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15 year member cancelling subscription

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I am pretty sure they will observe and take action if necessary.

From a users side anybody has the right to put his money where the value is. This depends on the individual use cases, not on the absolute price.

If the value doesn’t sustain the new price, then you need to watch out for alternatives, and move on.

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This is not an unheard of policy of retaining customers.  I encountered this recently when I cancelled my cable TV and my Sirius satellite radio subscription ie: I called up and asked to cancel and they immediately offered  a discount to retain the business.  I've seen this many times over the years.  One thing that should be noted is that these offers are not always forthcoming and that means that you take a risk in cancelling your account ie: you can hit "cancel" and not actually be presented with an alternative offer.  Therefore, this is a game worth playing only if you're absolutely sure that you are unwilling to pay the current price but could be convinced to continue with the service at a lower price.  I don't want to play games with a service as important to me as EN.

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I, too, was shocked by the drastic increase in price.  I've been a Premium subscriber since 2014.  In that time they've removed features I liked, thereby decreasing its value for me (such as presentation mode, the ability to share notes, etc.).  I don't care for the new version and still retain one of the older versions on my PC.  I do appreciate that syncing has gotten faster, at least on my iphone and ipad.  Still not seeing it on the PC, though (probably being punished for having the older version there).  Come on Evernote, you're getting greedy!

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  • Level 5
1 hour ago, Tinchohs said:

I hear you, and I have no issues with EN 'pushing' the clients on the free plan to either get in or get out. But significantly raising prices for those who have already decided to pay does not seem like a wise business practice. I've been paying customers since 2010. I currently pay USD 70 - it's my second most expensive software subscription. And they want to raise the prices to USD 130 – a 63% increase. Something does not feel right to me. I paid through all the years when the service was far from working optimally. It is true that it has gotten much better. But not enough for me to justify this price increase. This is the straw that finally broke the camel's back. No renewal this tome around. 

This is quite understandable to me. But my OTOH is always that they kept the price low (perhaps unreasonably low) for quite a number of years. Suddenly raising it all at once naturally caused a lot of blowback. The old frogs in a pot of warming water metaphor ... if they' raised it a few bucks every year, we'd all be contentedly boiled frogs by now, but cranking it up all at once is causing a certain amount of hopping out.

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  • Level 5
29 minutes ago, washbear said:

I, too, was shocked by the drastic increase in price.  I've been a Premium subscriber since 2014.  In that time they've removed features I liked, thereby decreasing its value for me (such as presentation mode, the ability to share notes, etc.).  I don't care for the new version and still retain one of the older versions on my PC.  I do appreciate that syncing has gotten faster, at least on my iphone and ipad.  Still not seeing it on the PC, though (probably being punished for having the older version there).  Come on Evernote, you're getting greedy!

AFAIK sharing notes is still possible. You could check the v. 10 Web app (https://www.evernote.com/client/web😞 in each note when it is displayed, there is a big green Share button at top right. WRT syncing, you're right, the Legacy Windows version doesn't participate in the upgraded syncing mechanism introduced in May.

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  • Level 5
2 hours ago, Twitchly said:

Yup. That’s what I just did. I intended to actually cancel and was surprised by the reduced offer. I’m willing to pay the reduced amount (which is still a significant increase over last year), but not the crazy new full price. Not for a digital filing cabinet, which is how I use Evernote. I’ve already got a decent backup plan for next year if the offer isn’t repeated. 

I highlighted something relevant here. I think the many different use cases for Evernote have an effect on people's willingness to pay the increase. For a filing cabinet (even a searchable, linkable filing cabinet) it may seem high. I use it for creating and keeping notes related to my writing, household tasks, travel, groups we belong to, etc., and for these Evernote as it now is feels worth the money. Esp. considering the work it would be to learn and move to something else.

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5 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

AFAIK sharing notes is still possible. You could check the v. 10 Web app (https://www.evernote.com/client/web😞 in each note when it is displayed, there is a big green Share button at top right. WRT syncing, you're right, the Legacy Windows version doesn't participate in the upgraded syncing mechanism introduced in May.

I do still see the button for sharing (copy share link) in the legacy version, but when you try to bring up that link, you get this error message (I haven't tried sharing a note with my iphone which has the newest version of Evernote):  image.png.83f673e1ea4ab3031b41c4deebf5d30e.png

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  • Level 5
Just now, washbear said:

I do still see the button for sharing (copy share link) in the legacy version, but when you try to bring up that link, you get this error message (I haven't tried sharing a note with my iphone which has the newest version of Evernote):  image.png.83f673e1ea4ab3031b41c4deebf5d30e.png

Try it in v. 10 -- the Web client will do. I seem to remember seeing some months ago that sharing from the Legacy app wasn't working anymore.

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4 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Try it in v. 10 -- the Web client will do. I seem to remember seeing some months ago that sharing from the Legacy app wasn't working anymore.

Thank you!  Yes, I just tested sharing on my iphone and it worked.  Glad to know this.  Thank you for your help!

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Negative comment on NoteJoy searches:

A search in NoteJoy for (for example) microsoft browser will return ALL results containing microsoft OR browser, NOT just notes that contain both words, which is what EN does properly

This is a huge minus for NoteJoy. 

They tell me that they are planning to enhance this search capability, but I'm not holding my breath.


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6 hours ago, pjbeee said:

A search in NoteJoy for (for example) microsoft browser will return ALL results containing microsoft OR browser, NOT just notes that contain both words, which is what EN does properly

I get erratic search hits on EN all the time. And the search results usually differ between devices. 

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I sort of understand the need to raise prices, but 40% still seems steep. I've been a EN customer since 2011, so not as long as some posting here. What I'm truly more pissed about is that I didn't get an email notifying me of the increase. I would have cancelled the renewal and found something else to use if I had received a warning notification. Now I have a whole year to figure out what I will replace EN with, because there's no freaking way I'm going to try and get a partial refund.

The absolute best part of EN is the Web Clipper...sadly, no one else comes close to the functionality or accuracy, so I'll have to just get used to poorer quality clips. Unfortunately, it's just not worth the extra expense. There's no way I'm paying nearly $200 a year. Maybe they will have a better "please don't cancel" incentive by the time my renewal rolls back around. Or maybe they won't be here...

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I understand about the erratic results. Forgot to mention, as this was only a recent thing with me.

Had to close and re-open the Windows app for results to be OK. Takes seconds on this machine so it didn't bother me much.

I'm now on the free version, plus still checking out NoteJoy, and putting all new entries into that. 

Aside from the search issues (annoying), it seems to be good.

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50 minutes ago, dhbevernote said:

I sort of understand the need to raise prices, but 40% still seems steep. I've been a EN customer since 2011, so not as long as some posting here. What I'm truly more pissed about is that I didn't get an email notifying me of the increase. I would have cancelled the renewal and found something else to use if I had received a warning notification. Now I have a whole year to figure out what I will replace EN with, because there's no freaking way I'm going to try and get a partial refund.

The absolute best part of EN is the Web Clipper...sadly, no one else comes close to the functionality or accuracy, so I'll have to just get used to poorer quality clips. Unfortunately, it's just not worth the extra expense. There's no way I'm paying nearly $200 a year. Maybe they will have a better "please don't cancel" incentive by the time my renewal rolls back around. Or maybe they won't be here...

I have also used Evernote since 2011. Canceled my subscription about a month ago, and got a refund. EN has unfortunately gotten too buggy to be used and trusted for professional work. And the price is also far too high for a software in a beta stage.

Just visiting the forum shortly, as I saw the EN blogpost "Future-proofing Evernote’s foundations", and thought problems might be fixed. It turned out to be false news. So, I'm on my way out again.

About webclipper: Onenote has a decent webclipper. Works just fine on windows (chrome) and android. However, Onenote itself can't unfortunately replace Evernote.

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I wouldn’t call it unfortunate that ON is not up to the task. In fact I feel Windows and Microsoft is getting creepier all the time.

Recently I got a new corporate PC, exclusively for professional use, and under strict internal IT management. Even there Windows tried to glue me into an account, and collect all sort of personal information. Absolutely creepy !


Maybe Colossus has already taken over at Microsoft HQ …

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This pricing approach does not make a lot of sense to me, regardless if they didn't raise the price for a few years. What real improvements have I seen in the app over the last decade that justifies any price increase? Not much coming to mind.

It's an app for storing notes. At roughly $14/month for some, in the new pricing structure, it's hard to justify when you compare to all the other monthly subscriptions that everyone has these days.

I am a long time user as well and really do love some of Evernote's capabilities, but none of it is really mind-blowing, especially at $14/month. For the Apple users out there, Apple Notes is similar and free. It doesn't have some of Evernote's capabilities like the Web Clipper, horizontal rules(?) and a few other useful features, but are they worth 14 dollars a month? I think it's a tough decision.

Apple Notes doesn't quite do it for me, but I am actively looking at other options. 

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  • Level 5

Just go mentally a few years back:

  • No new features - NONE, for years
  • Hardly keeping up with OS updates, often releasing days or even weeks after an OS update was already out
  • UI inconsistent between the different apps and platforms, and inconsistent features (like import folders only on Windows, tabs only on Mac, etc.)
  • Mobile clients severely behind on features, like no tables, no nested tags, etc.
  • ...

I could go on. The last US EN team has cleaned up that mess, and put EN on a technically solid, future proof foundation. And they added a good set of new features (if you don't use them, it not their fault - others do benefit). What they didn't achieve (obviously) was putting EN back on a sound economical foundation.

As a privately held company there are no reported figures. But when I hear a CEO talk about being cash-positive, this only means they were not burning cash - and it means as well that before this statement, they did. Being cash positive doesn't mean to make a profit, and this does mean that the share holders don't get a return.

So they sold out.

We will now see if the new owner and management will finally turn the tide. That's their challenge.

Our challenge is to find the safest and most value proof haven for our content and use cases. This is individual, and anybody needs to set up his own equation. Watch at the value, watch at the alternatives , and then take an informed decision.

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  • Level 5
1 hour ago, Drew-B said:

This pricing approach does not make a lot of sense to me, regardless if they didn't raise the price for a few years. What real improvements have I seen in the app over the last decade that justifies any price increase? Not much coming to mind.

Really kind of dropping my jaw on this. I guess "real improvements" is subjective, but for me the consistency across platforms that came with v. 10 has been very important, which includes the ability to use multiple font colors, highlights, fonts, and headings in Android. If all you want to do is keep plain-text notes on Apple devices, then I agree, Evernote is more than you need. For me, the ability to do Web clips, yes, and to have searchable PDFs, and to create and edit notes (including adding attachments) on both Windows and Android is important and (so far) worth the money.

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Yeah - increased price is a bit of a shock, but I can think of 13 new features that came out within the last few years off the top of my head -- I'm probably missing a few...

New features that I've seen in the last few years that I personally like and use:

  • Consistent UI and UX across all platforms (I use MacOS, Windows, iPad, iPhone, Web)
  • Tasks
  • Cmd/Ctrl-K to link a note in place
  • Backlinks
  • Viewable/Embedded YouTube
  • Dark Mode (I think this is newish anyway...)
  • Checklists
  • Drag and drop on lists (Desktop and Web)
  • Real Time Editing (RTE) -- super handy for solo use as I sometimes edit the same note at the same time from multiple devices.

New features that I've seen in the last few years that I don't use:

  • Calendar Integration
  • Home Page / Widgets
  • Viewable/Embedded Spreadsheets

New features that I've seen in the last few years that I don't like (and don't use):

  • AI Note Cleanup

So I've found that most of the new features are welcomed by me because of my personal use cases, but I don't doubt that the sections above that those new features fall under is different for everyone.

There could definitely be better apps out there now for better value depending on use cases.



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On 8/13/2023 at 5:26 PM, Dave-in-Decatur said:

But I wonder if you would make this public pronouncement in the vitriolic terms of the original post in this thread. That's the bit that I don't get. Where does the sense of being personally wronged by changes in software or its pricing come from? -- Not really trying to have a debate; it's more a rhetorical musing.


It relates to a sense of feeling betrayed.

Terms change a lot , but the way it was handled was unnecessary , inflammatory and insulting.

Good communications brings your audience/customers along.. Bad communications hints at other issues , for sure, theirs and ours.

 I don't work with people who I feel don't respect me.  I felt very very disrespected.

Flinging back the gauntlet

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2 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Who has a grieve with EN should issue a support ticket

Based on the history I've observed, I picture any grievances they receive will end up in a corporate circular file.  

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23 hours ago, dhbevernote said:

The absolute best part of EN is the Web Clipper...sadly, no one else comes close to the functionality or accuracy, so I'll have to just get used to poorer quality clips.

Bear has a decent clipper. It doesn’t keep the format of the original article, but it manages to clip things EN can’t manage to handle anymore, like anything from the WSJ and NYTimes. (Or any other subscription site I log into.) Bear manages these easily.

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I canceled today after many years of paying. $129.99 a year for a note taking app is way too much money. Evernote has had many issues since I started using it many years ago and they must be aware that they still have many issues because the help page says "We apologize for the inconvenience, but chat support is currently unavailable due to the high volume of support requests." Many other services don't even cost as much and must cost much more to maintain like Dropbox Plus, Microsoft 365 Family, Google Accounts Premium, Netflix, Hulu, Disney+ Premium or Disney+ Hulu Bundle.

I don't mean to sound rude but I enjoyed using Evernote for many years and was a paying customer even though the only feature I used beyond the free plan was to have Evernote installed on more than 2 devices. If they had a plan that was the same as the free version but allowed 4 devices, I'd be willing to pay $39 a year. By the way I don't drink coffee, smoke, buy snacks from vending machines or go out to lunch or dinner, so I can afford to pay for services like Evernote but now that it's more expensive than the services I mentioned above, I can't justify the expense.

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If you check value and price, and it doesn’t match any longer, you need to take a decision. Good luck for you.

I wouldn’t compare subscribing to EN to entertainment channels, however. Both have their purpose, and time we’ll spend has its own value. But we better stay in the field of productivity apps when drawing lines and connecting dots, I think.

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5 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

I wouldn’t compare subscribing to EN to entertainment channels, however

Exactly! That’s why I previously compared EN to Microsoft’s 365 offering, and using this comparison EN’s new pricing fails miserably. A Microsoft 365 subscription at $100 per year offers access to multiple productivity applications, whereas EN at $130 or $170 offers access to a single application. 

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22 minutes ago, philrodo said:

Exactly! That’s why I previously compared EN to Microsoft’s 365 offering, and using this comparison EN’s new pricing fails miserably. A Microsoft 365 subscription at $100 per year offers access to multiple productivity applications, whereas EN at $130 or $170 offers access to a single application. 

True, but I use EN 80% of the time and Office 365 20% of the time, thus EN is worth more to me than Office. 🙂

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2 hours ago, MvdH said:

True, but I use EN 80% of the time and Office 365 20% of the time, thus EN is worth more to me than Office. 🙂

I never use any applications made by M$, as I’m an Apple user and have no need for Microsoft products. How long one uses an app is one way to judge its worthiness. However, when comparing an app’s value you have to compare it to other products and what they offer for their price. In the case of Microsoft 365, you get a number of extremely versatile apps for $100 per year, whereas EN’s versatility and usefulness is limited by comparison while its price is a lot more expensive. 

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Noted (no pun intended) again and again: One size does not fit all. The EN price increase is to me predatory and unacceptable, so I've switched to the free version, but have migrated all existing notes to NoteJoy and OneNote. Putting all new entries into NoteJoy.

Previously-reported issues with OneNote sync are still not resolved, and NoteJoy works fine except that its searches are sub-optimal, also as previously reported:

If you enter two words in NoteJoy search, you'll get back ALL notes that contain EITHER of those words, and not only the notes that contain BOTH those words. A pain but I can live with it for now. NoteJoy support says they're working on this, but I won't hold my breath.

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Sadly, I am also leaving EverNote after ten years. My subscription ends 10/31, but I haven’t received an Email of a price increase.

The reason I am leaving is that it is too slow, and I do not trust that they will continue to exist. A high price increase would be the straw that...


My EN usage is basically a digital filing cabinet. I have a 365 subscription and will be leaving for OneNote.

I haven't had any problems importing enex files or any syncing issues. Also, the OneNote ios mobile app

works dandy.

I used OneNoteGem/OneNote Batch to read the enex files. It brings in all my tags very nicely.


My question to the group - Why is it that many of you do not like OneNote?

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Same here. I always used EN as a repository to dump knowledge and was happy to pay the Personal subscription. 

Some time ago I decided to bite the bullet and move to Obsidian... I was having usability problems with EN, it changed a lot with time. Don't ask me I don't remember what, but was a hassle just to manage some knowledge dump.

Then when trying to export all my notes from EN, another hassle, having to export a notebook at a time, come on! But what to do, it was the price for migrating.

How do I do with different platforms and the data in Obsidian? I use a shared folder with my NAS, that's it.

Import worked because Obsidian was able to import the whole folder with all the Notebook, did a test run of course.

So here we are... no web clipper but for that I migrated to RainDrop.io, much better to keep track of things web and the interface is a beauty to work with.

Thanks Evernote for all these years. Good Luck. 

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  • Evernote Expert
6 hours ago, Beartoother said:

My question to the group - Why is it that many of you do not like OneNote?

You're asking a group of largely committed Evernote users who have decided that it does what they need better than OneNote. Chances are we made the decision awhile ago and prefer the data structure of Evernote and the features of offers. 

There's is always a big challenge when changing application to achieve the workflows we have become accustomed to. We stick with what we are familiar.

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For me it is simple with regards to OneNote: I tried it, I didn’t like it, and I won’t use it.

An App I don’t like I will not really use. Even if it would be the best app on the globe, I better miss out than getting stuck on such a crappy structure and UI.

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I was already familiar with OneNote and not a fan of the UI but tried it again a few years back.  The import cranked along for several hours giving me the illusion of progress and then at the very end I received a cryptic message that several hundred notes were not imported.  No reason why or any indication which ones.  I didn’t have the time or desire to dig into it further.

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It's not that I don't like OneNote. It's simply not completing the sync process. All my EN notes are in there, but there are constant sync errors.

I have a case open with Microsoft, but that's moving along much too slowly. We'll see.


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Em 02/08/2023 at 22:24, JREwing disse:

I got my email today stating that my professional subscription is going to $169.99. I don't have a single issue with paying that. I find nothing on the market that comes close to the value I receive from Evernote. I've been a member since 2014. Sticker shock, yes. But I want a company that gives me value, plus one that I know needs money to make a product that they can develop in the future. Free is ok, but the day of free is over. If you don't find value in Evernote, there are gazillion number of apps to try, and many are free. You have to decide what works for you.

I'm not sure what you want to gain by coming in here and blowing off steam. I hope it makes you feel better.

For people living in US or in UK, I agree with you. But, for the rest of US, this is a huge price increase. To make you better understand, It's kind of almost 950 "moneys" (dollars?) for people living in Brazil, in example. It's a HUGE increase. 

I can't afford an increase like this. I Love Evernote, I agree with the current fee that I've been charged, but, everything has a limit, and I hope they understand the country and the economic reality of each region and their people. 


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The usual cost/price structure is that in countries with "soft" currencies and a low local price level, many items and services will be cheaper as well. If you don't pay service worker, logistics employees and the like high wages, it keeps prices down as well.

The prices EN pays are all hard currency, industrial world prices. Employees are mainly in high wage regions, servers are located there, regulation has to be followed etc. If they would start to rebate their prices depending on local purchasing power, they probably wouldn't cover their own cost anymore.

Or in short: If you can't afford it, drop it.

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On 8/10/2023 at 10:38 PM, Elshad said:

Never understand why people have to tell us they have quit using a program. if you don't want to use it, don't use it, pretty simple. Bon Voyage!

It's not real complicated. It's called "a critique" and companies that charge for their product are subject to it.

Also, smart companies pay attention to when (soon to be former) customers vocally leave their product. Expressing sentiment around a product experience to a community of users isn't a real complex thing, and it's incredibly valuable to any real product manager trying to get customers to stick around.

BTW, to me it's bothersome when people pretend to speak on behalf of other people. There is no collective like-minded "us" here. The person was expressing disappointment to the community, which you are a part of.

And I FULLY agree with that user, and I am out of this platform when my sub expires for the EXACT same reasons.

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EN could easily have been sold because of its profitability or perceived market potential. These kinds of things happen every day.

But yes indeed, folks airing their grievances is fair play here. Just hope it doesn't stray into abusive ranting, which does no good.



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50 minutes ago, pjbeee said:

Just hope it doesn't stray into abusive ranting, which does no good.

This feeling of frustration arises because of Bending Spoons' somewhat unprofessional approach in releasing versions that haven't been properly tested. On top of that, there's the noticeable oversight regarding the price increases, which is like ignoring the obvious.

Whether we like it or not, some individuals might find it hard to stay composed in such situations. It would be really helpful if Bending Spoons could be openly discussed on social media platforms. Doing so might catch their attention and encourage them to take action.

In the meantime, it's important to remember that people have choices. If things don't improve, they might decide to move on and explore other options.

As for those who are really invested in En, or who have structured their businesses around it, they could feel somewhat stuck. They might decide to stick around, hoping for improvements and positive changes.

Personally I watch and wait but I think the days of EN as we know it are numbered and I have no faith in the platform anymore.

................and I don't suppose BS could care less......

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  • Level 5
4 hours ago, RobertJLee said:

Personally I watch and wait but I think the days of EN as we know it are numbered and I have no faith in the platform anymore.

................and I don't suppose BS could care less......

But this is mere speculation. To say "I no longer like Evernote because..." has some point. To say "I'm leaving Evernote because they don't care about their users" is pointless ranting. To predict Evernote's future is just angry guesswork. And yes, I find it annoying. But of course that's an opinion of my own.

4 hours ago, RobertJLee said:

It would be really helpful if Bending Spoons could be openly discussed on social media platforms.

It suddenly occurs to me to wonder if people sometimes expect these forums to function like social media. Evernote gets a bunch of dislikes (or however that works), and they should get all distressed and realize that something is wrong with them. But these forums have never worked that way. We are other users here, and since Evernote doesn't monitor this space like a schoolchild with low self esteem, there really isn't any point in saying, "Well they ought to." Critiques expressed directly to Evernote via the support portal (https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) seem much more likely to get attention. Bad reviews on app stores might also have some effect. But these are user-to-user discussion forums, not feedback venues. Rant, stomp out the door, whatever, but please don't expect someone to wave a handkerchief out the window saying, "Please come back! I promise to do better!"

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14 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

It suddenly occurs to me to wonder if people sometimes expect these forums to function like social media. 

Uh... forums are very much a type of social media.

14 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Rant, stomp out the door, whatever, but please don't expect someone to wave a handkerchief out the window saying, "Please come back! I promise to do better!"

Huh?! That's a rather bizarre characterization. Most of the criticisms I've read here point out specific issues users have with the program and the way they are being treated by the vendor. You seem to be complaining about people complaining. Perhaps you're new to forums I don't know, but this is perhaps the most natural place to vent. A community of users with similar grudges sharing their experiences with a software program that many have used for years and now objecting, publicly, about the direction the app is taking. 

Send comments directly to EN? I doubt very much they really care or would even recognize such grievances given what I've seen over the years, but of course anyone is free to give it a try. 

For the users that continue to love and use EN, fine with me! For those who have issues, keep the comments, positive and negative coming. Current and potential  future users might well benefit. 

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  • Level 5
48 minutes ago, tymbee said:

Perhaps you're new to forums I don't know,


49 minutes ago, tymbee said:

A community of users with similar grudges sharing their experiences with a software program that many have used for years and now objecting, publicly, about the direction the app is taking.

Complaints and objections I get. But grudges.... Clearly many people do feel betrayed by Evernote's changes, failures, and especially the price increases. I have a harder time understanding that.

51 minutes ago, tymbee said:

Send comments directly to EN? I doubt very much they really care or would even recognize such grievances given what I've seen over the years,

Your interpretation of your experience ... morphing into a prediction of other people's feelings and actions. To me, this seems sour and vindictive. But, given what I've seen over the years, I doubt very much that you really care. 🙂

So, in the end, people who dislike Evernote and are ready to give up on it and think other people need to know this will keep creating threads like this. Evernote is highly unlikely to have the feelings of pain and chagrin that they seem to want to inflict.

1 hour ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Evernote doesn't monitor this space like a schoolchild with low self esteem

I will keep being annoyed by the seeming (to me) pointless and especially by the sometimes vitriolic rants, and will occasionally make the mistake of expressing this. But I promise to do better.

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  • Level 5*
18 minutes ago, pjbeee said:

To me, the fact that anyone from Bending Spoons or Evernote isn't making comments here is notable in itself. No pun intended.

The only thing notable about that is that it is consistent with prior Evernote behavior.  This is a user forum and Evernote staff rarely engage here now or in the past.

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26 minutes ago, s2sailor said:

The only thing notable about that is that it is consistent with prior Evernote behavior.  This is a user forum and Evernote staff rarely engage here now or in the past.

As I said, that kinda speaks volumes. I don't recall an "official" forum (in which I participate) where some company representative or another doesn't take an obvious interest. This here ain't Reddit.

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  • Level 5*
8 minutes ago, pjbeee said:

As I said, that kinda speaks volumes. I don't recall an "official" forum (in which I participate) where some company representative or another doesn't take an obvious interest. This here ain't Reddit.

Again, IMO, no not really.  There is some engagement, so I would suggest there is interest, but there has never been much active employee discourse here.  I agree more would be nice but I wouldn’t read too much into the forum being what it always has been.  That said, @Federico Simionato has been pretty good about jumping in on occasion and providing some updates and explanations on recent activity, which is a welcome change.

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I wrote a short note to EverNote expressing my dismay at the steep increase, and my unwillingness to pay that much for the use I make of EN.  So in my note I asked that I be refunded the amount charged, and change my EN to the free version.  I expected to be told that the free version was available only to new subscribers, but within minutes I got a response that my refund had been made and my sub turned into the free version, assured that all my data was intact.  No idea if the structure is still intact.  But then, it needs restructuring anyway.  

In the meantime, I have checked out NoteJoy's free version just to see what it's about.  It seems oriented as a trial to get startups and small organizations to upgrade to the pro version, but also looks readily adaptable to how I work.  I prefer not to have to be online when I work, so if I go with NoteJoy, I appreciate that they have a moderately priced "mid-level" version for solo workers like me- perfect for researchers, writers, etc. I'll make that decision after seeing how it works for me overall. 

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I'm in the same boat. WAY over priced. And these nuckle-heads defending this treatment of customers, "You never complained before ..." Yes we have! The constant UI changes that just make the product more confusing to use? I've complained for years. And this notion that they have to make up for prior years of loosing money?!?!? That is not how to run a business. If you can offer a software product for $42 a year, you're doing something wrong. And if you have to radically change the value proposition and abuse your platform advantage, you're in trouble. They will never get new customers at these prices. It's the beginning of the end.

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  • Level 5

We are sooo happy you finally told us. Just to mention: I am not in trouble, I can even pay my recently renewed subscription. So thanks for caring, but no.

If EN wins users, or financial health, or both, time will tell.

What time had already told the old owners: The only way of getting out of the ever-loosing-money habit was to shut down - or sell. What they did, so now we have a fresh team (maybe a little too fresh), with fresh ideas and fresh prices. And we all will see where it takes us.

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Like a lot of other paying users, I'm going to re-up once and see what the next year brings. (Btw my subscription renews is 10 days and I have not received any notice.) One problem is that this will probably become a fulfilling prophecy of sorts. Because I'm skeptical of the value at the new rate, I'll probably start using it less in anticipation of departing in a year (well, a year and ten days). By using it less as a sort of defensive mechanism, I'll find it less valuable and thus probably will convince myself to leave. I think if my subscription ended in 100 days instead of 10, I'd evaluate my renewal more thoroughly. I do enjoy the clipper and send note to EN email address thing. As someone here mentioned, the YouTube embed feature is pretty good with one major caveat - it doesn't work on a shared note. There it just shows the link:


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  • Evernote Expert

I took a look at the shared note and was confused (not unusual). I could see the embedded video followed by the second link. But they are both in the shared note. 

Can you describe with a little more detail what you mean. Clearly it is more than being in a shared note. Is this a note that was initially not shared when you added the first video. Then you shared it only then adding a second video link which did not embed the video?

There are quite a few niggly inconsistencies in Evernote 10. Try attaching a PDF. Only one or two methods respect the setting which determines the default view.  Mostly it just defaults to page view.

Please submit your video issue to support via the normal ticket process. 

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Hi! Thanks for taking a look. The first part was just a screenshot of how the embedded video looks within the Evernote app. It's just an image. I only included it in an attempt to illustrate how the link renders within the app. Sorry if that just confused things. 

The point I was attempting to make is that YouTube links render as an embedded video within the Evernote app, but when I share the note, you just see the link. To help clarify, here is a new shared note that only has a YouTube link inside. That's it. In the app, I see this link as the embedded video. Viewed via the share link, however, the same link renders simply as a hyperlink. My wish is that recipients of the link enjoyed the ability to view the video within that shared link just like we do within EN.


Hope that all makes a bit more sense. 

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  • Evernote Expert

Thanks for the clarification. I'm not sure that I can comment further other than to note that publicly shared notes do not display all content that you will see in the apps.

I suspect that the public web view for notes is still a Legacy view but I do not know. Perhaps someone else will be along to confirm 

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Thanks for taking a look. One thing I really like about EN is being able to share notes in that way, and it's great when they can be formatted almost like a one-off blog post with multi-media stuff. Looking forward to seeing what changes happen over the next year as I re-evaluate.


Thanks again for taking the time to respond. Much appreciated.  

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On 8/4/2023 at 8:46 PM, RicBret said:

I'm also upset about the Notes product that is adding more function that has little to nothing to do with me keeping notes and deciding to double the price of my subscription. 

Looking at the competitors who can import my Evernote data.  Who did you go with?

After Evernote I switched to Obsidian.md
It's not for everyone, but the incredible ability to customize the product appealed to me. At the same time, I like that it's based on a file system. I have a lot of documents that I manage and this has simplified things for me. I just drag and drop files and then simply link them.

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2 hours ago, psaf01@gmail.com said:

After Evernote I switched to Obsidian.md

Do I read this correctly, that if you add the add-ons for Sync on all devices and web publishing, that costs $16 a month for both services or $192 a year? By this standard, EN is a bargain…

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1 hour ago, philrodo said:

Do I read this correctly, that if you add the add-ons for Sync on all devices and web publishing, that costs $16 a month for both services or $192 a year? By this standard, EN is a bargain…

Yeah - it could be up to that much. And don't forget to add $50 per year if you use it for work at all in a for-profit business with two or more people. Now we are at $242 a year.

But if you don't use Publish and you use iCloud or Github syncing or some other service to sync and you are just using it for personal use, it could be free to use too. However, I've read that Obsidian syncing is the best syncing -- especially if you are cross platform like iPhone and Windows.

Also, the plugin system is not without it's own security concerns. Now not only are you trusting Obsidian with your notes (which I would -- and syncing is end to end zero-knowledge encrypted if you use Obsidian sync), you are also trusting every plugin creator for the plugins that you use (which is bit of a concern there. There haven't been any reports of major abuse yet, that I've heard of, but the potential is also definitely there...)

I agree that Obsidian could be better for some, and it's on my short list, but it's not without it's own share of trade-offs, concerns, and issues.

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38 minutes ago, Boot17 said:

But if you don't use Publish and you use iCloud or Github syncing or some other service to sync and you are just using it for personal use, it could be free to use too

Doesn't obsidian.md use a proprietary database? From what I understand, syncing any database through a Cloud system is not advisable. 

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The thing that worries me most about Obsidian is you need to add plugins to make it do stuff and most of these plugins are hobby projects or non-funded so if there's an issue there's no one to go to. You also risk the issue where a plugin developer could just, lets say, get married and decide they don't want to update the hobby anymore and then the core software updates and the plugin fails. I wouldn't want to rely on this. I'd rather have an all-in-one app where I could moan to one company.

I've spent almost 20 yrs consulting and working with WordPress websites and 99% of all issues are caused by third party plugins.

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58 minutes ago, philrodo said:

Doesn't obsidian.md use a proprietary database? From what I understand, syncing any database through a Cloud system is not advisable. 

There is an internal local-only database for indexing metadata and such, but that part isn’t synced to other devices AFAIK.

All your note content is saved in individual text files (aka .md markdown files) and image and pdf files on the file system in a standard OS folders/directories structure — those are the files that get synced. 

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On 9/4/2023 at 6:38 AM, tronzdroid said:

I'll try my best to come back here and comment on any negative issues with NoteJoy (Solo version $48/year - app is installed now on 3 devices, plus there's still Web access).

I have taken the $6.50/mo offer for EN Personal (does all I need and has stuff I don't need but there you are). Good for the next year. Hoping to find a usable alternative by the end of the 12-mo sub.

NoteJoy negatives: Search issues as noted previously, and no serious offline mode - I think you need to specify just what notes you want to use offline. This is effectively useless. 

OneNote is a sync nightmare so it's out of the running for the time being. FAICT, fat chance of Microsoft actually fixing this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just going to chime in here as well. $130 for keeping my notes on three devices is insane. There's no way anyone can say that's not ridiculously expensive. It costs more than MS Office and just a bit less than Amazon Prime. And it keeps my notes synced (most of the time) between my phone, laptop and desktop. For the couple megabytes I throw in EN each month there's absolutely no way that's cost effective. If $130/year suits you, I salute you. Hope you still enjoy it when it's $250 in two more years. 

Goodbye, Evernote.

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2 hours ago, MRodriguez said:

Just going to chime in here as well. $130 for keeping my notes on three devices is insane. There's no way anyone can say that's not ridiculously expensive. It costs more than MS Office and just a bit less than Amazon Prime. And it keeps my notes synced (most of the time) between my phone, laptop and desktop. For the couple megabytes I throw in EN each month there's absolutely no way that's cost effective. If $130/year suits you, I salute you. Hope you still enjoy it when it's $250 in two more years. 

Goodbye, Evernote.

I use it as the central repository of all my contacts, both personal and business.  It is also the central depository of every single scanned document in both my personal and business life (bills, statements, invoices, manuals, medical records, taxes, 401K, insurance policies etc).  I use it for screenshots and clippings a dozen times daily.  My entire travel itineraries, planned trips and travel research are all on EN.  In fact research of every kind and on any topic is stored exclusively on EN.  I have notebooks for dozens of projects in real estate, investments, trust planning, equipment purchases, academics and many other issues.  In my business I use it for daily logs, storing documents, spreadsheets, documents, employee communications, keeping track of resumes, work schedules, payrolls and many, many other business related uses.  All of my credit card expenditures is there.  I use it for all my Tasks and reminders.  I track about 2000 faxes a month through direct imports into EN.  And all of this is collected into notebooks, meticulously tagged and available on multiple desktops, iphones and ipads.  How much is that worth?

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I totally agree @idoc. I am on Professional and was very fortunate that my renewal back at the end of May slipped in under the wire before the existing Plan renewal price was increased, therefore enjoying another 12 months at the same price as last year, only 23p per day which I consider great value.  If the recent price increase does not get increased again next year, it will only increase my daily cost by less than 4p per day and will still represent good value for my use.

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I loved Evernote search and miss it.  I miss Evernote for many good reasons.  I respect a business model that asks for $.  What I lost faith in were basic operating principles not being reliably delivered to me including, reminders.  I have free apps that I use that are reliable in delivering reminders I ask of it.  Also, Evernote on Android is the only app that if do not explicitly close , the app keeps my screen on.  So many basics were unreliable and unexpected week to week that I could not pay as much as was being asked. I opted out of my paid subscription. Since doing so, and lightly using the free version the one thing I can say that Evernote had no problem implementing reliably well, is the repeated reminders, ads and pop up reminding me I know longer have a paid subscription and what features I am missing.  If they could have delivered a more reliable user experience for me, kept the price within reason that aligned with my use, I would have gladly considered continuing with a subscription to stand behind the brand and the service I enjoyed for over a decade (albeit ignoring a level of service ticket opening that far exceeds that of any other app in my lifetime).  As a customer, I feel undervalued and underattended to by Evernote.

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  • Level 5
34 minutes ago, Trickster said:

What I lost faith in were basic operating principles not being reliably delivered to me including, reminders.  I have free apps that I use that are reliable in delivering reminders I ask of it.  Also, Evernote on Android is the only app that if do not explicitly close , the app keeps my screen on.  So many basics were unreliable and unexpected week to week that I could not pay as much as was being asked. I opted out of my paid subscription.

Not questioning your decision, but I've seen several posts here lately saying that reminders aren't working in the Android app. That's not my experience--I get a brief audible notification and of course the indicator in the notification panel, though not a popup. I also use Cronofy's Evernote calendar connector to link Evernote reminders to my Google calendar, which is an extra layer of notification. So I'm not sure what other users are experiencing around Android reminders.

As for reliability, they've been working at that (I know and agree, they should have worked on it sooner, before releasing the new sync structure in May, when problems began). Android v. 10.54 seems to be working well for me, and 10.54.1, with fixes for task functions, is rolling out in Google Play. Since you've stayed on the free plan, you'll be seeing developments as they come. Whether they will be enough for you to consider the price reasonable is up to you, of course.

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On 7/31/2023 at 12:15 PM, PinkElephant said:

Did you complain all the years before when there was no raise ?

Did you complain about your rebated subscription price (34.99 wasn’t a full subscription, never was, even back then).

No big parting scene needed, it’s no war of roses.

You know we all have calculators, right?

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  • Level 5

Is “we all have calculators“ a common fact anybody needs to know ?

I just ask because you double posted it, so you must think it’s important for everyone to know.

How the possession of calculators correspond with the subject of this thread escapes my deduction. I don’t think that a calculator really helps to check if the received value and the asked price are still in the range I am willing to accept.

If it doesn’t for you, take your data, your calculator and leave.

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love your posts as a rule.

Question for you: Based on what you've been saying on the price increase,

should we give America back to the Indians? either ones.

I mean THEY never asked for a price hike to count for past undercharging for the continent.

Er, content.


I just reduced back to Basic.  For ~$30 a year and I would have sent them money in a heartbeat.

$80 teaser and $140 afterwards, nuh uh.  Not really a value for light user and threatens the enterprise with an insecure future.

I don't like MS , but I doubt they are going away anytime soon,

taking my notes with them.

Edited by Lowdown
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On 8/2/2023 at 3:26 PM, psaf01@gmail.com said:

I also cancelled my membership after 15 years. But there were more reasons than just price. I switched to a competitor, where I also pay a subscription fee, but get a lot more features and personal convenience in return. Nothing lasts forever and neither does my satisfaction with Evernote, which I used to love.

Which one? How do you like it almost 2 months later compared with EN? What are you missing, what is better?

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  • Level 5
7 minutes ago, Staci24 said:

How do I cancel? I have had the worst time trying to do this. 

The following instructions will let you drop back to the Free plan, but will not delete your account and notes altogether. First, be sure to go to https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action and revoke any devices you do not want to keep using (the Free plan allows only 2, including the Web client on any physical device). Then go to https://www.evernote.com/BillyBillingProfile.action. You may need to log in. Scroll down to the bottom to the blue "Cancel your Evernote subscription" link.

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On 9/23/2023 at 6:00 PM, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Not questioning your decision, but I've seen several posts here lately saying that reminders aren't working in the Android app. That's not my experience--I get a brief audible notification and of course the indicator in the notification panel, though not a popup. I also use Cronofy's Evernote calendar connector to link Evernote reminders to my Google calendar, which is an extra layer of notification. So I'm not sure what other users are experiencing around Android reminders.

As for reliability, they've been working at that (I know and agree, they should have worked on it sooner, before releasing the new sync structure in May, when problems began). Android v. 10.54 seems to be working well for me, and 10.54.1, with fixes for task functions, is rolling out in Google Play. Since you've stayed on the free plan, you'll be seeing developments as they come. Whether they will be enough for you to consider the price reasonable is up to you, of course.

Staying on the  free plan for exactly the reason you described.  One other thing I noted.  I started the desktop app.  A popup came first indicating I could get Personal for 40% off but indicated it was a one time chance and if I do not buy now, I will lose the option.  I switched over to Chrome to look at plan features and prices and to help decide I was considering it. Like I said, I like Evernote and I miss it. When I arrived at the page listing plan pricing and features there is an offer there for 40% off for the "Fall Promotion" available for the next 3 days.  I understand this is a business and subscriptions are the fuel.  But Do Not Lie to Me.  The experience definitely turned me off to the subscription campaign and lowered my trust of the company and its marketing practices.  It was unfortunate.  I am still a fan of Evernote but they are squandering the goodwill they earned from me over a decade because they are unable to recognize that I am not a mindless consumer and I suspect neither are their current or former, most loyal users. I did not elect to re-subscribe. Fast forward to closing the desktop app. Closed it on Windows 10. We know it is still running so go to task bar and right click and close but instead of that experience , right click open the quick not window. I spend less than a minute to find out that right-clicking will only open the Quick Note box which now, at the 3-dot menu, allows you to close Evernote. Why did Evernote make this change requiring more clicks from me to close the app?  I do not know, but to me it seems unnecessary, distracting and annoying.  A design philosophy that I am seeing again and again with my Evernote experience, that I am unable to understand.  Making things harder as opposed to easier and intuitive.

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  • Level 5
15 hours ago, Trickster said:

Fast forward to closing the desktop app. Closed it on Windows 10. We know it is still running so go to task bar and right click and close but instead of that experience , right click open the quick not window. I spend less than a minute to find out that right-clicking will only open the Quick Note box which now, at the 3-dot menu, allows you to close Evernote. Why did Evernote make this change requiring more clicks from me to close the app?  I do not know, but to me it seems unnecessary, distracting and annoying.  A design philosophy that I am seeing again and again with my Evernote experience, that I am unable to understand.  Making things harder as opposed to easier and intuitive.

Left clicking on the tray icon to open the quick note window has been standard in v. 10 since it arrived, I believe. There have been a number of complaints here from people who want it to do something else, but that is what it does. I find that right clicking on the tray icon pops up a dialog with options to open Evernote, create a new note, or quit Evernote.

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  • 4 months later...

I think it's great to see these.  How other people took the option to go elsewhere and did and how they did it is useful. No need for the higher level fanboys to cast shade on it. "its not the war of the roses" indeed. Such pomposity.

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On 8/2/2023 at 3:26 PM, psaf01@gmail.com said:

I also cancelled my membership after 15 years. But there were more reasons than just price. I switched to a competitor, where I also pay a subscription fee, but get a lot more features and personal convenience in return. Nothing lasts forever and neither does my satisfaction with Evernote, which I used to love.

You can say it. You have Office 365 and are using One Note. If that's not the case, tell us so. 

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I truly appreciate the effort the new team has been putting into Evernote. Frequent updates/fixes. 

I was skeptical at first, but I'm happy to say that the product is definitely worth the price. I use it all the time, both as a Windows app and on mobile.

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