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Read-Only Option for Notes



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+1 from me! I want to be able to set a note as Read Only or Archived, with an extra step beyond just clicking within the note or on the edit button. Something that says clearly: You are about to edit an Archive copy... or even better: The Archived note CANNOT be edited at all; if you want to add to or edit the information, you have to choose "copy this note" or whatever the menu wording is for making a new note with the same information.

Now for my tirade: I cannot count how many times I've been horrified to realize something got deleted or changed - especially since I often don't have a backup copy somewhere. I think what's happening is that perhaps EN designers/programmers aren't actually heavy EN users and think people are being needlessly careless and should simply try being more careful. That seems about the size of EN's attitude towards their users. (I don't use the word clients because it's so obvious that we're not considered clients.) One of the things I had hoped to be able to rely on when I subscribed was the note history feature, but like another user mentioned, the way the history is saved is somewhat random and almost never catches what it was I accidentally changed. One of the most common, and most annoying times I lose information is when I'm trying to copy and paste from a note. If I accidentally hit any other key, it's of course replaced by that letter and my precious info is gone... for some reason Undo doesn't always work.

This was actually one of the very first features I noticed was lacking when I first began using Evernote in... gosh, it must have been around 2007 or something? I was actually shocked; Evernote seemed to be such a forward-thinking, intuitive program that I just couldn't believe something like that wasn't already in place. I have to say that I am actually kind of disgusted that it's around 10 years (TEN YEARS?!) later, and this is nowhere near close to being implemented.

I've been growing more and more unhappy with EN ever since they began to charge for certain features which had previously been free. I would have been happy to pay for new features for premium users, but I felt quite exasperated with having to shell out just to continue using features I'd become dependent on. Now, on the one hand, it makes financial sense to hook people on something and then charge for it. I mean hey, that's the tactic used in certain other, um... shady deals, shall we say? But it doesn't make sense to me to alienate customers over it. I've been a subscriber to Premium since it was introduced, because like I said, I was dependent on certain features and the idea of changing the way I collect, store and access all my information was too overwhelming to consider.

But after reading about feature after feature that I have wanted and clearly other people have wanted for years just being ignored, I have come to the conclusion that Evernote designs Evernote according to what they think is cool. Not their users. The very first rule of coding and marketing is that if the end user (majority, of course) doesn't like it, it's useless. I have started researching other note-taking, information managing systems as many of them have improved over the years. I'd still be facing a sea change in terms of my entire framework of collecting, storing and accessing an actual metric ton of information (If it was on paper), but I'm starting to wonder if it's a sea change that just needs to happen in order to keep progressing and becoming more efficient. And that makes me really sad.

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It happened: I let a labmate look at a circuit diagram in one of my notes, and he accidentally deleted the diagram and closed out before the change could be reverted. Please implement this feature, Evernote! The current system makes our data terribly fragile, and it's extremely stressful!

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7 minutes ago, Elizabeth West said:

The current system makes our data terribly fragile, and it's extremely stressful!

I posted this feature request but I wanted to address the fragile and stressful comment
I'm recover lost data from backups.  I have personal backups and Evernote has a Note History backup feature.

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8 minutes ago, DTLow said:

I posted this feature request but I wanted to address the fragile and stressful comment
I'm recover lost data from backups.  I have personal backups and Evernote has a Note History backup feature.

Fair enough! I also have personal backups, but noticing and correcting these data-loss problems is time-consuming and stressful. Also, Note History is only accessible in Premium or above, and we can only afford Plus. The read-only feature seems like one that should be accessible at any price point.

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17 minutes ago, UncleRic said:

If you're a paid subscriber, such as I, then you should have access to your HISTORY.

This is true for Premium subscribers but not for lower-tier paying Plus subscribers like me. I understand that Plus was phased out this year, but those who were already members got grandfathered in. This is the message I get when I select "Note History":


Sorry this side-conversation is getting pretty far afield from the purpose of the thread. I just hoped that sharing my data-loss scare might help nudge Evernote in the direction of adding this requested feature.

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Hello everyone. I just wanted to let you know that I've provided a solution to this problem a while ago. Instructions are available here: http://onat.me/readonlymaker 

If you want to learn more, I have some more comments in this thread, a little old by now but this solution still works, there actually are a quite a number of users. 

It doesn't need anything to use, you just add "readonly" as a tag to a note, and they're locked in evernote in next sync, simple as that, works in every platform.


If you have any feedback, kindly reach out via evernote certified consultants page ( https://evernote.com/certified-consultants ) by searching with my name or via my website .


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This has been an issue for YEARS.
Evernote appears to believe that only Premium subscribers have access to history; which is different from having a mutable/immutable toggle switch installed.

I don't see the difficulty (from a software-developer's perspective) to have such a simple locking feature.

They are actually two features for Evernote.  The doc-locking should be standard  for ALL  users; the history could remain a PREMIUM feature... less useful for the general user.

I don't know how to get Evernote's attention to address this.

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44 minutes ago, UncleRic said:

I don't know how to get Evernote's attention to address this.

The read-only feature request is posted at the top of this discussion.  You can indicate your support using the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion.

I'm using a Mac and data backups are easily implemented using Evernote's export feature.

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13 minutes ago, eric99 said:

What good are these backups if  you don't know which notes have been  altered accidentally?

Good question.  Though, typically I don't know something has happened until I access the note and realize something is wrong, or I can't find the note (one I'm sure I created).  Doesn't happen often, but at that point History does the trick mostly, but the backups support the oops delete.  Local notebooks I have to use my own ENEX backups for both altered and deleted.

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On 9/4/2018 at 8:03 PM, Shane D. said:

Hi All,

You may have noticed that all threads requesting the ability to lock notes and make them read only have been merged into this thread, regardless of platform specificity. 

This was done in order to better enable us to quantify and qualify user requests, and amplify their voice.

While this does not mean this is a feature that will be coming, we certainly want to relay user feedback/sentiment to our various teams.

Moving forward, please put all commentary and votes for the ability to lock notes and make them read only support here!


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1 hour ago, Bestranger said:

4 years and still nothing ? We need this function !

These forums are for feature requests - Evernote isn't obliged to deliver on any of them,  and may well have other work planned (or other, better supported requests) which have to be completed before a given request is considered.  This particular suggestion has 11 votes - some current requests have over 100.  And the CEO has just gone public with a statement that existing bugs and inconsistencies are being prioritised over new features - which may mean development being shelved for a year.  Although,  this feature already exists on mobile devices so maybe they'll bring desktops in line...

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On 3/31/2017 at 12:29 PM, onatbas said:

Hello everyone. 

It's been some tıme I had my eye on this feature. Today I reserved some time into doing this and created a simple web app.

It works like this: you tag your notes with a tag called 'readonly' and every five minutes, the system checks your notes and makes tagged ones read-only. You can subscribe to the service via : https://ro-app.run.aws-usw02-pr.ice.predix.io/

. Plese note that this is a 2-3 hour work and I will not maintain it in terms of look etc. It simply does what it promises to do. If there's a huge interest in the project I might allocate some more time into it, though. 


I'm getting a 404 for that link. then again, it is almost 2 years old. :^)  Anyone have news on this?





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I would love to have a read only option in the interface of my EverNote app (Mac OS, Windows and Android in my case). It is completely necessary, so I wont be able to accidentally modify or erase important content. For example, SSN, passwords, banks and credit cards information and other important stuff. I don't know why this has not been included yet in the app. It is very important to increase the user experience.

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Hello everyone. I've received a couple mails from new users saying they couldn't use the readonlytagger. I found a small bug that caused a failure in authentication. This should be fixed now. But users who authenticated in past 2 days, please re-login and things should be back to normal.

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11 hours ago, Tburgueso said:

if I believe the state of a document to be precious, I want to be able to mark it as such.

My work-around solution is using a feature provided by third party Filterize.

>>I’ve asked for this repeatedly, and for years.

Your account shows a single post

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I know.

I've been on this for YEARS.

Many of us use Evernote™ for assorted legal documents that must be read-only
I'm sure the Evernote people are aware of this concern; don't know why it is not remedied.

I only mentioned this feature since other solutions don't appear to help.

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It's great that they're working on a single cross-platform editor - surely this would be a great time to introduce the simplest of 'Lock Note' / 'Unlock Note' feature?  

I suspect that the best is the enemy of the good here, because there are many other things we'd probably also like, for example:

  • Default this note to Readonly again after close.
  • Default all notes in a Notebook to Readonly.
  • Restrict or give permission to lock or unlock a note.
  • And no doubt, dozens more

BUT - people are losing data NOW from typo's, accidental clicks, inadvertent changes, often without realising it.

A simple Lock/Unlock Note button would eliminate 99% of them!

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2 hours ago, Tburgueso said:

I’m uninterested in talking about Evernote. I’m interested in talking to Evernote, so they can build a tool which is better suited to my needs. I’ve used hammers for about 70 years, and am equally uninterested in talking about them.

You may want to avoid posting in Evernote/Hammer User Discussion forums?  😋

There is a feature request posted at the top of this discussion.  You can indicate your support using the vote buttons at the top left corner

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22 minutes ago, DTLow said:

You may want to avoid posting in Evernote/Hammer User discussion forums?  😋

There is a feature request posted at the top of this discussion.  You can indicate your support using the vote buttons at the top left corner

There does seem to be some level of participation by Evernote employees, who identify themselves as such; I’ll therefore assume that their presence here (“here” being a forum on the company’s website) is a part of their job. I’ve been griping about this lack of basic functionality (and I do recognize that my choice of vocabulary represents a value judgement, one perhaps not shared by others) since the ancient days when the support interface consisted of talking to a human on the phone. Over the past half-dozen years, each of my attempts to raise the issue again through the support link has been answered by a boiler-plate “That’s a great idea!” email, as I described before. My reluctant participation on the forum is an attempt to amplify the small squawk I’m able to produce. 

Thanks for the pointer to the voting button; I had missed that. However, it does bring me back to my initial contention, that although this forum is ostensibly of, by, and for the user community, the only way it can effect any corrective change is by means of the participation and responsiveness of the company.

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46 minutes ago, DTLow said:

You may want to avoid posting in Evernote/Hammer User discussion forums?  😋

There is a feature request posted at the top of this discussion.  You can indicate your support using the vote buttons at the top left corner

Are you a moderator or EN employee, DTLow? I don't see any icons or other designations, but I'm on mobile and might not see the same information as on desktop. 

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The rules are this:

They may come, may watch, may sometimes share some information.

But this is not an official forum, they come and go as they please, and if you need support, you should use the official means. As a Premium user, you have a choice of sending an email or use the chat (unfortunately, no live talking to a person).

The official, declared focus of EN for this year is to consolidate the core functions like the search or the editor, and to reduce complexity that has generated through the years leading to 5 different clients for the user interaction. Even if this means that most user requests going further will have to wait, I can live with that. I use the Windows, the Mac and the iOS client frequently, and sometimes the webclient. If these are more alike in the future, I am willing to wait for a lot of other stuff while they work on the redo.

There are statements from and videos with the EN CEO explaining all this in greater detail.

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39 minutes ago, Seraphym said:

Are you a moderator or EN employee, DTLow? I don't see any icons or other designations, but I'm on mobile and might not see the same information as on desktop. 

I am an Evernote user, not an employee.

Employees are clearly identified in the sidebar, near the image

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As a Premium member, you can delete, what you like - you can always go to note history and restore a former status of the note. Only thing: The note must have been saved once, and been synced to the EN server.

The note history is always running, for BASIC users as well - but access and restore is restricted to the paying accounts. If somebody on BASIC is afraid to have lost something, one can go for one month to PREMIUM, and restore, because the note history will have covered as well what has happened before.

I am using 70% of my EN time my iPad, and have not lost a single note up to now. And if: Note history !

For me, the reason for locking notes is more with shared or business notebooks. There you can control it on a notebook level, but not note by note.

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2 hours ago, UncleRic said:

But why isn't merely locking a single note a basic function across whatever plans the patron has?
It's merely neutering the ability to delete or modify via a toggle.
We could have BOTH history AND permanency. ☝️

There is a basic note lock function, not connected to any plans.  However Evernote has not given us access to the toggle.

I use third party Filterize to toggle notes read-only and non-deletable

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Sure it would be nice (got my vote as well). Since the toggle can be switched through the API, apps like Filterize allow for this already today - but for an additional price.

You can find the description of how-to somewhere higher up in this thread.

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1 hour ago, . . . said:

Read only is nice, write only would be nicer, (add only)

Does this mean delete protection?

Its a feature offered by third party Filterize.  It monitors protected notes; if in the trash, they are restored.

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1 hour ago, UncleRic said:

I'm not looking for 3rd-party solutions to 'read-only' status.

  🙈   For myself, I'm willing to look at any solutions to protect the integrity of my notes

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33 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

swamp support with this feature request

Evernote Support does not take feature requests; their function is to support users with issues
They'll probably refer you back to this forum

I've also added my vote to the request; vote button is at the top left corner of the discussion.

I'm sure that Evernote management has noted the request, but don't consider it a priority at this time

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I agree to your evaluation that this is probably not the top priority.

Regarding support: I think there is a field of customer requests that can be viewed as a bug complaint, or as a feature request.

Way back in my career I hat the opportunity to run a customer service, not in IT but in some smokestack industry. But the issues were not that different, if you put the technical issues aside. My goal as the manager of this entity was always to get input from the customers not only about what is working / or not, but as well about what could / should be improved.

So why not make a little virtual flash mob, and get something to the attention of the Helpdesk guys ?

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I had also raise this issue on one of Evernote's Facebook forums.

I don't have the time to do Evernote's job....

.... there is a DEMAND for this feature.


Perhaps I'll have to vote down my critique of Evernote due to this missing featue.


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Just chiming in again to reiterate that I still regard this feature as a must-have. Accidental keystrokes while referring to old notes are a major concern for me. Evernote's familiarity, helpful support team, and convenient image editing features have been a barrier to switching, but OneNote is looking more tempting every day that I can't protect my notes by making them read-only.

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OneNote can't hold a candle to Evernote, BUT, that being said, I'm very disappointed this IMPORTANT feature seems to be getting NO ATTENTION from the development team.


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2 hours ago, UncleRic said:

Best if you contact Evernote engineers directly; if not their salesmen.

imho  Best to let Evernote Management know of your support for this request
They make the decisions on development priorities

To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion

There's currently  C9997E2E-A472-4725-A96A-B1AF0E1771BC.jpeg.b72e3eecf7c7d5c881f0ebd2daab0a10.jpeg votes

In the meantime, I use the Filterize service to make my notes read-only

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1 hour ago, UncleRic said:

Best if you contact Evernote engineers directly; if not their salesmen.

??? Wouldn't work in any of the companies I've ever worked for. Neither of the sales folk nor the engineers set Evernote priorities. They both may participate in the process: customer demand and implementation feasibility go into the equation, but even so, it Evernote management that makes the final call.

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33 minutes ago, UncleRic said:

I shall contact Management.

I suggest others do as well.... put some pressure on them.

You are already posting in a forum set up by Evernote Management to solicit user feedback

>>What's the purpose of having a forum if the Management is unaware of the demand?

I'm sure they are aware of all the posted requests

Why do you think they are unaware of this request?

Why do you think this request should have higher priority than other development work?

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1 hour ago, UncleRic said:

I shall contact Management.

I suggest others do as well.... put some pressure on them.

What's the purpose of having a forum if the Management is unaware of the demand?

What makes you think that Evernote management is not aware of demand for this and other features? I can assure you they are. You might head on over to the recent "Behind the Scenes Series" subforum and check out the videos that star Evernote's CEO to see the depth of his engagement with the product and awareness of user pain points.

But if you think that contacting management directly is going to make them more aware than they already are, then go for it..

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5 hours ago, DTLow said:

You are already posting in a forum set up by Evernote Management to solicit user feedbacK

I'm sure they are aware of all the posted requests

I don’t think so. Generally, management only knows whole numbers of requests and it’s progress. They don’t have time to check every posts. 

 I know there many other requests and they have their priority. But all we want to say is that it’s has been 8 years......, really?

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15 hours ago, Yuzpepper said:

I don’t think so. Generally, management only knows whole numbers of requests and it’s progress. They don’t have time to check every posts.

All they need is the general idea. Not much new has been added since early on in the discussion (typical for long-running topics like this one), and the whole of the request is easily summarizable. A summary  plus some indication of user desire (post counts here and on other request sources) plus some notion of feasibility/implementation cost (which would be internal to Evernote) is all that's needed for prioritization.

15 hours ago, Yuzpepper said:

I know there many other requests and they have their priority. But all we want to say is that it’s has been 8 years......, really?

Which you're perfectly welcome to do. But this is exactly the sort of post that really doesn't add much to the actual prioritization process, except for maybe a +1 on the request count. As long as the folks assigned to monitor the forums are doing their jobs, there's no real need for the decision makers to read everything.

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48 minutes ago, Yuzpepper said:

read only tag option might be easy to implement

Here's my work-around using a read-only tag and third party Filterize


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Take a look at the behind the scenes video released two weeks ago. Not sure what platform you are on but something that addresses this issue is being worked on. All features being worked on are supposed to be coming to all platforms, but are being tested on web first and then with the other platforms.



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6 minutes ago, Sayre Ambrosio said:

Take a look at the behind the scenes video released two weeks ago. Not sure what platform you are on but something that addresses this issue is being worked on. All features being worked on are supposed to be coming to all platforms, but are being tested on web first and then with the other platforms.



Thanks for sharing. Good to know. Not exactly what we’ve been waiting for, But it should relieve our anxiety on unintentional changes.

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4 hours ago, pendolino said:

I’ve been looking for EN to add this forever and I’ve pretty much given up. 
so I’d love to know what others recommend as the closest Evernote alternative that offers this feature? I think I’m done with EN

We do not need another discussion thread on this
Go to the topic linked here https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/118497-looking-for-an-evernote-alternative-probably-found-the-closest-option/    
There are plenty of recommendations

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On 2/19/2020 at 8:09 AM, Yuzpepper said:

At least, they can give us some feedback, can’t they? It’s just a few minutes. 

I believe we deserve it...

In two weeks, my subscription will be expired. Seriously, I am thinking to leave Evernote premium.

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On 3/10/2020 at 11:47 AM, Vojkan Cvijanovic said:

Any updates on this? I really need to have read-only option for Evernote notes.

No updates for almost 9 years. We have no choice but to stop putting important data on Evernote because of this. 

Ive just leaved Evernote Premium today. Feeling great.

I love Evernote, but I don't think it's worth costs.


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If you did not have an update since 9 years, probably you should start to install them ...

Why read-only is a necessity to save important notes escapes my attention. If I want to protect something in an EN note, I put an attachment there (like a word or excel file) and place my unchangeable stuff inside. Or I can roll back to an earlier version by note history while on premium, if I deleted something against my intention.

Don‘t get me wrong: I voted for this poll, because I think it would be a useful addition. Useful yes, but definitely IMHO not a game changer.

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2 hours ago, Riccardo La Monica said:

In some weeks, my subscription will be expired, as many users I am thinking to leave Evernote premium

Your subscription level shows is shown on your post - Basic       
I have a Premium subscription, and will continue to use the Evernote service

A read only feature is important to me; I implemented it using third party Filterize   
I see the feature being discussed in the behind the scenes video, and I'm waiting for the implementation

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4 hours ago, DTLow said:

Your subscription level shows is shown on your post - Basic       
I have a Premium subscription, and will continue to use the Evernote service

A read only feature is important to me; I implemented it using third party Filterize   
I see the feature being discussed in the behind the scenes video, and I'm waiting for the implementation

I have two different Evernote's account....

Thanks for you hint.


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4 hours ago, Billdhampton@gmail.com said:

I have accidentally deleted information about the pdf or even the pdf itself. 

In addition to @DTLow's comments - as a Premium user,  you have access to Note History (in the note information tab) - provided you didn't delete the entire note,  you should always be able to step it back to a previous version if any part is lost or changed...

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I really don't understand why Evernote has yet to address this problem.  I've raised this concern within this forum and on their Facebook page.
What does it take to get their butt movng?

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17 hours ago, UncleRic said:

I really don't understand why Evernote has yet to address this problem.  I've raised this concern within this forum and on their Facebook page.
What does it take to get their butt movng?

They're current rewriting the central feature of all the apps on all the operating system and -just maybe- might be working on this already as part of the project.  I'd bet they're more than adequately busy trying to get all that to release out to their 250M(or so) users at the moment. 

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On 6/7/2020 at 10:11 PM, franciswongcn said:

I hope this function can be available soon. 

Although this is well supported, I don't know whether it is possible to provide a 'secure' access to notes without making it more difficult to add and edit existing notes,  which is really the main purpose of Evernote. Mobile clients already require that users choose to edit,  and desktop versions generally aren't subject to random user actions.

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1 hour ago, gazumped said:

Mobile clients already require that users choose to edit,  and desktop versions generally aren't subject to random user actions.

"Choose to edit" is what I'm looking for; currently not available on mobile (IOS) or desktop (Mac)

The "read only" function has already been implemented    
but we need Evernote to give us acces to toggle the switch; (I use third party Filterize)

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1 hour ago, ezfine said:

I doubt EN's management team is aware of this very basic requirement

You should know that you're posting in a forum set up and paid for by "EN's management team" to solicit user feedback 

The request has been noted and prioritized

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13 hours ago, viniciussp4 said:


We totally need a read-only option. I have some notes that contains terminal commands and I use them regularly, but everytime I need to put myself in "alert mode" or I can accidentally erase or change some character, and this would destroy the command (which happened more than one time). Unfortunately, the way things are I can't even consider upgrading my account and probably I will have to change to another product.

Hi. With queries like this it's always good to know what device and OS you're using...  If what you're talking about is for reference only,  how about taking a screen shot and embedding that image at the top of the note for reference?

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14 hours ago, viniciussp4 said:

We totally need a read-only option. I have some notes that contains terminal commands and I use them regularly, but everytime I need to put myself in "alert mode" or I can accidentally erase or change some character, and this would destroy the command (which happened more than one time). Unfortunately, the way things are I can't even consider upgrading my account and probably I will have to change to another product.

I understand the beta versions have a read/edit toggle   
In the meantime, I use third party Filterize to lock/unlock my notes

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On 7/1/2020 at 11:59 PM, *** Simon *** said:

write protection has been a feature of note-taking throughout history

Hi.  This seems not to be the case on any of the apps I use - open the app,  click an 'edit' icon and you're potentially live.  Regardless of the importance of the feature to many users,  it simply isn't part of Evernote's apps at present,  and would have to be engineered in at (I imagine) a fairly low level.  Evernote are (they say) in process of completely re-coding all of their apps for all operating systems (See the Evernote Blog), so they may have already included some upgrades. But they don't preview details, so we'll probably have to wait until the new versions hit the streets to see what new features exist.

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On 6/13/2020 at 10:31 PM, DTLow said:

You should know that you're posting in a forum set up and paid for by "EN's management team" to solicit user feedback 

The request has been noted and prioritized

Noted and prioritized 9 years ago... 🤔 The upcoming read-only option must be revolutionary if it took them a decade to develop. 🙄

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2 hours ago, Yuzpepper said:

They can share us their thought and plan on this.

Evernote don't usually trail release dates,  or what may or may not be in development.  Very few software companies do.  There's a blog and progress videos where we can get some idea of what's going on,  and they certainly seem to be working hard behind the scenes.  But a small matter of a worldwide pandemic might have been a bit of a distraction recently...

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Can we get a commitment one way or another - will the ability to lock a note (in some form or fashion) be implemented within the next year?  Both my wife and I pay for our Evernote accounts.  if a commitment can't be made, we are not renewing. 

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5 hours ago, drconner88 said:

Can we get a commitment one way or another

I'm checking the latest version (IOS)   
No read only option, but the initial view for notes is non-edit   
We click on an edit button to enter edit mode l

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There is more in EN iOS 10: If you go in the EN app to settings, notes, you can enable an additional protection against editing by accident.

If you enable the function, you need to tap twice to enable editing mode. I think this will in fact protect against accidental editing. Because it brakes down some workflows, the function is off by default, but can be enabled by the user with a simple click.

Since the EN iOS app is based on the new coding framework, I expect this protective switch to be rolled out to the other apps when they get upgraded as well.

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EN iOS 10 is the first client based on the new framework EN is going to use for the overhaul of the other clients as well.

It is pretty likely that a feature introduced there will be transferred to the new clients for other OSes when rolled out. Because this has not yet happened, it is not available in the other clients yet.

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32 minutes ago, TechGuy said:

Maybe I'm late to the game, but has this been implemented on the Windows app?

No change in the Windows app

>>I seem to find notes with data missing in them that I know I was copying data from.

You can review note versions using the Note History backup 



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