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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Often the simplest thing for such a problem is to exit the program completely (File > Exit; or end all Evernote processes in Task Manager; the red X box at the top right of the Window only closes the interface, not the program as a whole), and then restart it. This can clear out gunk that's gotten stuck in the computer's memory. A reboot has the same effect
  2. I don't use Chrome or Chromebooks, so this may be unhelpful. In Android, when a Website is being "clipped" ("shared") to Evernote, there's an elephant logo with a circle spinning around it. If I tap on the logo, I got a small popup menu offering a couple of choices, including clipping the full page or saving the URL only. Choosing the latter produces just what you're seeing on your Chromebook: a note with a title and a link to the page. So wherever the setting is on that system, the URL only option may accidentally have gotten set.
  3. I'm not sure whether anyone here can address this. I just updated to Android v. 8.12.3. The version notes in Google Play had the usual idiotic "We came, we saw, we conquered bugs." I thought maybe the developers might post in the beta forum what bugs were "conquered," but apparently not. So can anyone point me to release notes with any actual substance to them? There are a couple of serious issues regarding notes refusing to sync and horizontal lines being inserted at the ends of notes that I hope they're working on. They're not fixed yet, but when they are I'd like to be informed! And why not at least let us know what general areas the bugs being fixed pertain to, e.g., user interface, editor, etc.?
  4. Another possibility would be to log onto your account on a computer at https://www.evernote.com/client/web and see if the table is still intact there. If not, then yes, unless the information can be retrieved or recreated otherwise, a month of Premium will get you access to the note history (which is only taken at certain intervals, so sometimes even there the material is lacking).
  5. Hi, and welcome to the forums. As a fellow user, I can only report that I've never had this happen, not that I particularly know why--other than that I don't create notes that are 57 KB in size, as one user reported. @bmerrow@gmail.com, can you give some more details? Does it happen with random notes, or only particularly big ones? Are there any particular times or places where it's more likely to happen?
  6. Just to comment on a couple of things here: I'm a retired professor, and technology for note taking was coming in late in my career. I never thought it seemed less attentive than paper. What some people don't like is audio recording, actually--apparently under the apprehension that someone in the audience is going to release an unauthorized recording of their lecture, which strikes me as more than a little ludicrous. And I suppose it might seem that someone taking notes on paper must be paying attention, while someone recording audio could be woolgathering, planning to listen to the lecture later. I knew diligent students who took paper notes and reviewed them with their audio recordings later. But back to the topic at hand (you know how professors ramble). I suspect that @Conagh's bad experience could be related to dodgy network connections, whether WiFi or phone/tablet data. In the Android app, the 3-dot menu at top right has an option to save the note, which I think saves it temporarily to the device. It'd be an aggravation in the middle of a lecture, but hitting that a few times might secure the note in a poor connectivity situation. Best might actually be to create an offline notebook just for note-taking, and then after the lecture move the notes to a synced notebook. All this is if connectivity is actually (part of) the problem.
  7. My apologies for the above. Yet another thread has appeared, showing the same "unsync" limitation, evidently on an iPhone: So (A) there are indeed different notices on different devices and/or account types, and (B) the Help article needs serious updating.
  8. For me, I practically never see this system function outside Evernote (I rarely use MS Office programs), so I'm giving it a try. Thanks, @jefito and @DTLow! EDIT: Turns out Quicken uses this function to fill in dates, and insists on numbers only in the date field (without actually telling the user any of this; I found it in one of their forums), so I had to slink back to the boring MM/dd/yyyy numerical setting. Sigh.
  9. Welcome to the forums. I would presume that this happens because Context (as I understand it) requires contacting multiple other services and seeking information from them; and of course their speed of operation is out of Evernote's control. If you're having serious problems with a specific service, since you're a Premium subscriber it might be worth opening a support ticket: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new.
  10. As long as we're speculating, maybe the aim is to make it harder for multiple people to share a single Basic account, swapping devices in and out at will. But, like @gazumped, I'm still a little puzzled by that "unsync devices" screenshot. On the Evernote Help page about device limits they never refer to unsyncing, only removing devices, nor is there a mention of a twice-a-month limit. However, the Help pages have been known to be a little behind actual practices. Still, on the Devices page of my account (check it at https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action), it refers to revoking access to devices, not unsyncing. If I test revoking one, I get the box shown below. Maybe they have different interfaces for different types of accounts or for iOS vs. Windows. But it is a little odd. On yet another hand (I'm going to run out of hands; definitely only two of those permitted), a post in another thread also reports the two-revocations-per-month limit:
  11. Bonjour, et bienvenue sur les forums. Hélas, quel problème! But if I want to say anything useful I must do it in English. And honestly, I'm not sure what that might be. At some point you have to be able to log in to Evernote. The support at https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new is mainly for Premium subscribers, but for such a drastic situation as this, there may be options for Basic subscribers as well. You can also contact Evernote support on Twitter: https://twitter.com/evernotehelps. Let me tap Evernote employees @Shane D. and @May L on the shoulder to see whether one of them might be able to come to your rescue.
  12. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I can't actually speak from experience, since I've only used Windows and Android versions of Evernote (and the Web client). But if you're working fine in both Android and Windows, you shouldn't have any difficulties using iOS as well, beyond the likelihood that the interface and editor will function a bit differently. I'm sure others here can tell you from experience that it works. Basically, the devices don't have to "get along" with each other at all. Each of them independently syncs your notes to the Evernote servers, where the master copies exist. The app on each device knows how to do that sync and interpret and display the data within its own operating environment. You can do some formatting on some devices that you can't do on others; but in my experience, the formatting displays more or less correctly even on devices where it can't be created. E.g., in the Windows program, as you know, you can change the typeface, size, and color of text, and these show up on Android, even though you can't make those changes there. I'd expect similar phenomena adding an iPad to the mix.
  13. Hi, and welcome to the forums. No, as long as you have synced your notes you will not lose them. Basic vs. Premium is not an issue in this regard. Evernote regularly syncs your notes to its servers, so you can, if you ever need to, access them on another device, and have them safely backed up there. Before formatting the PC, first make sure that if you have any "Local Notebooks" (which exist only on your laptop, not on Evernote's servers), you temporarily copy their content into regular, synced notebooks. Then do a manual sync (F9, click the sync button, or Tools > Sync). Personally, I'd do 2 or 3 just to be sure I did 1. This will synchronize your notes to Evernote's servers, and after the reformat when you reinstall Evernote and log in (be sure you know your username and password before the reformat!), it will download all your notes. If you want to be sure everything's OK before you reformat, after you have done the sync go to https://www.evernote.com/client/web and log in. That will take you to the Evernote Web client, where you should see all your notebooks and notes in place.
  14. @sERo and @Ilana F, welcome to the forums. Ilana, it does sound like a sync issue, especially if the data are missing in the mobile app as well. sERo, please be aware that these are essentially user-to-user forums. Evernote staff may look in sometimes, but this is not an effective way to address Evernote directly, especially for technical server/sync questions. For support, check https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new. It's mainly for Premium subscribers, but for data loss questions like this, there may be options for Basic subscribers as well. You can also contact Evernote support on Twitter: https://twitter.com/evernotehelps. It is also possible to subscribe to Premium for one month and get access to both support and Note History, which could conceivably contain some of the missing data, depending on when the History snapshots were taken. Once you've got what you can get, you can then revert to Basic after the month is over.
  15. FYI, this is mainly a user-to-user forum. We're not able to contact bloomberg.com on your behalf or Evernote's. (AFAIK, anyway, though some of the users here do seem to have various superpowers!) But some of us may be able to chip in some assistance. A bit more info would help. I assume you're doing this using the "Share" function on Android? How exactly does it fail?
  16. Sounds like the reboot fixed it, @friedap00. If only other problems in life could be solved so (relatively) painlessly! Glad to help out--my bad, really, for assuming you were on Windows.
  17. If the bar is showing Updated Date as the sort criterion, then I'm sure that's right. Sorry to have nothing better to offer!
  18. I'm sorry for my failure to understand! I've actually never used the stamps before. I'm sure @gazumped is right: the stamps are as they are and can't be resized.
  19. Sounds right, except for "not do-able in Android." Assuming you have the external editing app (I have one called Write on PDF), this is exactly how to do it on Android as well. You can't drag and drop the edited PDF into the note (at least not on a phone), but you can always go through the Evernote Attach dialog.
  20. With the caveat that I suggest this out of almost total ignorance, I wonder whether Evernote's ENscript program could be used to create shortcuts that would open each individual account. See https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/enscript.php#enscript. After a hasty glance at that, I found that placing the following in the Windows Start button Run command opened Evernote to the All Notes display after I had fully exited it: C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\ENScript.exe showNotes /q any: /u [my account username].
  21. How do you have it set to sort the notes, e.g., by title, date updated, date created, etc.? Is it possible that in the new setup that criterion accidentally got changed, and that it's trying to focus on the sort criterion?
  22. And you also went here to complain: At least that one is in the right place, the Web client forum. This one is for the Windows desktop client. Different client, different capabilities, different issues. And I would bet you your first month's subscription price that you would not in fact pay to upgrade even if the thing were bug-free. Why pay when you could use bug-free software for free?
  23. If you haven't yet, try completely exiting the app: File menu, then Exit. (The red X box at the top right only closes the interface.) Another way to do this is to close all Evernote processes in Task Manager; or reboot the computer. Such restarts often work to restore proper functioning, by flushing out any erroneous Evernote-related stuff lodged in the computer's memory.
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