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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. @Miikey, glad that sorted it, and so simply. I hope you took full credit and nodded sagely as you showed her how to switch to the beta version. 😁 Yes, I forgot that there are some browsers the beta doesn't work on yet--and I suspect, maybe hope, that you're right, they won't spend resources to support the new version on a discontinued browser. I'm just glad they support it on Opera!
  2. Which form of the Evernote Web interface are you using: Beta, Classic, or "Previous"? I just tried this using the Beta in Opera, and it worked as expected.
  3. Wow, dude ... again and again, you and others point out stuff that's been right in front of me and I just haven't seen. Thanks!
  4. I mainly use the Windows desktop and Android apps. I've come to enjoy working in the Web beta, though, because of the highlight coloring options. As things stand now, however, the 3(!) Web versions are pretty disjointed. Perhaps we should think of the Evernote Web interface as being in its adolescence: awkward, sometimes clumsy, wildly inconsistent, but showing the promise of the grownup software it can become. But it has some maturing to do before I hand it the car keys.
  5. If you click on the button with your initial to get at your account, etc., there's an option to return to the "previous version" of Evernote. That version does have the little green clock at top left, and when I click it I can create and edit reminders. What browser are you in on the free account where the clock doesn't work when clicked?
  6. How about to an intern? One of my favorite bumper stickers: "Lord, please make me the kind of person my dog thinks I am."
  7. Hi, @Gorneaux, and welcome to the forums. You should be able to create an Evernote widget in the usual Android way: long-press on the home screen, select Widgets from the options at the bottom of the screen, scroll the resulting pages till you get to Evernote, and tap on that. There are 3 widgets to choose from when I do this.
  8. Some clarification would help. When you say "imported," what do you mean? Did you add the files as attachments to Evernote notes? Or did you copy and paste? When you pasted, did you use Ctrl+V or Ctrl+Shift+V (Paste and Match Style)? When you say "saved as text files," do you mean as plain-text (*.txt) files such as Notepad creates, or as Rich Text Format (*.rtf) files such as WordPad creates? I just pasted the (meaningless) sentence "Purée ½ at 350º." copied from an RTF file into an Evernote note with no problem. It would also help to know what platform you're using: Windows, Mac, Web interface, etc.
  9. So maybe a standard, or at least frequent, response from us inveterate question-answerers here ought to be "Please read your post out loud, then respond if you still have a question--or have a better question." I definitely think that some of the more rant-like posts could have benefited from being read aloud while looking in a mirror before being posted.
  10. Well ... as I said in my first post, there are Websites, such as Comcast's Webmail composition window, that do allow Ctrl+K to open a dialog for inserting a link attached to selected text. So even if browsers are intercepting the shortcut, it seems possible to program a way around it. It's interesting that in this forum, shortcuts like Ctrl+B/I/U/Z do work as expected, but Ctrl+K does not, just as in the beta of Evernote Web. There is a necessary difference between the functioning of the Windows desktop app and the Evernote Web interface, even on a Windows operating system. The shortcut documentation refers specifically to the Windows desktop program, which does have a great, rich set of shortcuts. Programming to work within a browser is a different story. Currently, we're told, the EN developers are working on achieving a more uniform functionality and user experience across the many different platforms. Hopefully the addition of more keyboard shortcuts in the Web interface will be part of this.
  11. @jefito, looks like we hit on the same point at the same moment. Great minds and all that....
  12. Leaving PDF out of it, I just tried changing the page size to Envelope #10 and printing to paper, and the result was still letter size. That function (File > Page Setup) works WRT margins, but not paper size or orientation (changing to landscape doesn't change the output). Now, that may indeed reflect a failure to communicate with the printer driver; I don't know anything about that. And I agree that Word (or another word processor; they do exist, you know) gives much more control over formatting and printing. But if those options are present in the dialog, they ought to work.
  13. Hang on a bit. @John in Michigan USA said: I've highlighted the word "editor"--a common editor is what they're working on. But exporting isn't inherently part of the editor in the Windows or Mac version, is it? I'm not sure about scripting either; EnScript (I think) runs outside the editor. Likewise mouses ... mice ... meece ... you know, those lumpy input devices ... anyway, they work all over the interface, not just in the editor. A little paranoia is exciting, but let's not let it run away with us, eh?
  14. Or Opera. Thanks for showing how it's supposed to work. It looks really nice, and useful. Hopefully it will eventually spread to other browsers.
  15. Just to speak to that one point, it's my (partially informed) understanding that the path for Evernote is to try to unify the editor experience across all platforms, to the extent that the widely varying platforms will allow. That will require some wheel-reinventing. Once those reinvented wheels (and presumably some unchanged ones) are spinning well, new features, such as those that @kdeemer lists, may get added, and hopefully performance bugs on Chrome, etc., will be eliminated in the process. This is just what I glean from spending too much time on these forums. I don't have any inside info.
  16. Thank you, @Ralph77 and @mz123. FWIW, I'm pretty confident that the problem was introduced in v. 8.10; at any rate, it only start happening to me shortly after I updated to that version. I will try clearing cache and storage and then uninstalling and reinstalling--not till next week, though, when I have more time.
  17. I'm going to answer this here rather than in the separate thread you also started. Double posting can lead to confusion. I've never tried this before, but in a brief test I found the same thing as you. Can't explain it--just something that apparently isn't fully hooked up yet. There are a few things in the Windows editor that are problematic, and this looks like another one. Can you manually adjust the margins to get a size close to what you want? I think that is working.
  18. I don't think it's Chrome. Ctrl+K doesn't insert a hyperlink in Opera either. Some Web apps, as you've observed, have this hotkey and some don't. Comcast's Webmail composition app has it, in my same Opera browser. I too hope that Evernote will eventually add it in!
  19. Again, the place to express this support is not in this thread, but in the existing feature request: Click the upward arrow at the top of the page.
  20. A little late, yes. 😁 The F7 spell checker was killed in v. 6.8, almost two years ago. A full and fully outraged discussion here: There may be others as well. This was part of the Chromium "update"=downgrade fiasco that the Evernote Windows editor is still recovering from. In that thread, a couple of then-current EN employees did chime in. From @Austin G, in this post: And from @dconnet/@dcon, in this post: But as we know, there has been no visible progress, and no updated information, about this worse-than-regrettable situation. As I understand it, this was a programming environment change that the Evernote developers simply had to adapt to, so not their initiative, although not handled or communicated particularly well by them. Now that they are working on a common editor for all platforms, perhaps they will be able to avoid some of the pulling-out-the-rug messes that each individual platform's developers inflict on the rest of the world.
  21. @DaJoLo, I appreciate your persistence and relatively calm approach (believe me, I have seen some REAL whinging around here!). WRT the above-quoted, are there other large or large-ish software companies that post such timelines on their updates, i.e., list specific features being worked on with specific expected arrival dates (if that's what you're requesting)? I tend to doubt it, because it simply would create more anguish than it would solve. E.g.: Timeline of coming updates posted. 5 minutes later, thousands of outcries about why particular features are not higher on the list, or are not on the list at all, because the software is completely useless without them. Timeline of coming updates posted. 5 minutes later, thousands of outcries about why some features are even on the list, since nobody wants them. Timeline of coming updates posted. A programmer gets the flu or goes on parental leave. The timeline of whatever they're working on is borked. Outcries ensue. Timeline of coming updates posted. Apple or Windows or Android issues an update of their own. Half the timeline is borked, the other half becomes completely impossible. Outcries ensue, since obviously this is all Evernote's fault. No, I don't blame Evernote a bit for not posting their internal timeline. I do agree that a feedback form for the desktop app, like the one for the beta Web interface, would be great. I'm not sure about frequent updates for minor fixes. That's kind of what's happening with Android. The release notes (which have gotten unbearably cutesy) say, "Whee! We flattened a bunch of bugs!" Maybe so, but still not the ones that, in my humble opinion, most need flattening. Frequent updates are more aggravating than helpful, psychologically, at least in my psychology, which could always be called into question itself.
  22. Software can easily do this, if the hosting program (Firefox in this case) allows it to. If that program decides to lock the door, then it may be more difficult. I gather that something like that is what has happened.
  23. There's really no way of knowing. It may be on a list of changes to be made; it may be number 3 or number 3,000 on the list, so who knows? There are actually bugs in the Android app that cause me way worse problems than this, such as notes getting locked and not syncing.
  24. I don't care for this feature, and would also like to have the option to disable it. But it's fair to remember that they didn't put it in place just on a whim. I imagine there are people who use it gladly every day. It's not a bad idea, just one that many of us would like to be able to turn off.
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