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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. I did try requesting further information in one of the threads: We'll see if that flushes anything out.
  2. As mentioned a few posts earlier, Firefox broke it as a security measure:
  3. @Gianni1337, you're responding to posts that are many months old, posting the same thing in multiple forums, and offering no information about the specifics of your problem. Assuming, despite all this, that you are not just trolling and would like a bit of assistance from your fellow Evernote users here, can you give some more details, please? Which version of the Web app are you using: Beta, Classic, or "Previous"? (There is an indicator in the bottom right of the screen for Beta and Classic; if there's no indicator there, you're on the "Previous" version.) If you switch to a different version, does your lost data appear there? (To switch between Beta and Classic, click the indicator at bottom right. To switch to or from the "Previous Version," click the large initial on the left side of the page and select the appropriate option.) What exactly happened when the information disappeared?
  4. Hello, and welcome to the forums. I'm afraid what you're asking is not quite clear, particularly what you mean by "stamps." Can you provide more information, and perhaps a screenshot?
  5. Yes, the figure of 80 characters is a suspicious coincidence. Yet it's hard to believe that there's anybody working for Evernote who has ever actually typed data onto a punch card (as I have -- note gray beard).
  6. Well, um.... Thanks for letting us know. Especially since you think we don't care. If I knew some things you didn't care about, I'd be sure to keep you informed. Anyway, I hope OneNote works great for you. It does for a lot of people ... as does Evernote.
  7. Hi, and welcome to the forums. We're basically user-to-user here, though occasionally Evernote staff pop in, especially for something like this. @Shane D.? In the meantime, check out the support requests page: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new. Though you're on Basic, there may be provisions for contacting them for lost content issues. There's also an Evernote support Twitter account available for all users.
  8. Good! I don't use this feature much at all, but for those who do it must be quite an annoyance.
  9. Please know that this is a mainly user-to-user forum, so you are not directly addressing Evernote. It would be helpful to add your voice and vote to the ongoing discussion of this popular suggestion:
  10. I'd suggest posting this in the forum specifically for Android, where it may get more useful viewing. https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/210-evernote-for-android/
  11. I've been a steadily paying member for long enough that I don't remember the nags. But I think @PinkElephant has a decent point: since Evernote does not gather or sell your information, or stick ads into the app or your notes, the nags are essentially the price you pay during those periods when you're using the service for free. Honestly, I think your policy of only paying for Premium when you need it is very reasonable. Unfortunately, it does come with this alternative "price." BTW, seeing that this is your first post, @mysterycat, I'd ordinarily say Hi, and welcome to the forums. I don't say that to people who address me as a desperate ****.
  12. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I just tested, and I see the same behavior. I have an app called Aqua Mail set as my default email app. I even tried clearing it as the default and setting it again (using an email address in another app), but Evernote still failed to recognize it. So it's not specific to Outlook. It feels like a bug. Since you're a Premium subscriber, I'd highly recommend opening a support ticket about it: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new.
  13. There's already a longstanding request for this, with some discussion. You may want to go there and add your support by clicking the up arrow at the top.
  14. I agree (although for a simple list I'd be more likely to use some format other than a table; but maybe these lists are not so simple). I'd recommend to anyone reading this thread (including those like @lisec who have contributed to it) to go to the active feature-request thread on creating and editing tables in Android, and click the up arrow at the top to vote for it:
  15. Another user of Chrome has reported this same issue in the Web Clipper forum. I'd suggest that you chime in there.
  16. I agree that this is needed, and would be great to have (and I've voted it up at the top). I'm not sure how trivial it would be to implement, though. As @gazumped said awhile back, I do have an email app on my phone that can do this, and a calendar app that can add links to text in the description field. But I've got 3 other note-taking apps, and none of them can add links to text. Even Polaris Office, which can create elaborately formatted .docx files, can't do this. Nor can the Google Docs app. So while it is possible to do this in Android, I don't think we should assume it is simple, and it's clearly very far from being universal.
  17. I see this too, now that you point it out, and I agree!
  18. OK, good! To respond to a couple of your points: I also love the multi-color highlighting (and text colors), and use the Web editor just for that. I also see a default font of 16 points in the "Sans Serif" font. Text formatted as that appears in the Windows client as Tahoma 10 point, my default there. For me, meh. They're both very readable, and I'm not trying to create anything in publishable condition in Evernote. It would be nice to be able to set a custom default font and size in the Web interface as you can in the Windows client. FWIW, I just tested and the Script and Handwritten fonts come through much more accurately in the Android app than in the Windows client. I don't use headings enough to have any comment. I definitely agree that having search terms highlighted in titles would be great; of course, that doesn't happen in the Windows client or Android app either!
  19. I found a forum thread using that link, which is about the same age as this one, and like this one it has one or two people explaining how it works for them, and several others explaining that it does not. It does have two useful pieces of information. On 12/24/18 a Platinum Product Expert wrote, "Currently there is not a Evernote action at https://assistant.google.com/explore?hl=en" and offered a ToDoist workaround. I confirmed (on my phone and on my computer) that that is correct: searching for "Evernote" there just returns a couple of podcasts. Also, on 4/24/19 someone else posted, "My research concludes that this feature has been removed from Google Assistant" and offered an IFTTT workaround. I'm ready to take this as definitive for now. It is not possible to reliably make an Evernote note directly with Google Assistant, either because Google decided to make it stop working or because EN bunged something up. It is possible to use GA to create emails into EN, but it's clunky, and I'd think very distracting if you're driving a car. Occasionally something works for a minute for somebody. I actually got "note to self" to work once (following a suggestion on that thread): GA gave me a list of apps to choose from, and when I selected Evernote it brought up an interface similar to clipping that let me dictate text and select a notebook and/or tags. I tried it again seconds later, and it no longer worked. So that's my take on this. Man, I had better things to do this afternoon!
  20. Google Assistant answers: "Actually, there's no phone number for Evernote emailing. Go ahead and pick a contact on your screen." There is of course an email address for it ("Evernote emailing" is the name of the contact I created to email things into EN), but when I pick that, nothing happens. It apparently wants to send a text, and will only do that to a phone number even though you can send SMS to an email address. I'm glad this does work for some people. But clearly Google Assistant has to be tricked into creating notes for Evernote on many devices, and the trick is not easy to find. Update: Taking a clue, I said to Google, "Email Evernote this is a test message." A dialogue (in the literal, not computer, sense) ensued. Google took the first 2 words and responded, "OK, you want to email Evernote emailing. What's the message?" I said, "this is a test message" (also "Duh," but only in my head). Google responded, "So, that's a message to Evernote emailing saying, "this is a test message.". It will be sent from your account [xxxxx]@gmail.com. Do you want to send it or change it?" With another inner "Duh," I replied, "Send it," and it went. It came into Evernote with the title "Email from David via Google Assistant" (the little assistant is always so proud of itself, whether deservedly or not), and had a "Sent using the Google Assistant" at the end of the note. So it is possible to voice notes to Evernote using your Evernote email address, and it would get marginally smoother if I waited for GA to ask for the message before speaking it. But still clunky.
  21. Hi, @jigjoose, and welcome to the forums. @Scott T.'s information should explain the situation. One other point is that it is possible to sign up for Premium on a monthly basis. That will give you the additional upload capacity and note size. At the end of any given month, when you're done voice binging, you can revert to Basic. Everything you've uploaded will stay uploaded. However, if you edit a large note, even if you just change a few words, the entire note must sync (since Evernote does not look over your shoulder to see what you're typing), and that can bust note size or upload limits again. So a little pre-planning would be in order (which I guess does conflict with the idea of a binge!).
  22. @Hanno1981, as you know these are mainly user-to-user forums, though I suppose these beta forums may be watched a little more closely by Evernote staff. But I think the best and most effective place for this feedback would be within the Web beta itself. If you click the little Beta Editor button at bottom right, you get a dialog that includes "Provide feedback." It's a multi-screen form, with lots of opportunities for text input.
  23. Another user is reporting something that may be similar:
  24. That does sound problematic. I just checked, and I'm not experiencing it. I do know that more than once, in going between browser tabs, I've accidentally typed into a note because the editable area was in focus, unbeknownst to me, and that of course would be an "update." Any chance that could be it?
  25. I find that it's working in Firefox 69.0.3 (64 bit). I'm not sure about that URL. I get there with https://www.evernote.com/client/web.
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