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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Hi, @donboek, and welcome to the forums. Just WRT the note history feature, this history is retained for all accounts, regardless of subscription level. It's possible to upgrade to Premium for just one month, access your note history, then drop back to Basic when you're done. It costs something, but then it was user error that erased the data, as I understand it. Whether the note history works well depends on the circumstances. The history does not record every edit, but is taken at certain regular intervals. Since you lost 3 days' worth of material, I'd guess that there would be at least one note history entry that would have captured much of that.
  2. Hi, and welcome to the forums. My understanding is that annotations on an image simply become part of the image, so the unannotated form of the image no longer exists. When you have attached an image to a note and right-click on it in the Windows program, there are two annotation options: Annotate This Image and Annotate a Copy of This Image. I haven't tried it, but I would think that the latter would preserve the original image, and you would then have both that image and the annotated copy in your note.
  3. Hi and welcome to the forums. That would be for the Web version of Evernote. In this forum, we're discussing the Windows desktop app.
  4. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I can confirm that this is the case in the beta editor. When I did a test checkbox and then looked at the note in the Windows desktop program, the checkbox had a bullet in front of it, and the bulleted list formatting icon was activated. When I deactivated that icon, then the checkbox also de-indented back to its normal position, both in the Windows program and (after a sync) in the Web beta. Definitely a bug.
  5. It may be possible to turn autosave off altogether by setting that interval to 0. Of course, as I pointed out back in August, eventually one will want to do a manual save, which will have the same effect. As I also mentioned then, I do find it annoying; and as you yourself mentioned when starting this thread back then, there are at least two other threads discussing it. So in fact you're not the only one who's bothered by it. Evidently returning to the top of a note after saving it seemed like a good idea to a programmer at some point, and doing something less intrusive hasn't become a high priority since then. My own notes on the subject suggest that this was introduced sometime between v. 6.5 and v. 6.15, and that it is related to the phenomenon in which, whenever I switch away from a note I'm editing to a different note and then switch back (with Alt + Left Arrow), the display jumps to the top of the note.
  6. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Please be aware that these are mainly user-to-user forums, rather than a way to address Evernote directly. Since you've got a premium subscription, you could actually contact them through the support system: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new. There is a forum specifically set up for feature requests and other Android feedback: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/208-evernote-for-android/. That would be a good place to post this, after checking to make sure it hasn't already been requested (which I think it may, but I'm not sure). For myself, I find the single-tap to edit feature very useful, particularly since I can scroll down a long note and begin editing there if I see something that needs editing. So far, my butt seems much less talented than yours at making accidental edits and deletions. But it would be good for this feature to be configurable in the settings.
  7. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Please note my suggestion up the thread a ways to consult, and click the up arrow at the top of the page to support, the long-standing request for this in the Android Feedback forum:
  8. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I'm not quite clear on the situation. Is this happening in the Windows program, or in the Web editor? The two are not directly related, so updating to the newest Windows program wouldn't affect printing from the browser. I tested printing in the Windows program (though I don't have the most recent update) and from browsers (both Firefox and Opera), and didn't encounter this. So, a little more detail would help.
  9. Hi, and welcome to the forums. There have been several reports of similar problems. I don't know whether any solutions have been reported. Scroll down the list of topics, or do a search, and you should find them.
  10. FYI, this is a mainly user-to-user forum, so not a great way to address Evernote directly. Do be sure to click on the upward arrow at the top of the page to vote for the request--which so far has only 1 supporter.
  11. This is a longstanding issue. See this thread in the Windows app tech support forum:
  12. Hi, and welcome to the forums. In Windows, a lot of people use Dragon Naturally Speaking or something like that to do voice-to-text, but no, it's not a built-in feature of Evernote
  13. Hi, Nicole. You've explained things clearly. I don't know about the Android problem, but with regard to the computer, if you are using the Web version of Evernote, see the following recent post in the Web client forum, which sets forth a problem in great detail, which sounds similar to your experience:
  14. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I don't have a clue about this, but hopefully someone who does will chime in. If not, since you've got a Premium account you might want to reach out to support to get some clarity: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new.
  15. I just tested this in the Web beta, and it doesn't happen for me. I agree about the very clunky procedure for doing it; but when I select the target notebook and click Move, the note is reassigned to the target and remains in view in the editor. Strange.
  16. Yeah, I'm sure it depends on one's, um, physical interface. If I had to use my fingers for this, I'm pretty sure I'd cut and paste instead, and probably louse that up too. But my Samsung phone comes with the excellent S Pen, which allows pretty precise selection before dragging. A regular stylus might work too, depending on the device.
  17. Wow, the patent application. @jefito, the obsessive in me bows to the obsessive in you.
  18. Hi, and welcome to the forums. In the Evernote Windows program, go to the Tools menu, then Options, then Shortcut keys.
  19. Hi, and welcome to the forums. There are a couple of other threads that look like they're on the same topic. Browse down the list of topics, or use the search function, and you should find them easily.
  20. You might want to look at this thread and see if there are any similarities to your situation:
  21. Ah, I see it now! Please forgive my denseness. I was only looking at clipping/sharing a Web page from a browser, in which case Evernote does not automatically open. But selecting text in any app and using the menu to Share to Evernote does indeed cause EN to open with the text in place in a new note. I'm not terribly inconvenienced by this, since it lets me title the note and tweak the text, but I can see that it could certainly be annoying depending on one's workflow. Let me repeat my suggestion earlier in the thread, to check out a 3rd-party app called Speed Clipper, which lets you clip multiple selections of material from multiple sources to a single note in Evernote, without opening the EN app. You do have to select the specific note first, but this does work to keep one's focus on the material being saved rather than constantly going into Evernote.
  22. Begging to differ, Jeff, but in a list of checkbox items, drag and drop works fine. You do have to be careful of the beginning and end if you want to move the whole line, checkbox and all. It works with bulleted and numbered lists too. See my earlier post:
  23. Note (heh) "a brief record ... written down as an aid to memory." Not photographed/scanned/recorded/clipped. Written. But please, I'm done with this.
  24. Hi, and welcome to the forums. This is a bit surprising, since I have never seen this happen, at least not in the Windows and Android editors. I just tested it with a complicated Web page with lots of images, and they came through in the Windows program. You say the problem occurs "in many cases." Can you associate it with specific Web pages or specific types of Web pages, for instance?
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