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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. This, I think, is the best take on it, similar to what @PinkElephant said. EN's marvelous flexibility is perhaps its key feature. But I would insist that a "note" is not whatever happens to get stuffed into the EN interface. Perhaps someone who's been with Evernote since its very early days can indicate how it was presented early on. But until shown otherwise, I have to believe that the name "Evernote" was at one time significant, and that we only think of a "note" as because that is what Evernote has come to be for many people due to its flexibility. A "note," in the dictionary sense, to which I can add sound files, images, and Web pages is a much better thing than what a note was before such digital tools came along. But the notion that actual note-writing is somehow a second-class stepchild among Evernote's uses (at least, that's how I'm hearing it) seems to me to be putting the cart before the horse. But in the end, who cares? Not me. Glad that other people have de-paperized (does it mean something that that rhymes with "vaporized"?) their lives with Evernote. I just don't see it as the fundamental purpose of the service.
  2. Thanks, Jeff. My bad for attempting to comment on a feature I've never used!
  3. I have other "sticky note" programs that work this way, and they're handy. Evernote does not exactly do this, but as @CalS says, you can open any note in a separate window, and then resize that window and place it anywhere you want on the desktop.
  4. Yes, it should be. The simplest way to find out would just be to try it. Be aware that formatting, such as italics, will be lost in a drag and drop; and that the checkboxes may need to be re-added, or duplicate ones deleted.
  5. This is all very peculiar, because clearly some people are experiencing this immediate switch to Evernote upon sharing to it and others are not. I don't think it ever happens for me. In fact, I think sometimes I've been a bit bothered that I had to manually go to Evernote to inspect the result of the sharing! I wonder if it could have to do with the particular source of the share. @LukasHD, since you have a Plus account, you should have access to technical support. It might be well to raise this with them.
  6. +1, @s2sailor. Seriously, keeping drug deal records on Evernote? Dumb, not to mention, as @gazumped points out, a direct violation of the TOS. You might as well just start planning what your prison tats will be. The first two paragraphs of the vice.com article are: My comments: Good. I'm glad. And if anyone has someone suffering through addiction in their family, or works as a counselor with addicts, they should be glad too. The second paragraph is an absurd, illogical jump from the first. "Users" -- presumably everyday people living legal and unharmful lives -- are not going to have "aspects" of those lives made "available to third parties" unless they start doing illegal stuff. Suggestion to an entrepreneur: make an online data storing system that does not preclude illegal activity in its TOS, and that promises not to comply with warrants and subpoenas. Then your drug-dealing and human-trafficking and otherwise evil customers will feel more secure. Sheesh.
  7. As always, I respectfully disagree with @DTLow's understanding of Evernote's primary nature as being a "digital filing service." I would point out that it's called Evernote, not Everstore, but the ability to add attachments to notes has created a very active segment of the Evernote clientele who use it mainly to store files, as DTLow describes. I do do some file storage with Evernote, but for me it's primarily for taking notes on research and writing projects, and on household needs.
  8. Just WRT this point, it's true that the Evernote Android app has no offline = local notes. But it does allow offline notebooks, and if it suited your needs it might be possible to set up a single offline notebook and just store all necessary local notes in there.
  9. Hi Rishabh, and welcome to the forums. Since you've already confirmed that you're using the right login, and only 2 notes are not showing, the simplest procedure would probably be to uninstall and reinstall Evernote from the device. First make sure you don't have any offline (non-synced) notebooks on the Android device; and make sure that you have done a sync there to sync any recent edits. Then uninstall the app and reinstall it from the Google Play. It will take a few minutes to create the necessary information on your device, and you'll hae to recreate any customized settings. But this forced recreation of the index, etc., on the device would hopefully get these notes to appear again.
  10. Another option might be to create a shortcut to the note on your home screen. While viewing the note, tap the 3-dots menu at top right and select Add to home screen. Follow the prompts, and you'll get a shortcut that takes you directly to that note.
  11. Hi, @Patb4u, and welcome to the forums. As was suggested earlier in the thread, folks in the forums love to help out, so if you'd indicate some specific details (including the specific client you're using: Mac, Windows, Android, etc.), perhaps we can get it sorted. FWIW, support is expensive to provide, so as a free user, you're stuck with Twitter and us right here. We're veerrry cheap.
  12. Wait a minute ... you people are actually Getting Things Done ... besides keeping these forums useful and interesting?
  13. I don't know about the Mac, but WRT Android, I find that it generally displays new features such as fonts, font colors, and highlight colors correctly, but of course it can't create them from scratch itself. However, if you type in such formatted areas in Android, the formatting remains, i.e., you are typing in the particular font, size, color, highlight, etc. I believe such formatting can be copied and pasted intact as well. Fonts and font sizes actually appear better in Android than in the Windows program, and again you can type within them and it displays in the correct font and size. I'd encourage you to do a little testing and see how it works for you.
  14. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I can't speak to Chrome, but I use the Web beta version in Opera all the time. Besides network connection, which version of the Web interface to Evernote are you using: beta, classic, or "previous"? If you're using beta or classic, it will say that in the bottom right of the screen. If you're using the "previous" version, there will be no beta/classic bottom at bottom right.
  15. Hi, @sidney@huber.com.br, and welcome to the forums! I think your idea's a good one, and you've described very well the problem (which I've often encountered) of adding material to the top of a clipped note. In Android, at least, it's significantly harder to clear the clipped Web material's formatting; and it's not easy in Windows. @gazumped, I think that for once you've missed the issue. There isn't any "Web clipper" in Android; you just use the Share feature in the browser and share it to a new Evernote note. That's what Sidney is talking about, and perhaps that is what you mean by "clipper." And honestly, I don't see creating and merging a whole separate note as an easy solution. IAC, I'd like a little more flexibility in sharing/clipping Web pages in Android.
  16. Hi, @Anatoliy Trots, and welcome to the forums. I noticed you quoted the first post here. Did you look through the rest? There was some information offered. Sometimes this is due to a password getting stolen and used to access your account from another device, often an iPhone.
  17. Hi, @Zalonio, and welcome to the forums. So sorry to hear about your phone! It's surprisingly easy to accidentally create a new account, and as @DTLow suggests, that's probably what happened. Try again, and be very sure of the login credentials.
  18. Hi, Andrea, and welcome to the forums. Please be sure you've clicked the up arrow at the top of the page to register your vote for this necessary improvement. One workaround I've just tested successfully: if your printer allows you to email items to it (as at least some HPs do), you can use Evernote's Email Note function to print a note. Tap the Share icon at top right of note, then the 3-dots menu at top right of the Share Note dialog, and select Email copy of note. There's no way to select specific pages, orientation, etc., so it's pretty basic. But it does work.
  19. Thanks, @terablade2001, that's helpful. I've seen the lag time issue mentioned before, and clearly that would have to be addressed for Evernote Android to be useful for handwriting--even sketching, I'd think--on a consistent basis.
  20. Yeah, that's been back for awhile, since v. 7.17 anyway. I don't think it was ever reported in the version notes on Google Play, and formatting such as font, size, italics, underlining, etc., does not come along; but the text itself is easily dragged and moved. I will agree that this is a fiddly kludge, and no real substitute for the actual functionality, but in occasional situations of real necessity it may work.
  21. @terablade2001, you've said several times that Evernote's Android handwriting feature is "garbage," but I wonder if you could be more specific about how it fails for you. I'm sorry if this should be obvious, but I don't use this feature much, and I'd like to know more about its strengths and weaknesses. It might also be helpful if any Evernote staff check this thread and are looking for specific ideas to improve it.
  22. I just tested, and found that neither @John Metz's nor @Cdiggitydog's methods worked for me. Only @Roy Douglas's method of putting the link text into the midst of the URL works, and it works great. Only getting the link text to turn blue underlined will make it work, and I find that that only happens if it is within the hyperlinked URL, not at the beginning or end. As a refinement: rather than typing the link text directly within the link, or cutting and pasting it from elsewhere, I can type it elsewhere, then highlight and drag the link text into the midst of the URL, delete the URL text (including by selecting and backspacing), and it works. @gazumped, for me the secret to moving cursors around this precisely is the S Pen on a Samsung device. Or perhaps any stylus on any device. Not my allegedly prehensile thumbs; I wouldn't even try.
  23. OK, my bad--I failed to note the difference in types of accounts. And that does seem to be it: if you want this to work on Android, you're going to have to upgrade. If you're using Evernote a lot for this purpose in a professional context, it might be worth it.
  24. Please be sure to indicate your support for the idea by clicking on the upward pointing arrow at the top of the page. Can INKredible Pro export to JPG or PDF? Those files could be attached to Evernote notes.
  25. This is beyond my expertise, but the fact that running evernote.exe from the external drive opens the account that's in use on the laptop ("internal drive")--assuming that I understand you correctly--suggests to my partially-informed mind that there may be a registry setting or environment variable involved. If you know how to pull a hard drive, put it into another housing, and run it on another computer, I'm guessing you'd be comfortable honking around in the registry. But hopefully someone more experienced in this than I am can pop in with some more specific and accurate advice.
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