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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Any change to a document will cause the edited flag to be reset. Once the flag is reset on a file in an import folder or is treated as a new item and Evernote will import it again.
  2. I don't think Evernote will have the source code. It wasn't theirs in the first place
  3. I think ritePen was a third party product. If the company has closed then you have no real hope of achieving what you desire. It probably only works with the so called Legacy version of Evernote which is, itself, no longer supported and will die at some point in the future.
  4. It is definitely a feature that is coming. I'd take the announcement to mean soon. Of course, whatever had been implemented when it arrives, I guarantee a flurry of comments to say it still isn't what was wanted
  5. I think this is an error. It is coming but possibly not in 10.51.7
  6. I think it has been announced early in error. Perhaps the next release...
  7. This may not be be the first time a new feature had been announced early in error
  8. It was announced that Bending Spoons took ownership today
  9. Did you follow the link? It gives guest access.
  10. If you wish to pin more than one note to the Home dashboard then you can upgrade to Professional.
  11. There are no plans announced for this. You can see suggestions to workaround if you search in these forums. Otherwise, if this is a key requirement for you then you should use an alternative program.
  12. The uninstall/reinstall process is all documented in the forums. The data on your device is not fully removed by a standard Windows uninstall. Revo Uninstaller clears out all the detritus. The master copy of your data exists in the cloud. When you reinstall a new copy is transferred to your devices.
  13. I get straight in. There have been reports, in the past, of similar issues affecting individual users. I recall that it required support intervention. Try a DM to @Anibal I.
  14. I had this once. It required some backend tweak by a support person.
  15. There is no Email contact. I think you are using a mobile device. Have you tried the support option in the app settings? Other can you use a desktop/laptop?
  16. Yes, for sure. But you aren't reporting to Evernote in these forums. You are sharing with fellow users so only a small chance that Evernote will hear/see your report.
  17. Thank you for the heads-up. We're largely other users in these forums so appreciate your warning but I won't be testing the URL you provided. I cannot be sure what other payload the website might carry. I'd advise nobody follows the link you provided. If you want Evernote staff to be aware of this then you should open a support ticket (as a guest if you are a Free plan user).
  18. Scroll to the very top of the thread. On the left you'll see an upward pointing arrow/caret with the current view. Right now it says 500. Click that and you should see the count incident by one. You've added your vote.
  19. @bradsayers. I fear that this will not be resolved without the participation of Microsoft. It changed some of the OS functions with Win11. I've found the Windows shortcut Win+Shift+S takes me straight to a snipping tool. I can then paste direct into a note. A small additional step but it really isn't much of a nuisance at all.
  20. As ever, device, app version and OS would be helpful.
  21. If you downgrade to Free all your existing data will remain. All new notes would be limited to the Free limits as will data transfer. Any notes which already exceed the Free size limit will effectively be locked and not editable. But nothing will be lost.
  22. Evernote made an operational decision to develop using the Electron framework. Grammarly doesn't support apps developed with Electron. So the case is that Grammarly doesn't support Evernote. However, neither claims anything different. If it works in a browser, that is because the browser is outside the framework so far as Grammarly is concerned. There is no prospect of Grammarly being supported in the desktop apps in the medium term. It will require BOTH businesses to decide to work together.
  23. Legacy Premium and Plus are subject to an increase in price at the next renewal. The truth is that this is the first increase in many years. Evernote would, in my view, have been much wiser to have an annual increase in line with inflation on all subscription prices. I don't doubt that the price would then have been more than the proposed new price. But if the new price isn't value for a user then, of course, you move on or drop to Free.
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