaller, though. The "normal" uninstall process does not reliably remove everything for a clean, new, installation. Since your data is still all on Evernote's servers as you have confirmed with the web client, you likely have a sync issue, quite possibly from a failed installation. Another area of possibility might be something with your Internet connection or configuration, but I, myself, would try a reinstall as the quickest potential solution and the one most likely to work. Good luck, Vinnie
  13. I click in the search bar on the windows client and this is what I see, with the cursor inside the search box. Is this what you see? As far as I know, it has been like this for some time and seems perfectly natural to me I rarely use the search box, though. The Cntl+Q function is fine 99% of my searches; I use it dozens of times a day. If you're not familiar with it, you might give it a try. Vinnie
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