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RScott last won the day on August 30 2018

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  1. Yeah I have multiple monitors on my work computer and they're all full. Evernote stays open on it's own screen. I used to use the web app since I didn't have to install anything, but I stopped when they changed to a new layout that had a lot of things hidden. It looks like there's a new beta version that's close to the desktop program. I might switch back to it if that's where they're making all of the updates.
  2. I need to check it out again. I only use the desktop version of Evernote because of the layout - columns for notebook stacks, snippet view, and the full note all on one screen. I couldn't see everything in one view when I tried using OneNote. I have Evernote open while I'm using other programs on different screens, and I need to get to notes without a lot of clicking around.
  3. I would pin only the notes that I add to regularly. I have some notes that are project logs updated daily for example, with links in them to other notes in separate notebooks. I need to be able to get to these notes quickly, and jump back and forth between them. I have some added as shortcuts in the menu bar, but pinned notes would be a great option.
  4. I haven't been getting notifications for my post. Thanks. I tried using the Reminders list in Snippet view before as a pinned note workaround, but it wasn't working the way I needed it to. I set new reminders daily and list is long. It might be the best option though.
  5. I don't know if this feature exists. I use the Snippet view in Evernote Desktop as a to do list for my default notebook. Important emails automatically add to this notebook and appear in the list. I have a few notes that are permanent with recurring tasks, and I'd like to be able to pin them to the top of the Snippet list. That way they stay at the top even if change the "Sort Notes By" setting.
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