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  1. It's so good to have an old setup version here on my computer, coz this new version sucks.
  2. Totally agree with that! It is frustrating me so hard!!!
  3. So basically we want features to pin and arrange precisely and easily the order of the notes, for a better workflow. Drag and Drop, Specific Sort order, and Pin to the top (per notebook/notes).
  4. The feature I am talking about is by changing: Title name = #1 + Name Title name = #2 + Name to: Title name = Name (Own section). Number order = Number (Own section, and be able to click it to arrange the order when in Ctrl+F8). I use Tags other way, with other content only. So I would like a specific Number Section Bar only to number the arranging of the notes. I can't change the Tag order too, and it would difficult the searches of the Searching bar feature.
  5. Number the notes order per each notebook. The only way I can now change the displayed order of my notes are changing their own name, and arranging by name, but it takes time to drag, select and rename the titles name to a number, so I would like to simply double click on a numberation area and type fastly my note order. Would be more organized and aesthetically pleasing too. Thank you
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