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  1. Got the exact same problem. I also downgraded to 10.79.3. I managed to prevent auto-update by preventing Evernote from writing to the folder where it tried to download the latest version (Users\[...]\AppData\Local\evernote-client-updater\pending).
  2. The current version (10.81.4) introduces a new feature with collapsable lists/headers. Unfortunately this feature was apparently not stress tested properly with large notes that contain a lot of list items. In this situation, the notes become basically impossible to type into because it can take 10 or more seconds for the UI to respond to every button press. It essentially breaks the app and makes it unusable. I reinstalled 10.79.3, which works well enough. But then Evernote automatically installs the latest version again at the end of the day when I shut down my computer, and the next day I'm stuck with a broken Evernote again. Tried editing those json config files but that doesn't seem to work (anymore?). It looks like stripping Write permissions from the Users\[...]\AppData\Local\evernote-client-updater\pending directory seems to do the trick. Not giving people the option to postpone an update is just bad practice and loses you customers. Plus a release plan with a stable and an experimental version that users can opt in to. This stuff has been figured out for decades now.
  3. Same issue here. I use bullet lists extensively and the new version 10.80.x is completely unusable now.
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