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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. This has been asked for a number of times over many years but not offered. You could add your vote to the existing threads. Otherwise use the Feedback option in the apps to make sure Evernote staff hear your request. If you read the other threads you'll see suggestions to work around this.
  2. If you're using Teams then you have dedicated support available to you. I'd contact your support person and see what is happening. It certainly isn't what is intended.
  3. Hi @Tom Lent! I'm sorry that you still have this issue. I fear that we may not be able to assist you but for a last try could you describe in a series of steps what you are doing on the Android device so that we can try to replicate. You'll recall that your initial post described in terms of a desktop application. (Ctrl+X, drag and drop etc). If you let us know that we can take a further look. Otherwise I fear that you need to open a support ticket. Do that from your device and choose to attach the log files just after you have reproduced the issue.
  4. If start by temporarily disabling the firewall and see if everything then works as expected. Corporate networks are notoriously finicky. I wish you luck in resolving this.
  5. You could do that but you are only reminding or possibly annoying fellow users. These forums are user-to-user support and Evernote staff only come by infrequently. Best to open a support ticket.
  6. Might be worth comparing Plus price and Personal. Plus has been increased and I'm not sure the difference is so great any longer.
  7. Have you seen anything to suggest that Livescribe and Evernote should work together? I've not seen any reference to use of Livescribe with Evernote? You might find some ideas on Livescribe discussions.
  8. Hi @Charley Hyun. Before we can offer much insight it would be helpful to know whether you are using a paid or free account. Also, which version of the Android app are you using? In general, there are reports of some challenges with the Android app. Sharing content into Evernote on Android seems to work well enough on my device with the latest Android app. However, my perception is that problems are reported more often with Samsung devices. (That's my perception, nothing definite). I'd uninstall the app, reboot and reinstall on the phone.
  9. Assuming you are doing this from a mobile device. The app in which you share the Pin is not seeing you as logged in at the point the Share process is started so Evernote receives the invitation to log in rather than the content. This is a relatively common issue with sharing between services that each have secure log-in processes.
  10. There are a number of reports of issues affecting some users copying images from one note into another. If the issue is with external images into a note with an updated installation I would recommend a clean uninstall using a program like Revo Uninstaller on Windows (similar for Mac). If that doesn't resolve the issue then as a paid user you have access to tech support directly.
  11. I think that this folder is what is used by Evernote to store a temporary copy of the attached file while it is open in a native application and then saves back into Evernote. If I'm correct I also suspect that deleting the folder will remove it only until I work on another a attached file when Evernote will recreate the directory and off we go again. I just live with the folder.
  12. It is a new implementation. Allowing individual notes to be selected for off line work rather than whole notebooks.
  13. We didn't sell Evernote. These forums are user to user. If you want to complain to Evernote staff you need to open a support ticket.
  14. Then contact Evernote to make the request. https://evernote.com/contact
  15. In the Windows Request forums it says: "This experience should appear in 10.51."
  16. Or the tests may not have revealed the issue that has appeared in the wild so to speak For me, I had a minor issue in that I had another application that used Ctrl+Alt+K. Since I didn't need that I simply disabled that application from using the shortcut. Thereafter, Ctrl+Alt+K works absolutely as expected in my situation with Evernote v10.50. Perhaps you have something else trying to use Ctrl+Alt+K on your PC. For me it was the Kindle app that had grabbed Ctrl+Alt+K to launch itself. That took a longish time to launch and might have appeared to have hung but was just loading another program. I certainly don't claim that your experience isn't true for you in your particular situation of hardware, OS, number of notes etc. Just recognising that we cannot infer from one person's report that either no testing was conducted or that the developers are so slapdash that they just ignored a bug. I hope that your report of the issue will lead to a speedy resolution. As it happens, today, for an entirely unrelated bug that I was tracking down with tech support I had a clean reinstall. So I've been working with a very fresh install of my data.
  17. Yes. I can't say much more as a beta tester other than that it has worked quite well on the tests I have been part of.
  18. I'm not surprised that sync between devices takes a minute or two. To be quicker would require all devices to poll the cloud continuously which would drain batteries on mobile devices. I think some folk find the time somewhat longer.
  19. I'm not sure that there is any evidence of no testing... For sure it has an issue for you so you would do everyone a favour by reporting that. But making claims that we cannot substantiate isn't very helpful - sorry.
  20. The current desktop app is v10.50 which you can download from the Evernote website. It is very different to v5.83 but fully supported. 6.25 is a desktop app as well but deprecated.
  21. The most common cause of this issue is that it is VERY easy to accidentally create a new account which is inevitably empty. Log out and be careful to log back in with the correct credentials.
  22. We won't hear anything until the deal is finalised in Q1/Q2 of next year. That's just the way of corporate take overs.
  23. Github does but evernote-backup only has versions for Windows, Mac and Linux. I think you are going to be struggling to do the export with a Chromebook.
  24. Since 2019 the whole Evernote application infrastructure has changed. I use a Github project - evernote-backup - to do a weekly backup to my local drive. Actually I don't feel any great need for it but I tried it out as a proof of concept and it works well. Being on Github it is free and there are versions for Windows, Mac and Linux. It can run on any machine and no Evernote application is required.
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