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native linux client



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11 hours ago, DTLow said:

Never say never, Evernote could surprise us all, but I wouldn’t count on Evernote releasing a Linux client

I’d be looking at alternatives

  1. Evernote’s  web platform
  2. Clone applications that use the Evernote database
  3. Export your data out of Evernote


I have been finding replacement for Evernote. I have tried NixNote2, QOwnNotes, Standard Notes, Turtl, etc. Still, none of them meets my requirement and I could not shift my workflow to Linux, especially how I use Android to collect information and use desktop client to organize them. One might assume that NixNote2 is very promising since it could connect your Evernote account. Among those tools, NixNote really do a great job and it is probably the best option when working on Linux. However, since it use Evernote API to connect Evernote account, there are limitations in synchronization, which is a very critical defect for anyone who use digital note taking application.

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  • Level 5*
13 hours ago, Clintko said:

However, since it use Evernote API to connect Evernote account, there are limitations in synchronization, which is a very critical defect for anyone who use digital note taking application.

What are the limitations? Evernote-written clients also use the Evernote API, right?

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  • Level 5*

Please search the forum for 'linux' to find an existing feature request for a Linux client, and add your vote, rather than making new requests. There are several.

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Em 23/02/2017 at 21:16, jasonblewis disse:

Many of your users would love it if you could make a first class linux client, just like the mac and windows clients.

Please consider this.

I agree; we need a native linux client!

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Correct me if i am wrong, but shouldnt it be quite easy/doable to compile EN to Linux, when there is a OSX source available? At least easier then make a Windows Store App from a Desktop App?

This missing of an EN client is still the only reason i dont use Linux as daily driver. And that the way for many years now..

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I didn't renewed my payment account this year, and just removed all my notes left a minute ago and uninstalled evernote from all my devices.  

Just in case someone is interested, I moved all my stuff to Asana. They do not have a Linux native client either and have their own issues too, but at least their web based client is way better than the only option Evernote provided for Linux users, which is practically unusable, and provides a consistent experience among all devices.

Also the organization of things in "tasks" instead of "notes" from the beginning, and its flawlessly integration with Instagantt are two pluses for my indie developer GTD scheme. Those disappointed with Evernote, may well give it a try, though I must insists that what fitted for me has not necessarily to fit for others.

As an addendum, I'd like to add that the pointless arrogance and disdain for other users shown by most of those labeled as "gurus" here doesn't help to attract and keep new users. But that's only my opinion...

https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2013-01-01 2017-09-19&q=evernote


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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, Fran Marzoa said:

I moved all my stuff to Asana

My impression of Asana is it’s a team task management service whereas Evernote is a generic note filing service

>>They do not have a Linux native client either

I’m interested in alternatives but the important point in this discussion is a Linux native client


Good bye, good luck.  Thanks for your contributions to the forums

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I had to move to Linux a few weeks ago and such a dissapoinment not to have a native evernote app for linux. After reading this forum, i think i'll have to look for an alternative to evernote.

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Evernote has been sending out a new survey in emails with the subject "Help us improve Evernote".  They seem to ignore their own forums, but maybe they will pay some attention is people fill out the survey and ask for Linux support?  It's worth a try!  Of course they don't even include this important feature idea in the survey, since they mostly want to bolt on a bunch of sharing/collaboration stuff, but at least we can emphasize the importance of Linux support in all of the text boxes where you fill in your own requests.  So if you get the mail, maybe fill out the survey even though it's a long one!

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  • Level 5*
7 hours ago, Flash G said:

Evernote has been sending out a new survey in emails with the subject "Help us improve Evernote".  They seem to ignore their own forums, but maybe they will pay some attention is people fill out the survey and ask for Linux support?  It's worth a try!  Of course they don't even include this important feature idea in the survey, since they mostly want to bolt on a bunch of sharing/collaboration stuff, but at least we can emphasize the importance of Linux support in all of the text boxes where you fill in your own requests.  So if you get the mail, maybe fill out the survey even though it's a long one!

The other thing that you can do is root for them to improve the web client, which actually exists today (as opposed to an official Evernote client for Linux), but seems like it needs some attention.

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We do consider seriously to move to another solution either, due to many, many issues.

0. Storage and encryption

Simple cloud space, sensitive notes in combination with boxcryptor or cryptomator (opensource)  encrypted folders. Both has mobile versions.

1. To grab webpages

We found an extension for Firefox and Chrome, dotEPUB which is able to safe our pages to epub format ! So we are able to read them properly
in an eReader on a tablet if needed.

2. Wiki notes

Additionally we found Haroopad, a nice Markdown editor that supports multiplatform, as an app for OSX.  It works great. Code on the left, WYSIWYG on the right pane.
So for now we create our wiki in this great editor in .md format. Again we store them in cloud space.

Evernote is a hassle to write nice wiki in Markdown. Especially when You want to create technical wiki.

So we think we found a very good alternative to Evernote that is clearly not ready for multiplatform and as tool for developers who are in need to write
technical notes in a standard markup language.

3. Versioning

We currently look how to match in GIT to the story to version our notes with a repo. Things we lack too in Evernote.


So most likely a good bye to Evernote.

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The only viable option for Linux, other than using the web client, is to keep everything in Dropbox in common document formats, and use Recoll or a similar indexing service on the desktop to create a search index. Take notes in LibreOffice or as PDF markups. The notes you already have can be exported as HTML. For encryption, there's a number of methods available.

Other than using a file system based database, there's really nothing available for Linux. It's still not really commercially viable to create a Evernote like service for it. Linux just now in the August of 2017 reached 3% desktop market penetration. It doesn't exist on mobile, for all practical purposes. Unless some enthusiasts decide to create code for free, or someone finds a way to Ron Evernote or Onenote under Wine, a file based database is going to remain the only option.

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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, Wanderling Reborn said:

or someone finds a way to Ron Evernote or Onenote under Wine

If you check around the forums,  there are several posts from linux users who seem to be doing that quite successfully.

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On 2017-10-26 at 2:36 AM, Amtriorix said:

We do consider seriously to move to another solution either, due to many, many issues.


3 hours ago, Wanderling Reborn said:

keep everything in Dropbox in common document formats, and use Recoll or a similar indexing service on the desktop to create a search index.

From a Linux perspective, what are the advantages of giving up the Evernote storage?

My purpose in using Evernote is to avoid storing my documents in Dropbox style folders, and to make use of Evernote's search indexing
I also like Evernote's Note format so my documents are stored within and linked between notes

>>Take notes in LibreOffice or as PDF markups.
I find the Evernote editor useful for simple notes; however for serious writing I switch to dedicated word processing services

>>The notes you already have can be exported as HTML.
I actually do this as an backup

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19 hours ago, gazumped said:

If you check around the forums,  there are several posts from linux users who seem to be doing that quite successfully.

This must depend on the individual setup... afaik for Onenote, it only works with 2007 and even then not for everyone. And not sure about Evernote.

I tried and it didn't work for me.

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20 hours ago, DTLow said:


From a Linux perspective, what are the advantages of giving up the Evernote storage?


None, if you can make it work and are happy with the results and limitations. Looking at this thread though, not all users are.

There's four heavy technology users in our family. We have two desktops (running W10 and Mint), three personal laptops (W10, W7 and Evolution), three iPads, one Android tablet, two iPhones and two Android phones. We also have kids' school issued Chromebooks, my work laptop running W7, and share some files with my in-laws.

When we tried to standardize on one tool to capture and share all data, it was a pain in the rear. Too much compromise and jumping through hoops. Instead, I decided that for this to work the best, data must be platform and tool independent, as long as it's 1)searchable 2) sharable 3) accessible. So, saving in common file formats, especially PDF, using whatever indexing utility exists on each system, using cross platform encryption for documents that need to be protected. My wife still uses Evernote because she doesn't want to move her cookbook database. Everything else is PDF, doc, excel or jpg.

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23 minutes ago, gazumped said:

I'm not a Linux user,  so don't understand the niceties.  Just sayin - it works for some,  YMMV.  ;)

Don't know if this adds anything to the pot - apologies if it's been quoted already... http://www.pcworld.com/article/3201149/linux/how-to-use-evernote-in-linux.html

I have gotten Evernote to work under Wine and used third party clients. Thought that had got it sorted many years ago. But Evernote updates broke the wine implementation (by messing up the pseudo registry - something you don't really want to disentangle). Also updates to *ubuntu broke the Linux clients as they were not supported and updated to run current libraries. Pity EV couldn't have picked up one and run with it. We, and many others, might still have been with them

Which said to me trying to fix a problem with no support would only lead to a greater problem in the future - and THE BOTTOM LINE was no way did we want to grow our important data on an unsupported platform application. And no, we weren't prepared to return to Windows.

So departed and haven't looked back. Use SimpleNote for simple stuff and ownCloud/NextCloud for heavy data sharing. A better solution (for us) at a better price (free).

Committing mission critical stuff to a limited proprietary platform leaves you a hostage to a company that wasn't the one I first engaged with.

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The single biggest challenge for me is taking quick notes on the fly and have them auto save and sync to all devices. This is where Evernote and Onenote shine. The problem I ran into is that there's no way to quickly start a new word document on mobile without multiple taps, and have it automatically save.

For now, I am using Notability on iOS, and have it set up to automatically back up all notes to a predefined cloud location in PDF format. This works well for one time quick notes.

I did look at Simplenote but I often use images in my notes.

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  • Level 5*
5 hours ago, Wanderling Reborn said:

The problem I ran into is that there's no way to quickly start a new word document on mobile without multiple taps

Agreed; I like to use alternate editors and its not as easy as using the default Evernote editor

Also, some platforms don't play well with editing embeded documents.  The Win/Mac platforms do a great job of exporting the document, launching the editor, watching for completion, and then importing the modified document.

If I know I'll be updating the document, I'll leave it in the cloud location, and include a link in the note

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I am a Linux user who just bought premium. We need a native linux client!

Thanks for this fantastic product.

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On 4/10/2017 at 7:06 AM, tim-hm said:

I use Linux as my daily driver and would love to see a native Linux client. Nixnote2 is an acceptable alternative once you've changed the default settings, but at the very least Evernote should be supporting that developer if it doesn't intend on developing a native Linux client.

I'd be curious as to what changes you made in order to render Nixtone2 an acceptable alternative. I'm not there yet.

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Many of the users like me have Ubuntu as a secondary operating system. But i don't see a genuine app made specifically for Ubuntu. If you guys truly want to reach an even wider audience i advice you to get an app for ubuntu as well. 

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  • Level 5*

This has been requested many times before, and there's at least one very long topic in the forums that discusses it, and at least one other feature request for a Linux client. You should search the forum and find existing content and add your comments and/or vote...

Short form: maybe adding a Ubuntu client would reach a wider audience, but at what cost (development, support, etc.), relative to the potential additional users?

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We did switch to Laverna for most technical docs.

It is multiplatform and it supports cloud sync and encryption.
However beware to store in the cloud your settings too.

We can not keep waiting on evernote who seems not to understand, some people need markdown for technical notes.

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Hello there,

I want to know what is the status of Evernote for Linux. I know why Evernote is not creating application for Linux. I'm using nixnote and works good but in 1-2 it downlods my notes from server and my notes is only text small size images size is less than 40mb. I want to fully functioned note taking application and I love Evernote that's why I'm finding way to use their services no doubts Evernote is best but I love Linux aswell. I don't want to compromise my security that's why I'm using Linux. 

     In 1-2 hours 2 two notes are downloaded form Evernote server to nixnote and still waiting for third note. Everything is mess-up nothing open like we see in Evernote application for other platforms. I shift to place where internet is very bad sometimes not working so I need application for linux. I try other client but nothing is good as Evernote app as.

  This is my request to please do something and spotify is also available for Linux so why not Evernote.


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  • Level 5*
On 1/18/2018 at 11:43 PM, daljeet singh said:

 In 1-2 hours 2 two notes are downloaded form Evernote server to nixnote and still waiting for third note.

Have you filed a bug with NixNote?

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You might wish to check out another open source alternative that I describe in the neighboring thread. However, note that it's in alpha state now i.e. it's unpolished and too fresh to be considered reliable.

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Linux Client pleeeease. Would make this best truely x platform note taking app on the market. yes there similar free apps but they are no where near as good. I've seen the implementations using the api but surely if you can create an apple and android client, it can't be a big step to make it run in linux.

Linux is my daily driver.

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I have already seen in community threads, and in other forums that there is no Evernote linux client.

On this matter, two points of view:

General: Already the number of users who use or want to use Evernote in Linux natively is great. At least, it's my impression in the Arch and Ubuntu forums, as in the social networks on Linux. Many comparisons in articles, podcasts, etc., of note programs and organizers are made against Evernote.

Individual: I am a 100% Linux user, for 2 years. And Evernote is an app paradigm within the field. And it is imprencindible to have Evernote in Linux, to be able to work offline with notes, notes and documents attached to my academic and professional work (I am a computer consultant in companies, and administrator of networks in a University).

Thank you for your attention.

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fwiw   Evernote is available on the web platform

Evernote has been working on a Common Editor platform so that each platform has feature parity.
This is being rolled out to users, including the web platform

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  • Level 5*
5 minutes ago, dagorret said:

Only that in linux I can not have the edition offline.
That is very important to me.

Have you looked at the Evernote linux clones?


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I can't find a reason for not having a Linux native client for Evernote. 

Evernote is disregarding a huge market by denying us Linux users with all the advantages of having a native app.

I am trying to keep my daily work within the confines of Linux.





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  • Level 5*
17 minutes ago, daljeet singh said:

Truth is Evernote have no plans to develop there application for Linux community.

No surprise there, but beside the web client (which is not great at the moment), you can also use:

On 3/5/2018 at 11:07 AM, premier69 said:

It's called NixNote

ise this link to install it: https://github.com/baumgarr/nixnote2

you can thank me later :)


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Evernote isn't interested in a Linux version, so don't hold your breath for a native Linux version.

Part of the problem is that there is no competition in the Linux market.  If Microsoft announced an official Linux version of OneNote you'd be sure to see an about-face and Evernote would at least take Linux under consideration.  And there are no note applications for Linux that has any draw upon Windows and Mac users.  

Best bet may be if Google came in with a note-taking application (other than Docs) because you know that it would work in the web, which means it would work for all platforms and a local client would probably be open enough to let open source projects tap into it.

As usual, it is the Linux community that tries to come to the rescue and a few have been mentioned in this thread. 

  • NixNote2
  • Quentier (it's not bad, but a little unstable... like me! ;) )
  • Tusk Evernote Client (a Snap app)

I wish somebody could turn around the Mac version and make it into a Snap or Flatpak to run on Linux.

Some things that could change the situation could be from

  • Snap, Flatpak and AppImage containers (be great if someone could take the Mac version, switch components to work in Linux and containerize it)
  • Growing use of PWA (Progressive Web Apps) which are like Electron apps (web apps in their own window, with notification and other integration with the system).  While the growth will be on Windows and other systems, it "may" mean the web version gets an improvement.
  • Growth of Chromebooks may push the web interface version.
  • Work being done to run Android Apps on Linux (not emulator or VM, full-speed) could mean the Android version comes available to Linux

But the bottom line is, for now, it is too much work for them to offer to a "too small" market, and until Microsoft or Google legitimizes the market by coming out with their own Linux version as a competitor, Evernote isn't going to spend any money or time on it.

Could they? Yes.

Will they? No.

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  • Level 5*
22 minutes ago, Dragonbite said:

But the bottom line is, for now, it is too much work for them to offer to a "too small" market

Hi.  I can understand the frustration,  but Evernote is a commercial operation,  chasing the bottom line - exactly like Google,  who have started and then dropped too many products to mention,  and Microsoft who have probably done the same but most lately and famously dropped out of the mobile phone market for purely commercial reasons. 

If a company doesn't think it can make a profit out of a market,  it won't enter it - and I'd assume that Evernote has looked,  given the interest shown in this and other threads,  but has decided I ain't gonna happen - yet.

There's a possibility that they're already planning something for the future - but Evernote (like the others) doesn't -usually- share what might be in their pipeline until it's launched.

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2 hours ago, daljeet singh said:

This thread is open in 2013 but still we don't get our problem solutiions

No point now - people committed to Linux have found other solutions - mostly using other platforms. And with it Evernote has lost some of their best recommenders.

Look back to see why NixNote may be useful tactically but would fail any serious strategic review. No fault of its developer - more that Evernote couldn't be bothered to breathe a bit of support to sustain it across distro and library upgrades

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On 5/8/2018 at 9:25 AM, gazumped said:

Hi.  I can understand the frustration,  but Evernote is a commercial operation,  chasing the bottom line - exactly like Google,  who have started and then dropped too many products to mention,  and Microsoft who have probably done the same but most lately and famously dropped out of the mobile phone market for purely commercial reasons. 

If a company doesn't think it can make a profit out of a market,  it won't enter it - and I'd assume that Evernote has looked,  given the interest shown in this and other threads,  but has decided I ain't gonna happen - yet.

There's a possibility that they're already planning something for the future - but Evernote (like the others) doesn't -usually- share what might be in their pipeline until it's launched.

Nixnote2 have 500 downloads per day or 182.000 downloads per year so there is a market for Evernote for Linux which will be much larger if there where a native Linux client.

Nixnote2 have some bugs that makes it irritating to work with. I am a paying Evernote customer and consider to cancel because of a lack of a linux client or support for Nixnote2 or running Evernote on Wine which does not work well either.

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  • Level 5*
40 minutes ago, rphessing said:

I am a paying Evernote customer and consider to cancel because of a lack of a linux client or support for Nixnote2 or running Evernote on Wine which does not work well either.

Always your right and your choice to vote with your feet - it might be worth waiting around for a little while though..  looks like some interesting changes to Evernote Web are on the way through,  and as long as Evernote is still a browser option in any OS,  and effective web solution might be better than nothing.

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, rphessing said:

Nixnote2 have 500 downloads per day or 182.000 downloads per year so there is a market for Evernote for Linux which will be much larger if there where a native Linux client.

But hey, if you're Evernote, maybe you're saying "cool, someone else is doing that work for free."

1 hour ago, rphessing said:

Nixnote2 have some bugs that makes it irritating to work with.

Is this where we cue the Open Source chorus "given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow"? Not to mention that Evernote has plenty of bugs that make it irritating for some people to work with. Given that Evernote hasn't historically seemed interested in developing a native Linux client, how about supporting the person who does?

In addition, I think that everyone's hoping that the promised new version of the Evernote web client becomes a much more viable application than the current one.

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I've been running Evernote 6.4 in Wine on linux for a couple of years. But now it seems its blocked to login (see the security update post by Evernote). I tried to update to a newer version, 6.11 and 6.13. But I can't get it working in Wine. It wont connect to the servers. Any one here had any luck getting a newer version of Evernote running on Linux with Wine?

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Thanks for the link, I'll keep track of that discussion. But I tried 6.7.6, but it wont even start for me. Some missing DLLs that is related to chromium. Maybe Evernote will update the installer.

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On 8/10/2018 at 4:37 PM, Magnus Westin said:

Thanks for the link, I'll keep track of that discussion. But I tried 6.7.6, but it wont even start for me. Some missing DLLs that is related to chromium. Maybe Evernote will update the installer.


Which WINE version are you using?

I'm currently using an older Evernote version without problems (mainly for text notes, tho). The security issue post mentioned "versions 6.4–6.7." so maybe you can try to downgrade? See: https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=2566

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Posted (edited)

I won't pay for Evernote after this period is end. My computers for work and home are using Ubuntu.


I changed my idea when I found "tusk" (https://github.com/klauscfhq/tusk), which wraps Web Evernote, but is very similar as a native application. (Updated on August 17, 2018)

Edited by Cao Yi
add "tusk"
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  • Level 5*
52 minutes ago, Cao Yi said:

I won't pay for Evernote after this period is end. My computers for work and home are using Ubuntu.

Why, has something changed?

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1 hour ago, DTLow said:

Why, has something changed?

All the OS runs my devices are Android (mobile), iOS (iPad), Ubuntu (work and PC), and Windows (VM). I like to synchronize my data across all my devices, so I need all versions of Evernote.

I tried some third party Linux client, the best one is nixnote2 (https://github.com/baumgarr/nixnote2), but due to the restriction by Evernote server side, it cannot synchronize too offen or to many documents in a time. For my case, my ~3000 documents were not synchronized in a week. What a terrible experience!

The web version is not good as a native client.

Evernote does not release an official Linux version and there are not a good third-party alternative, I have to say goodbye. A sad story, see you, Evernote.

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10 hours ago, pez said:


Which WINE version are you using?

I'm currently using an older Evernote version without problems (mainly for text notes, tho). The security issue post mentioned "versions 6.4–6.7." so maybe you can try to downgrade? See: https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=2566

I'm using wine 3.13. And I've tried several version after 6.7. Specifically, 6.7.6 (which they said would be fine), 6.11.2 and 6.13.14.

What version are you running? Is it even older than 6.4? If so, does that still sync?

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15 minutes ago, Magnus Westin said:

I'm using wine 3.13. And I've tried several version after 6.7. Specifically, 6.7.6 (which they said would be fine), 6.11.2 and 6.13.14.

What version are you running? Is it even older than 6.4? If so, does that still sync?

I don't install Wine, and don't like run softwares with Wine.

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2 hours ago, Magnus Westin said:

I'm using wine 3.13. And I've tried several version after 6.7. Specifically, 6.7.6 (which they said would be fine), 6.11.2 and 6.13.14.

What version are you running? Is it even older than 6.4? If so, does that still sync?

5.8.something. Yes it does sync.

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I use CherryTree at work. But what I miss from Evernote is the easy web clipper and the note preview (with image) list view. Other than that, it is a quite competent note taker. But the big issue (why I don't us it for my personal stuff) is that it has no online or mobile version (either or would be fine).

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About four or five years ago I've set up GTD system in the Evernote with nested tags and smart searches
It was awesomely nice to use because I could have Actionable items and Archive in the same system with easy way to link between the items

Then four or three years ago I switched to the linux and since then I've been struggling 
Web application, third party clients and wine setups never worked tolerably.
Other note taking apps I've tried weren't suited to be configured to become same awesome integrated GTD system

For about three years then I almost completely haven't used Evernote. 

Thinking about cancelling the subscription or keeping it up for a bit since it's not much for a year and helps keep up the dream

Not much that could be done about that feedback, just want it to be somewhere out there
Wish everyone here a nice day!


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  • Level 5*

There's a lot of feedback from Linux users in the discussion at 


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Yeah that is the only downfall of Cherry Tree is that there is no options for that. I have been using Mozillas Reader view and webclipper for firefox and its almost the same as evernotes web clipper just cant view on mobile.

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15 hours ago, MikeStutzzzz said:

Yeah that is the only downfall of Cherry Tree is that there is no options for that. I have been using Mozillas Reader view and webclipper for firefox and its almost the same as evernotes web clipper just cant view on mobile.

Which web clipper addon is that? I've been trying to find a good alternative that is software independent. But all I can find on mozillas addon page are tied to some type of note taking software.

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  • Level 5

Hi All,

You may have noticed that all threads requesting Evernote for Linux have been merged into this thread, regardless of platform specificity. 

This was done in order to better enable us to quantify and qualify user requests, and amplify their voice.

While this does not mean this is a feature that will be coming, we certainly want to relay user feedback/sentiment to our various teams.

Moving forward, please put all commentary and votes for Evernote for Linux here!

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I'm another one who would love a linux client. I understand the above reasons, and I'll plod on without it, but it would be great!

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On 8/30/2018 at 1:13 AM, Magnus Westin said:

Which web clipper addon is that? I've been trying to find a good alternative that is software independent. But all I can find on mozillas addon page are tied to some type of note taking software.

Its Actually Called Firefox Screenshots Sorry


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There is a new Fork for Nixnote2 I have been testing it and it has been working really well. He has fixed multiple bugs I have experienced on the other version of NixNote


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I'm using the client for Windows via Wine, without major problems, whether it's performace or bugs. The only problem occurs when we leave the mouse over a text input field and this displays a tooltip making the focus leave the field; otherwise the client is fully functional.

  • Wine version: 3.0.4
  • Cliente Evernote Windows: (308094) Public (CE Build ce-58.1.6897)
  • Kernel: 4.15.0-42-generic x86_64 
  • bits: 64
  • Desktop: Cinnamon 3.8.9
  • Distro: Linux Mint 19 Tara
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I'm a paying customer and use Evernote on several devices. I am planning to move to Ubuntu and would love if Evernote would consider developing a native version for Linux.  However, I understand that this request has been demanded by the community for years now, so I don't think we will be hearing the good news any time soon.

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Need a native Linux client. I was very disappointed when it turned out that Evernote is not in Ubuntu. Make at least a client web wrapper using Electron.js, but with a search inside the note.

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Hi friends.  Just me chiming in.  I am a long time EN user (paid as well).  I am very much still interested in a full Linux Desktop client.  Currently I use a combination of the various web apps and a windows installation on a different computer.  But I just wanted to make my desire known that I'd love to see a full desktop client in the future!  Keep up the good work!

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+1 native linux client

the current web client is good, but there's some functionality that seems to be missing (eg. to export my EN notes to a local backup). one workaround for backup is sync using an API [to another cloud service or to your local storage] but this usually costs money for a paid-service)

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Evernote doesn't fit into my workflow since it's not on Linux.   My reminders and lists are going on Microsoft's Outlook on the Web.  And google docs will fill in the gaps and do my note taking. 

The web GUI isn't worth the trouble.  And community apps are unreliable, featureless, and aren't worth the security concerns.

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  • Level 5*
7 hours ago, Linux or Bust said:

Evernote doesn't fit into my workflow since it's not on Linux 

Confirmed - there is currently no Linux client app.  This is not new information
I understand a Linux app has been developed and is planned for implementation (no date)

>>The web GUI isn't worth the trouble. 

I'm not happy with the web app, and rarely use it   
It"s useful as a fallback when my devices are not available

>>And community apps are unreliable, featureless

I'm satisfied using the Mac app as primary
and the IOS app as supplemental

>>and aren't worth the security concerns.

What security concerns?

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I'm also curious. I'm looking forward. I will go back to the premium subscription.

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Someone knows when the stable version is be released?

I've been using the beta version for months and it works good but the task feature is missing

  • Thanks 1

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