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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. In the Windows program, it's in Tools > Account Info > Manage connected accounts. Clicking that will take you to that same account page online.
  2. Thank you, @Ricardo. This is exactly the same experience as what I have. The problem seems to be becoming more widespread, or at least more widely reported.
  3. @yrenfrew, welcome to the forums. There's some confusion here, but are you talking about https://reflectapp.io/ (with an "l")? Supposedly, "Using simple and effective flashcards, Reflect regularly reminds you what you’ve saved [in Evernote]." There's a link to support on their home page, and you really need to contact them.
  4. I don't use Firefox much, but I did just test, and indeed Evernote can't clip a PDF in Firefox that is handled perfectly in Opera. Following this link that someone posted last year: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1225125, I learn that this is something that Firefox did, not Evernote, and that Evernote is not the only service affected. Given that it's a "security" change to the way Firefox works, I'm not sure that here on the user end we can know whether it's even possible for a 3rd-party service (Evernote) to get around it. It might be worth hollering at Mozilla to see if they would do anything about it, since they're the ones that broke it.
  5. Interesting -- I thought I'd heard more of problems with the Beta (as you might think). I presume you were using the "Classic" before? Anyway, glad it's fixed!
  6. I should probably get this from your post, but when the text disappears, is it gone for good, or when you click back to a note does it reappear? I agree that this is mystifying; I know nothing about Linux, so can't comment on that. You're right that there is no manual "saving" in the Web version; its' automatic. I notice, while I'm typing, a little note at the bottom from time to time saying that it is saving. This may well have to do with which version of the Web interface you're using. You can switch between "Beta" and "Classic" with the button at bottom right of the Evernote window. You can switch to the "Previous version" by clicking on the icon with your initial at top left. Perhaps one of the other choices will work better than what you're currently using. (And apologies if you've already tried this.)
  7. I just tested this in Opera, and I don't see any results either, in Google or in Duck Duck Go. Honestly, I'm not sure how it's supposed to work--where in the search results is it supposed to appear? The Help article says, "When you perform a search in Google, Yahoo!, Bing, or other search engines, Evernote presents related notes alongside your search engine results." Doesn't seem to be working.
  8. It does kind of seem like they could consolidate that all in one place, I agree.
  9. A user in the the note lock problem thread posted that in the most recent version they were able to edit locked notes, so I went and updated to v. 8.12.2. But I find that, for me, nothing has changed. I still can't edit any locked note, and tapping the lock icon still gives the idiotic "created in another app" message. Very frustrating. And the equally idiotic version note "We came; we saw; we conquered bugs" on Google Play only adds insult to the injury. What bugs exactly? Ones actually affecting users, or just ones crawling around the lab? Sheesh. UPDATE: Sheesh continues in v. 8.12.4. More unknown bugs squashed, no serious bugs addressed.
  10. Thanks, @promosinc. Seeing your post, I went and updated to the latest version (8.12.2). But I find that, for me, nothing has changed. I still can't edit any locked note, and tapping the lock icon still gives the idiotic "created in another app" message. FWIW, I got around this problem by editing each failed/locked note in the Windows program, just introducing the changes I'd made in Android (i.e., with my phone in front of me). I could then sync the note in Windows; this caused the synced note to appear properly (and editably) in the Android app, but also caused the original notes in Android to become "Note conflict" notes, and remain uneditable and unsyncable. I don't know if that's what's still making them "locked" in the Android app or not. Very frustrating. And the equally idiotic version note "We came; we saw; we conquered bugs" on Google Play only adds insult to the injury.
  11. Ah, in the API. The first place every user looks for this sort of info. Not rolling my eyes at you, Jeff. Thanks for finding that. Why on earth that can't just be stated somewhere in the online help beats me.
  12. Certainly search should find text in the bodies of notes. (You can also search specifically for words in titles, as @DTLow says.) I just tested a search and succeeded, on a Samsung phone. If you've truly just installed Evernote on your tablet, I wonder whether it takes a moment to create the necessary index. (I really don't know, just guessing.) If it continues to fail, you might try reinstalling Evernote (after first making any offline notebooks online temporarily, and doing a sync). That could perhaps recreate an index that's being searched. If the failure persists, I'd open a support ticket.
  13. Thanks, @Amplias, for specifying the platform you're working on! It varies from one platform to another currently, so you might check the settings in the ipad app and see if there's an autosave option. There isn't in Android, but in Android Evernote prevents the screen from sleeping. Still, during a long edit I will save or sync (two different things in the Android app) periodically to be safe.
  14. @DaJoLo, and others interested, check out this article posted in another thread by @ObviousBob: https://www.builtinaustin.com/spotlight/2019/10/15/working-at-evernote-austin-engineering.
  15. Interesting article, @ObviousBob. Good insights into the development process. I liked this from Jesse Jorgenson:
  16. If I'm understanding you correctly, it would be possible to do this (unless and until EN implements something more elegant) by simply creating a note titled "Separator" containing nothing more than, say, a horizontal line. And/or maybe a title for the following section.
  17. Hi @Sid DS, and welcome to the forums! I don't use long titles either, but I don't see any reason why people shouldn't if it fits their purposes and workflow. And I still feel that Evernote ought to specify the allowed length of a title, and handle the error more gracefully (though apparently at least @dcon didn't run into the looping). I hate to say it, but it may be necessary for the user to do the testing. On your next coffee break, create a note with a 100-character title ("123456789A123456789B...123456789J"). If that works, try 120 characters, then 140. When it fails, try lengths in between what works and what fails till you find the breakpoint. Tedious and annoying, but should lead to the necessary information. And again, I don't think you should have to do this; but it may be that you do.
  18. Yeah, I just thought to look there, or maybe just randomly noticed it checking the File menu. I found the setting was .5 inch, which I must have done long enough ago that I forgot about it!
  19. Thank you indeed for this determined bit of investigation. The error sounds like an instance of the problem reported extensively here: Did you get the kind of error messages and other behavior reported there? I've got a half a dozen or so notes with this problem. They have a variety of contents, but I don't think any of them--and certainly not all of them--have nonbreakable spaces or other odd Unicode characters. I'm glad you found a solution. For me, alas, it only deepens the mystery.
  20. I'm just working on a desktop computer using a mouse, not a pen or stylus. I find that when I click the Shape icon, it turns the feature on, and then when I draw something remotely resembling a square (I can't draw well at all), the shape is turned in to a perfectly regular square. Likewise with a triangle, circle, ellipse, etc. When the feature is turned off, my crude attempts stay crude.
  21. Thanks for the clarification. If it's only one file attachment, then yes, I'd give it another try. What kind of file is it? How are you getting it into Evernote: in Evernote using File > Attach Files...; dragging from Explorer; right-clicking in Explorer, then Send To ... Evernote; or emailing?
  22. I just checked again, and the note widget is working for me. I have no explanation for why it works or doesn't work, but clearly some malfunction is going on, especially if it continues to fail after a reinstall. Wish I could offer some help. Would it be worth subscribing to a Premium membership for just a month, simply in order to open a support ticket on this? You can always drop back to Basic when you want to.
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