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pjbeee last won the day on May 8 2019

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  1. Yeah, and set it to not go to sleep, hibernate etc. when you leave it unattended.
  2. No you can't get to the web version on your phone, a least in my experience. One alternative is to set up remote access to a PC from your phone (Splashtop Business is what I already have) and access Evernote remotely. But THIS IS NO PERMANENT FIX FOR A SERIOUS PROBLEM! Ugh.
  3. Not trying to start an argument, but this forum is hosted at discussion.evernote.com, so I'd be surprised if nobody at Bending Spoons is peeking at these threads. In any event, I have indeed raised a support ticket (more than one, in fact) and certainly hope it gets fixed in due course. If you like, you can take my "Hey Guys!" comment as something like a wish, as opposed to some kind of DM. (grin)
  4. The company were NOT pathetic. They have released regular updates, which FAICT have been improvements overall. But this Android update and their tepid response to the problems created is indeed kind of pathetic. Once it loads, it seems fine. Hey Guys! PLEASE FIX THIS!!!!
  5. SAME PROBLEM I have a Pixel 7 Pro and Pixel 6 Pro. Evernote app on 6 Pro seems to be fine. On the 7 Pro, it constantly gets stuck loading, especially when I change WAN connections. The fix that works 100% of the time when I have an Internet connection is this: go into Settings/Apps/Evernote, clear ALL DATA, restart Evernote. It takes me to login screen, where I tap to login using name/password. The login info auto fills-in and after a few seconds I'm back in. It loads to 90+ percent, then drops back many percent and continues loading, and then I'm in. EN was working great until the latest updates. Responses from support have been flabby canned responses that do not address the issue. I have suggested to EN support that they tell me how to clear the data that pre-fills login and password, to see if that helps, but no response so far. HELP!!!!! I thought Bending Spoons was doing a great job after taking over the product, but for this issue, it's a major concern.
  6. I truly appreciate the effort the new team has been putting into Evernote. Frequent updates/fixes. I was skeptical at first, but I'm happy to say that the product is definitely worth the price. I use it all the time, both as a Windows app and on mobile.
  7. Red, I hope this is only an occasional issue. I have recently noticed this a couple of times on Android. But typically closing the app (sweeping it off the screen) once or twice and the note comes up. Interestingly I can see part of the note in the search results that bring it up. There is usually no issue with it, but I have seen it once or twice in the last few weeks. This -could- simply be an Internet glitch, where the data is "stuck" somewhere between server and user. This remains much less an issue with current versions (they are still issuing regular updates) than it was in the past. I am not trying to be a yes-man for the Evernote team. I really find Evernote invaluable, and hope it continues to improve.
  8. Happy to say I'm not posting here to complain. This thread hasn't been appended-to in some time, which is a good sign. I was initially not pleased with the price increase, given how buggy Evernote was, and also wondering if the new owner was simply milking the user base for profit. I was investigating other options; then I got a discount offer and renewed Evernote. Seems to me now that the product continues to improve, with a seemingly endless stream of updates/patches - none of which has damaged/lost any of my data FAICT. So here's hoping that the Evernote team keeps up the good work. So far I'm quite pleased with where the product is going.
  9. I suggest that you report all issues to the Evernote people. Seems like every other time I open the Windows client, there's an update. This leaves me thinking that they are serious (for a welcome change) about getting this thing right. I hope I'm not wrong about this!!!! As do many of us, I live in Evernote so much of the time, and have found the desktop, browser and Android versions to be improved (Windows 10 / Pixel 6 Pro).
  10. OK will try that! Hoping that either the reload thing goes away OR I get some kind of status report of why the hangup.
  11. October 5, 2023 - Android app, Pixel 6 Pro, fully patched, stock ROM. LATEST version of the app. Some notes take FOREVER to load. I sometimes FQ and try again. Saved some IMPORTANT info to a note and ONLY THE TITLE survived. Body info was completely missing. Luckily I still had the data, so I needed to re-enter it. Evernote needs an option to SAVE and REFRESH a note which could be used optionally. Self-explanatory: It should save the note and refresh the screen to show it's saved.
  12. I have taken the $6.50/mo offer for EN Personal (does all I need and has stuff I don't need but there you are). Good for the next year. Hoping to find a usable alternative by the end of the 12-mo sub. NoteJoy negatives: Search issues as noted previously, and no serious offline mode - I think you need to specify just what notes you want to use offline. This is effectively useless. OneNote is a sync nightmare so it's out of the running for the time being. FAICT, fat chance of Microsoft actually fixing this.
  13. FYI Now that I'm on the free version of EN, I just got another offer, good until 9/7, for 40% off, or $6.50/month.
  14. As I said, that kinda speaks volumes. I don't recall an "official" forum (in which I participate) where some company representative or another doesn't take an obvious interest. This here ain't Reddit.
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