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Pin notes to the top of notebook



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I want to pin notes too. For example, I keep a daily journal with all the important/relevant events of the day, and I would like to pin a note titled "Important Things Learned 2018" at the top that I can easily see and edit whenever there is a key idea or lesson. 

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1 hour ago, david@daveresnick.com said:

I keep a daily journal with all the important/relevant events of the day, and I would like to pin a note titled "Important Things Learned 2018" at the top that I can easily see and edit whenever there is a key idea or lesson. 

I also keep a daily journal; a note in Evernote669262011_ScreenShot2018-12-05at07_45_32.png.352a765b7bd3944767aa84c4b4b77fe6.png
My journal template has links to notes I need quick access to

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1 hour ago, david@daveresnick.com said:

I want to pin notes too. For example, I keep a daily journal with all the important/relevant events of the day, and I would like to pin a note titled "Important Things Learned 2018" at the top that I can easily see and edit whenever there is a key idea or lesson. 

If/until this feature is added, there are possibilities that might help, depending on which Evernote application you are using:

  • Create an Evernote shortcut to your note.  Shortcuts are generally easily available.
  • In some clients (I use Windows, with snippet view, and Android), reminder notes appear in a separate list above the note list. The reminder list can be configured to sort by reminder date, or you can order it yourself via drag/drop. I use this to keep frequently accessed notes readily available.
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Whenever I want to pin a note to the top of a notebook, I use a period (.) or asterisk or number. Those things take the note out of alphabetical order and position it at the top of the notebook. Make sure your notes are being viewed in ascending order by title.

You can also use shortcuts or a main table of contents note listing links to all the notes you want frequent access to. For example, long before EN introduced templates, I had created about 50 of them. I have a notebook named .Templates that stays at the top of my notebook list for fast access to all of my templates.

There are always work-arounds. Hope one of these helps you.

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2 minutes ago, Sandeelynne3 said:

Whenever I want to pin a note to the top of a notebook, I use a period (.) or asterisk or number. Those things take the note out of alphabetical order and position it at the top of the notebook. Make sure your notes are being viewed in ascending order by title.

I basically use a sigle notebook, and generate note  lists with tags and other searches.

This title prefixing works well for me.

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On 12/1/2018 at 9:01 AM, DiscoveredJoys said:

I've read the discussion about 'spaces' and I don't think it will be useful for me in my situation. However I would like to have the facility to 'pin' a note to the top (or bottom) of a notebook, resistant to sorting notes within the notebook. I realise I can get close to this functionality with 'reminders' (or tags) but 'pinning' would avoid confusing real reminders with note I specifically want easy access to.

While the concept is simple I understand that it might not be quite so easy to code for, but it would increase the functionality of Evernote. You could have all your cut & paste favourites in one easy to access note. All your technical fixes (or the internal links to their separate notes) for your operating system in one place. Key summary points of various notes in the notebook or quotations in one easy to access note. 

Tags are great but I don't want to search for them to get to something I use frequently. Pinned notes would save searches.

As a workaround pending EN doing anything about pinned notes, you can use the shortcuts bar for single click access to individual notes.  Works fine if you don't have a lot of pinned notes.

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It would be great if I could Pin notes to the top of a notebook for quick access whenever I go to that notebook. I know there are shortcuts, but I don't always need constant access to a note(s).

1) If I visit that specific notebook, like my school notebook, I could have my main project pinned to the top, and when I leave my School notebook, it's out of the way.

2) Sometimes I want to edit a note, but not on my phone. If I could Pin it, it would be at the top ready to go when I got home on my computer. 

3) To do lists in different Notebooks. I don't want to have 3 to do lists saved to my shortcuts, but if I had one pinned in my Personal, Work and School notebooks, I would still have quick access to them.

I'm sure others can think of plenty of other use cases.

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You identified notebooks for pinning notes. 

I basically use a single notebook, relying  on saved searches instead.
My pin  requirement would be search based instead of notebook based.

>> 2) Sometimes I want to edit a note, but not on my phone. If I could Pin it, it would be at the top ready to go when I got home on my computer. 

This seems more like a reminder or tag user-case.

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Looking for some guidance on the ability to pin a note at the top of a note list within a notebook.  I.E. note would be pinned to top of note list within a notebook, and would remain at the top, regardless of sorting by note date creation, or updated.   Thanks, Mike

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There's no Evernote option for pinning a note in the Notebook notelist.

I'm not a big notebook user but I control sequence in notelists by prefixing the title with control characters; for example -title sorts to the top.

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7 hours ago, Banksy said:

Looking for some guidance on the ability to pin a note at the top of a note list within a notebook.  I.E. note would be pinned to top of note list within a notebook, and would remain at the top, regardless of sorting by note date creation, or updated.   Thanks, Mike

Only workarounds.

If you are a Snippet View user reminders appear at the top of the note list.  You can manually arrange the reminders.  Not a particularly elegant solution, but it kind of works.

If your default sort sequence for the notebook isn't created or updated date, you may be able to save a view which has the note at the top of the list sorting on another field.  Then add a shortcut to the notebook in the shortcuts bar.  Again, not perfect.

Or just put a shortcut to the note in your shortcuts bar.

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I put ‘1.’ in front of the title of the top level note in each category, then 2, 3, 4, in front of second, third and fourth level notes (just the important or fixed ones). That means a quick sort by title brings them to the top, and it works well.  I also use shortcuts to do searches by tags of Lev1, Lev2, Lev3, Lev4. 

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@Manolson Hi, Happy new year 2019, thanks for your post and welcome to the Forums! Its a right-out shame that this is STILL not implemented!! There have been about 200 updates since, most of them regarding ***** no one needs... @everyone : lets make some noise on this thread again... this is basic and necessary! DONT FORGET TO UP-VOTE THE REQUEST!...

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2 hours ago, Neyghey said:

There have been about 200 updates since, most of them regarding ***** no one needs

Quote from CEO Ian Small in the latest Evernote blog on priorities for 2019

undoubtedly we will still disappoint some of you—whether it’s because you don’t like the way we choose to fix something, or we don’t prioritize a particular bug that drives you around the bend

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Hey, @DTLow and thanks very much for your quick reply!... Didn't realise you were part of "the system", but good to know.... I appreciate EN in general, else i wouldn't  still be a subscriber... But the fact that we still can't rearrange notes is just OUTRAGEOUS! I feel that my life could be perfect right now if i could just rearrange notes manually. Yes, its such a big deal (to some of us). And i have yet to meet someone who needs tabs in EN on a regular basis or this nice pop-ups that ask me to pay for some business subscription or join some #challenge... This request has been posted in JAN 2013. This was 6 Years ago. And we haven't heard from an EN employee since....


PS: is there a particular reason, you made your last reply a link or was it a mistake?

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Ah @DTLow - They have been disappointing us for years about this!

I've reached out to CEO @croneill and @evernotehelps about twice a year for a few years now about this issue of not being able to sort manually, I always get the same "thanks for your input" go-nowhere response.

I would HEAVILY use Evernote if they allowed you 1. Sort manually

Also, I've been complaining for a long time about not being able to Copy / Paste text formatting styles - like Bold, Header, Italics, coloured text etc.

Apple's app allow this though Edit Menu items, with the simple keyboard shortcuts of ( ⌥ ⌘ C  [copy style] and ⌥ ⌘ V [paste style] )

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+1 on the feature request. I do not care about the workarounds and don't want to pay for Spaces when it's way more than I need. I just want the pinning feature to exist. I use OneNote at work, and ordering notes is generally much easier there. However, I've been an Evernote user since the days when it was completely free and I want to continue to support it.

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Just mind boggling to me that this remains unaddressed. Even more mind boggling than the fact my quick skim of this thread produces no comments on this particular feature from the Evernote team. 

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3 minutes ago, Jimi said:

Just mind boggling

There is a feature request posted at the top of the discussion
You're welcome to indicate your support using the voting buttons in the left corner of the discussion.  Current vote count is 710481876_ScreenShot2019-02-06at12_55_03.png.e73e2764bc4f1338ca9b556bcb737e70.png

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Number the notes order per each notebook.

The only way I can now change the displayed order of my notes are changing their own name, and arranging by name, but it takes time to drag, select and rename the titles name to a number, so I would like to simply double click on a numberation area and type fastly my note order. Would be more organized and aesthetically pleasing too.

Thank you

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Allow users to pin a single (or multiple) note(s) to the top of a notebook, irrespective of what the sorting order is.


It'd be very useful for a lot of people who like to have a master 'organiser' or 'strategy page' for each of their notebooks, or just a general bulletin board for each notebook.




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14 hours ago, mingomongo said:


Allow users to pin a single (or multiple) note(s) to the top of a notebook, irrespective of what the sorting order is.


It'd be very useful for a lot of people who like to have a master 'organiser' or 'strategy page' for each of their notebooks, or just a general bulletin board for each notebook.




Asked for many times.  What is your default sort for the notebook(s)?

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On 2/15/2019 at 6:30 PM, Notl said:

simply double click on a numberation area and type fastly my note order.

Notes have a number field (reminderOrder) used in the reminder section. 
Drag-and-drop is used to assign the note order.

I moved this request to the General Feature Request forum.

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10 minutos atrás, DTLow disse:

The shortcuts and reminder sections use drag-and-drop.

The feature I am talking about is by changing:

Title name = #1 + Name

Title name = #2 + Name


Title name = Name (Own section).

Number order = Number (Own section, and be able to click it to arrange the order when in Ctrl+F8).


I use Tags other way, with other content only. So I would like a specific Number Section Bar only to number the arranging of the notes. I can't change the Tag order too, and it would difficult the searches of the Searching bar feature.

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For what it's worth, I change the created date to accomplish my preferred sort order in certain views, as it normally never changes unless changed deliberately.

If you are talking about a large number of notes, sorting by title and using a script to automatically edit the title would be the way to go, I think.  Not that difficult to do in Windows with AutoHotkey.

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1 hour ago, Don Dz said:

For what it's worth, I change the created date to accomplish my preferred sort order in certain views, ...

To cover more views, set all three values: title, update and create date

Downside; you're locked into descending/ascending sequence; in addition to sacrificing the actual values.

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54 minutes ago, DTLow said:

To cover more views, set all three values: title, update and create date

Downside; you're locked into descending/ascending sequence.

Would be nice to have multi field sorting like some other programs, to really take advantage of that idea.  Would not be surprised if someone has already requested the feature.

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So basically we want features to pin and arrange precisely and easily the order of the notes, for a better workflow.

Drag and Drop, Specific Sort order, and Pin to the top (per notebook/notes).

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2 hours ago, lein said:

The reminder workaround doesn't work anymore. There are important notes that I would like pined to the top. Now there is no way to do so. It is a very basic functionality. 

I don't think there's been any change to the Reminders feature; why is it not working anymore?

An alternative work-around is pinning notes to the Shortcuts section.

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On 3/5/2019 at 8:35 AM, lein said:

The reminder workaround doesn't work anymore. There are important notes that I would like pined to the top. Now there is no way to do so. It is a very basic functionality. 

Windows? Mac?

In Windows, in the latest beta at least, if you have the Reminders setting "Sort reminders by date" checked, then you can order undated reminders arbitrarily, but you can's order dated reminders. If you "Sort reminders by date" unchecked, then you can reorder reminders arbitrarily.

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2 hours ago, SNiederauer said:

Please, create the possibility for us users, to freeze the notes (inside notebooks) or notebooks (at main page) that us mostly use (let us choose), on the top, instead just the alphabetical organization (notebooks) or time organization (notes).

Merged with the other Pin Notes request

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2 hours ago, Bill Butler said:

very simple request

Do you actually know this is "very simple"?
Do you have an estimate of the work-hours and other costs for implementing this change?

To indicate your support for the request, use the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion.

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3 hours ago, Bill Butler said:

As a guess Evernote should be using some sort of document style database (couch, mongodb, etc)  for its back end. Such storage mediums are extremely forgiving to the introduction or removal of data elements. You can add a new field to a JSON or XML block and no consumer of such a change would care.

To support pinning a note, all one needs to do is add a new bit type/boolean field to the data structure

On the client platforms, the metadata is stored in SQLite databases.
For the Reminders implementation, a reminderOrder field was added to control sequencing and "pinning"
This is straightforward, but complicated by the duplication for each platform.

>>It will take time to update all of the presentation modes they offer (desktop, web, etc), but once again this is a relatively straight forward feature. They already have a segment of code which orders notes, and which places notes with reminders at the top of the list. It should be a day per mode to change and test code to "pin" a note at the top. 

Again complicated by the duplication for each platform.
Not sure how straightforward it would be; the simplest UI would be right-click on the note and pin to the top.

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6 minutes ago, DTLow said:

Again complicated by the duplication for each platform.
Not sure how straightforward it would be; the simplest UI would be right-click on the note and pin to the top.

I would think by now they should be using some very basic database upgrade techniques. When I build desktop/mobile apps, the first step after clearing away basic readiness housekeeping was to check the version number in the DB against the one the app was expecting and then executing the appropriate code to add that. Since the central DB should be up to date with the latest, clients that did not have the field just won't sync it. And I have to think they are already dealing with this sort of thing since they already have feature forks--works in this product version, doesn't work in this product version.

As for the UI, all they need is the equivalent of a button--easier than a right click in my mind because you have to code the right click into all of the containers (windows or forms) to handle the UX. In my past designs a simple Font Awesome glyph indicating pinned or unpinned status is pretty straight forward. Click it once it is pinned, click it again and it is unpinned. 

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The current static order of 'Last Modified' is indeed quite unpractical and I create notebooks specifically to move some notes out of the way to keep things overseeable. An option for the sort order allows anyone to use his/her own preferred system. A 'natural' sort option would be to allow manual ordering of notes. Other sort options would be: Last Modified, Creation Date, Alphabetical...

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5 hours ago, Ruud van Gaal said:

A 'natural' sort option would be to allow manual ordering of notes. Other sort options would be: Last Modified, Creation Date, Alphabetical...

No "manual ordering", except for the Shortcuts and Reminder sections.

We have the other sort options.1221932907_ScreenShot2019-04-01at08_29_04.png.c87ba59ce77c7c9dc9d547f8fd8c5136.png
Screenshot is from my Mac

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After years of waiting as a payed customer, I am getting frustrated. I started to looking for alternative solutions. There is another nice app called Agenda seems do the job nicely.

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Yes please!!! We need this feature!! How is this not a thing yet?

To "pin" notes to the top, or to manually change the order of the notes within a notebook would be soo useful! 


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1 hour ago, Colleen O said:

Meanwhile, I've created a TOC, moved the links around, and used the hack to set the edit date to sometime in the future so the TOC stays at the top.

ToC works. It's a static list, although there are options to make this dynamic.

I've merged this request with the other discussions.  You can indicate your support using the voting buttons at the top left corner.

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21 hours ago, Albert Newton said:

Is there any way to pin a post to the top of a Notebook ? 

I merged your post with the existing discussion for this feature

No, there is no "pin" feature for notebooks

You can force the note to sort at the top of the list by manipulating the note title and dates

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6 hours ago, DTLow said:
19 hours ago, Albert Newton said:

Is there any way to pin a post to the top of a Notebook ? 

I merged your post with the existing discussion for this feature

No, there is no "pin" feature for notebooks

You can force the note to the top of the list by manipulating the note title and dates

Another way is to make the note a reminder note.

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Any chance of this happening. (being able to PIN a note within a notebook) Or does it go against the ethos of EN somehow? I would be surprised if so. 

Been using Evernote for years and I still miss this feature just as much. I don't like the workaround at all. 

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Chiming in to say I'd also love to see pinning notes added as a feature. 

I have project notebooks and I want my notes to sort the notes inside based on update / creation date.

I make a master note for every project that has links to important documents, a summary of high level important info, etc that I'd like to always be displayed at the top of the notebook.

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12 hours ago, skylervm said:

I make a master note for every project that has links to important documents, a summary of high level important info, etc that I'd like to always be displayed at the top of the notebook.

I implement this sort of functionality myself using reminder notes. Reminder notes are displayed as a separate list of notes at the top of any note list they appear in. Reminders may be configured to be ordered by date or arbitrarily (drag/drop).

Edit: another possibility: using a shortcut to identify master notes (via tag or title, maybe; I'd use a tag) would make it easy to isolate your important high level information and navigate to the sub notes for that project.

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12 hours ago, skylervm said:

... master note ... I'd like to always be displayed at the top of the notebook.

It's not a notebook thing for me (taggger with minimal notebooks)
but I control the note sequence by adjusting the title and date fields of the "master note" 
My "master note" is at the top of the list

>>I make a master note for every project that has links to important documents, a summary of high level important info, etc 

My "master note" contains links to active project (master) notes1047342819_ScreenShot2019-08-13at08_53_05.png.486a1b7e5eaa9f44c15b50fc16282bbe.png
This list is kept up to date by an applescript on my Mac; also a feature of third party Filterize

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I've seen both of those suggestions (reminders, tweaking the date or title). They both are decent workarounds, but neither is quite the solution I'm looking for.

Pinning a note (first) and manual ordering (second) would both be very useful for a number of use cases besides the one I mentioned.

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13 minutes ago, skylervm said:

I've seen both of those suggestions (reminders, tweaking the date or title). They both are decent workarounds, but neither is quite the solution I'm looking for.

Understood. Not every forum-goer takes the time to read whole threads, particularly lengthy ones like this one, so you often get repeats on workarounds.

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On 6/19/2016 at 12:38 PM, MikeH said:

Add my voice to those who would really the option of being able to sort notes and stacks manually. It's a feature that has been missing for years, and I say this as an Evernote Premium users of many years with 10,021 notes and counting.

Yes, I know about the various workarounds using reminders, title names, tags, one-note-as-TOC, etc. I periodically come to the forums to learn about new things in Evernote and people's clever ways of using it, and I also often search for how to do manual sorting. There are plenty of postings where people discuss one technique or another, but none are the same thing as being able to order one's notes and notebooks directly by putting them into the desired order in the note views and notebook views. The fact that people have to resort to various hacks should be enough to indicate that manual sorting is a desirable but missing feature.

Judging from some past forum discussions about this topic, some people will feel compelled to reply asking me why I want this feature, or lecture me that it's unnecessary, or helpfully point out one hack or another to achieve it.  That won't be necessary.  I would like this feature in Evernote because I believe it would make it easier and more intuitive for me to organize my notes, based on my experiences. I know workarounds exist but I find them unsuitable.  If they work for you, great!  But they don't for me.

There does not seem to be a way to request features from Evernote directly anymore, and based on what I've read in the forums, it seems like posting to the forums is the way to make our requests heard. That is my only purpose here. I know the company that makes Evernote is not obligated to implement every snowflake feature that people request. I'm not complaining that the situation is a deal-breaker for me.  I'm only trying to say "I'm another long-time user who would like this feature because it would address a long-standing problem for me".



TOTALLY AGREE! Unbelievable that +3 years and you still haven't solved this... too many people concurring on this... I know you're not forced to doing this, as Mike said, but I'm very upset anyhow, it would be nice that you worked on this... Even whatsapp now offers the ability to pin chats to the top, really is it that hard?

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2 hours ago, richardonthego said:

I would love to be able to pin an important note to the top of my notebook, without having to change the sort order. Please add this feature!

I merged the requests for this feature

This doesn't seem to be a priority for Evernote.  My work around is to adjust the title/dates so the note sorts to the top 

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2 hours ago, gazumped said:

Or (on a desktop) drag the note into your Favorites section so you can get to it in one click.  It works after that on mobiles too.

Favorites - Shortcuts I assume?

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12 hours ago, gazumped said:

Or (on a desktop) drag the note into your Favorites section so you can get to it in one click.  It works after that on mobiles too.

Actually, this works! Thanks :)

I was trying to divide every project into its own notebook, and wanted to have a "Project File" at the top.

Instead, I came up with this workflow:

  1. create a Project Files notebook
  2. create a "project file" with the name "#<Project Name>"
  3. move that file to Project Files
  4. add it to shortcuts

Then I have a list of all my project files under shortcuts.

The secondary benefit is now my notebook for "#<Project Name>"  won't be cluttered with project files: mine contains only actionable items. (I'm doing a GTD type thing)

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On 1/31/2017 at 8:19 AM, Neyghey said:

I would really love to see a feature where i can manually sort notes by "importance" and seperately by "urgency". The user could send a note to the top of one of the lists by the press of one button. That would be awesome :D

While you're waiting for this to happen (if it ever will), you should consider using Evernote reminders to manage your most urgent items. Reminders are displayed in a separate note list above your standard note list and that list can be configured to be sortable by due date or manually (i.e., you can drag notes into any order you please).Got something urgent? Make it a reminder, and it will go into the reminders list; when it's finished, mark it done (and maybe move it to a different notebook) For the basics: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314338-How-to-use-reminders.

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Предлагаю следующее

Было бы удобно, если появится возможность закреплять 1-3 заметки в верхней части списка конкретного блокнота. 


Обращаю внимание, что это не тоже самое, что Напоминания.


Предложение касается закрепления заметок внутри  блокнота  

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43 minutes ago, aka_smile said:

I suggest the following

 It would be convenient if it becomes possible to pin 1-3 notes at the top of the list of a particular notebook.

Please note that this is not the same as Reminders.

Suggestion for sticking notes inside a notebook

-- translated by Google --

I've  merged your suggestion with a similar request

Evernote has no support for pinning notes in a Notebook

My approach is to use a Dashboard/Table-of-Contents  note with links to the "1-3 notes".  To ensure the Dashboard note is at the top, I adjust the title and dates


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Frankly I'm surprised this feature hasn't been implemented. With the way Evernote is designed to organize your thoughts through lists of notes and stacks of notebooks, pinning a note or a notebook from time to time so it's always on top is intuitive to me. I know there are workarounds with shortcuts and saved searches and such - believe me I've spent a lot of time learning Evernote features through blogs, support forums, and experimentation since 2011 - but there are times when pinning as described in this thread is simply better for the task at hand.

About 98% of the information I capture in Evernote - unfortunately - goes unused after a few weeks or couple of months. Every year or so I come back to Evernote with some new way to organize everything so I can get more out of it, but I still find 98% of my time in the application has such a short shelf life. I'm just wondering whether it's me or the application. I have the app on my iPhone, iPad, and two PCs. Syncing and using on the go is powerful. Still I'm at a loss as to why Evernote falls short of my expectations every year. Perhaps my expectations are too high for $70/year.

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On 10/24/2019 at 6:16 AM, stallings-rsa said:

With the way Evernote is designed to organize your thoughts through lists of notes and stacks of notebooks

Pinning notes is a useful feature; I use the concept in a dashboard note (my daily journal)

btw: Evernote's primary organization tool is tags and saved searches   
Notebooks have a purpose; to identify notes as sync'd/local, private/shared, offline

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1 hour ago, stallings-rsa said:

Frankly I'm surprised this feature hasn't been implemented.

It's one of literally thousands of suggestions raised by users - it does have 150+ votes for support,  but there are tweaks out there with more than twice that which still have not been implemented.  Some are easy,  and get delivered;  others are the equivalent of one out-of-place can at the bottom of a stack of 1,000 cans in the supermarket:  changing a single can is easy.  Moving the other 999 first tends to take a while...  so they're 'in progress' with a delivery in the future sometime - like when they decide to move that pile of cans.

1 hour ago, stallings-rsa said:

With the way Evernote is designed to organize your thoughts

Actually,  it's not.  Evernote will capture,  but doesn't organise.  There are tools to help you do that - tags,  reminders,  notebooks etc - but you need a system of some sort to be 'organised'.

Rather than pinning notes I have a tag "FollowUp" which has a bold / red / italic style (I work in Windows mostly) so it stands out in any listing.  I also have a saved search to give me a quick list of all notes tagged that way.  I also (since I have a couple of automatic ways that new notes are created - from emails for example) have a 'recent notes' search so I don't miss any urgent issues.

There's lots of help out there to put a system together - if we can help with any suiggestions,  feel free to ask..


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1 hour ago, stallings-rsa said:

I know there are workarounds with shortcuts and saved searches and such - believe me I've spent a lot of time learning Evernote features through blogs, support forums, and experimentation since 2011 - but there are times when pinning as described in this thread is simply better for the task at hand.

I've used Evernote reminders for this sort of thing since they were first introduced awhile back. They work great on Windows, and are seem fine on Android as well (which I use less that Windows). The reminder list is always at the top of the current note list, and the reminders shown in it are filtered by the current search filter.; the reminder list  is collapsible as well  Reminders can be sorted by reminder date or arbitrarily via drag/drop, all independently of the current note list sorting.

You may consider this a workaround, but frankly, I'd rather have Evernote reminders than note pinning as requested here, if I had to choose; it's that much more powerful a system, without being over-complicated or obtrusive. Note that I don't use reminders for notifications; only for managing todo tasks, at home and at work. Unless it doesn't work on iThingies (always a possibility with Evernote of old), it would seem like a good thing for your case, too. What was your experience them?

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1 hour ago, stallings-rsa said:

About 98% of the information I capture in Evernote - unfortunately - goes unused after a few weeks or couple of months. Every year or so I come back to Evernote with some new way to organize everything so I can get more out of it, but I still find 98% of my time in the application has such a short shelf life. I'm just wondering whether it's me or the application.

I think it is us.  “Activities” have a timeliness to them.  Some older notes come in to play when a repeat activity occurs, some never to be seen again.  Even in documentation and paperless use cases you are never sure if/when the notes will be needed.  So you just keep them all because you are sure the one you remove will be the one you need.  🙄 

Thanks to the deity of preference for search.  😊

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Can you add the feature where you can manually sort notes? I'm talking about dragging and dropping them in any order I want.

Like PowerPoint, I should be able to grab notes in the "Card View", for example, and move them around at-will. Can you add a "Manual Sort" option? And you can also add a "Saved Custom Sort" option where you can name the way you sorted the notes. This would be great for writers like me! 


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2 hours ago, EDem said:

I'm talking about dragging and dropping them in any order I want.

Until this gets implemented, I control the sequence by adjusting the note's title and date fields

>>This would be great for writers like me! 

I understand the need, but Evernote's note editor doesn't seem the best tool for this

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This is a humble "fix." :)

  1. First, I sorted in "Date Created" Order. You might want a different order.
  2. Then, I renamed each note with a number in the title in the Date Created order--1. 2. 3. etc.
  3. Then, I created a Table of Contents note for that Notebook. 
  4. Next, I Copied Links from the numbered Notes to the Table of Contents in the numerical order. 
  5. Lastly, I sorted according to alpha-order.

I don't see changing this myself.

Now, I want the Table of Contents at the top of the Notebook.

But, the way I "pinned" the note was to change the Table of Contents to ".Table of Contents." The initial period should "pin" the note alphabetically to the top like the ".Inbox" does.

I can see "pinning" a few notes to the top of a notebook this way, or creating a short list of special notes.


I hope this helps somebody! I came here searching for a way to pin notes because a YouTube video mentioned that you could. 


I don't know, but are the characters in order or in a sort order of their own, e.g., .@#$%^&*() or 1234567890?


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3 hours ago, dtsgrad said:

I don't know, but are the characters in order or in a sort order of their own, e.g., .@#$%^&*() or 1234567890?

Hi.  Some experimentation might be in order,  depending on your operating systems and devices.  Users have reported previously that different apps -mobile vs web vs desktop forinstance- sort 'special' characters in different orders.  Best perhaps to stick to 2 or 3 options.

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3 hours ago, dtsgrad said:

But, the way I "pinned" the note was to change the Table of Contents to ".Table of Contents." The initial period should "pin" the note alphabetically to the top like the ".Inbox" does.

For "pinned", I cover the three sort sequences, Title, Updated, Created

For the dates, I set the date to 3000/01/01 for descending date sequence

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If you are using Windows desktop app you could remove the always sorted restraint.  Create a saved search for note titles beginning with ., sort by title and save the view for the search.  Put the saved search in the shortcuts and notes with titles beginning with . will be at the top of the list.

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8 hours ago, dtsgrad said:

I hope this helps somebody! I came here searching for a way to pin notes because a YouTube video mentioned that you could. 

In Evernote, in some of the clients (Windows non-list views, Android; sadly not in the web client) you can do this by turning notes into reminder notes. Reminder notes will appear as pinned to the top of any note list they appear in, in a separate (and separately sortable) list. There are also special search parameters that can filter on specific reminder dates ("remindertime:", "reminderdonetime:", and "reminderorder:", see the search grammar: https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/search_grammar.php). I find that using reminders works much better than monkeying around with special note titles or the other date fields. YMMV...

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I have my notes sorted by Updated, Reverse Sort Order - which has worked great.  Today I learned how to create a Dashboard note, which has links to my my most important notes.  I'd like this note to always appear as my first note, but since that note itself won't be updated it will quickly show down the list of my notes.  Wondering if you would consider adding a "pinned note" feature, so that this note would always appear first, followed by other notes as they are updated.  Thanks for listening.  P.S.  Love Evernote.  I'm in it multiple times a day. My digital brain.

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21 hours ago, MarcR57 said:

I have my notes sorted by Updated, Reverse Sort Order - which has worked great.  Today I learned how to create a Dashboard note, which has links to my my most important notes.  I'd like this note to always appear as my first note, but since that note itself won't be updated it will quickly show down the list of my notes.  Wondering if you would consider adding a "pinned note" feature, so that this note would always appear first, followed by other notes as they are updated.  Thanks for listening.  P.S.  Love Evernote.  I'm in it multiple times a day. My digital brain.

This has been requested many places in the forum you could vote on one of those threads.  For your particular instance though, you can go to the info area and change the Updated date to something far in the future.


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On 12/19/2019 at 11:05 AM, MarcR57 said:

Dashboard note ... I'd like this note to always appear as my first note

I merged your post with the existing "Pin notes" discussion

fwiw  In my shortcut section, the first entry is to my Dashboard note
          On my Mac, Command 1 retrieves the note; Ctrl 1 for Windows

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On 12/19/2019 at 2:05 PM, MarcR57 said:

I have my notes sorted by Updated, Reverse Sort Order - which has worked great.  Today I learned how to create a Dashboard note, which has links to my my most important notes.  I'd like this note to always appear as my first note, but since that note itself won't be updated it will quickly show down the list of my notes.  Wondering if you would consider adding a "pinned note" feature, so that this note would always appear first, followed by other notes as they are updated.  Thanks for listening.  P.S.  Love Evernote.  I'm in it multiple times a day. My digital brain.

Why not make a shortcut to your dashboard note. Shortcuts are generally readily available on all clients; on Windows, you can show your shortcuts as a toolbar.

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On 11/5/2019 at 2:15 PM, DTLow said:

Until this gets implemented, I control the sequence by adjusting the note's title and date fields

That works for me, unfortunately it is global. Some notebooks I would like to sort by date, some by name.

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5 hours ago, JjVv said:

That works for me, unfortunately it is global. Some notebooks I would like to sort by date, some by name.

I merged this discussion with similar posts
Evernote/Windows has a feature to save sort sequence per notebook/search


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I don't know if this feature exists. I use the Snippet view in Evernote Desktop as a to do list for my default notebook. Important emails automatically add to this notebook and appear in the list.

I have a few notes that are permanent with recurring tasks, and I'd like to be able to pin them to the top of the Snippet list. That way they stay at the top even if change the "Sort Notes By" setting.

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25 minutes ago, RScott said:

I'd like to be able to pin them

I merged your post with existing requests for this feature     
To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion.

Currently, there's no support for pinning   
You could try some of the work-arounds suggested in this discussion

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On 1/11/2020 at 8:05 PM, RScott said:

I have a few notes that are permanent with recurring tasks, and I'd like to be able to pin them to the top of the Snippet list. That way they stay at the top even if change the "Sort Notes By" setting.

A standard workarounds: use reminders. Reminders work well with Snippet view in Windows, in that reminder notes titles & reminder dates are kept in a separate list at the top of the snippet list, so they're easily accessible (the reminder list can also be closed up to give you hack vertical space in the snippet view). The reminder list is independently sortable, and can also be set up a user-sortable (you drag items where you want them to go). I use reminders a lot for exactly this purpose.

The basics: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314338-How-to-use-reminders. You can find a lot of other links with a web search on "evernote reminders"

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On 1/12/2020 at 10:31 PM, jefito said:

A standard workarounds: use reminders.

I haven't been getting notifications for my post. Thanks. I tried using the Reminders list in Snippet view before as a pinned note workaround, but it wasn't working the way I needed it to. I set new reminders daily and list is long. It might be the best option though.

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19 hours ago, RScott said:

I tried using the Reminders list in Snippet view before as a pinned note workaround, but it wasn't working the way I needed it to. I set new reminders daily and list is long. It might be the best option though.

In the context of this forum discussion, you'd also have too many notes pinned to the top of your list: pick your poison.  This really indicates a different problem: one of managing many todos. In the world of todo management, there are many different ways. Note that Evernote is not intended to be an all-powerful todo management system or implement any particular methodology, though it works fine as a lightweight todo application.

Myself, I try to use reminders sparingly, going by the "7 plus or minus 2" rule (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Magical_Number_Seven,_Plus_or_Minus_Two); basically, once you get to around 10 or more items, you need to cut things back, or find a different way. You can have notes that track multiple todos, rather than one todo per note, use a dashboard note that organises your todos (how about a table with an Eisehower matrix (https://www.eisenhower.me/eisenhower-matrix/)? And so on. I have a dashboard note for upcoming items and a backlog note for things that are in the "some day" category. Many ways to approach this.

Note that you can filter your note lists (and hence their associated reminder lists) using search terms like "remindertime:week" (show all notes that have a reminder time within the last week), etc. (see https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/search_grammar.php). Put commonly used filters in a search shortcut, and that can help make things easier.

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8 minutes ago, Farbauti said:

I was gonna propose the same thing.

For example I would love to have one (or two) "general info" notes pinned/featured/stuck on top of a notebook.

Hope this will be realized.

Don't have the time to read through this thread to see who I'm repeating,  but apologies if I am.

I already have this (kind've) in that my Project stacks all have individual dashboard notes listing progress (or activity) to date.  There's a tag for that class of note which is a also saved search,  so that one click turns up a list and I can select which one to work with.  The saved search is also a shortcut which lives at the top of my list.  (The shortcuts list is manually adjustable).  There are also emojis to assist in identifying the content.

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On 1/23/2020 at 3:53 PM, jefito said:

you'd also have too many notes pinned to the top of your list: pick your poison.

I would pin only the notes that I add to regularly. I have some notes that are project logs updated daily for example, with links in them to other notes in separate notebooks. I need to be able to get to these notes quickly, and jump back and forth between them. I have some added as shortcuts in the menu bar, but pinned notes would be a great option.

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On 1/28/2020 at 12:55 PM, jrupp said:

Switch to Microsoft OneNote. They listen to their users and I'm very happy with it. 

I need to check it out again. I only use the desktop version of Evernote because of the layout - columns for notebook stacks, snippet view, and the full note all on one screen. I couldn't see everything in one view when I tried using OneNote. I have Evernote open while I'm using other programs on different screens, and I need to get to notes without a lot of clicking around.

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6 hours ago, RScott said:

I need to be able to get to these notes quickly, and jump back and forth between them. I

I have started cross-linking notes together. Also, the forward/back note history in the Windows client is helpful.

6 hours ago, RScott said:

I have some added as shortcuts in the menu bar, but pinned notes would be a great option.

As I say, reminders serve as pinned notes for me; they appear at thr top of any filter I use if they also match the filter. If and until another way to pin notes appears, this works pretty well for me, and I not sure that I'd have any reason to switch anyways.

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I use a combination of mostly shortcuts with some saved searches and Ctrl+Q.  If I am will be going back and forth between notes I will open them in their own windows.  Multi monitor set up helps with this.  My preferred view is side list with the left panel minimized.  FWIW.

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On 1/31/2020 at 12:33 PM, CalS said:

I use a combination of mostly shortcuts with some saved searches and Ctrl+Q.  If I am will be going back and forth between notes I will open them in their own windows.  Multi monitor set up helps with this.  My preferred view is side list with the left panel minimized.  FWIW.

Yeah I have multiple monitors on my work computer and they're all full. Evernote stays open on it's own screen. 

I used to use the web app since I didn't have to install anything, but I stopped when they changed to a new layout that had a lot of things hidden. It looks like there's a new beta version that's close to the desktop program. I might switch back to it if that's where they're making all of the updates.

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2 hours ago, RScott said:

Yeah I have multiple monitors on my work computer and they're all full. Evernote stays open on it's own screen. 

I used to use the web app since I didn't have to install anything, but I stopped when they changed to a new layout that had a lot of things hidden. It looks like there's a new beta version that's close to the desktop program. I might switch back to it if that's where they're making all of the updates.

Web app is too slow and feature poor for my use case, so I tend to do all my heavy lifting on the desktop.  Don't get me wrong, the Web app is fine in a pinch but not of much use to me for more complicated tasks.  FWIW.

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On 1/31/2020 at 9:33 AM, CalS said:

Multi monitor set up helps with this.  My preferred view is side list with the left panel minimized.  FWIW.


7 hours ago, RScott said:

Yeah I have multiple monitors on my work computer and they're all full. Evernote stays open on it's own screen. 

Also multi-monitor; on the Mac platform for heavy lifting
My dashboard/journal note is open permanently in it's own window

The Evernote main screen is opened when required; in it's own window; top list view

I rarely use the web platform.  
For mobile use I have an iPad (IOS)

I still support pinning notes to the top of the note list

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