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Version 10 - please, please bring back hide-note-pane (rightmost pane) option



71 replies to this idea

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Just because you see these arguments as weak does not mean that they indeed are.  Those of us on this thread think the unnecessary waste of space, which by itself is a huge issue for some people, and load speed and potential privacy issues are important enough to warrant migration if there was a decent option besides Evernote.  Another big question (to me) is why the original functionality was changed in the first place.  Did the Evernote designers survey people to see if they want a preview pane, and/or if it should not be an optional capability?  I seriously doubt that they did.  It seems to me that they just decided on their own to change the interface to one that is less "cordial" simply because it was easier when they migrated the entire project to their web-centric model.

The arguments are just fine as they are.  If they don't meet your oh soooo lofty standard for discussion then just stop posting as it's obviously not your concern.

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On 10/25/2020 at 4:03 PM, Julian said:

Sadly I have v10 installed and can't 100% remember what the option was called but I previously had Evernote on my Windows 10 PC set up so that the main window only had 2 panes, the sidebar and the middle pane where you can select to see the note cards and I had the option set to disable the rightmost pane that shows the content of the currently selected note. I think that option might have been something like "Show note contents (or preview?) pane" or something like that and it was probably under the "View" menu in the previous release but I can't find it anywhere now.

If I wanted to see the contents of a note on my previous configuration I simply double-clicked on a note card or hit new-note to pop up a new window for the note. Now all that the rightmost pane does for me is waste screen space and make my main Evernote window look cluttered.

You offered the option to hide the note preview (rightmost) pane in the previous version so please, please (pretty please) implement that option in this latest version.

Your current use case is entirely reasonable. However, I think there is an additional problem. Launching a note in a separate window is incredibly slow. For me about 5 seconds is normal compared with pretty much instantaneous in the old version. Unless this speeds up considerably I'm not sure that your work flow is actually viable. So I think you need both an improvement in the speed of launch in a new window and the ability to hide the note preview.

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Sorry to necropost, but has anything been done about this?  Apart from the inconvenience of not having this quite basic feature, it also imposes a heavier load when you click on a long, media-rich notes.

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Really fed up about this issue - why would you remove a basic bit of functionality leaving a big space permanently taken up wasting a ton of screen real estate? I love the tightly packed set of notes listing in 6.25, not I get a small number of widely spaced note listings and a huge preview pane *THAT I DON'T WANT*!!!!!

I'm recycling back to 6.25 solely for this issue, but at the Evernote roduct managers - what were you thinking? why delete an option and reduce screen real-estate? Did you even think about talking to people before you did this? It just appears to fall into the "We know best, so you get what we provide" way of thinking which is the start of terminal decline for tech companies that stop thinking about their customers needs in favour of what their internal design team like.

Also now re-investigating how to migrate off and g to MS Notes. 


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1 hour ago, AHB said:

I'm not sure how one could object to a feature being added (or put back in, in this case)

I stated my lack of objection purely because some users assume that if somebody offers an alternative approach they are automatically against the proposal, are Evernote "Fanboys" and just want the status quo.

The fact remains that the feature is not there. If it returns at all  and in what timescale is uknown - EN do not release a development plan. Therefore you will need to find an alternative workflow or an alternative app - at least in the short term, possibly for ever. That's just how it is. It's unlikely that any of our needs are unique so the chances are that somebody in the community has a way of meeting the need in a different way. If it is vital that you hide the note panel then I would strongly suggest that you start planning for when  legacy becomes unavailable (if it ever does - again unkown)

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Like many, I keep checking back every few months to see if we might finally be able to hide that darn Note View, or even just pull it down a little smaller. I know there are a lot of us who got used to the old way of working and like to have the full view of a long list of retrieved notes to peruse after a search. I actually think much of the rest of the new interface is great and it does have a good robust feel. I am glad that my notes from the earliest version still work. And yes, I have been paying the full price from the beginning. However, I just don't understand the reticence to add this small convenience for many of us who are so distracted by the current intrusion of whatever note just happens to be selected. 

Just for kicks, I puttered a bit using the chrome developer's tools to modify functionality and found that it would not be a big deal to make this minimization happen in any of several ways ... the simplest being, just allowing the window to be dragged further towards the bottom so that it almost disappears. This is really not a big deal. No new functionality or buttons would be needed. Maybe an afternoon's work to make sure nothing unexpected was broken.

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I share your distress.  I've noticed that there's an associated problem with links.  Specifically if you have an note displayed in its own window, and it contains an internal link to another note, and you click on the link to display the linked note, that note is displayed in the display pane of the main window.  If as I do you consider that pane useless and want to display the linked note in it's own window there's no good way to do that.  What I usually do is type a blank at the end of a line in the displayed note, then display the list of all notes with the most recently changed note at the top, and then double click on it to view it. 

This is clumsy and takes way to many steps to do what should be simple.  As I recall Legacy offered 2 choices: display the linked note in a new window (what I almost always want), or display it in the current windows/pane (what I want the rest of the time).  In v.10 they've ignored those 2 useful options and instead made the worse possible UI choice. 

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I will add my strong agreement to idea of allowing you to hide the preview pane.  If there were any options available that were even close to what I get from Evernote this could be something I would consider changing over.  The added screen clutter and just the idea that the starting page of a note is at all useful as compared to simply double-clicking the note to do editing/viewing in a separate window is beyond me.  PLEASE bring back the option to hide the preview pane.

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Another voice in the chorus.  I am willing to take the perceived performance hit.  I do not want to have my display real estate taken up by the note.  Give me a scrolling list of notes and I'll decide what I want to see.

This might be a show stopper for my continued use of Evernote.  Still on the fence.

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Ok... while we are all waiting for Evernote to take the hint and allow us to hide the preview pane I have a pseudo-workaround, albeit, a kinda lame one.

Move the main Evernote window to the right of your screen so that the preview pane extends past the edge of the screen, hence, out of sight.  It's not the prettiest alternative, but it does reduce the space it takes up, though it does tweak my somewhat anal need to center windows on the screen.

As I noted... kinda lame.

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On 11/12/2020 at 9:40 AM, rah1420 said:

Another voice in the chorus.  I am willing to take the perceived performance hit.  I do not want to have my display real estate taken up by the note.  Give me a scrolling list of notes and I'll decide what I want to see.

This might be a show stopper for my continued use of Evernote.  Still on the fence.

This. All of it

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I support hiding the preview pane also. It is in fact a privacy feature for when we are out of social distancing. I dont want someone looking over my shoulder and seeing the potentially private contents of notes which I do not even have open.

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Incredible that the option to hide/remove the note content was removed. 

Please put the option back - then everyone can choose how they want to use this aspect of evernote.


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I totally agree, although from a different perspective. I like having the extreme left pane, with my name, the "new note" and the trash can, etc. Then I like the rest of the space to be occupied by the current note I am working on - i.e.; most of the screen. I do not need the "All Notes" pane. In its current configuration, it takes up too much space and reduces the amount of space to write in. I understand people may want it and may wish to hide the extreme left pane, etc. But at least give us the option!

I spent months being told by my desktop version that there was no update. Finally decided to look online and check. Lo and behold, an update several numbers higher than my version. Once I installed it, it began trumpeting the new features - BUT no mention of removed features and reduced functionality. I appreciate that I have a free version, but I can't understand any upgrade that removes a useful feature and makes the potential workspace more cluttered.

I have tried other software, but kept Evernote because I liked the interface and the way that I could organise and view my notes. Now, I feel that it is much less attractive, simply because my writing space is compressed. Yes, I can remove the extreme left hand pane, but I do not want all my notes visible in little boxes. This is not just about privacy when working near others, but about having a less cluttered work area - this does not just mean physical space, but not being distracted by notes which may have nothing to do with the current topic. Other software has better functionality for things like databases/calendars, list views and so on, but is not as easy or natural for writing with. If Evernote wants to keep its customers, including those who might upgrade, then they need to do something about this.

Sadly, the fact that my software has told me for a year that there was no update, when there was, makes me think they won't bother. In which case, I have a notion that some of us will, regretfully, go elsewhere.

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This is a must have feature for me. I typically access multiple notes at once, often on a small screen, which means that I must use the screen area as effectively as possible.  To accomplish that I hide the note panel and disable Snippet, Card, and Thumbnail Views. When I want to view a new note I reveal the main window (which may be hidden or minimized), double click the note of interest to view it in its own window, and minimize the main window again. This way I take up screen space for the note list only when needed instead of all the time. I've done this ever since I started using Evernote, and it's the most effective way for me to work given my constraints. Please bring this capability back. 

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For what it's worth I previously reported this to Support.  They said "We haven’t built this feature into the new Evernote app. This is one of a handful of features we are still considering. Thanks for letting us know this feature is important to you. I will share this information with our product team." 

So, there's hope. 

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I've simply registered on this forum to support this thread. Hiding note panel is essential for working with several notes and the notes list.

Also agree with Hopeful Theologian on


Once I installed it, it began trumpeting the new features - BUT no mention of removed features and reduced functionality. I appreciate that I have a free version, but I can't understand any upgrade that removes a useful feature and makes the potential workspace more cluttered."

I use evernote for a few years with paid subscription but installing this new version made me feel bad about using evernote at all. I would expect evernote team to work better in managing customers expectations.

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Adding my name to the list.  I'm really surprised that the developers made such a big change when they have such a mature installed base. 

At the very least, please give us the option to toggle the preview pane.  I think it's quite absurd that this is the default, baked-in view, when people are using devices with smaller screens and/or may simply not wish to see a note preview.

It's not the end of the world, but it's kinda cr*ppy.  Like Evernote just became a chair with only three legs.

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I find it incredibly distracting that over a third of my Evernote screen is taken up by a view of a note that has no relevance to what I am trying to do at that moment in time, and furthermore I have to wait while that note loads!


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THX for pointing me to that feature at all 🙂. My screen is wide and CPU fast enough to always show the note content. Now - after Ctrl-F11 - I've a pretty overview of much more notes...

But: This makes it more important to get a possibility to change note tite, times, tags and even the notebook of notes from within a note list - without the need to open a note first (something like F2 - which focusses to change the note title in the note editing window in EN-11 but does nothing in Legacy if note window is not present 😞)

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Ah, might this - https://evernote.com/blog/see-evernote-like-never-before-with-home/ - explain what to me was such an infuriating and perplexing removal of the hide-note-pane option that totally broke the way I used Evernote? I am still using the previous version of EN simply because of the loss of this option.

If this new Home dashboard can be configured such that the only widget on it is a list of all selected notes (via search, tags etc - or all notes if no selection criteria are in place) then that essentially reverts to the legacy setup I am running at the moment so long as whenever I click on a note in the notes widget it opens it in a new window leaving the EN main window still displaying the Home dashboard.  In fact this new Home dashboard is probably better than the simple hide-note-pane legacy option because it would give me the ability to have one widget at the very top with a few of my most used notes (e.g. I have a note called "*SCRATCHPAD*" if I want to very quickly jot down someone's number, essentially a virtual PostIt note) and then have my main notes list using the other 90% of the Home display. (I see that EN has explicitly created a "Scratchpad" widget so I would probably use that as a replacement for my "*SCRATCHPAD*" note depending on how the Home functionality transfers to the iPhone and iPad versions.)

If Home can be configured as I hope then that would resolve my concern and get me to switch from the legacy to the latest version. From reading that blog post I'm not sure if the Notes widget can actually display all or selected notes, they only talk about "recent" and "suggested", but if the direction of travel is enhancements to Home then I will certainly be trying out this new feature to see if it gets me close to, totally back to, or maybe even slightly beyond the legacy version in terms of what I consider a clean and efficient screen layout.

I do note however that the blog post says that "If you’re an Evernote Premium or Business customer, you can resize, reorder, or remove widgets to customize your Home" which I assume means non-premium users can't. I'm a premium user so that isn't a concern for me but as a community-minded person it would still feel very wrong to me that Evernote has worsened the user interface for non-premium users who use EN as I do and won't, as far as I can see from reading the blog post, have the possibility of configuring Home to reproduce the previous note-pane-hidden appearance so although I might have an escape route on this one I'm still left a bit perplexed as to why EN removed such a basic option.

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It's been a year now!!

This is a deal-breaker for me and the main thing that makes me continue using the old version. Sooner or later, once I muster the time and energy to research alternatives, I will switch to something else at this rate.

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It is a mistake to believe "Everybody needs it back". This thread was quiet now for 8 months - it seems there is only a small group of supporters.

The forum is user2user. If you want to bring your request to the attention of EN, use the feedback function in the clients, or issue a support ticket.

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The mistake would be to believe that only those that comment on this forum support bringing this feature back.  Experience informs me that very few people actually use these types of forums to voice their complaints, and those that do are savvy enough to realize that after multiple releases between making the complaint and the present without seeing it brought back, nor any commentary from someone with the power to make it happen to indicate that it is being considered at all means it has been relegated to the dust-bin of requests.  Also, exactly how many different ways of voicing suggestions and/or complaints does one have to use before getting a reaction either positive or negative: "Thank you for your suggestion.  It is being considered for future release." is not very fulfilling.  I find it sad that no one from Evernote support staff has come to the defense of the original decision to remove the feature.  Sure, this is a user2user forum, but there must be some level of monitoring by Evernote support... right?

Having been a developer of multiple large scale projects over many decades I have a hard time understanding why the ability to allow users to customize their experience to their liking would be curtailed when I am confident that such a feature would not be all that difficult to reimplement, assuming, of course, that retrofitting the original code used to support it was not possible due to it being incompatible with the rewrite which caused its loss.

Evernote is fortunate that there is not a comparable competitor which would allow straightforward migration of existing Evernote notes.  This was not one of those features that those who commented were simply wistful about its loss.  Those who spoke up were fairly clear that this was a deal breaker had there been any other decent option, myself included.  I'm pretty much convinced the feature is not coming back, but I don't have to like it.

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Sure it does not stand any criteria for a sound survey. But it is a rough measure if a personal idea resonates with other users.

I am pretty sure looking at this thread that „everybody“ is maybe slightly exaggerating it’s actual popularity.

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Granted... "everybody" is more than a little overstated.  I tend to forgive a bit of hyperbolic language from people stressing a point they find important.  I'm sure I have been guilty of the same from time to time.

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16 minutes ago, karlespy said:

everybody" is more than a little overstated.

Better to use the facts   
This request has 14 user votes (upper left corner of the discussion)

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I, too,, have been impatiently waiting for a view that shows snippets only or list only without the note preview.  Very often, when trying to narrow down a search, I have no need to see the notes themselves.  The preview takes up valuable screen space. Also  scrolling feels slower because views have to load -- not sure if this is reality or perc3eption.

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If I read through this thread, I observe it is either without any argument why this is soooo important, or 2 pretty weak ones (need to load previews, screen space). As long as the use cases are not better explained, I understand why nobody is rushing to implement it.

Topping it all are these posts with a logic that „EN needs to implement something because (?) although (?) I (the user) am switching to another app anyhow“. A-ha, good to know - and why should anybody implement anything then ?

Come on guys, if this baby wants to gain support(ers), it needs better arguments in first place.

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When I installed version 10, and I realized it forced me to have a note preview panel open, this alone made me go back to Legacy.

I think the need to keep screen space tidy is quite an important one. I just want a tight list of my notes, then I decide which ones to open.

Please add the possibility to remove the preview panel!

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It is important to be able to turn off the note panel. Forcing us to have notes displayed in the UI is extremely annoying. This is the primary reason that I rapidly uninstalled v10

All that I want is a detailed list view with sortable columns that I can choose, and if I want to view or edit a note, I'll click it and open it in a full window. In this regard, the old version was perfect. It was absurd to remove this.

It is not fair to say that few people care. It is very likely that there would be more complaints if people did not have an old version of the program to use. 

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This thread has collected 20 votes in about as many months. I wouldn't call it a torrent yet - more a dripple from the garden hose. 

Anyhow, you can send any request directly to EN PM using the feedback function build into the clients.

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On 1/14/2021 at 7:44 AM, Julian said:

Ah, might this - https://evernote.com/blog/see-evernote-like-never-before-with-home/ - explain what to me was such an infuriating and perplexing removal of the hide-note-pane option that totally broke the way I used Evernote? I am still using the previous version of EN simply because of the loss of this option.

If this new Home dashboard can be configured such that the only widget on it is a list of all selected notes (via search, tags etc - or all notes if no selection criteria are in place) then that essentially reverts to the legacy setup I am running at the moment so long as whenever I click on a note in the notes widget it opens it in a new window leaving the EN main window still displaying the Home dashboard.  In fact this new Home dashboard is probably better than the simple hide-note-pane legacy option because it would give me the ability to have one widget at the very top with a few of my most used notes (e.g. I have a note called "*SCRATCHPAD*" if I want to very quickly jot down someone's number, essentially a virtual PostIt note) and then have my main notes list using the other 90% of the Home display. (I see that EN has explicitly created a "Scratchpad" widget so I would probably use that as a replacement for my "*SCRATCHPAD*" note depending on how the Home functionality transfers to the iPhone and iPad versions.)

If Home can be configured as I hope then that would resolve my concern and get me to switch from the legacy to the latest version. From reading that blog post I'm not sure if the Notes widget can actually display all or selected notes, they only talk about "recent" and "suggested", but if the direction of travel is enhancements to Home then I will certainly be trying out this new feature to see if it gets me close to, totally back to, or maybe even slightly beyond the legacy version in terms of what I consider a clean and efficient screen layout.

I do note however that the blog post says that "If you’re an Evernote Premium or Business customer, you can resize, reorder, or remove widgets to customize your Home" which I assume means non-premium users can't. I'm a premium user so that isn't a concern for me but as a community-minded person it would still feel very wrong to me that Evernote has worsened the user interface for non-premium users who use EN as I do and won't, as far as I can see from reading the blog post, have the possibility of configuring Home to reproduce the previous note-pane-hidden appearance so although I might have an escape route on this one I'm still left a bit perplexed as to why EN removed such a basic option.

This suggestion is probably the only way (and it won't be really satisfactory) to restore the kind of view being requested here. 21 votes is actually not a small number for these feature request forums. As has been mentioned in previous posts, it represents only a fraction of the number of people who actually would like to have it, and I'm sure Evernote takes that into account.

OTOH, what has not been mentioned is that the voices that rarely show up in these posts are those of people who like the standard view just fine as it is. In the older Evernote, v. 6 and before, I always kept the right pane open, precisely because I wanted to see what was in a note when I selected it from a list. Sometimes I'd double-click to open it in a separate window (which is now possible in v. 10), but usually I could do what I wanted to do in the right Note View (not preview) pane. I suspect I'm not alone, and that many users have no desire to hide that pane.

But the more flexibility the better is the way I look at it. I've upvoted this, and I hope they will make it possible to hide the individual note view, if that wouldn't somehow break the whole UI.

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Just to add to the „never mentioned but good to observe“ opinions:

Hardly EVER a user who is happy about how it works will place his opinion here on the forum. Why, he has got what he wants / needs. Then add to this another significant number of users who are neutral if things work this way or another in general, but who would be pissed off if suddenly a feature they got used to is changed to something else without notice or a sound explanation.

I think it makes sometimes sense to hold our breath for a moment, and ask ourselves if a general improvement is proposed, in the meaning it would make EN a better, more productive place for everybody.

Where I think it should not be supported is if it is obviously a usecase for only a few users, or a change between two comparable alternatives, flipping how it is into the opposite. Those users who use a feature and like it as it is should be respected as well.

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On 5/9/2022 at 12:30 AM, lulzrawr said:

Forcing us to have notes displayed in the UI is extremely annoying.

I suspect you are probably an extreme outlier in this.

However, I upvoted this feature request too. It's interesting though, I don't think I would ever use this feature and I didn't even know it was something you could do pre v10, but it seems like one of those things where it wouldn't impact anybody else in anyway -- they'd be just like me: not knowing it was even a thing and not using it and it having no impact to them.

Of course, when I upvoted I made a wish that all my requested features ('[[' in-place note linking, back-linking, and table of contents to name a few) are implemented first before this one as they are definitely more important. (mostly joking 😜. )

Seriously though, it's going to be one of those Return-On-Investment questions, i.e. Is it worth the time to implement and support this feature vs others that might see more eyeballs and get more praise? (But yeah, 22 votes is not nothing on these forums. People don't even know or thing to upvote a feature request even when they comment agreement on it.)

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It seems as if I am not an "extreme outlier", since I was responding to a thread that shares my views. This is a big issue, I'll check back from time to time to see if there are any updates and will probably be happy with the new Evernote if it is ever resolved. 

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I've just been around the various web and app versions again and it's still not possible to turn off the Note Panel.

I've been using EN since 2010 and have around 14,000 notes in it. I would like to be able to scan a list of them and see instantly those Notes which are not filed (ie are still in Inbox) and those which have or don't have useful and relevant Tags. I've been doing this for twelve years until V10 tipped it all overboard.

I'll often be researching a topic and web clip many articles on the same topic when I'm there. That means that, given a view that shows me more then seven (yes, only seven, for crying out loud) Notes I can select multiple Notes and choose to tag them at the same time. If I've tagged one of them at the start of my research, I can apply the same Tags to all the related Notes - if I could turn off the Note Panel to free the screen real estate to be able to see them, that is.

Perhaps Evernote might tell us who thought it would be appropriate to enforce the Note Panel on us, and who thinks that being able to view seven (yes, only seven!) notes out of 14,000 is a good idea. Come on, I dare you - own up and try to justify this nonsense.

In the meantime I'll keep using the Evernote Legacy desktop software - don't you dare disable it.

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9 minutes ago, AHB said:

I've just been around the various web and app versions again and it's still not possible to turn off the Note Panel.

I have absolutely no objection to being able to switch off the note panel - I think it would be a useful feature although I personally never found the need for it in legacy.

You don't say what note list view you are using. In side list view I can see 29 (yes 29) notes. 

I'm not sure that scanning a list of notes is the most efficient way of finding notes in the inbox (I assume this is a notebook) or without tags. Why not just go the inbox notebook. To find all notes without tags you can search:


(don't forget the -)

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1 hour ago, AHB said:

In the meantime I'll keep using the Evernote Legacy desktop software - don't you dare disable it.

You're speaking to fellow users here. So nothing we can do to stop Legacy. The most likely reason it will cease to work is that the operating system makes changes and Legacy doesn't comply with the new OS world. Then it will just stop.

Overall, if you intend to keep using Evernote, you may want to take the pain of discovering new ways of working with v10. I transitioned in about three weeks and now can barely remember the Legacy ways of working. Of course YMMV.

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7 hours ago, AHB said:

I've just been around the various web and app versions again and it's still not possible to turn off the Note Panel.

I've been using EN since 2010 and have around 14,000 notes in it. I would like to be able to scan a list of them and see instantly those Notes which are not filed (ie are still in Inbox) and those which have or don't have useful and relevant Tags. I've been doing this for twelve years until V10 tipped it all overboard.

I'll often be researching a topic and web clip many articles on the same topic when I'm there. That means that, given a view that shows me more then seven (yes, only seven, for crying out loud) Notes I can select multiple Notes and choose to tag them at the same time. If I've tagged one of them at the start of my research, I can apply the same Tags to all the related Notes - if I could turn off the Note Panel to free the screen real estate to be able to see them, that is.

Perhaps Evernote might tell us who thought it would be appropriate to enforce the Note Panel on us, and who thinks that being able to view seven (yes, only seven!) notes out of 14,000 is a good idea. Come on, I dare you - own up and try to justify this nonsense.

In the meantime I'll keep using the Evernote Legacy desktop software - don't you dare disable it.

I'm kind of with @Mike P: visual scanning of a long, complex list of notes is no longer the optimal way of finding specific items in Evernote 10. It's certainly possible to select note list formats that let you view larger numbers of notes. Side List view probably shows the most. But the search and filter features are now the way to find things. Search for a keyword likely to appear in all the notes you're currently working with. Search for presence or absence of tags. Filter by tags, created date, content (attachments, URLs, etc.), and so on.

For that matter, if you're doing a lot of Web clipping you can assign notebooks and tags on the fly. If I were clipping a lot of items that I knew I would want to give a specific tag to, I'd select the options gear in the Web clipper and set a default tag. I'd just need to remember to change it or clear it at the end of the session.

In short, Evernote 10 does sometimes require a change in workflow to take advantage of its more advanced features. You didn't hear it from me, but ... change is sometimes good. 

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8 hours ago, agsteele said:

The most likely reason it will cease to work is that the operating system makes changes and Legacy doesn't comply with the new OS world. Then it will just stop.

I disagree.  Say what you will about Windows, it's done a great job of maintaining compatibility with earlier OS versions.  I'm still using MS Money from more than 10 years ago and it works fine. 

The end will come if they decide to change the protocols they use for interaction between the servers and clients and they don't want to maintain support for the current  protocols.  That's a complex enough task that they may never decide to undertake.  Of they may just decide to kick us to the curb for some other non-technical reason. 

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I think you misunderstand me. I'm saying that Legacy will continue for as long as the OS continues to support it. 

Like you I've used an elderly accounts package - in my case Quicken. It ceased being supported. When Windows 8 arrived it also stopped working. 

The point is that Evernote will not maintain Legacy. It will keep going until something external changes - most likely an OS development. But, yes, other things could change which might break Legacy too. Server sync could also be the death of Legacy.

So anyone depending on Legacy should make a plan for the future whenever the end comes. It may not be announced 🤪

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22 hours ago, Mike P said:

I have absolutely no objection to being able to switch off the note panel - I think it would be a useful feature although I personally never found the need for it in legacy.

You don't say what note list view you are using. In side list view I can see 29 (yes 29) notes. 

I'm not sure that scanning a list of notes is the most efficient way of finding notes in the inbox (I assume this is a notebook) or without tags. Why not just go the inbox notebook. To find all notes without tags you can search:


(don't forget the -)

hi Mike - I'm not sure how one could object to a feature being added (or put back in, in this case) - if it's something we don't want to use, we wouldn't use it!  There's a regular poster to a forum for a brand of cameras I use who gets really hot under the collar about the pop-out LCD screens on recent camera models - I think the entire forum membership has now said "hey, chill out, just don't pop the screen out".

A quick look down a list of Notes works for me - that list might already be filtered, or date-ordered, or retrieved by Tag across a number of Notebooks, or be the content of a single Notebook, or whatever; it doesn't really matter. Among other processes I'm filtering down to a point and looking for outliers which shouldn't be within that filter.

What does matter is losing around 50% of my working space because I can't switch off something I don't want to look at at that point. It especially matters because we used to be able to do it. It especially matters because the Panels in the other part of the working space (browser or app window, whatever you want to call it) can be switched on or off at will so there wouldn't seem to be a techncal reason for the non-feature.

It was Phil Libin in the Evernote Podcast more than 10 years ago who I first heard use the phrase "use case". We all have different use cases for Evernote, which I guess is why so many folk like it. It's just a shame that with v10 the EN dev team have made one of my long-standing use cases almost impossible to carry out.


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There is nothing to be fixed because nothing is broken. v10 has it’s own GUI concept.

That this thread was silent for 2 years shows that this is an accepted fact.

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2 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

There is nothing to be fixed because nothing is broken. v10 has it’s own GUI concept.

That this thread was silent for 2 years shows that this is an accepted fact.

You are quite right - nothing is broken.

And indeed it might well be "its own GUI concept".

But none of that changes the *fact* that it doesn't work for me.

So it is most certainly not accepted.

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7 hours ago, Steve M in San Diego said:

Checking back after several years now that Legacy is done and we are all stuck with 10, but as near as I can tell this still isn't fixed?

Nope, no change.

I tried to find a route to have a respectful conversation with the development team about it, which I offered to keep confidential if they wished, and only got fobbed-off to support. If the outcome of that had been "we're not changing anything" I guess I would have accepted it, but I remain very disappointed with their unwillingness to engage with a long-standing paying customer (me). That's very different to my customer experience with the team behind the RSS Reader Feedly,.

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Legacy Evernote was so much better in virtually every respect so imagine how much better still it would be today had the past several years been spent on developing it further as opposed to treading water on this v10 junk.

Sadly I don't really see any alternatives to it though (i.e. having a very large mass of clipped articles and resources over more than a decade organized by tags that's easily searchable including images). Perhaps Obsidian will get there someday.

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Ever though about how far riding a dead horse will take you ? In a minute, in an hour, in a day ? Hint:The distance travelled is always the same.

Feel free to enter into this intellectual challenge any time. You have all the time you need, your horse will not move anyhow while you think it over. Or in other words: It will move as far as the legacy clients in the last years of their existence. That was when the developing company could neither afford to operate them nor to add any new features to them, or provide maintenance.

Oooops, now I spoilered the answer, stupid me 😩

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Sure it is displayed there. Every note is first displayed in the main right pane window.

You need to select it and intentionally open it in it’s own window, either by menu command or a double click.

That a note from which a link is clicked is open in its own window only defines this place for this one note, not for anything linked to it. In fact you will notoce that the own window is just a second session for this note. It is in the main view as well, and behaves like a RTE session - once the second window is open, you see the avatar showing and the little flag with the marching cursor in the other view, when the note is edited.

 But i disgress: That a linked note clicked from a note in a separate window will show in the main view is no bug, it is intentional and by design.

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Not sure what your point is.  We agree on how it works.  I never said that it's a bug, or unintentional, or that the the implementation varies from the design. 

My point is that they made a bad design choice.  The v.10 method is clumsy and hard to use while the Legacy product worked well.  Regarding their design process, I can guess but never know the process they went through to reach this particular decision. 

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If it is very simple and doesn't cause undesired side effects then I'd like to try it.  However I will say that of all the the things in EN that I dislike this one is no longer that important to me.  I just use the main window like I used the Legacy main window with the note pane not shown, i.e. I open it when I need to open a note, double click on the note in the list pane I want to open, and then minimize it and wait for the note window to open. 


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