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Mark78 last won the day on May 8 2017

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  1. Totally agree! Notion is a key competitor, but their Evernote import stinks. They link accounts, then the import stalls... and fails. I told them don't do the "direct connect" route, rather import using Evernote ENEX files. Even told them how to do it.... Hopefully they will do it.
  2. Feel very sorry for these employees. However, I have little pity for Evernote Corporation owners and senior management. Over the last 10 years and PAINFUL rounds of acquisitions, the previous one with CEO Ian Small disastrous as they wrecked Evernote, took away functionality that faithful, PAYING customers like me depended on. Awful. Downright mean. I have come to the conclusion that Evernote is dinosaur technology that has been ineptly managed for at least 10 years. The current owner "Bending Spoons" are nothing but GREEDY CROOKS imposing a 50% price increase, orders of magnitude beyond inflation rates. I get the message: EVERNOTE DOES NOT CARE AT ALL FOR ITS CUSTOMERS IN THE SLIGHTEST. ALL THEY CARE ABOUT IS POCKETING YOUR MONEY. Well, they can subtract my money from their "revenue stream". I've been a PAYING customer since I started with Evernote 13 years ago. An EVERNOTE FOOL I will be no longer. Definitely bailing now to save my data and move on. THANKS, Evernote for nothing. I've been using Notion since 2018, FINALLY got my key notes imported. Notion is very stable, in a very good financial position, very caring toward their customers and a FANTASTIC technology platform where the USER sets it all up the way THEY want. Three cheers, Notion! One phenomenal result of the ongoing trainwreck known as Evernote: it has motivated a LOT of people to jump into the note application business with phenomenal innovation. Sadly, the current MASSIVE TRAINWRECK is likely to be fatal. Fellow customers, move on. Before it is too late.
  3. Problem happening on Chrome, running in Incognito mode. Just for chuckles: i did a fresh install of FireFox. No addons, extensions, nuthin'! Same thing. Like I said, "It's a bug!"
  4. I want to update this topic: here is where the buggy behavior happens: I want to move the note (whether existing or new) to a different notebook. Instinctively, through many years of using Evernote, I tap on the Notebook icon right at the top of the editor window. Oops. That's no longer the way to move a note. We now have to tap the 3 vertical dots Then tap "Move to" and select the notebook to which we are moving the note. BOOM! Note totally disappears Evernote cleverly opens some (apparently) random other note. That's definitely a bug, Houston. Definitely a bug! Please fix it! Thank you! Mark
  5. Good news: it looks like Evernote has fixed this. I had first reported this to them via another channel about two months ago. Three cheers, Evernote, for fixing it! Now if we can get a less cludgy way of moving the note to a new notebook (like the way it was before) that would be good.
  6. I thought I was in the right forum... beta, web client. Thanks for the link
  7. Dave, thanks for weighing in. I have about 40 shortcuts. Only about half of them are visible. Definitely a bug and Evernote needs to fix it!
  8. UPDATE (yes, it REALLY is a bug): here is where the buggy behavior happens: I want to move the note (whether existing or new) to a different notebook. Instinctively, through many years of using Evernote, I tap on the Notebook icon right at the top of the editor window. Oops. That's no longer the way to move a note. (By the way, Evernote: please put it back. Your "new" steps involve to much unproductive and unnecessary extra steps. Plus, those of us very faithful, long term users are accustomed to it being the other way, which is far more productive!) We now have to tap the 3 vertical dots Then tap "Move to" and select the notebook to which we are moving the note. BOOM! Note totally disappears. Not into a vortex of nothing... it's been moved... but totally removed from the editor. Evernote cleverly opens some (apparently) random other note. That's definitely a bug, Houston. Definitely a bug! Please fix it! Thank you! Mark BUG: while editing a note, then moving the note to another notebook, the editor dumps the note and randomly opens to another note in the notebook that I moved the note I was working on to. Please fix. By the way, the way one moves a note to a different notebook in the editor is not good. Remember: 90% of the time the "default" notebook is not the notebook in which the user wants it so one of their first actions in note creation is to move it to the appropriate notebook. Previous versions allowed the user to easily do this right from the opening editor screen. Not by tapping secondary items. Please restore prior functionality of moving a note to a different notebook in the editor. It worked great! Thank you!
  9. Thank you to the Evernote team for your hard work to keep driving Evernote to the next level! I use the web beta editor and I hope this forum is the right place to post observations of things missing, not work right and/or needed. For this topic: the web beta editor is missing many of my Shortcuts, which appear just fine in the Windows & Android apps. Thank you for fixing this! Keep up the good work! Mark Evernote user since 2010
  10. When I click on Tags in the left pane, bringing up the Tags window, all of the tags displayed are truncated too far... forces display to no more than 15 characters. Please change this, or at least give the user an option to set truncation where they want it. Also, the current Tags window does not display subtags. We need this functionality as it already available in Evernote for Windows and Evernote for Android. I'm sure this is something you are working on.... but just in case it's not, this friendly reminder that it is needed. Thank you! Mark
  11. When you click on Tags in the left pane and it brings up all the tags (VERY nice), when you click on an individual tag and a drop-down presents a few options, an important one is missing: the ability to move the tag to be a subtag under another tag. Please implement this, as is very important. Frankly, it would be good to have a way to select more than one tag and then be able to move all of them as a subtag under another tag. THANK YOU!
  12. Bottom line: Evernote needs to restore the functionality to their new web app. That's my point.
  13. Not so. I'm doing just that right now in the current (not beta) version. Typing a word will find it anywhere in a tag. Could be the first word, a middle word or the last word in a tag. That's the same functionality with the Android app. But not in the Windows desktop application. VERY helpful feature. We need it back!
  14. The new web client is looking good! Very clean, good organization. Two observations of problems with tagging a note: Cannot search based on a term IN a tag. For instance, I have a tag "Customers - Commercial". I'm using to typing in "Comm" and finding this tag quickly. The beta only searches the front of the string. So, using my example, "Comm" only brings up tags that have "Comm" at the front of the tag, not "Comm" contained in the tag. Maybe I'm missing something? Not all tags that are assigned to a note are visible. Runs off the screen. Need to have all assigned tags visible, as it is in the current version of the web client. I like the way the tags are now, especially the way creating a filter on the tags work from within the note. Thank you.
  15. Yeah, been there done that many times in over 40 years of doing tech. I will say in all those years, Evernote is close to the top of the list for having the nasty habit of breaking things that were working before with their "latest updates". They really need to improve their quality control standards when it comes to the release of a version of their software. I've observed this only with their Windows application. Android, it's a different (way better) story. Needless to say, I'm going through the drill with their tech support of sending logs, etc.....
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