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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. I only have 9 shortcuts, but sure enough one of them was missing from the Web beta, though present in the Windows program. When I looked closer, though, I found that the note to which the shortcut pointed had been merged with another note, and therefore no longer existed. When I deleted that shortcut in the Windows app and replaced it with one for the merged note, that shortcut showed up on the Web (after a sync). So this is really an error both on my part and on that of the Windows program (IMHO), and may not be related to your case at all, but I thought I'd chime in with what I saw.
  2. That is surprising. It seems as if the OCRed layer provided by NAPS is not being indexed in the process used by the Web and Android clients. My experience is with PDFs indexed by Evernote itself, and on these it seems to work. Would it be possible to test that in your setup--attach a non-OCRed PDF to a note, give EN time to OCR and index it, and then search?
  3. "Note: Basic accounts can try this feature out, but are limited to five test emails." (How to save email into Evernote)
  4. In the Android app, a peculiarity of search is that it will only find results in titles as you type the search term; only after you hit the search button (on my keyboard, a magnifying glass) will it proceed to search all content, including OCR'd material in PDFs. I just tested this again a couple of times, and found it to work consistently.
  5. Which it isn't. Hence the cattiwampus. (And I thank you for introducing cattiwampus into our discussions!)
  6. Hi, and welcome to the forums. You might want to check out a 3rd-party app called Speed Clipper, which lets you clip multiple selections of material from multiple sources to a single note in Evernote, without opening the EN app. Of course, if you want to separate the material into separate notes, you can always do that later. This isn't precisely what you're asking for here, but might be useful in some situations.
  7. This has been requested at least once before for the Windows program (if that's what you're using). So far the suggestion has 0 support votes and a wildly off-topic thread drift. But if you want to support it you could go there and click the upward arrow at the top. There may be other similar suggestions in that Windows Feedback forum.
  8. Sounds to me like it might be a feature of the 6.22 beta, responding telepathically to @RavBoy's at-the-time-yet-unexpressed longing. I can see it working usefully either way, as Cal suggests. Curiously enough, in the older versions, if you're looking at a note in the context of its notebook and click on a link to a note that's in another notebook, the context switches to All Notes! That does seem undesirable.
  9. Glad it's fixed! This is a great support community around here, so pleased pop in with any other questions.
  10. I just tested this with several notes, and found that in fact the view stayed in All Notes. Don't know what to say. Are you using the latest version? I'm not, and it could have changed. Or try the usual: File > Exit, or close EN processes from Task Manager, and restart.
  11. Hi, and welcome to the forums. This is working right for me. Did the problem just start happening, or has it been going on for awhile? If it just started, try closing Evernote completely (File > Exit; the red X box at top right only closes the interface), then restarting. That will sometimes clear out a problem like this. Rebooting the computer will also work. But if it's been going on for a long time, then I don't have any suggestions.
  12. `` Both in EN Helper and in regular Evernote, for me the shortcut for clipping a screenshot (the one with the cross-hairs) is Win+PrintScreen. I've customized some of these shortcuts, but I don't think that is one of them; I believe Win+PrintScreen is the default. The Help articles online are unfortunately sometimes out of date. The key definitions in the Windows program can also be seen in the settings: Tools > Options > Shortcut keys.
  13. So, your source for your opinions is the opinions of other commenters, not from Evernote itself; which means you don't really know what Evernote's initial design architecture was, only that it didn't include stacks, which we knew already, hence these years of requests. The gist of your excuse for the company is, "It would be REALLY hard to do." But you don't know how hard, exactly, since you don't know the code's design except for what other commenters, also not from Evernote, have speculated. In short, you're talking through your hat. Which is your right. But your opinion, by your own admission, is not an informed one, except by the opinions of other non-informed commenters. So, I'm happy that you're happy with Evernote's refusal to implement nested stacks. Use it in good health. Bye. I know I should let @gazumped reply for himself. But the fact that you reject advice without trying it is too much. @gazumped was, I'm confident, referring to this post from June 17 in this thread: Evernote staff, it says, so not just a poor ignorant user like the rest of us. Evidently you joined the forums solely to issue these ill-tempered and ill-informed posts. You ought at least to read Scott's post before you go. You could then apologize for your gratuitous insult to a guy who spends his time here for free trying to help people. Or not, up to you.
  14. I take it that you've gone to https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new, signed in, and been unable to create a request? At what specific point does it fail?
  15. Hi, and welcome to the forums, and also Yikes. If your phone also pocket-synced the note, then the material is definitely lost. You can check this by going to https://www.evernote.com/client/web and logging in (being sure to use the same login credentials, otherwise you'll create a new account by accident). If the material is still present there, then you're good, the edit didn't sync from the phone to the Evernote servers (which are always reflected in the Web version). I'd suggest doing some minor edit in the Web version, which will probably create a conflicting changes version of the note on your phone. Compare that with the synced version and see which one has what you want. But if the data are also gone in the Web version, then your only solution would be to sign up for Premium for just one month. That will get you access to the note history that is maintained for all accounts (but is accessible only through Premium). If you're able to recover the lost material there, well and good, and you can switch back to the Basic subscription. BTW, which type of phone, Android or iPhone?
  16. @hnestor also posted the issue in this thread: Please, no multiple posts. It causes confusion and repetition.
  17. Please refer to this already existing thread: The problem seems widespread, and at least one workaround (not fix) from Evernote support has been reported there.
  18. Very unfortunate! I've seen other reports of Evernote Web beta having difficulties in Chrome. Have you tested it in another browser?
  19. This seems to be correct. I've tried it twice, and it works; and it does remember to create specifically an Evernote note. They key is to push the Google Assistant button, i.e., the Google widget on the screen. If I just say, "OK, Google, note to self" without using the button, it creates one of its own notes, not an Evernote. So it works -- but not if your hands and/or eyes are too busy to tap on a widget! In which case I might just as well go directly to Evernote and use the speech-to-text button on my keyboard.
  20. It's working for me, in Opera under Windows 7. But this could well be a function of the browser rather than the Evernote Web beta. Does it work in other text-editing fields (e.g., posts in this forum)?
  21. The help article to which @DTLow linked does say explicitly that location sorting is an Android feature. Yet, as @shadowmoses indicates, the sort options in the Windows program do include not only Location but several other location related options. Hmmm. Seems like an inconsistency; or else just something in the Windows program that is, um, "aspirational" rather than being hooked up to anything functional.
  22. Google help? What's that? Well, of course, it's forums, just like this only with less helpful people.
  23. When I log out and go to the compare plans page, it shows that same set of options as @Michael Goulding's screenshot, but the rate is $7.99/month, US dollars, I'm sure; I'm in the US. It does not show an annual option, but that doesn't mean there isn't one. Logged out and clicking on the Premium Sign Up button, I just get sent to the login page; maybe there's a cookie showing me as a logged-out subscriber. On my account page, though, it says my subscription will auto-renew next May, and my card will be charged $69.99 per year. So there's no indication of a price increase there. When I open a private, no-cookies-read browser window, I can create an account, and the default selection is for Premium with the Bill yearly slider turned on at $5.83 per month, which is $69.96/year. With Bill yearly turned off, again it's $7.99/month. So to me it looks like there's no price increase. Note to any Evernote staffer who sees this: In the process of the above testing, I created an account using the email address fenortner@burp.co.uk. My apologies that this now-deactivated account with no notes in it will be running through your records forever. Also, apologies to any easily-offended Britons. It was the fastest not-possibly-existing email address I could think of.
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