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Apply H1, H2, H3....

Jeff Whitlock


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Hi All,

You may have noticed that all threads requesting header styling features have been merged into this thread, regardless of platform specificity.

This was done in order to better enable us to quantify and qualify user requests, and amplify their voice.

While this does not mean this is a feature that will be coming, we certainly want to relay user feedback/sentiment to our various teams.

Moving forward, please put all commentary and votes for header styling features here!

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Yes, i would love to see this too! Dropbox Paper has this feature, but in Evernote, this has been requested and discussed in the Evernote forum since 5 years now - with the result that we still don't have headings.
But i'm not giving up hope.

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Every time I use Evernote and every time EN announces some whizbang feature I am annoyed at this omission. I have a lot of programming snippets that require fixed font styling. Predefined styles are natural for this. This can't be difficult to implement.  

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Evernote should enable its users to create documents that have semantic structure, with h1, h2, and so on. The web now has HTML5 and semantic markup. Right now, Evernote formatting is like using a typewriter, and that is ridiculous.

Allowing users to semantically structure their documents would make it possible to use that structure to improve search in the future. Image being able to search for "green" only in H1 in your notes. Image being able to search for "banana" only within a bulleted list. THAT would be a powerful app. Right now, you just have to trawl through everything.

And Markup support would be a great way to make this easier, because the way Evernote formats text is like the middle school cafeteria food - you can't tell what it is until you eat it. In other words, you cannot explicitly control the markup after pasting something in. Instead you have to waste time and energy poking and changing things manually.

I want to be able to make notes that are structured as outlines, and making it look like an outline is not the point. It needs to be structured.

Also consider Accessibility. Screen reader users cannot scan an Evernote note sent to them to find the information they need. Evernote is not Accessible to the disabled. A screen reader user would have to listen to the entire note, from start to finish, instead of skipping H1's, then H2's, to find what she is looking for.

Semantic markup makes for better search, better accessibility, and easier initial capture of information because you can organize your thoughts as an outline without having to mess with font size, bold, etc, like using a typewriter in the 1980's.

If Evernote improves formatting of text with a semantic structure, Evernote will be so much more appealing.

I have been using Evernote for over 10 years, and I have way too much information in it to easily quit, but in spite of that I am searching for migration options. Evernote streamlined earlier this year, and I hope this is the next improvement for the platform.

The future of the web is semantic content, and Evernote should not leave its users behind.

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This is a perfect idea!

All we need next is titles, a way for consistent titles, that's all I want. 

  • Bullets we have (* ),
  • Numbers we have (1. )
  • Bold we have (Ctrl+B),
  • Italics we have (Ctrl+I),
  • Links we have (paste),
  • Checkbox we have ([x]),
  • Rule we have (---),
  • Table we have ([][][]x2).

But nothing for titles (We could use Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, etc, OR #, ##, etc). Titles are an essential piece in structure, I'm really fathomed at why that's been left out 


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On 12/23/2017 at 3:02 PM, shinmaikeru said:

Evernote should enable its users to create documents that have semantic structure, with h1, h2, and so on. The web now has HTML5 and semantic markup.

I want to be able to make notes that are structured as outlines, and making it look like an outline is not the point. It needs to be structured.

Also consider Accessibility. Screen reader users cannot scan an Evernote note sent to them to find the information they need. Evernote is not Accessible to the disabled. 

Semantic markup makes for better search, better accessibility, and easier initial capture of information because you can organize your thoughts as an outline without having to mess with font size, bold, etc, like using a typewriter in the 1980's.

The future of the web is semantic content, and Evernote should not leave its users behind.

This post is best. Exactly. So intelligent and rational. Exactly. I've quoted the thoughts that resonate most with me.

I'll add that Evernote is so great, which is why it's so shocking that this basic feature isn't built-in, yet.

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I love evernote, but I strongly advise Evernote to have the feature of applying H1, H2, H3... functions (with shortcut keys) to make styling text easier. Refer to another app BEAR. I am really tired of bolding and increase the font size manually every time. Thanks very much!

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Headings are very basic elements for structuring text content.
Dropbox Paper has been making use of these elements right from the beginning with simple H1 and H2.
Evernote will probably never implement it.
It's their decision. I have given up hope, you can't have everything.

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I agree that this would be very useful and should be a high priority feature. And... the base framework already supports it! Since Evernote uses HTML as its underlying markup, it already supports heading styles. All they need to do is implement the UI widgets to allow insertion of the <h> tags.

To show that it already supports heading styles, I did this test:

  1. Create an HTML file with heading styles (1, 2, and 3) and regular text (I used Sea Monkey editor)
  2. Open the HTML file with a browser
  3. Copy the content from the browser to a new Evernote note. Note that the Evernote editor renders the heading styles correctly
  4. Optional: Format > Simplify Formatting (makes it easier to view the ENEX data)
  5. Export the note to ENEX
  6. View the ENEX in text editor
  7. Note the <h1> <h2> <h3> styles in the exported note markup

So... how about adding a simple drop down list to create those styles?

The table of contents generator is a great idea as a follow on. As an example, Evernote developers could look at the table-of-contents generator in Sea Monkey's WYSIWYG HTML editor (formerly Mozilla suite, open source). MS Word and Google Docs also have TOC generators.

Incidentally... if you want to have heading styles and table of contents in your notes, the Sea Monkey editor is an option. You just have to copy/paste the note content into Sea Monkey to edit it. Then copy it back. Not elegant.

I attached my HTML test file


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The argument "notes are too simple to deserve semantic markup" doesn't hold water. Ordered and unordered lists are semantic markup too. 

Evernote targets business people and students where the "note" is not Post-it sized, but potentially a page or two long. Meaningful and easy formatting helps us, as does accessibility for people with disabilities. 



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The lack of this feature is the one-and-only reason I switched away from Evernote (and stopped recommending it) over 5 years ago.  Every year or so, I check back to see if it has been added.  And somehow, every time I'm still pretty shocked that it hasn't.

I can't believe it's still missing.  This is like the first feature that EVERY other note taking program implements (I've used at least 20+ of them over the years).  And it's basically the one-and-only feature most people want in a note taking program: structure.

The fact that it supports randomly setting fonts manually makes it even stranger.  Who actually wants that kind of inconsistent manually managed mess in a note taking program?  Not saying that should be removed... but considering it already exists, seems like it would be trivial to add a hotkey or drop-down to quickly apply H1-H6 styles.

It's bizarre that they even want people to vote on this, it's such a basic and fundamental feature.  Has anyone at Evernote ever actually used ANY note taking program... for you know... managing structured notes?

No disrespect to the team.  This just stumps me considering all the other features that get added that aren't even note taking features.

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One nice thing about Heading styles in other apps (for example, the Apple Notes app or Google Docs) is that when you press enter and go to the next line, the format automagically resets to normal. I can make text bigger in Evernote but every single time I go to insert something under the bigger text (which I do often in my To-Do list note), I obnoxiously have to reset the font size back to normal.

In most other use cases Evernote is superior to the Apple Notes app but this is one clear feature disparity.

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Omg, I googled to find the shortcut for headers but it seems there is no such feature, it's insane! 

I'm a premium user since last month. I prefer Evernote instead of Notion because you have a much cleaner design. But you guys push me to change my opinion with this.
Heading shortcuts is a super basic necessary level in one row with bold formatting and bulleted list.

Is this not obvious for you?

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On 2/15/2019 at 10:46 PM, DTLow said:

Have you been sleeping?

Did you suddenly wake up and realize the Evernote editor/format doesn't work for you?
I've been using Evernote for going on 10 years, and I know exactly what features are supported.

I was very much awake the whole time, patiently waiting for improvement that did not happen.

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On 4/7/2019 at 4:54 AM, DTLow said:

I'm sure other users can come up with other reasons  🙂

For myself, format styles are more important for word processing documents.
If important for notes, I would implement a work-around, for example EverTool

That's probably also the view of the Evernote development team, and that's exactly why for some users (among whom I count myself) Evernote is a dinosaur compared to modern Note Taking Apps, where semantic markup like that of modern websites is self-evident. The hierarchical structure of content using headlines is the basis of the web, and not just a structural tool for Word documents.

Notes of Note Taking Apps are actually web pages, therefore based on HTML. To deliberately not treat them as such by avoiding headlines and rather relying on the arbitrary use of font sizes is a very idiosyncratic attitude of Evernote.

Notion goes in a more forward-looking direction: it extends the familiar features of a Note Taking App and increasingly develops capabilities of a collaborative content management system.

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It looks like this is finally on the way! Hopefully should be nice enough to get me off Dropbox Paper and back into Evernote for actually taking notes and not just web clipping.

Evernote Behind the Scenes #3


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23 hours ago, iamstein said:

Evernote just cannot handle these more complex, organized documents in an efficient way without this feature.

Two different issues

Complex Documents
The evernote editor is fine for basic notes; not a great tool for complex documents

Organize, Efficient Way
Evernote can handle complex documents as attachments with great organization and efficiency

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1 minute ago, DTLow said:

Current vote count is 59aeb8c5908db_ScreenShot2017-09-05at07_46_06.png.e397615ee889adee297a5d03f6c58d9b.png

I believe this vote count doesn't include votes/requests from the past 5 years (it was mentioned in another thread). I see that "markdown support" is one of the top voted features. How many people know what markdown is, compared to text styles? Sure, I'm the person who thinks that this specific feature is important but this really isn't such an exotic thing to ask for. I'm not asking to show me a world map with pins for every note I took somewhere in the world. I'm asking for a basic text editing feature which is supported by most other note taking apps. To me it is clear that many people don't bother registering to the forums to give their vote for a feature - if the feature they need is missing, they just quite Evernote and use something else. So I don't really think the votes in the forums represent the overall thoughts about missing features of (potential) users.


I do use styles in word processing, however I'd be working in dedicated apps for this

How do dedicated apps help you if your notes stay confusing due to lack of formatting? And how is Evernote as a app for taking notes not dedicated?

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I am dropping Evernote for Bear. Simple elegant Headings is essential. 

It is scary that the people building this product have never used Notes on Mac, or MS windows or consider basic features irrelevant.

I don't use products that blatantly ignore their users, so bye bye !!!

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25 minutes ago, kinshuk4 said:

Hi Evernote Team,

   Are you guys planning to do this? Thanks.

Just another user here; Evernote has given no indication they're planning to implement formatting styles

Of course, Evernote rarely gives announcement of their feature development plans

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I am still waiting for such feature too. It's the reason why I've moved to MarkDown editors to write notes, but it's quite annoying to copy and paste between two editors (MarkDown and Evernote).

I am currently using Typora, that is a fantastic and unique real-time MarkDown formatter.

I don't really need such a great editor within Evernote: it would be fair enough to be able to define 3 levels of heading styles as suggested in this thread.

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13 minutes ago, Igor K said:

Omg, I googled to find the shortcut for headers but it seems there is no such feature, it's insane! 

I'm a premium user since last month. I prefer Evernote instead of Notion because you have a much cleaner design. But you guys push me to change my opinion with this.
Heading shortcuts is a super basic necessary level in one row with bold formatting and bulleted list.

Is this not obvious for you?

I totally agree with you.

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5 minutes ago, jesusplanner said:

Can you say me why Microsoft Onenotes, Bear and other have Headings? Are not they notes app?

Explain me because I don´t understand....

No comment on those apps; I know MS Word and Apple Pages have Headings.  
They're document apps (word processing)

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35 minutes ago, Junnan Ma said:

Guys, stop complaining here. I am sick of receiving notifications from this thread to my email box. Just switch to Notion!!! I loved Evernote, but their improvement frustrated me. I migrated everything to Notion 2 years ago and I am extremely happy with it! 1000 times better than Evernote and dropbox paper. It has all the quick styling functions and a lot more handy features.

Per @PinkElephant, easy enough to stop the notifications.  At the top of the page:


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1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

If you don’t want notifications, switch them off.

If you are happy with another program, be it.

But you are not contributing to this discussion except of creating unrelated noise by your post. 

 If you are with notion for 2 years now, you have found greener pastures for your use case, so probably better if you decide to stay there. Maybe you can even contribute with your experience to their forum ?

Apologise if the way I said it was obtrusive. However, I don't think my voice is unrelated noise. I am just another normal user suggesting alternative solutions to people who had the same pain points as me. I am pretty sure that I am providing value here if there are just one or two people here whose needs are met with another solution.

I don't think I am doing anything inappropriate. I am just here to suggest to people that there is another hospital which might treat the disease better, and you are basically saying stop bullshitting in this hospital, and everyone should just stay here, just because you are simply stuck in it.

And yes thanks for reminding. I will switch the notification off.

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On 3/9/2017 at 5:39 PM, Jeff Whitlock said:

Two features to greatly improve the note writing and organization experience:

  1. Header Styles – Standard header styles, such as Title, Sub-title, Header 1, etc. Medium, Google Docs, and Slack Posts all are great examples of this. You should be able to select these header styles using a click of a button. The current workaround is painful: change font size for the header line, then change font size again to start writing in the smaller font.
  2. Note Outline – Once you create headers, these headers can then become a note outline that can easily be navigated. Look to Google Docs for a great example of this. This would greatly help my ability to navigate my more lengthy notes.

Please see screenshots below. Hope you consider this! It would be awesome!




I came here to post a feature request that I've been wanting for so long. Almost every other notepad app has a header function and outline. Please bring this to Evernote!

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I've been using the Evernote Mac app for 5 years and the lack of headers has been my biggest frustration. Finally Googled about how to do this in Evernote and found this thread. I just logged into the web and see you all have Large, Medium, and Small Header options. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add this feature to the mac app. 

So I finally have some clarity on the issue. I have the Mac app from the App Store. There was no way for me to "Check for Updates". I've downloaded the mac app directly from your website and see that this feature has been added. HOWEVER, please update the App Store's Evernote or REMOVE IT. There is no reason for anyone to get an old version of your software and experience similar frustrations.

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Yes pleaaase!

  • I would like to be able to customize my header style and Normal Text styling so that all headers created going forward would use that styling
  • I would _really_ like to be able to set a default font for my "Normal Text" and let it stay that way. For now it always reverts to the wrong font size (a default size I didn't pick) and even inside of notes it will revert all the time & I have to change it
  • I did start using the header function where you apply the style to the headers & to the normal font at the beginning of the year but for some reason it made it so my texts were all gray in mobile so I could no longer read them on my phone. So I had to remove all that & return to default styling.
  • I would like to be able to use the markdown header functionality: #h1 ##h2 ###h3. I can use it now but it just takes the styling from the previous paragraph - no actual header styling.

I love Evernote but do wish this was not such a hassle.

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Definitely agree with both points. With one of the recent updates, choosing a heading has become easier, however, I reckon it would be more Convenient to adjust the heading using simple key's or as a right click option.

With regards to the second point, recently I started making my summaries on Evernote for my studies. Which works relatively well, overlooking some of the current limitations, as both the literature (pdf) and summary are in the same place and can be organised in a relatively efficient matter - besides the lack of a sub-stack option.

While, it has these benefits, it lacks structure as summaries or lecture notes can be lengthy. If a feature that provides an overview of the headings will be introduced Evernote, it would be the perfect way of enhancing structure and finding specific information quickly. Thus, enhancing productivity.

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Evernote has different heading sizes now, which is great. However, there's no way to access an outline of each note, which makes long notes hard to navigate.

In the example note in the screenshot, you can see how long the note is by how small the scroll bar is on the right.

Why not have the ability to open and close an outline on the right side (indicated by the red box)?

There's always the most space on the right, and all you would need is a small icon on the right to open and close the outline.

The use case in the screenshot is a series of meetings with the same client, where each header indicates the date of the meeting and who it's with (perfect for access with an outline). This same use case is great for any recurring meetings, such as company meetings, mastermind calls, coaching sessions, therapy appointments, etc.

Screenshot 2023-05-19 205522.png

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48 minutes ago, bgolden126 said:

However, there's no way to access an outline of each note, which makes long notes hard to navigate.

Outlining is a long requested, and I agree, a very useful feature to add to the editor.  Maybe now that EN is under new management it will get considered and added into the backlog.  It would be especially helpful if combined with intra-note linking was added at the same time.

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On 27.7.2017 at 3:02 PM, Michael Singer said:

Yes, i would love to see this too! Dropbox Paper has this feature, but in Evernote, this has been requested and discussed in the Evernote forum since 5 years now - with the result that we still don't have headings.
But i'm not giving up hope.

I guess either Evernote product managers don't think this feature would be useful or they somehow can't develop this feature. I believe at least 90% of the Evernote users would instantly welcome and use text styles.

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1 hour ago, linusan said:

I guess either Evernote product managers don't think this feature would be useful or they somehow can't develop this feature.

You're welcome to indicate your support to these feature requests. 
Voting buttons are in the top left corner of the discussion.
Current vote count is 59aeb8c5908db_ScreenShot2017-09-05at07_46_06.png.e397615ee889adee297a5d03f6c58d9b.png

>>I believe at least 90% of the Evernote users would instantly welcome and use text styles.

Styles are not a priority for me with notes.  
I do use styles in word processing, however I'd be working in dedicated apps for this

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1 hour ago, linusan said:

How do dedicated apps help you if your notes stay confusing due to lack of formatting? And how is Evernote as a app for taking notes not dedicated?

I use Evernote as a filing cabinet.  I don't see the Evernote editor as a dedicated word processing app, but it is adequate for basic notes
For word processing, I use Pages/Word
For spreadsheets, I use Numbers/Excel
Actually, for serious note taking, I use Notability on my iPad

I don't find my notes confusing

Possibly it depends on your defintion of a note59aec131a946c_ScreenShot2017-09-05at08_22_06.png.338559c6033b3399ab733e9b75cd4cac.png




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I think this would be great!  I do try to use Evernote as a dedicated space for blog writing and would do more with it if it offered more.  Having formatted header tags would be great.  Word count would be fantastic and is almost mandatory!  Proper print formatting would be super nice for the times you have to print something you create in Evernote, even saving as a PDF (I don't like the info header it puts on there).

Evernote would be a great go-to program for writing and drafting if it only had the necessary features to make it a pleasant experience. Otherwise, I am using Google Docs or Word... I don't like having so many formats to shuffle between.  

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On 9/5/2017 at 11:27 AM, DTLow said:

I use Evernote as a filing cabinet.  I don't see the Evernote editor as a dedicated word processing app, but it is adequate for basic notes
For word processing, I use Pages/Word
For spreadsheets, I use Numbers/Excel
Actually, for serious note taking, I use Notability on my iPad

I don't find my notes confusing

Possibly it depends on your defintion of a note

I think styles make it faster to enter notes, and make them more readable.  And having to go into other apps for having more detailed notes (formatted nicely, with headings and tables) seems to be completely against the point of having a central place to keep notes.

I guess I don't understand what it adds to the discussion to talk about what *you don't need*, when others are asking for it !?

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Just to expand on why I would find this capability super useful.  

I take notes for work about projects and site walks.  I like my notes to be well organized and look good because when I am done with them I like to be able to print them out to include them in the hard-copy fold that lives with each project and opportunity.  By having the H1, H2, and H3 type headings available I could keep my note taking in Evernote without having to open Word.  In Evernote, you can create your own version of the heading sizes by applying Bold, and increase the size of the font, so it's not the end of the world, but it would be good to have for the speed of use.

Now, I do use Word for my master note sheet, then drag and drop the Word doc into a note in Evernote.  This is fine, it's just an extra step and I have the risk of versioning since there is also a version living on our local server.


I would still like to see more Wordprocessing style features incorporated into Evernote.  It has the opportunity to be a great application for creating documents.  Evernote also needs to fix the print formatting, but that's another conversation.

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1 hour ago, DTLow said:

Just another user here; Evernote has given no indication they're planning to implement formatting styles

Of course, Evernote rarely gives announcement of their feature development plans

Thanks for the reply DTLow. What is the best way to request evernote to implement that, is there some forum or something, like Microsoft has for instance - https://onenote.uservoice.com/?  Thanks.

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14 minutes ago, kinshuk4 said:

What is the best way to request evernote to implement that, is there some forum or something

Evernote has set up these forums for users to post feature request and indicate their support

You're posting in the discussion for the feature request   Apply H1, H2, H3....
To indicate your support, use the voting button in the top left corner

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2 hours ago, DTLow said:

Evernote has set up these forums for users to post feature request and indicate their support

You're posting in the discussion for the feature request   Apply H1, H2, H3....
To indicate your support, use the voting button in the top left corner

Thanks DTLow:) 

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4 hours ago, MySecretUser said:

Titles are an essential piece in structure, I'm really fathomed at why that's been left out 

Please indicate your support for this request using the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion.  There are currently 14 votes.

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While this does not mean this is a feature that will be coming, we certainly want to relay user feedback/sentiment to our various teams...

Evernote, will you ever wake up from your Sleeping Beauty sleep? This feature that you're currently not even sure will ever be implemented in Evernote at all, is one of the most basic methods for semantic structuring of text.

What if someone even came up with a suggestion to implement a calendar in Evernote? How many years will it take to even consider discussing it?

As for me, I'm tired of waiting. I'm slowly moving my data from Evernote to Notion which I find way more sexy and innovative and which of course provides header and subheader functionality for text, as well as unique database features and calendars (yes, multiple).


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On 2/15/2019 at 12:01 PM, Michael Singer said:

one of the most basic methods for semantic structuring of text.

Styles are a word processing feature; not usually a text feature.

>>I'm slowly moving my data from Evernote to Notion which I findway more sexy and ...

I store my data in Evernote; no changes there
but I do recommend alternate editors for extended word processing features; e.g. Word/Pages.  I wouldn't call them "sexy" but they support styles.

I use Apple Calendar on my Mac and iPad.  I  access Evernote's SQLite database on my Mac.

>>will you ever wake up from your Sleeping Beauty sleep?

Have you been sleeping?
Did you suddenly wake up and realize the Evernote editor/format doesn't work for you?
I've been using Evernote for going on 10 years, and I know exactly what features are supported.

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On 2/15/2019 at 1:01 PM, Michael Singer said:

I'm slowly moving my data from Evernote to Notion which I find way more sexy

Never had that on an application decision matrix...  ;)

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10 hours ago, yebyebyeb said:

The lack of this feature is the one-and-only reason I switched away from Evernote

I'm sure other users can come up with other reasons  🙂

For myself, format styles are more important for word processing documents.
If important for notes, I would implement a work-around, for example EverTool

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3 hours ago, Michael Singer said:

Notes of Note Taking Apps are actually web pages, therefore based on HTML.

I don't think of my notes as web pages, but  the base format used by Evernote is ENML; an HTML fork.
I can edit the content.enml of notes on my Mac, using a text editor and it is basic HTML code

>>Evernote is a dinosaur compared to modern Note Taking Apps

Yes, the Evernote editor is a dinosaur but I still use it for basic notes.
If I need extended features, I switch to a different editor.

>>relying on the arbitrary use of font sizes is a very idiosyncratic attitude

Setting font sizes works for me.
I also like consistency; the same size used for my different heading settings
Both are provided using the Evertool app

>>Notion goes in a more forward-looking direction:

I was trying to identify the base code for notes in Notion.  Are they "actually web pages, therefore based on HTML"

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1 minute ago, DTLow said:

I don't think of my notes as web pages, but  the base format used by Evernote is ENML; and HTML fork.
I can edit the content.enml of notes on my Mac, using a text editor and it's basic ENML.

stop thinking about your notes only

some people use structure in notes, and they are not a minority that Ervenote has to ignore.
it will not be a problem for you if this feature is added to evernote

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1 hour ago, matthieu. said:

it will not be a problem for you if this feature is added to evernote

I've already added my vote to this feature request; voting buttons are at the top left corner of the discussion.
The request is for both header styles, and outline fuctionality.

In the meantime, I'm directly adding formatting to my note contents.

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Just now, Michael Singer said:


The rating buttons are everywhere - clearly visible as a triangle followed by a number, on the left side of each thread and each answer.



Ok, thank you!

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So you can do every formatting: highlighting, color, font type, font size, etc....  But you can't quickly access "saved" styles / headers / keyboard shortcuts to quickly organize your note ??? 

Come on...
I have been using Evernote for years as premium but this drives me nuts...

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11 minutes ago, Guillaume W. said:

But you can't quickly access "saved" styles / headers / keyboard shortcuts to quickly organize your note ???

No, styles are not supported by the Evernote editor.

You're welcome to add your vote for this request.  Voting buttons are at the top left corner of the discussion.

For now, I'm using the Evertool app.

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I started paying for Evernote a year or two ago because I thought it did a really nice job with working on a quick note offline, and later syncing.  But the lack of headings means I’ve been switching more and more to either Google Docs or Mac Pages.  Evernote just cannot handle these more complex, organized documents in an efficient way without this feature.

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On 6/27/2019 at 9:19 AM, Joe Pairman said:

It looks like this is finally on the way! Hopefully should be nice enough to get me off Dropbox Paper and back into Evernote for actually taking notes and not just web clipping.

Evernote Behind the Scenes #3


FINALLY !!! i hope it will be really soon on all OS versions

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I've just started using Evernote, very easy to take notes and share with my other devices. However, I am at a total loss to understand how on earth this feature is missing. It just seems like the most basic of options that surely every other note taking app must have? The fact that multiple threads had to be merged and the number of people requesting this feature for years leads me to be concerned there is a reason Evernote are choosing not to implement this - am I missing something?

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4 hours ago, craigivemy said:

I've just started using Evernote, very easy to take notes and share with my other devices. However, I am at a total loss to understand how on earth this feature is missing. It just seems like the most basic of options that surely every other note taking app must have? The fact that multiple threads had to be merged and the number of people requesting this feature for years leads me to be concerned there is a reason Evernote are choosing not to implement this - am I missing something?

Yes, you missed something, namely reading matthieu.'s comment, which is currently one above yours.

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4 hours ago, craigivemy said:

I've just started using Evernote, very easy to take notes and share with my other devices. However, I am at a total loss to understand how on earth this feature is missing. It just seems like the most basic of options that surely every other note taking app must have? The fact that multiple threads had to be merged and the number of people requesting this feature for years leads me to be concerned there is a reason Evernote are choosing not to implement this - am I missing something?

You're missing this 🙂


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4 minutes ago, Stephan B said:

It's bizarre that this feature isn't offered yet within the desktop apps. It's here for mobile devices.

Not sure where you saw this with the mobile devices.    
I've seen versions of the feature, but it's still in beta testing

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1 hour ago, Stephan B said:

It's bizarre that this feature isn't offered yet within the desktop apps. It's here for mobile devices. Kind of looks inconsistent, even abandoned. Looks like development is on minimal mode, squeezing the lemon.

A new universal editor is currently being tested on the web version.  In the lower right corner you should see an option to either select the beta editor or classic editor.  It will eventually be rolled out to all clients.

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@Muller21QQQThe Header issue is relevant for those who use EN as editor for longer text. By the headers it is possible not only to visually structure the text, but to allow for issues like an automatic table of content as well. Export to other apps like word editors, or to blogging programs will be improved.

Because it should work on many platforms, and keep the look, it will probably be implemented as a general, not very editable feature. A  closed format like MS Word can drill further down.

So as many issues it depends on your personal use case whether you put it on top of your personal priorities, or further down.

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7 hours ago, Muller21QQQ said:

are these H1, H2, H3 really important?

Format styles are more of a word processing feature  

It maintains a consistent format within documents

Also, as the request post indicates, it's a step in implementing a table-of-contents for a document

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7 hours ago, Muller21QQQ said:

are these H1, H2, H3 really important?

I am surprised that this discussion is still going on, considering all the detailed information in this thread. Why still discussing the general sense and necessity of headings when even Evernote itself has already implemented this in its web client and is working on it for the various operating system related clients.

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To use the header feature (among others), try the web client. There the new editor is already available. Make sure you are on the new editor, not the classic version. Hint: The new features can be tested there, but there may be other things still missing. It is not yet fully integrated.

Rollout to the other clients is going to happen, just not sure when.

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4 minutes ago, Igor K said:

Is this not obvious for you?

Heading styles are currently being tested in a beta version
We're anticipating implementation shortly

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I presume creating H1, etc, might also allow for an internal table of contents AND a fix for numbering?

Long-time paid fan, but feeling the best thing for Evernote is a dumping ground rather than a place to create.

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Oh, a nice basket full of apples. Green, red, some both, yellow - wait, this is orange and has wrinkles ? Yes, it is not an Apple, it is an orange - and all together are fruits.

Who said the one and only property of a note taking app is H1, H2, H 3 ? Maybe there is a number of note apps that have it (let’s call them apples), but others don’t (our oranges). Diversity is at the core of competition.

Even without headers it can still be the best note taking app for many. H1/2/3 is easily solved, except for those who need STRUCTURE and forgot how to use their word processor.

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23 minutes ago, jesusplanner said:

Can you say me why Microsoft Onenotes, Bear and other have Headings? Are not they notes app?

Explain me because I don´t understand....

I agree it’s table stakes for a notes app these days and could list half a dozen more. It’s on the way in Evernote too though; an integral part of the new web editor, that will be the basis of the editor in the upcoming desktop/mobile apps. The release sounds not too far off now! I’m hoping for early summer; have no insider info though. 

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For example, in the case of headings, it is helpful to mark one formatting and transfer it to another. The same applies to the text body.

Better designed notes can be better used and processed.

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19 minutes ago, duessel said:

For example, in the case of headings

I merged your post with an existing discussion   
To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion

fwiw  We see  heading styles in the latest beta versions

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Guys, stop complaining here. I am sick of receiving notifications from this thread to my email box. Just switch to Notion!!! I loved Evernote, but their improvement frustrated me. I migrated everything to Notion 2 years ago and I am extremely happy with it! 1000 times better than Evernote and dropbox paper. It has all the quick styling functions and a lot more handy features.

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If you don’t want notifications, switch them off.

If you are happy with another program, be it.

But you are not contributing to this discussion except of creating unrelated noise by your post. 

 If you are with notion for 2 years now, you have found greener pastures for your use case, so probably better if you decide to stay there. Maybe you can even contribute with your experience to their forum ?

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18 minutes ago, Junnan Ma said:

I am just here to suggest to people that there is another hospital which might treat the disease better, and you are basically saying stop bullshitting in this hospital, and everyone should just stay here, just because you are simply stuck in it.

The reaction is probably less to do with the switching of hospitals and more to do with the tone, "1000 times better", whoopee!.  Suggestions are more along the lines of "Hey Notion does styling better, as does OneNote best I can tell.  Though why anyone feels compelled to revisit the scene of the crime and recommend a competitor on another company's forum is still a mystery to me.  I guess it could be a PSA.

I kicked the tires on Notion in the not so distant past and it was a full on cluster for my use case.  But header styles and editors aren't on the top of my use case needs.  Glad Notion is treating you well.

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33 minutes ago, Junnan Ma said:

I am just here to suggest to people that there is another hospital which might treat the disease better,

Are we still talking about features like heading syles?

I use word processing apps like Apple Pages
The documents are stored in Evernote as note attachments

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On 9/5/2017 at 8:27 AM, DTLow said:

I use Evernote as a filing cabinet.  I don't see the Evernote editor as a dedicated word processing app, but it is adequate for basic notes
For word processing, I use Pages/Word
For spreadsheets, I use Numbers/Excel

how frequently do you access these documents?  I find evernote impossibly slow in this usage mode- have to find the thing, click the thing, open native app, etc...  and then there is a funky connection between the note and open doc.  I'm personally trying to do more in text, code, or markdown.  that said, I am also running into  evernote  UI / functionality limitations to make this mode more challenging than I would like...

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