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About guillermo_cb

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  1. TOTALLY AGREE! Unbelievable that +3 years and you still haven't solved this... too many people concurring on this... I know you're not forced to doing this, as Mike said, but I'm very upset anyhow, it would be nice that you worked on this... Even whatsapp now offers the ability to pin chats to the top, really is it that hard?
  2. I suscribe! Please add "pin note" functionality ASAP
  3. why do most of you just troll those of us that like nesting more notebooks?? tags might work great for you and that's cool... i'm glad you like it... but your way doesn't work for me! Evernote PLEASE listen our request... this won't affect the "tag-fans" and will surely benefit the as @magkcbw, myself, and many more!! We have a tree-structured way of thinking and we prefer to work that way... Expecting to hear good news very soon...
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