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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. This is a Windows issue, not an Evernote one. Go to C:\Users\<yourusername>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo and create a shortcut to Evernote there. See this Web page for more, or just Google it.
  2. Hi, and welcome to the forums. This certainly sounds maddening. The fact that it says "This note cannot be synced" suggests that the problem may have to do with one particularly large note. If that's the case, I wonder whether turning off synchronization altogether for awhile (Tools > Options > Synchronization), and then splitting that large note into smaller ones, would fix it. If all else fails, could you upgrade to Premium for a single month, split up the large note, and then drop back to Basic? Or, more simply, shut down the Evernote program altogether, using File > Exit (the red X box only closes the interface), or Task Manager if necessary. Then go to the Evernote Web interface (https://www.evernote.com/client/web) and see if you can find the oversized note and break it up there. Then uninstall the Windows EN app, delete any remaining Evernote-related folders, and reinstall. That will require it to rebuild the database from the servers, which should now no longer have the oversized note.
  3. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Some of the earlier posts here indicate some possible ways to proceed, including posting in another ongoing thread that may be monitored by Evernote staff for this issue.
  4. Welcome to the forums. Please see this existing thread on the same topic:
  5. Hi, and welcome to the forums. In general, I share your perspective that Evernote is primarily for note-taking, not for creating polished documents. Yet I realize that what's important for my productivity (including reminders!) is not important for everyone's. Evernote is so good for so many purposes that they are forced to deal with a very diverse set of users and uses. More could certainly be done with reminders (e.g., snoozing, repeats); but a recent post from CEO Ian Small indicates that you and I are among a very small percentage of EN users who make use of reminders at all! As for note history, the people who want to be protected from accidental pocket editing (I am not one of them) would consider that a time-wasting workaround. Note history is expensive to maintain, for notes that are more than a few short lines, and I don't think it's unreasonable for it to be a paid feature. But I like one-tap editing, and it would be nice to retain the option to use it, as opposed to the massive burden of that extra tap to edit.
  6. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I'm active on 3 different software support forums. All of them report problems with blurry text elements on Windows high DPI setups. Now that you're here, please read through the thread. Unless Evernote has created a problem that it is exporting to other, unrelated software, they're not entirely to blame.
  7. These forums are primarily user-to-user, not a means of addressing Evernote directly. Before your subscription expires, you could use it to contact support and see what they have to say: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new.
  8. Hi, and welcome to the forums. What specific type of editing are you looking to do? When I right-click on an image in the Windows program, I get a menu that includes Annotate This Image and Annotate a Copy of This Image. Either of those opens the image in an editing window that allows adding various shapes and lines, highlights, text boxes, cropping, etc.
  9. If you wanted to, Andreas, you could get the answer by following the link given by Scott two posts before yours. But sarcasm is faster and cheaper, right?
  10. The fact that there is a beta version indicates that they are actively working on upgrading the Web version. See this post from an Evernote employee: "The team is working hard to bring the new web client to feature parity with the existing web client." Regarding reminders, see this recent post from Evernote CEO Ian Small:
  11. @Carl-L-ND, since you're on a Premium subscription it might be good (if you haven't already) to report this to tech support. They're aware of it and working on it (as of my report to them last summer), but I feel like the more reports and info they get the sooner they may be able to get it fixed. It really is a show-stopper.
  12. This maddening problem has been going on for several versions of the Android app, since maybe v. 8.10. Please see this thread for many reports and suggestions: The one solution suggested in that thread that works, at least temporarily, is a rather drastic one: in Android app settings, clear cache and data for the Evernote app. This will fix it, but it will require re-creating the database and your settings.
  13. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Out of curiosity, what platform is this: Windows, Mac, iOS, etc.?
  14. That's a really good idea. I'm sure many people have their own ways of doing this already with 3rd-party hotkey managers. I've got a Logitech keyboard that lets you program the Fn+F-key combinations, and I use Fn+F2 to call Evernote. But that doesn't work on my laptop, and I'd love to have a dedicated Evernote shortcut to do it. I'd recommend posting this in the General Feature Requests forum (after checking to be sure it's not already there): https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/304-general-feature-requests/.
  15. Thanks, @Scott T.. That's a very useful post not only for reminders, but for the general philosophy and approach of the across-platforms update going on.
  16. I find that I am able to select and drag checklist items in the current version of the Android app--not as fluently as on the Web interface, and I don't know about iOS. But it does work. Helps if you use a stylus, depending on your finger-fatness.
  17. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I've printed out a number of recipes for my wife from various Websites she's found. In my experience these sites often exhibit an ASTONISHING incompetence in design. They may look cute on the screen, but try to copy the information or print it, and you expose all kinds of bizarre underlying formatting issues. Ahem. So what what I'm saying is that you may need to experiment with Web Clipper settings, especially since it seems to happen mainly on one particular site. I suspect there may be an invisible table involved, which often causes narrow columns when transferred elsewhere. The clipper's Simplified Article setting, for instance, often helps with formatting issues. Or perhaps copy the text to the clipboard instead, and in Evernote paste without formatting.
  18. Hi, and welcome to the forums. It pays to look around a bit and see if your issue is already under discussion. For instance, see this other recent thread, and the advice offered there:
  19. The problem you're experiencing has been under discussion in the following thread just a few items down from the top: What has been discovered there is that this is related to using Snippets view. Other Note List views seem unaffected. One user in that thread reports that Evernote staff acknowledge the problem and will fix it.
  20. It's interesting to think that 10 seconds (the amount of time it took me to type the words before this parenthesis) has come to seem an unendurable time to wait--I know that I am that way myself. I understand that it's not so much the time as the need to restore focus to your working area that's aggravating. But the fact is that that is how Evernote works when it first starts up, so that the user will know what it's doing; and an information popup that popped up behind other windows wouldn't be much use. Most users do choose to have EN start on login and keep running in the background; doing otherwise may make sense given your hardware and workflow, but this is the price of admission for that choice. Off topic: My wife likes to watch old Westerns on TV. I don't (and they last a lot longer than 10 seconds). Price of admission--I'll have to keep that in mind.
  21. In the Windows app, at least, it is possible to change the autosave timing in the options. I have not had the cursor jump happen to me while using the Web beta on my Windows computer. But it did happen when I used it on my Android phone, which I was able to do by using the routine recommended here:
  22. Hi, and welcome to the forums. It would help to know what browser and operating system you are using, and also which version of the Evernote Web interface. The Beta version may have some problems that can be solved by clicking on the button at bottom right and switching to Classic; or clicking on your initial at top left and choosing the "Previous" version from the Account menu.
  23. Google translation: Bienvenue ici! This problem is being discussed in the following thread: The temporary solution indicated there is to cease using the view Snippets ("Affichage Extraits") and use a different view.
  24. Hi, and welcome to the forums. This is mainly a user-to-user space, though Evernote staff do look in sometimes. Both of these, or at least similar ideas, have been requested before, so you're not alone. Take a look around the Windows Feedback/Suggestion forum, and click the up arrow on ideas you support: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/224-evernote-for-windows/.
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