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Turn off Auto Update

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How do I turn off Auto Updates (using current version 10.59.5)?  Several Google searches list answers that say "go to Tools - Options - ...).  In the current version there is no "Options" menu under tools (or under settings).  Surely there must be a way that I'm missing. 

When I'm in the middle of a project, I just need Evernote to work, not go loading some update (like more emoji's) that I couldn't care less about.  Feel free to tell me a update is available - but let me decide when it's convenient for me, to install the patch.

Thanks - Tom S.

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  • Evernote Expert

There is no switch to disable updates. They are supposed to load in the background and provide an indication on the menu column so you can choose when to initiate the process.

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  • 3 weeks later...

BZZZZZZZZZZZZT @Agsteele!  On Windows (10) the updates load in the foreground, in an uninterruptible dialog. It's a royal pain to have to wait for an update when I am opening Evernote to actually DO something. Survey your customers and find out haw many others also find this annoying.

It's MY computer and I'll do the updates when I want to, not when the software forces them!!!!!!!!!!!!

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For me no transparent argument …

When there are desktop updates, they are loaded out of sight for me. Once they are loaded, I see an update notification. Unless I now decide to accept, they stay loaded, but not installed.

When I decide to update, the client will close, the new software installs, the client opens again (usually logged in), and I continue.

Where is now your issue with the updating ? That it needs to shut down the client briefly to switch over to the new version ?

Maybe I just don’t understand where you see the problem.

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  • Evernote Expert
1 hour ago, Bob Easton said:

Survey your customers and find out haw many others also find this annoying.

I don't have any customers. I'm just another user like you. I answered the OP and described how it was supposed to be. 

I don't appreciate the agro directed at me when I was responding to someone else's post. Thanks in advance for calming down.

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I do not leave Evernote running all the time because my backup software won't back up its database if Evernote is running.

Therefore, I use it only when I want to actually DO something with it.  That might be once a day, or once a week. Lately, there are times when I start Evernote and it immediately goes into update mode .... NOT in the background, NOT out of sight, but in a modal dialog that can't be dismissed until the update completes.

That is my complaint. It used to let ME control the updates and do them at my convenience. Now, it won't let me work until it has updated itself. I prefer the previous method.

As for responding to someone else's post, I'm asking the same question. How do I turn off auto-update?

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  • Level 5
2 hours ago, Bob Easton said:

I do not leave Evernote running all the time because my backup software won't back up its database if Evernote is running.

Therefore, I use it only when I want to actually DO something with it.  That might be once a day, or once a week. Lately, there are times when I start Evernote and it immediately goes into update mode .... NOT in the background, NOT out of sight, but in a modal dialog that can't be dismissed until the update completes.

That is my complaint. It used to let ME control the updates and do them at my convenience. Now, it won't let me work until it has updated itself. I prefer the previous method.

As for responding to someone else's post, I'm asking the same question. How do I turn off auto-update?

I don't remember a modal (which proves nothing), but I do know that Evernote automatically update when it's been turned off and back on, and shuts itself down and restarts during an update, which does take time. A minute or two at most for me, but if I had a burning thought it'd be annoying.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Level 5

No you don’t have to do anything like that, you just get a notification that an update was loaded in the background and is available for installing.

You can continue using the app as long as you need. You can initiate the update any time by clicking on the notification in the left panel. Or it will install itself when you open the app next time.

Where is your problem ?

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12 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

You can continue using the app as long as you need. You can initiate the update any time by clicking on the notification in the left panel. Or it will install itself when you open the app next time.

Please stop posting nonsense - or better yet - read my original post.  EVERNOTE, the LATEST VERSION, ON WINDOWS 10 & 11, Auto Updates with no option to postpone and will DISRUPT the application.  Meaning when I need to look up ONE OF MY NOTES, if Evernote sees a update, it will just start the update and continues in update mode until it finishes and restarts Evernote.  I DO NOT WANT THAT.  I'm tired of software apps that think they can do whatever the Frack they want whenever they want - it's my computer, it's my software I paid for, my computer is a tool not a toy and it should work for me, not me waiting for it. 

So please STFU when you don't know what you're talking about.  Like many problems with Evernote, this is just poor design, poor ui, and POOR CUSTOMER SUPPORT.

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You seem to have a different update process than me. Just had an update of my Mac client today. I could choose between „update now“ and update when starting next.

Simple as that …

Personal remark: Somebody with roughly 1 post here per year of forum membership is probably not aware of the forum conduct. Here we don’t appreciate your tendency to all caps and lack of manners. We are all users, and ask for mutual respect.

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  • Evernote Expert
57 minutes ago, Tom-2020 said:

EVERNOTE, the LATEST VERSION, ON WINDOWS 10 & 11, Auto Updates with no option to postpone and will DISRUPT the application

That's not my experience. The day before yesterday, I got notice that there was a new version. The available updates icon appeared. Tapping that icon then gave me the option to update now or choose for that to happen when I next restarted. 

No surprises and the way the update is supposed to work.

If that isn't your experience then I don't know what to suggest beyond the typical very clean uninstall using Revo Uninstaller or opening a support ticket.

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@Tom-2020, do you keep Evernote running all the time? My experience is that Evernote stops to do an update (which might take 2 minutes absolute max, generally 1) only when it is being started up for the first time since the update was received. If it's already running, the behavior is as others have described: a notice in the left-side panel, which I can tap to update or ignore as I wish.

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For those having problems... you aren't seeing this as mentioned by Pink, Dave, and agsteele above?


You can click the 'Relaunch' whenever you want or can click the little 'x' to hide that message altogether and the next time you restart Evernote the update is applied. That seems pretty unobtrusive to me... This is how it has been for around a year I think.


Edited by Boot17
Added clarification
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  • Level 5
2 hours ago, Boot17 said:

Some of you aren't seeing this as mentioned by others above?


I can click the 'Relaunch' whenever I want or I can click the little 'x' to hide that message altogether. That seems pretty unobtrusive to me... This is how it has been for around a year I think.


It won't appear if Evernote has been shut down after the update was downloaded. As I understand (and have seen) it, the next time Evernote is restarted the download will be installed automatically, without the option to delay.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Last version which works with Windows 8.1 is Evernote 10.53.2

How to turn off auto-updates:

  1. Open %appdata%\Evernote folder
  2. Edit config.json file there
  3. Set "forceUpdateOnStart": false, and also add the following line 
  4. "updateCheckPeriodMs": 8640000000, 

This will stop auto-update for 100 days. 

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  • Administrator

I highly discourage anybody against turning off updates. They contain security patches that help keep your data safe against malicious actors. Plus, we have been rolling out performance improvements that have compounded significantly in the last 6 months.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/6/2023 at 12:35 PM, Federico Simionato said:

I highly discourage anybody against turning off updates. They contain security patches that help keep your data safe against malicious actors. Plus, we have been rolling out performance improvements that have compounded significantly in the last 6 months.

Buongiorno Federico,

I’d like to vote for allowing users to delay updates. This feature is crucial for our use case. Without it, we won’t be able to continue supporting Evernote, as we’ve been doing for 15 years, since 2008.

In past versions of Evernote, users could decide whether to install an update. This is not an unusual feature – it is found in most software products. For some reason, this feature was removed.

We appreciate the effort of Bending Spoons, the new owner, to modernize Evernote. However, the option to defer updates is crucial for our use case. We often use the software in the field, on a narrow and expensive bandwidth. When we open the app, we must see very quickly the note we are looking for. Since the feature was removed, we must keep the app open for long stretches of time, which delays our work and costs us a fortune.

Please restore the option to delay updates to the Windows 10 version. We hope that you can do so by January 2024, when our subscription is up for renewal.

Thank you for considering!

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@Federico Simionato  - no where in my post did I say I wanted to turn off ALL updates. I just can't tolerate having AUTO UPDATES forced down my throat.  When I open Evernote to find an important note - I expect to SEE THAT NOTE, not wait (and wait and wait and wait) for an update to process.  I'll chose when I have time to run updates - NOT EVERNOTE.   Otherwise, after 10 years of (paid) use, I'll be choosing to use another Note App.

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26 minutes ago, Evernote Loyalist said:

I’d like to vote for allowing users to delay updates. This feature is crucial for our use case. Without it, we won’t be able to continue supporting Evernote, as we’ve been doing for 15 years, since 2008.

Before posting here, we contacted customer service. The response:

"I understand that you want to disable the auto update of Evernote on your device. As per checking on our resources, please be advised that disabling automatic updates is not yet an option and we haven’t built this feature into the new Evernote app."

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  • Level 5
On 10/24/2023 at 10:44 PM, Evernote Loyalist said:

We appreciate the effort of Bending Spoons, the new owner, to modernize Evernote. However, the option to defer updates is crucial for our use case. We often use the software in the field, on a narrow and expensive bandwidth. When we open the app, we must see very quickly the note we are looking for. Since the feature was removed, we must keep the app open for long stretches of time, which delays our work and costs us a fortune.

A question from a fellow user: what Evernote client are you using? Is it a mobile client (Android or iOS)? On my Android phone, I have automatic updates turned off in the device settings. I only update Evernote from Google Play when I choose to.

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I agree with Tom-2020. It is a MUST to be able to disable  autoupdate. 

Recently I updated from version 6 to 10 and lost the possibility to save documents directly from FOXIT. 
The workaround involves changing the registry.  But  the workaround  vanishes  when  Evernote autoupdates.

I'm using Evernote on my other work computers and I am NOT going to update  frrom version 6

I too consider moving awy from Evernote


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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm on the disable auto-update bandwagon.

I've read through all the replies in this thread, and sees comments like "where is the problem? Does it not update ok? It should load in the background, etc etc.". While I appreciate being given updates to software and operating system components, I can't but wonder if no-one considers it is a matter of being in control more than anything else.

Fact is any update is a risk to stability, and where Evernote - or another affected application or operating system component - being negatively impacted by a software installation, on a personal computer may pose a lesser impact, it is not necessarily the case, and definetely not in the case of a coorporate pc.

We do updates in maintenance windows for a reason. I personally update my PC when I see fit for the very same reason. Just to be clear, this is not the same as being security unaware, but rather a matter of careful planning, intended to minimize the risk of data loss and loss of work (and ultimately profit).

This is something software vendors should appreciate and respect, and neglecting to do so, is imho a matter of unprofessional conduct. It would be far better, and magnitudes more appreciated, to acknowledge this lacking feature, and plan it for implementation in the near feature, rather than discourage updating the product, and locking customers into the software vendors update regime... we are being troubled enough in that department already, courtesy of Microsoft - no need to join that team.

So while it seems we have a workaround, which unfortunately involves editing files, verging on the duct tape scale, I would much prefer an actual option to put updates back under my own control. Just my 2 cents.

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In fact not updating is a risk to stability, in terms of patches, bug fixed and in general.

Many users asking here to disable the updater do so because they want to continue using an old version of v10 (maybe in the 10.50ies) because it is the last one that will work with Windows 7. Windows 7 in turn is deprecated since many years, and completely unsafe to use on any system connected to the internet. EN needs internet access ... and EN v10 below 10.60 is already deprecated as well, as is legacy. A cloud service serious about security can't allow any old client to just unlock and enter the "vault".

Long story told short: It is pretty standard these days that apps look after being up to date. There are good reasons for it, especially with services connected to the web and cloud.

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26 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

In fact not updating is a risk to stability, in terms of patches, bug fixed and in general.

Long story told short: It is pretty standard these days that apps look after being up to date. There are good reasons for it, especially with services connected to the web and cloud.

I digress - and history has proven that many times. In the event of a stability issue, then yes, an update may fix that. Any update is however a risk to stability, regardless of how vigorous testing the update has been subjected to - but that is not really the subject of the debate here. 

The point I am making is, I want to be in control of what happens on my system. As far as I see it - that is the main concern for others in the thread as well. 

We can nitpick the technical details of various client/server combinations, and the attached security implications all we want, but none of that justifies Evernote not adhering to acceptable life cycle and deployment principles. 

A client workstation is not Evernote domain, and as such it's bad practice to update without confirmation. In my opinion that is not debatable. 

It would be reasonable, acceptable, and most importantly forthcoming to implement a policy of the last x versions being able to connect to cloud services and sync data. If you are outside that policy, you can use the software, but not sync data online. 

That satisfies the need for an updated codebase in relation to cloud service security, and at the same time satisfies users demand for control over their own device. 

It really isn't that hard to reach a reasonable compromise. Being unwilling to do so, but instead muddy the discussion with strawman arguments is not exactly constructive in my opinion. 

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  • Evernote Expert

This is an interesting discussion. I see both sides and have my own view which side I would err upon.

However, I'm not sure it is ultimately very useful in that it doesn't influence the program development one bit. 

I might submit a ticket or send to feedback@evernote.com

I'm certain that waiting in these forums for a change is likely to be fruitless. At least it has been so far.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am struggling with this on Mac because it is constantly asking to install a Helper Tool. I do it, but we are trying to reduce the instances that users in our environment need to have admin access and this is not helping. I'd definitely prefer being notified when there is a critical security update with option to install.

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  • 3 months later...
On 9/10/2023 at 2:40 PM, Tom-2020 said:

Please stop posting nonsense - or better yet - read my original post.  EVERNOTE, the LATEST VERSION, ON WINDOWS 10 & 11, Auto Updates with no option to postpone and will DISRUPT the application.  Meaning when I need to look up ONE OF MY NOTES, if Evernote sees a update, it will just start the update and continues in update mode until it finishes and restarts Evernote.  I DO NOT WANT THAT.  I'm tired of software apps that think they can do whatever the Frack they want whenever they want - it's my computer, it's my software I paid for, my computer is a tool not a toy and it should work for me, not me waiting for it. 

So please STFU when you don't know what you're talking about.  Like many problems with Evernote, this is just poor design, poor ui, and POOR CUSTOMER SUPPORT.

This has been my experience as well.  This app does not download in the background and then let me know when the update is available.  It just flat out, updates whenever it wants to.  The only way that I know that an update took place, is there is a pop-up message with what was fixed in the update, etc.  I also get prompted to add exceptions to the Windows Firewall at this time as well.  I have never added specific exceptions to the Windows Firewall for evernote.exe.

This has to stop!!!

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On 10/6/2023 at 12:35 PM, Federico Simionato said:

I highly discourage anybody against turning off updates. They contain security patches that help keep your data safe against malicious actors. Plus, we have been rolling out performance improvements that have compounded significantly in the last 6 months.

I am all for getting security patches and performance updates or improvements!!!

However, I'm an IT guy and can handle and manage updating software on my own. I've been doing it for years with every application that I have. 

Frankly, forcing the update without any sort of notification or a prompt with an option to defer is absurd. 

My android phone prompts me and allows me to defer, Microsoft does the same.  Evernote should follow suit!

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On 06.10.2023 at 20:35, Federico Simionato said:

I highly discourage anybody against turning off updates. They contain security patches that help keep your data safe against malicious actors. Plus, we have been rolling out performance improvements that have compounded significantly in the last 6 months.

After I spent the whole day today trying to get rid of the “wonderful” new features, which required me to clean out my computer several times, I’ll probably take the advice on how to disable updates. If you're wondering, the reason was the line "Press '/' for insert an element" in front of my eyes. But also a great AI edit button that closed the menu. I’d rather wait for versions without surprises and let the kamikazes on the forum test them.

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  • Level 5

No clever move …

First each update usually carries some bug fixing as well (and sometimes new bugs, but that’s another issue).

Second it is not guaranteed that all v10-versions will continue working ad infinitum. Currently the limit is somewhere at v10.5x. This means you can really break things by not updating.

Third if you ever need support (ok, this is another special chapter …) first thing they do before helping you at all is to ask you to update everything.

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On 10/6/2023 at 7:35 PM, Federico Simionato said:

I highly discourage anybody against turning off updates. They contain security patches that help keep your data safe against malicious actors. Plus, we have been rolling out performance improvements that have compounded significantly in the last 6 months.

@Federico Simionato You force some of us (e.g. me) because you break critical workflows MANY times with bugs like this time short-cuts/hotkeys bug and quick switch not working correctlt in 10.80.2. Please allow to delay the next update say a chosen amount of days. You broke my workflow e.g. with the switch options not searching and the short-cuts-not-working-bug since 10.80.2 this means I can almost not work with Evernote anymore, cause I use it all day, like a ninja, in at least 10 meetings per day, with all kinds of projects and people. I need this speed in my second brain. Evernote should function faster than my brain. With delaying X days, I could still be reminded and stay up-to-date with needed updates, but be delayed compared to others. You basiscally deliver alpha quality software currently, I cannot rely on your updates. (beta at best) 

I love Evernote and the new route 🙂  HOWEVER you don't act like it is a professional tool with a professional price tag, with the needed professional tested reliability 😞 

@PinkElephant from my perspective it depends on how you look at disabling shortcuts. I am considering blocking Evernote from updating. They introduce to many day crippling bugs, like the short-cuts that broke in 10.80.2. I fear the day it becomes 100% unusable for a while, thus rendering me 100% incapable of doing my work in our company. I would then update in a controlled manner, manually, after all other users have verified indirectly for me that there are no blocking issues in that version. 

At the others. For me too: If I shut down my computer, and start it up, it updates Evernote all the time, without asking me.

I just performed a downgrade to 10.79.3... That's a relief. Switch-To with Ctrl+Q and short-cuts/hotkeys work again.

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the bullet and highlights are box in 'more' tab , in the recent update , creating a need to double click and increase edit time , this was not the case before the update , please revert to the old ruler layout @Federico Simionatoimage.png.5ee9580d881c3bf8db3e3813eb1f727b.png


Old layout 


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I second that, it is a productivity hindrance for me as well. In general, V10 is more modern than legacy in UI, but many of the remaining features require now more clicking, as functions are deeper down in the UI hierarchy.

I understand that many here in the forum like clicking and don't mind if a single click action of old needs now 6 clicks (the argument being: it needs just 3-4 seconds).

For heavy users those seconds add up.

Besides, it is very distracting. Legacy was way better in this respect, one could concentrate more on the content. I think the term is "usability".

This is personal view, no one needs to "explain" to me, that usability has in fact increased (and the bugs don't exist, and features are not gone, or if yes, nobody needs them anyway).

But I do suggest to EN/BS to think about usability and productivity, as they evolve the UI (and the whole of EN).

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  • Level 5
18 hours ago, adutchman said:

This has been my experience as well.  This app does not download in the background and then let me know when the update is available.  It just flat out, updates whenever it wants to.  The only way that I know that an update took place, is there is a pop-up message with what was fixed in the update, etc.  I also get prompted to add exceptions to the Windows Firewall at this time as well.  I have never added specific exceptions to the Windows Firewall for evernote.exe.

This has to stop!!!

What happens for me is in fact that I do get a notification in the left panel that an update is available. If I don't click that notification, it doesn't install the update--unless I quit Evernote or restart the computer; then the update installs when Evernote reloads. Are you saying that in the middle of using Evernote, it stops and installs an update? I don't think that's the expected behavior, and it should be reported to (I know, I know) support: https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action.

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8 hours ago, MvdH said:

You force some of us (e.g. me) because you break critical workflows MANY times with bugs like this time short-cuts/hotkeys bug and quick switch not working correctlt in 10.80.2

This one really irked me too, but I must admit that I shot myself in the foot as I downloaded 10.80.2 directly from the website because I wanted to try out the collapsible sections and toggled bullet lists. They rolled 10.80.2 back (I think?) and then pushed out 10.80.3 which fixes the 'Switch To'. Are the auto-updates (I'm on a direct download -- not through the store) purposefully delayed for things like this? Early adopters get to feel the pain more?

No idea how their deploy strategy works, but I wish they would have some "stable" releases that we could stick to for weeks or months and then the auto-updater would only update us to the next stable release. And then they should only be pushing out the stable releases to the store.

I'm at least going to stop manually downloading the latest release from the website and see how that plays out for me.

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23 hours ago, adutchman said:

This has been my experience as well.  This app does not download in the background and then let me know when the update is available.  It just flat out, updates whenever it wants to.  The only way that I know that an update took place, is there is a pop-up message with what was fixed in the update, etc.  I also get prompted to add exceptions to the Windows Firewall at this time as well.  I have never added specific exceptions to the Windows Firewall for evernote.exe.

This has to stop!!!

I had the same issue yesterday and it created a huge problem by stopping my project in the middle of a deadline.  As soon as I opened Evernote to check some figures on a note, Evernote started an unstoppable download and new install.  During this long process, Evernote would not work in the background so I could not return to my time sensitive project.  I'm all for updating software promptly but when I'm in the middle of a project, I need that software to give me the option of pausing it or better yet, set it up like Windows so I can schedule it to download and install during off hours.   I've used Evernote for over 20 years and I'm about done with.  

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  • Level 5
22 hours ago, sandy said:

I had the same issue yesterday and it created a huge problem by stopping my project in the middle of a deadline.  As soon as I opened Evernote to check some figures on a note, Evernote started an unstoppable download and new install.  During this long process, Evernote would not work in the background so I could not return to my time sensitive project.  I'm all for updating software promptly but when I'm in the middle of a project, I need that software to give me the option of pausing it or better yet, set it up like Windows so I can schedule it to download and install during off hours.   I've used Evernote for over 20 years and I'm about done with.  

It might help just to keep Evernote (and your computer) from restarting during time-critical operations. In my experience, anyway, it is when Evernote starts after begin being shut down that it does the install (and download, if the new version hasn't been downloaded yet). How long did the download and install take? Again, just in my experience, I don't think the total time could exceed 3 or 4 minutes. If it's taking much longer than that, I wonder if there is some other problem.

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Instead of "Tools - Options," try looking for "Preferences" or "Settings" depending on whether you're on Mac or Windows. Usually, there's an option in there to manage updates.

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  • Level 5
9 hours ago, amwls100 said:

Instead of "Tools - Options," try looking for "Preferences" or "Settings" depending on whether you're on Mac or Windows. Usually, there's an option in there to manage updates.

Nope, I just double checked and Evernote doesn't have this. They really like people to keep updated, because of security and bug fixes. For people who frequently quit Evernote and restart it, or restart their computers, the updating that happens then can cause an interruption, and it probably would be good to just add the management option. And then prepare for the tide of complaints here from people who turn it off, never update manually, and wonder when the bugs are ever going to be fixed.

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2 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

bug fixes

ROFL - I can't remember a time when an "update" fixed anything without introducing even more bugs than it fixed!!

Is anyone else "enjoying" the massive white spaces now appearing at the sides of every note?  Or the MINUTE or more timewaste it takes to open Evernote in the first place?  Or the half-dozen "evernote" processes that never end, even when you exit evernote? ... etc etc etc.  The clue to block the updates is to rename the folder "evernote-client-updater" and create a file of that exact same name in the same place, then remove all permissions from that file so evernote can never get any updates 🙂

... and don't get me *started* on the pita that is trying to get evernote to fix their own bugs: they waste HOURS of *our* time helping them work through their own bugs before their offshore support teams even send the report to any programmers (if you're lucky).

Before 10.79 (tidy notes using all my screen)


After 10.79 (ruined formatting wasting 80% of my screen)


and yes - I wasted an hour reporting this bug last week already...  their "support" probably didn't pass it on because I told them it's not my job to help them fix their bug after an hour of my time had gone past...

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If you mean the screenshot from your other post (the one where you tried to hijack another users thread), you should learn about closing a running clients window is not the same than quitting a client execution. Maybe get a refresher course in "How I use Windows, Part 1 for Beginners".

You only closed the EN app window.

The formatting can easily be reverted by going to the apps settings, Notes and toggle the setting for optimized view / adapt to window size.

If your blah blah contains more of these "questions", I propose you learn how to use thew forum search, instead of posting long answered stuff again.

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  • Level 5
16 hours ago, meh! said:

Before 10.79 (tidy notes using all my screen)


After 10.79 (ruined formatting wasting 80% of my screen)


and yes - I wasted an hour reporting this bug last week already...  their "support" probably didn't pass it on because I told them it's not my job to help them fix their bug after an hour of my time had gone past...

Check Tools > Settings, Notes, scroll down to Note width. Is it set to Optimize readability? Often setting it to Fit to window fixes this. (And no, they absolutely shouldn't set it to Optimize readability for us, and no, it doesn't actually optimize readability.)

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The current version (10.81.4) introduces a new feature with collapsable lists/headers. Unfortunately this feature was apparently not stress tested properly with large notes that contain a lot of list items. In this situation, the notes become basically impossible to type into because it can take 10 or more seconds for the UI to respond to every button press. It essentially breaks the app and makes it unusable.

I reinstalled 10.79.3, which works well enough. But then Evernote automatically installs the latest version again at the end of the day when I shut down my computer, and the next day I'm stuck with a broken Evernote again.

Tried editing those json config files but that doesn't seem to work (anymore?).

It looks like stripping Write permissions from the Users\[...]\AppData\Local\evernote-client-updater\pending directory seems to do the trick.

Not giving people the option to postpone an update is just bad practice and loses you customers. Plus a release plan with a stable and an experimental version that users can opt in to. This stuff has been figured out for decades now. 

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19 minutes ago, Kejero said:

Tried editing those json config files but that doesn't seem to work (anymore?).

It looks like stripping Write permissions from the Users\[...]\AppData\Local\evernote-client-updater\pending directory seems to do the trick.

I think I noticed the same. Though I also seem to have seen that when you ask the About window of Evernote, it triggers searchign updates and downloading those.

Thx for the alternative suggestion. I love being on newer/newest versions, normally, but for this primary productivity tool I need more control. My whole work life (10+ people with each 10+ projects) and my private life is depending 100% on Evernote.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Kejero. THANK-YOU, Kejero!! I have long bulleted notes that were rendered unusable by 10.80 and following, and your tip about turning off permissions for the relevant folder worked to prevent my 10.79.3 install from auto-updating.

One tip: you may have to turn off your internet during installation of 10.79.3. I found that if I had the internet on, the program would automatically reach out for the latest update.

This problem is affecting a lot of people. Your "big" bulleted note actually doesn't have to be all that big for noticeable typing lag to set in. I am not a tech-savvy person, and turning off update permissions was a trial-and-error process for me, to the point that I cannot responsibly provide instructions to others. Would some kind tech-savvy person out there be able to post detailed instructions on how to download and install 10.79.3 and turn off update permissions for the relevant folder? You'd be helping a lot of people!

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Another use case that might not have been thought of when requiring updates is on a locked-down corporate machine where users don't have admin rights by default. To actually proceed with the update, I have to first request admin access through a separate app, then try to get the Evernote update modal to trigger again. It's incredibly interrupting and takes a few attempts to restart the app to get the modal to show. Meanwhile, if I use the "check for updates" feature it says I'm already on the latest version (which I'm not). Definitely considering a move to a different product as a result.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am so pleased to find this thread. 
+1 for an option to switch off or delay auto updates - they drive me MAD!

It seems to me that every time I need to use Evernote it downloads/installs an update.  My PC is not the fastest machine in the world, so this stops me from working for around 30 seconds.  I can't tell you how annoying this is.

I am a Premium Evernote user running Windows 10 Pro.  I have contacted support and been told (as reported elsewhere in this thread) that it's not an option, so like others here, I have been looking at alternatives to Evernote that don't force-update every time there is a new build published with a handful of minor bug fixes.  Even Windows doesn't work that way!

Don't get me wrong, Evernote is a superb product - when it works.  But the stress of having to wait for an update to process when all I want to do is get into Evernote and add a quick note or look something up is disproportionately problematic for me.

Come on, Evernote - listen to your users!

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  • Level 5

I always wonder about these descriptions. Once in a while the app will download an update in the background. When done, it will display a message that it can update now. Or I skip it, and it updates silently the next time I start the app. There is no impact on my workflows.

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50 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

There is no impact on my workflows.

For me the main impact is the risk of something crucial breaking in my work flow and having to downgrade to a different version or wait for a fix. I cannot depend on this professional product. I blocked the updates and do them manually during the weekend so I can try out stability before rolling it out onto my main computers. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I Wholeheartedly agree!   No other program/software/app that I use does auto-updates without giving more control to say when it happens.  ONLY EVERNOTE!  This is ridiculous -- I've been using Evernote for over ten years... why not give us a toggle button to turn off auto-update!  For the reasons stated in this post above, and in other posts I've seen in here:

  • Too many times in my technological life, an auto-update has caused either the updating program, or another one to become incompatible and cause a crash.  For this reason I only ever do auto-updates on slow weekend days when I have time to deal with any issues that arise.
  • I leave Evernote on ALL THE TIME on my PC desktop (with one exception, see below).  I often use it a a couple of dozen times a day, or more.  It serves as my professional and partly as my personal online brain.  I need to be able to make the decision on what day and what time updates are made.
    • except when I am leading online large groups on Zoom, at which point I need to close all other background running programs, including Evernote.   In those moments, time is of the essence... Sometimes I have 150 people waiting for me to enter a time-specific meeting in zoom.  I don't want to have to worry about whether or not evernote is about to update when I close it!
    • At least one time I didn't close Evernote right before one of those meetings (I forgot to) and -- in a particular moment where I was using very high bandwidth on zoom (sharing an hour-long music set for people in a paid workshop) I closed Evernote in the middle, and it auto-updated in the middle of my zoom meeting, causing our customers to have disruptions in the flow of their paid session due to the high bandwidth Evernote required to download and install the update.  It was extremely disruptive to our paying customers. 
    • Obviously, that latter example was partly on me for not remembering to close Evernote prior to the meeting, but the reality is, if Evernote allowed me to consciously decide when to allow the updates, I would never have been put in that position!  
  • It's unfathomable to me how much I feel disrespected as a customer to NOT be allowed to control my own updates by Evernote!   This issue alone has me shopping for an alternative to Evernote.  If you don't give me that toggle button, I will move all of my stuff over when I find that alternative.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Although I no longer use Evernot for new notes, my old notes are still there. And every time I turn on Evernot it now actually re-installs. It shows a "download and install" button and then it takes a long time for the program to open. This is complete nonsense. I'm glad that Obsidian helped me, since Evernot is now a source of irritation every time I contact him. There was a time when I loved this program, but now it is essentially in ruins.

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  • Level 5

You experience an app that is actively under development. They could probably do with a little less updates if release quality would be better, but at least useful things are added permanently.

As a declared non user I don't think your opinion on updates counts a nickel. You are not profiting from new features added, out of your own free will, so why should anybody care that new releases bother you ? We do get cool new stuff, and we appreciate it.

Just quit using the app, and you are free of the source of your individual annoyance.

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On 30.05.2024 at 14:11, PinkElephant said:

You experience an app that is actively under development. They could probably do with a little less updates if release quality would be better, but at least useful things are added permanently.

As a declared non user I don't think your opinion on updates counts a nickel. You are not profiting from new features added, out of your own free will, so why should anybody care that new releases bother you ? We do get cool new stuff, and we appreciate it.

Just quit using the app, and you are free of the source of your individual annoyance.

I'm moving in this direction to stop using the app. However, some of my information is still there. And I'm still upset that a program I've been using for years was just ruined by the developers.
However, I can congratulate the developers for having such loyal users as you. Of course, you are an example of outstanding endurance and calmness when you use even a broken thing and never tire of expressing gratitude for it. There is something sacrificial, almost monastic in this. I will follow your example in this, but in some other areas.

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On 5/3/2024 at 11:15 PM, PinkElephant said:

I always wonder about these descriptions. Once in a while the app will download an update in the background. When done, it will display a message that it can update now. Or I skip it, and it updates silently the next time I start the app. There is no impact on my workflows.

That behaviour would be great!
Instead the behaviour is this - upon starting Evernote, I get automatic install of the update with no prior notice, nor an option to skip it.
Thats somewhat frustrating when you want to make a quick note, but have to wait for the install to complete.

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On 10/6/2023 at 7:35 PM, Federico Simionato said:

I highly discourage anybody against turning off updates. They contain security patches that help keep your data safe against malicious actors. Plus, we have been rolling out performance improvements that have compounded significantly in the last 6 months.

The last update 10.91.1 messed up my intern note links, leading them to completly different pages.

When I rollback to 10.87.6 everything is working again.

From now on I will stop automatic updates if Im currently having a working version.

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2 hours ago, mattza said:

From now on I will stop automatic updates if Im currently having a working version.

How can you stop them?


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I removed write access to the auto update folder in Windows. Users\[...]\AppData\Local\evernote-client-updater\pending That seems to work. Now I can update controlled, which I do for every highest (=more proven as it seems to me) version of a minor update. About twice a month. And I do so Friday evening, so that I can rollback if the weekend doesn't proof to be stable. 

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1 hour ago, MvdH said:

I removed write access to the auto update folder in Windows. Users\[...]\AppData\Local\evernote-client-updater\pending That seems to work. Now I can update controlled, which I do for every highest (=more proven as it seems to me) version of a minor update. About twice a month. And I do so Friday evening, so that I can rollback if the weekend doesn't proof to be stable. 

I tried that, but for some reason it didn't work.
I don't know if this was the issue, but maybe a Windows update resets the access?
Have to try it again, thanks.

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On 5/30/2024 at 1:11 PM, PinkElephant said:

You experience an app that is actively under development. They could probably do with a little less updates if release quality would be better, but at least useful things are added permanently.

As a declared non user I don't think your opinion on updates counts a nickel. You are not profiting from new features added, out of your own free will, so why should anybody care that new releases bother you ? We do get cool new stuff, and we appreciate it.

Just quit using the app, and you are free of the source of your individual annoyance.

We've heard something like this from you multiple times Pink. I find it hard to appreciate, and even more so to identify the constructive feedback in such messages.

The whole idea of subscribing to the "our way or the highway" motto in product development - aka "if you're unsatisfied, just quit using the app" - really is the epitome of arrogance.

We are some who actually pays for the product. We started our subscription at a time where the product was something else - in some areas inferior, in some superior.

Now we are facing an for us unacceptable behavior, and raises concerns about it - much of this thread is about that, and this is called "constructive feedback", something developers and product management with some sense in their mind would:

a) Appreciate
b) Listen to, and communicate feedback to.

We have already outlined multiple viable solutions to this particular issue, which could satisfy all parties - yet there is not a single word from the devs, and the debate goes on, and instead of objectively focusing at the subject at hand, we have fanboy vs hater mentality among some users. It is truly sad.

There is a very real risk down the road, the consequence may be, that many simply does what you arrogantly propose - quit using the product, and eventually that may lead to the products non-profitability, and ultimately it ceasing to exists - everyone looses.

Just my 5 cents.

- Sharza

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  • Level 5

Since my subscription was booked from my account recently, I have only 5 ct left as well 🥲

So much about your implied assumption I wouldn’t pay for what I use. Staff members carry a „Staff“ designation on their badge. See any ? Watch harder ! Still nothing ? You see !

For the rest I have my opinion. Feel free to disagree …

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3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Since my subscription was booked from my account recently, I have only 5 ct left as well 🥲

So much about your implied assumption I wouldn’t pay for what I use. Staff members carry a „Staff“ designation on their badge. See any ? Watch harder ! Still nothing ? You see !

For the rest I have my opinion. Feel free to disagree …

The mother of all evil is assumptions. I don't see any assumptions on my part that you wouldn't pay for what you use, I don't even remotely see how it's relevant. I never thought you being staff - I just pointed out your reasoning had a touch of arrogance around it, and whatever I wrote still stands - so I guess I'll take your offer and disagree.

Enough of that - I refuse to let this be about you and me or anyone else for that matter.

We are on a evernote.com hosted forum, and support has been made aware of this thread, along with the issue at hand, and decided everything works as intended, and also decided that no Evernote communication was needed.

Since this is apparantly an issue for many people, that in itself is an arrogant approach to any issue by a company. Eventually - if our feedback is unappreciated, well... I guess we will have to find another solution which isn't Evernote - that is just a real shame.

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9 minutes ago, Sharza said:

Since this is apparantly an issue for many people

Its not though. If you count the individuals on the forum complaining about this them its probably less than 50, maybe less than 20.

I have a community of thousands and not one person has ever mentioned this and they're all very heavy Evernote users.

I think the assumption that's spoken about is the one where lots of people have an issue with this. 

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The note-to-note links that no longer work are about enough to make me try the method listed by @MvdH. It's not so bad when the link just refreshes the current page rather than going to the correct page, but when it takes me to a completely different and unintended location it becomes a mess. If better control over the auto-update process helps cut down on this sort of friction, then I'm all for it.

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4 hours ago, Jon/t said:

I think the assumption that's spoken about is the one where lots of people have an issue with this. 

Objectively speaking I can't argue with you - I have no empiric data to support any claim of the opposite. Anecdotally on the other hand, when some complain, there are usually a substantial number either staying silent, or just not part of the statistic.

Regardless of this, as mentioned before, there are in fact solutions that would satisfy both worlds, which (presumeably) do not technically require massive amounts of effort. It does not seem like that is something we'll get, so it may very well end up leaving no other options but looking for an alternative to Evernote, which is a real shame.

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How much respect does Evernote Bending Spoons have for its customers, with their Disney-like "made with ❤️" motto? Updates every other day are time-consuming and a p... in the a... on some computers. And sometimes it goes wrong, resulting in loss of precious time. Almost every update seems (to us old users) to bring its amount of impediment and product degradation. One cannot turn them off or chose the time of their installation. What kind of (rather costly) love is that : -/? 

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On 6/10/2024 at 3:29 PM, Jon/t said:

If you count the individuals on the forum

'on the forum' being the key word here.

With allegedly 200 mio. users I suspect there are more than 20 to 50 who don't care neither for the quantity nor the quality of these frequent updates, and there are definitely more here voicing dissatisfaction with the update cycle than those who are happy with it. 

Most users probably never make it to the forum, so judging from the number of posts here is simply irrelevant since we are lacking the actual numbers.


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  • Evernote Expert
35 minutes ago, Feitz said:

judging from the number of posts here is simply irrelevant since we are lacking the actual numbers.

You are exactly right which is also why we cannot infer that...

On 6/10/2024 at 7:17 AM, Sharza said:

this is apparantly an issue for many people,

We just don't know except that it is an issue for the few that have raised it.

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  • Level 5

@Feitz You mentioned a number of 200 million users. I doubt there ever have been 200 million users, more likely there were 200 million accounts, and probably most of them inactive. Even more were non performing (= Basic/Free) accounts, and most of these probably have left since the Free account was switched to be a trial only.

I would be surprised if we talk currently about more than a few million subscribers, plus an uncounted number of mostly obsolete free accounts.

The only configuration I am aware where the updater runs into problems is on computers without local admin rights. So typically corporate PCs (rarely Macs) that are under control of an IT department. Here the solution is simple: Use the Store version - it does not require admin rights once it is installed for the first time.

If this is not allowed, EN is not allowed by IT rules. In such a case the web client is the only complying solution, or not even this. I know of many companies who do not allow cloud services to be used in their IT rules, except those run and supervised by the company itself.

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2 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

You mentioned a number of 200 million users.

This number is from Federico's 2023 recap: 'Migrating data for over 200 million Evernote users to a new system was a considerable challenge'.


2 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

The only configuration I am aware where the updater runs into problems is on computers without local admin rights.

Maybe I misunderstood this, but I thought not the update process per se, but the timing and the new issues introduced by each update are what people are unhappy with.

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4 minutes ago, Feitz said:

Maybe I misunderstood this, but I thought not the update process per se, but the timing and the new issues introduced by each update are what people are unhappy with.


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  • Level 5

If you run into a meeting late, and only the ramp up the client, you may experience an update. It happens when you start the client. It could be a Teams update or a Zoom update as well, among others. All these apps run on a similar strategy, which from a user perspective is positive: They download the update in the background. Then they offer to update right away, later or with the next restart.

Which simply tells: Don’t be late into your meetings - and have your EN client already open, together with whatever conferencing solution you may be using. No surprises this way - but always easier to complain instead of thinking a little bit ahead. Or be early in your meetings …

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2 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Which simply tells: Don’t be late into your meetings - and have your EN client already open, together with whatever conferencing solution you may be using. No surprises this way - but always easier to complain instead of thinking a little bit ahead. Or be early in your meetings …

Please stop responding to threads - besides having ZERO understanding of the real problem, your solutions are completely useless.

First off, both Teams and Zoom has a simple little check box that says "auto update yes/no" under settings/preferences.

Second, I don't need some rando from a community forum telling me how to run my life - so Frack off.  It's becoming more and more apparent that Evernote is run by morons.  Simple tasks never get added or fixed,  and even their forum is lame - just noticed there is NO WAY to block annoying forum users .

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9 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

 Then they offer to update right away, later or with the next restart.

As I've said before, this isn't true here. I'm not offered any choice.

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What I get is this: A notification in the left panel that an update is available. If I click it, it updates right away. If i don’t, it updates the next time the client is started.

In both cases the update itself runs fast, because it’s already loaded in the background.

For a better update control you could switch to the Store version and disable „Automatic updates“. Just for this I wouldn’t do it - the Store version runs in a sandbox, which causes problems sometimes.

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9 hours ago, agsteele said:

Thankfully there is a way to block unpleasant users which I have done.

Me too!  Fortunately, I've had to do that a lot less over the last couple of weeks.  >Most< of the critical remarks have been critical, yes, but more civilized lately, IMO.  A welcome change!



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  • 2 weeks later...

I see the update popup around 4-5 times a day.

It's really annoying, especially while working on other stuff and the popup shows out of nowhere. 

Please let me decide whether I want to see those popups and when... Once per day would be definitely sufficient - I doubt that the update cannot wait a few hours.

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Getting the same problem. Sonoma 14.5 on an iMac, Evernote 10.87.6. No corporate software management and this pop-up comes up 8 - 10 times per day. Putting in an Admin ID does not work. I worked with the technicians at Apple to reinstall my Sonoma OS and reinstalled Evernote from scratch. No change, so it's definitely not caused by any "individual ay of setting MacOS up." Has anyone found a solution other than switching to browser-based? Been an EV customer for 10 years and now ready to find something else. 

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  • Level 5

10.87.6 is at least 15 release cycles backwards. We are currently somewhere in the 10.94.x region, and there were a lot of x.x.dot releases.

Check if a firewall or ad blocker restricts the access to Evernote.com. If using Chrome, make sure the browser cache is emptied (EN uses Chromium-based technology as platform for the app. There may be interference).

If nothing works, uninstall everything including data and settings using App Cleaner. Restart the Mac, reinstall EN.

Personally I prefer the direct install, but if installing gives you headache, you could as well try the AppStore install.

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Throughout one day, I got 5 popup updates, where I always have to enter Admin's credentials. 

It is supposed to be user-friendly? 

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If you are not the admin, it is MacOS and not EN who decides about the notifications. Updates that deliver bug fixes and new features are user friendly (would be even more so if they could be trusted to deliver without breaking other things).

If you want to avoid the admin procedure, install the AppStore version. It takes an admin authorization once, then updates install without.

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On 10/6/2023 at 6:12 PM, Yevgeny said:

Last version which works with Windows 8.1 is Evernote 10.53.2

How to turn off auto-updates:

  1. Open %appdata%\Evernote folder
  2. Edit config.json file there
  3. Set "forceUpdateOnStart": false, and also add the following line 
  4. "updateCheckPeriodMs": 8640000000, 

This will stop auto-update for 100 days. 

THANKYOU!!! Current version is breaking on Mac for me and keeps autoupgrading so have had to downgrade and enable this as support at evernote is terrible 😞


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  • Level 5

Current version 10.97.3 is working fine on my Macs. Beside this a "fix" working on Windows 8.1 is of no use for you.

Anything special about your Mac ? Ancient MacOS ?

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  • 1 month later...

Bad news (I think) for whoever created this topic. I'm noticing that updates are getting faster and faster lately. The web version updates automatically as soon as a new version is released and the desktop version is also showing the update very quickly.


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Why is it bad news @Cristiano478?  I disabled updates. I only wait for a higher number in releases, like 10.102.7 so minor fixes are all done in the update 10.102.x  and such. Then manually I run the update for one of my laptops. Does that work productively, I then update the second computer.

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On 3/26/2024 at 11:05 AM, MvdH said:


Well, not the entire thread. For Windows there is a solution in this thread. 

My bad. I assumed Mac also gave you control of this aspect of blocking a download/update folder for write permission, the same as I do in Windows. 

I think I was drunk or incompetent for a moment when I wrote this and missed the multiple times it was mentioned the latest posts were not about Windows. 

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  • Level 5

No idea how the apps own updating works on the Mac. At least there is no such folder in the EN install path.

MacOS being a UNIXoid OS has a completely different structure to (crooked) Windows.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/6/2023 at 1:35 PM, Federico Simionato said:

I highly discourage anybody against turning off updates. They contain security patches that help keep your data safe against malicious actors. Plus, we have been rolling out performance improvements that have compounded significantly in the last 6 months.

@Federico Simionato Frequent updates are great, but there is a very simple reason to not force the download of updates -- data usage on metered connections. The updates are not small, but rather the entire program is downloaded (~400MB each time). If a user is on connection with either limited bandwidth, speed or a metered connection (e.g. hotspotting off of a mobile phone, etc), that is a very large amount of data.

Couldn't there be an option to instead of automatically download the update, to still check for updates, notify the user, but to give the option to "Download now or later?"?

As one example, Mozilla Firefox has exactly this behavior (an organization very concerned about security, and updates its software frequently) -- there is no way for the user to disable update checking, and the program checks for updates frequently, but it gives the user two options in settings:
- "Automatically install updates (recommended)" -- this is basically the Evernote-style behavior, downloading the update silently in the background
- "Check for updates but let you choose to install them" -- this will bring up a notification similar to the Evernote notification of the update, except it will not download anything in the background unless the user explicitly clicks

I think such a behavior as Firefox would satisfy the user wishes stated in this (and other) threads by balancing the need to let updates happen frequently, but also giving the user a choice in the timing of such updates.

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