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On 4/9/2014 at 1:37 AM, Philip A said:




I would like to make a feature request for evernote to implement a text collapse, as seen in coding software such as Dreamweaver.

The idea is to make it a little bit easier to organise long lists.

Simply mark the desired text, collapse it and then you're able to toggle on and off and eventually remove the collapse when you don't need it anymore.


Here's a picture I found: 



It's a really simple feature, but it would make my Evernote life easier!





Philip A


This would be super useful for me as well!

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13 minutes ago, bounce said:

What’s the closest thing to Evernote that has this?

For outlines and other word processing features, I use MS Word, and add the document as an attachment to a note; Evernote works well with office/iwork documents

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19 minutes ago, DTLow said:

For outlines and other word processing features, I use MS Word, and add the document as an attachment to a note; Evernote works well with office/iwork documents

Sure, that’s one way. I've always tried to keep everything within a note with no attachments. Works better for my brain and the speed of Evernote unless the latter has changed over the years?

Closest app to Evernote that has this feature?

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8 minutes ago, bounce said:

Sure, that’s one way. I've always tried to keep everything within a note with no attachments. Works better for my brain and the speed of Evernote unless the latter has changed over the years?

Closest app to Evernote that has this feature?

The web app Workflowy has the best implementation that I've seen so far.  https://workflowy.com/

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On 2017-11-28 at 9:13 AM, bounce said:

I've always tried to keep everything within a note with no attachments.

You're really limited if you restrict yourself to the Evernote editor and format.  I encourage all users to make use of the attachment feature.

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On 11/28/2017 at 2:40 PM, DTLow said:

Youkre really limited if you restrict yourself to the Evernote editor and format.  I encourage all users to make use of the attachment feature.

Actually, for me, note links to other notes are far superior to attachments. Those need an overhaul though, per suggestions from another thread.

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1 hour ago, bounce said:

Actually, for me, note links to other notes are far superior to attachments. Those need an overhaul though, per suggestions from another thread.

Don't agree with being superior, but I do make use of note links; my notes are heavily cross-referenced

And the note links can be a method of simulating the text collapse requested in this discussion (think Table of Contents)

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58 minutes ago, pdoninelli said:

Has this been considered by the Evernote team??

Hi.  The page has been around for 3+ years and (currently) has 125 votes.  They will be aware of it.

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Yes please... and perhaps this should be combined with the feature request here- the very first comment mentions both bookmarks and "collapsible sections"  -which is exactly what we are talking about here!   If you combine these two feature requests, they would become the second most requested feature here... over 350 at the time of this writing (vs 424 for the current to request).  

Can they be combined... 

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17 minutes ago, Luke Milton said:

Perhaps because the most popular comment at the very beginning of the request includes "collapsible sections" and that likely influences people.. it is why I voted that up


Can we stipulate that it's generally a good idea to keep a topic's focus as narrow as possible? Simple inputs like votes lose meaning if they're applied to a topic that has multiple requests  or issues. Sure, topic drift occurs, but this seems like a good starting point to me. 

So the idea here is to generate new ideas to improve Evernote, and try to gauge interest in those new ideas. Feature request subforums here (like this one) offer the ability for forum users to vote on the original request and also individual posts in a topic. Oh, and other users can 'like' any other user's post. These are capturable / tabulable separately via the forum software.  But there's nothing guaranteeing that a popular reply (whether by vote count or likes) is actually topical -- often they are, of course, but it might also be a funny wisecrack too. Moreover, many forum users don't know about the voting stuff, hence the myriad posts whose content is mainly "+1", or just "great idea' or 'that wouldn't work for me' or whatever.. And then there are piggyback posts: "Yes I want that, and by the way, I want something else, too". So all in all it's a bit of a tangle -- there's raw data (votes, likes), and maybe they can automate collection of "+1's", but beyond that it's probably a bit of handwaving, but it means that actual people need to read the comments (and in the past, Evernote has assured us that all posts are read) and come to some at least partially subjective measure of how popular a particular request is. And they also need to collect information from duplicate forum requests and other sources (twitter, hangouts, etc.)

Not rocket science, for sure, but time-consuming. In my view, mashing unrelated suggestions together would seem to make things more difficult; if the intent is to make one of them more popular than other requests ("If you combine these two feature requests, they would become the second most requested feature here... over 350 at the time of this writing (vs 424 for the current to request") then that seems especially unhelpful.  Note that Evernote moderators do occasionally pile related posts together; I'm pretty sure that the old (and very popular) nested notebooks topic (https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/96180-nesting-multiple-notebooks-creating-sub-notebooks/) comes from several separate topics, for example.

Anyways, that's just my take on it. There's no actual rules, and posts won't get deleted or moderated, etc. But this is obviously a popular request (heck, I probably even voted for it), so Evernote has noticed it. But popularity isn't everything; from the text at the head of the forum:


Use this forum to suggest great ideas for improving Evernote. It could be a little idea or a very big idea. Like someone else's idea? Vote on the idea, or provide a comment of your own. One thing to remember: popularity does not mean implementation. Our forums are one component of the decisions we make, and while a bunch of ideas have merit, we need to be selective and always balancing priorities. 


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While some of my other wishlist items are higher priority to me, I was thinking this might be useful for me

Use case:  I have templates I've created in Evernote, with blocks of text that are more instructional/illustrating/etc., but once I've copied the template (form), I'd like to hide that instructional text, because it's no longer the focus.  [I suppose I could delete it, after copying the template into a working document, but a collapsible section would work nicely.]

[But maybe this is all too workflowy / data capture vs a generic database to store random snippets of information]

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6 minutes ago, Onnozel said:

As example: OmniOutliner. 

I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY miss the 'text collapse' feature.

Not sure you can 'miss' something that's never been available.  ^_^

As long as we're getting votes at the top left of the page here (141 now!) Evernote "should" be thinking about this...

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I use Evernote as my main study aid, and to revise effectively, I draft revision notes as a series of questions. It would SUPERCHARGE my learning if I was able to open and close (via a collapsible list) questions to show and hide the answers. It is laborious and less effective to link each question to another note or document so please develop this feature! Thank you!

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On 2/27/2018 at 8:38 AM, devlin_morrow said:

I use Evernote as my main study aid, and to revise effectively, I draft revision notes as a series of questions. It would SUPERCHARGE my learning if I was able to open and close (via a collapsible list) questions to show and hide the answers. It is laborious and less effective to link each question to another note or document so please develop this feature! Thank you!


On a desktop,  create a template note for your questions and answers.  Question in the title,  answer in the body.  Apply a standard tag.  Export to ENEX.  Save the ENEX file somewhere safe.

Click the file to create a new standard note with the  right tag.  Add a new question and the answer.  Repeat as necessary.  Apply new tag(s) for new subjects if required.

Search on the main tag and sort the notes in any order.  Create a Table of Contents note.  This will contain a list of questions with links to answers.

Vary the tags and try other sorts to group questions differently.

Use the back and forward arrows in Evernote to get from questions back to the list.

How to create a table of contents with links to other notes

Just a suggestion...

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On 1/4/2018 at 12:47 PM, AndyAndy said:

yes please


On 3/13/2018 at 11:14 AM, tomedwards4695 said:

Please implement this! 


On 3/14/2018 at 3:27 PM, Paul Merrett said:

Sadly I think we are all just talking among ourselves 

You're welcome to indicate your support for this feature request.  Voting buttons are in the upper left corner of the discussion.

Otherwise, you're posting your comments in a user discussion forum.

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The Evernote representatives here have made this by far one of the most tone-def, defensive, adversarial forums I've ever experienced.  

I implore you to take us seriously. We're your power users. We don't want to leave your product, but we will if you force us to. Take a chance, listen to us! Take our money! Or we'll go somewhere else... Workflowy, OneNote, Notability. 

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9 minutes ago, David N - Research Analyst said:

The Evernote representatives here have made this....

This is a user discussion forum; no Evernote representatives have posted in this discussion

To indicate your support for this request, use the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion.

You can also participate in the discussion; such as identifying work-arounds

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8 minutes ago, DTLow said:

This is a user discussion forum; no Evernote representatives have posted in this discussion

To indicate your support for this request, use the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion.

You can also participate in the discussion; such as identifying work-arounds

The problem is that this has been requested years ago by hundreds of users, it seems very easy to implement, it is highly usefull and even with all this factors, no anouncement has been done by the evernote team through any channel, that I am aware of. Is there any channel that we can use to reach them? Maybe if we call and even post the code so they just paste it in the program they will add this feature.

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5 minutes ago, pdoninelli said:

it seems very easy to implement ...   even post the code so they just paste it in the program they will add this feature.

Please provide details.  Keep in mind Evernote's note format is a simple html base.
Here's the code base you are working with:  https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/enml.php

If Evernote had a $ for every post that says "it seems very easy" they'd have funds to implement such changes

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30 minutes ago, DTLow said:

This is a user discussion forum; no Evernote representatives have posted in this discussion

To indicate your support for this request, use the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion.

You can also participate in the discussion; such as identifying work-arounds

Case and point, Evernote Super Guru @DTLow -- thank you for adding nothing but more hostility.

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19 minutes ago, DTLow said:

Please provide details.  Keep in mind Evernote's note format is a simple html base.
Here's the code base you are working with:  https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/enml.php

If Evernote had a $ for every post that says "it seems very easy" they'd have funds to implement such changes

Here is an example that you can run and test. https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_collapsible.asp

It needs some javascript, there might be some challenges for the desktop version because I am not sure how would javascript be implemented in desktop version.

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2 hours ago, pdoninelli said:

Here is an example that you can run and test. https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_collapsible.asp

It needs some javascript, there might be some challenges for the desktop version because I am not sure how would javascript be implemented in desktop version.

So; it seems very easy to implement, except for the JavaScript... and CSS

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53 minutes ago, DTLow said:


So; it seems very easy to implement, except for the JavaScript... and CSS

In web I know all of those are doable HTML+JavaScript+CSS as in the example i sent but on the desktop I'm not sure what would be the code behind. HTML+JavaScript+CSS is just the web-front end languages. On desktop you would probably use C# with some content processing libraries, where you would need to add a similar logic to the one that the example does with JavaScript in the web scenario.

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Seriously... how is this not a feature yet?  Is Evernote even working on it?  Is it even on the roadmap?  I get that we have to "Pick our apps to fit our needs"; but some of us are hoping to stick and grow with Evernote.  This is clearly a feature many longtime Evernote users have been asking for; but what we get is crickets... 

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17 hours ago, pdoninelli said:

In web I know all of those are doable HTML+JavaScript+CSS as in the example i sent but on the desktop I'm not sure what would be the code behind. HTML+JavaScript+CSS is just the web-front end languages. On desktop you would probably use C# with some content processing libraries, where you would need to add a similar logic to the one that the example does with JavaScript in the web scenario.

FYI Evernote uses the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) for rendering, across all platforms, I think. Not sure how it all hangs together, but eventually you'd need some place to store collapse state: the section of the note, and collapsed/expanded. Is that part of the note (collapsible sections persist with the note), or stored locally on the device? If it's persisted with the note, then you need some way in the note format to denote that, and it needs to comport with the ENML standard (Evernote format; https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/enml.php). So, some issues to keep in mind when theorizing about how Evernote might do this...

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22 hours ago, David N - Research Analyst said:

Case and point, Evernote Super Guru @DTLow -- thank you for adding nothing but more hostility.

I don't know about the imaginary Evernote representatives; I'm seeing hostility from Evernote Member @David N - Research Analyst

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21 hours ago, EAR3321 said:

this is the one thing that makes me go back to Workflowy a lot, even though it is not as full-featured as Evernote.

One of the great things about Evernote is the note can contain files of any format.
You can use the editor that works best for you.

I use the Evernote editor for basic notes; MS-Word/Apple-Pages for extended word processing features.  
I'll check out the Workflowy editor but so far my requirements are addressed with this combination.

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5 minutes ago, CraigD said:

I have begun to research alternatives that would offer this feature

An Evernote Note can contain content of any format.
Check out word processing software like MS Word.

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31 minutes ago, CraigD said:

here's what I'm using as a compromise

Nice work-around.  I just use Word or Workflowy (whichever's most appropriate).  Hadn't thought of this.  They're all compromises unless and until Evernote rolls out their own option...

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On 8/3/2018 at 5:32 PM, NamD said:

probably this feature never gonna be happened on Evernote.

Evernote is adding word processing features but I don't think the base format (enml/html) supports "Collapsible / Expandable Outlines within Notes"

Until this is implemented, my recomendation is use a word processing editor/doccument.
There are also work-arounds, such as a link to a separate note.

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22 hours ago, JMichaelTX said:

Actually this is a core, simple, HTML feature:
HTML summary Tag 

The HTML Summary Tag actually does work on Evernote/Mac945713311_ScreenShot2018-08-06at10_02_19.png.c769550b207381977acf9ead7f518e62.png1414878671_ScreenShot2018-08-06at10_14_33.png.2394dd9a1bc4273a67f019d2fef9c9a8.png
It requires a direct edit of the notes .enml file to insert the code
Unfortunately the note displays corrupted on the IOS and Web platforms.

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8 hours ago, DTLow said:

The HTML Summary Tag actually does work on Evernote/Mac945713311_ScreenShot2018-08-06at10_02_19.png.c769550b207381977acf9ead7f518e62.png1414878671_ScreenShot2018-08-06at10_14_33.png.2394dd9a1bc4273a67f019d2fef9c9a8.png
Currently it requires a direct edit of the notes .enml file to insert the code
Unfortunately the note displays corrupted on the IOS and Web platforms.

That might be why I cannot get it to work in Windows either, at least not the example at https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml5_summary

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+1 for folding paragraphs
I'm not using Evernote heavily (hence I've never bought the premium exactly because of the lack of this folding feature)...
I've resorted to using Textmate (or other code editors) that allow me to fold sections of text by simply wrapping them in a "/*    */"

--- Example of unfolded section
/* first line will always be readable
second line will be hidden

--- Example of folded section
/* fist line will always be readable

@DTLow and @jefito
I think that a simple version would be possible to do it even just with CSS styling
I've created a sample without javascript here: http://jsfiddle.net/j5h4o2ad/25/

it would be awesome if Evernote considered extending the ENML with one or 2 more tags
like "en-folded" and "en-unfolded"
or if not possible, change the styling of the "area" tag

and to switch between one or the other, if actions / Javascript can't be inserted in the note content itself for security reasons,
it could be added on the window that holds the note, on the margin of the note, where in coding IDEs you normally see the number of the lines, and the folding triangles.

what do you think?

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6 hours ago, beltran said:

I think that a simple version would be possible to do it even just with CSS styling

Even simpler is the HTML Summary Tag.
It works on Evernote/Mac but not on other platforms

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18 hours ago, DTLow said:

Even simpler is the HTML Summary Tag.
It works on Evernote/Mac but not on other platforms

how does that work? can we insert the tag where we want in a note or it's only if the web page which we clip has the tag?

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2 hours ago, beltran said:

how does that work? can we insert the tag where we want in a note or it's only if the web page which we clip has the tag?

There's no UI.  I directly edit the enml/html code with a text editor

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1 hour ago, DTLow said:

There's no UI.  I directly edit the enml/html code with a text editor

interesting... could you give a bit more details on the process please?
is it mac or windows?

I've open the content.enml file
(had to search by date inside of the hashed folder in
~/Library/Application Support/com.evernote.Evernote/accounts/www.evernote.com/6161906/content/2019AF79-87F5-49F4-96E5-F899B06B49B7,
unless you have a better option)

I've added the <summary> tag wrapping a list for example
but the folding functionality doesn't appear to be there

(I'm using EN Version 7.4 (456999 Direct))


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2 hours ago, beltran said:

interesting... could you give a bit more details on the process please?
is it mac or windows?

You've got the idea with editing the content.enml file.  I also access the note in Evernote and make an update so the back-end changes get uploaded to the server
Windows users can get a .enex file to edit by exporting the note

We can make simple changes to the code.  807542311_ScreenShot2018-09-05at08_05_49.png.f7349e3e58916d73e6258beb9bf8cdb7.png
The code I entered was

As I said, this actually works on my Mac, but not on other platforms


>>(had to search by date inside of the hashed folder in ~/Library/Application Support/com.evern... unless you have a better option)

I'm doing this a lot so I wrote a script to launch Finder with the correct folder.  Documented at 


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38 minutes ago, DTLow said:

You've got the idea with editing the content.enml file.  I also access the note in Evernote and make an update so the back-end changes get uploaded to the server
Windows users don't have a content.enml file to edit.  They can export/import the note.  This gives them a .enex file to edit.

We can make simple changes to the code.  807542311_ScreenShot2018-09-05at08_05_49.png.f7349e3e58916d73e6258beb9bf8cdb7.png
The code I entered was

As I said, this actually works on the Mac, but not on other platforms


>>(had to search by date inside of the hashed folder in ~/Library/Application Support/com.evern... unless you have a better option)

I'm doing this a lot so I wrote a script to launch Finder with the correct folder.  Documented at 


this is exactly what I did... I added the summary tag to a part of the text but it didn't work.

I checked that it was correctly updating adding other content to the note inserting it in the .enml file
and it was working

how is it's supposed to look when you fold / unfold inside of the evernote note?
do you have to assign a CSS style somewhere?

Screen Shot 2018-09-05 at 17.40.20.jpg

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22 minutes ago, beltran said:

this is exactly what I did... I added the summary tag to a part of the text but it didn't work.

I checked that it was correctly updating adding other content to the note inserting it in the .enml file
and it was working

how is it's supposed to look when you fold / unfold inside of the evernote note?
do you have to assign a CSS style somewhere?

I can't comment on list tags in enml/html, but this code works.  No CSS required

1399107184_ScreenShot2018-09-05at08_52_09.png.d32873a7f448f39736f467a3ebdac67f.png   392120581_ScreenShot2018-09-05at08_53_51.png.e86aaf74a5ac911f3355f7c475149cfa.png     396876995_ScreenShot2018-09-05at08_50_19.png.63badada57863fd2d6e31fa3029e15e0.png


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58 minutes ago, DTLow said:

I can't comment on list tags in enml/html, but this code works

1399107184_ScreenShot2018-09-05at08_52_09.png.d32873a7f448f39736f467a3ebdac67f.png   392120581_ScreenShot2018-09-05at08_53_51.png.e86aaf74a5ac911f3355f7c475149cfa.png     396876995_ScreenShot2018-09-05at08_50_19.png.63badada57863fd2d6e31fa3029e15e0.png


????? yay! that works. Thanks a lot @DTLow

the important duo of tags is the <details> (which I was missing) and <summary>  
the <summary> tag will be visible when the section is folded

ah what a dream if the Evernote developers added this to the UI!! !!! :)

now onto your script to quickly open the note with finder ;)


  <summary> what you want to be visible when you fold </summary>
    any other content that you want
    <p> a paragraph </a>
	   <li><div>or a list</div></li>
	   <li><div>of whatever</div></li>
	   <li><div>you want</div></li>


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40 minutes ago, David N - Research Analyst said:

I'm preparing for the worst with Evernote

I'm preparing for Evernote's continued storage of my notes and syncing to my devices.
I've seen no reason for any concerns, and look for a long future with Evernote.

I have no concerns with  exporting my data; the export feature runs weekly as part of my backups.

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On 6/12/2018 at 7:29 PM, Wolfach said:

Is Evernote even working on it?  Is it even on the roadmap? 

For various reasons, Evernote does not publish a roadmap of their development.
This feature could appear in the next release, but Evernote has given no indication they're interested in it.
I'm also looking at the base format for notes (enml/html) and I'm not seeing the feature supported.

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we have many contents in Evernote . so if Evernote can be made with accordions text feature 

may be a title and summary  can shape structure but accordions text feature can show a little bit  content (image, text, video )



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17 hours ago, rasool said:

we have many contents in Evernote . so if Evernote can be made with accordions text feature 

may be a title and summary  can shape structure but accordions text feature can show a little bit  content (image, text, video )

"Accordions text" not an Evernote feature. 

My work-around is to move the text to another note, and include a link
I also use file attachments for anything beyond basic notes.

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2 hours ago, dirq said:

Collapsing PDF and Images would be awesome.  They take too much real-estate 


You can view PDFs and images as an attachment (as an icon), by checking the following two options in Tools / Options / Note / Note view options:  "Allow images to be displayed as attachments" for images and "Always show PDF documents as attachments" for PDFs. After checking the second option, the PDFs will be automatically displayed as icons.  In order to collapse an image, right-click on the image and select "View as attachment" from the bottom of the right-click menu. 

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I would strongly like to vote for a collapsable list feature similar to OmniOutliner's capabilities.  Multi level collapsable lists. Clone what Omni Outliner does in Evernote!

It's a hugely beneficial way to organize thoughts. Gives a way to break project ideas down. Helps organize and break down complicated ideas.

Humans love it.   It's how we think!


Screen Shot 2019-01-30 at 4.46.35 PM.png

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On 5/31/2015 at 3:43 PM, LeoTM said:

+1, I love Evernote, but WorkFlowy has this.

+1 for expand/collapse. What about an integration? Embed a Workflowy list into a note?

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12 hours ago, Soy said:

What about an integration? Embed a Workflowy list into a note?

Foe embedding, a note can contain files of any format.  
Use any self contained document that supports outlining; Evernote works well with Office/iWork documents

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I would like tu suggest a feature to collaps and expand indented text under a TITLE, in order to have information in a single line that could be expanded.
I use evernote as a Daily Diary, but I would like to have informations collapsed for Day (or may be for hour) in order to have a global view of my week at a glance 
I try to explain with an example.
Actually in my note I have
03.04.2019 20.00 Home Cinema with Mary and Joe
                Hanna - Great Prime Series! We spent all night lookin at 6 espisodes on Amazon Prime Video
04.04.2019 Evernote Request
                I wrote a note in the evernote community to ask for a way to collapse text in evernote
                Here is the note:
               Collaps Text of a part of a note in a single line
              I would like tu suggest a feature to collaps and expand text under an indented tab and a title in a singol line
              I use evernote as a Daily Diary, but I would like to have informations collapsed for Day (or may be for hour) in order to understand at a glance what to look at it.
Tomorrow I Would like to have
[+] 03.04.2019 20.00 Home Cinema with Mary and Joe 
[+]  04.04.2019 Evernote Request
With the possibility to click on the [+] sign and see the subnote expanded as in the OLD EXPANDED VERSION 
Could be very usefull to keep track of projects also.
May be there is these feature already?
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I moved this discussion to the feature request forum.

The Evernote editor does not currently support outline expand/collapse. 

Work-arounds that I use

  1. Switch to a word processing format and store in the note as an attachment
  2. Use links to separate notes. 
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11 minutes ago, originalex said:

Using an external editor right? and then attach the file?

That is what he means and it is a work around.  I, and others, would like to see this feature added as well.  Here is the general request for it and you can upvote by clicking on the arrow in the upper left


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On 6/11/2018 at 7:00 PM, Dgldy said:


The lack of this feature is literally the single driving factor for me to switch to Workflowy

For me it is Outlinely. I would rather stay in Evernote, but at times I need to collapse/expand, for example, speaking notes. There are other ways to achieve this e.g. jump anchors, but this request has 'matured' without response from Evernote for more than five years...

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I use Workflowy and Evernote routinely.  Both have their own special strengths and weaknesses.  I also use Lightroom (forinstance) because Evernote just wont let me edit my RAW camera images yet (joke).  Lightroom sucks at note taking.  There's no shame in an app having a special area of expertise,  and lots of reasons why Adobe should try to add Evernote's functions to its app and vice-versa.

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5 minutes ago, greiggy said:

For me it is Outlinely. I would rather stay in Evernote, but at times I need to collapse/expand, for example, speaking notes. There are other ways to achieve this e.g. jump anchors, but this request has 'matured' without response from Evernote for more than five years...

When presentation mode was added, I thought for sure collapse/expand would be added.  It made sense to me this would logically follow, at least for presentation mode ... I was wrong. 

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9 minutes ago, greiggy said:

I would rather stay in Evernote, but at times I need to collapse/expand

Use a different editor, and save your documents in Evernote as attachments

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I have begun my transition to Notion. I have a lifetime membership to Evernote, because I've been with them from the beginning. I am leaving because of this issue and all the other feature requests that have gone ignored by Evernote. Evernote has shown itself to be a dysfunctional company, but it's the product that I'm now rejecting.

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4 hours ago, David N - Research Analyst said:

Evernote has shown itself to be a dysfunctional company

...By not having the same view as one user about this "essential" feature?  I use Workflowy for outlining and save the results into Evernote notes.  Whatever.  If you feel you need to leave and develop a new account elsewhere,  that's entirely your priviledge.  Good luck.

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21 minutes ago, Wolfach said:

what seems to be an acute disregard for communication/dialogue from Evernote on this topic

I have to agree that with (currently) 400 votes,  this seems like one of the best -if not the best- supported feature request out there.  But Evernote has almost never gone in for "coming soon" or "in the pipeline" announcements,  while there have from time to time been "never gonna happen" comments on one or two features from staff. 

Silence may be encouraging!

We don't know (and Evernote won't -usually- say) what their priorities are,  so 2025 might be realistic.  Or it might happen 4 or 5 years sooner than that.  Watch this space.

Of course,  if outlining is central to your workflow,  you should find an alternative;  for the moment (as above) your best other option is to use a third party app and paste the results into Evernote.  

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56 minutes ago, Wolfach said:

I feel like I'm almost being held hostage (its just not that simple for me to move to a competitor)

I know that we're not "being held hostage".  Evernote makes it extremely easy to export our data; it's a 30 minute process I run as part of my backups.

>>it is one of the most disheartening issues with this software ... I'm likely most infuriated ...

I successfully use the Evernote editor, knowing it's adequate for basic notes

For word processing features, I use dedicated editors.  More productive than being infuriated, disheartened.

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Hello All!

I've posted some ideas here before. I'm a self-certified super user and am a HUGE proponent to the text collapse idea. I've long since given up on the idea and have moved to my own personal work-around. However, I stumbled upon what could be a great solution if the dev team would be willing to make a few tweaks. Have a look...


Screen Shot 2019-07-02 at 10.39.20 AM.png

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17 minutes ago, CraigD said:

However, I stumbled upon what could be a great solution if the dev team would be willing to make a few tweaks. Have a look...

This has been mentioned before and requires directly editing the underlying enml/html code.

I've successfully tested it on my Mac

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