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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. I don't know Kobo. In the past I've done this with a Kindle. Export the notes in Kindle then attach to an Evernote note.
  2. All these features require release of an updated API. That is some way off.
  3. As @gazumped says. You can have both versions installed on the same PC. In the past installing v10 would disable the older version. In which case just reinstall Legacy and you will have both. I also disabled all Evernote shortcuts in the older version since many of them are used in both programs. This reduces the chance of conflicts.
  4. You don't say how you are saving the Excel sheet. When I do this I simply close the sheet and accept the save option in the pop up. Or I can type Ctrl+S before closing the sheet. Either way the changes are saved in the sheet that is stored inside the Evernote note. Dragging the spreadsheet into a note stores the whole file inside the note. It isn't a link but the actual file stored. If you want to create a link to a sheet stored on your hard drive then save a shortcut into the note.
  5. I believe that the outlook calendar stuff is about to enter beta for those signed up for it.
  6. My daughter had something similar with her Android device. She raised a ticket and was talking with tech support. I'm not sure what the outcome was.
  7. There's are a few third party applications that can automate and simplify the process but they are all small projects of enthusiastic programmers.
  8. The thumbnail stuff in v10 is well documented. It does need attention although this is the Android sub-forum rather than desktop.
  9. To use the famous question from the Tom Hanks, 'Bridge of Spies' movie... "Will it help?" The sale of Evernote will not complete until next year. At that point I would imagine we might hear more and see a clearer plan emerging. Until then, nothing has changed. So no worrying here - yet.
  10. Which version of Evernote are you using? Version and operating system... It looks as though you might be on the Legacy version. Of course it is possible that someone has hacked your account. The most common reason is the standard trust of passwords. But I think that is unlikely.
  11. Are you on a free account? If so you can recover note content through Note History IF you subscribe for a month. Note History is captured for everyone but only accessible for paid subscribers.
  12. I'm afraid the Revo Uninstaller route is all I can offer and, I suspect, anyone else. Keep banging on the Tech Support door or, I'm afraid, consider an alternative.
  13. This looks like you address using the Legacy software on a Mac. At a guess you've upgraded to Ventura on MacOS. This issue has been reported affecting users with Ventura and Evernote Legacy. There is no solution other than upgrading to Evernote v10. Since Legacy is end-of-life there will be no fixes.
  14. I don't often use the Evernote spell-check. But out of curiousity I just mistyped a whole bunch of words in a note. Those incorrectly spelt were underlined in red. Each and every time I could right click and select the correct word from the supplied list with a left click. Worked first time, every time. So I'm sorry that @rosingm has this issue which is clearly not correct. But it seems that it isn't a bug for everyone which, of course, makes it much harder to diagnose and fix. No comfort, I know. All you can do is try another full uninstall with an application such as Revo Uninstaller and then reinstall and start from scratch with the latest version of Evernote 10.49.4
  15. There have been similar issues reported in the past. I suggest you DM @Anibal I. Who was handling this at that time.
  16. No and I don't expect to hear this. Of course it might do someday. I anticipate that the API will be updated eventually but you should make a workflow that works for you now. Once the API is updated then IFTTT and Zapier might choose to connect to the new features. But there is no indication of which features will be made accessible nor when.
  17. @Pere That feature doesn't exist in Evernote. As above give feedback or open a ticket.
  18. Is that an update of Evernote? In which case which version are you using and on which OS? Or is that an update to ScanSnap? In any case, which ScanSnap application are you using? Version number and ScanSnap Manager or ScanSnap Cloud?
  19. @RapidFinancialSolutions If you've tried the suggestions offered then your next stop would be tech support via a ticket. 😉 Of course we could start a conspiracy thread surrounding your missing content 😉
  20. Try it and see. I understand that it's the intention.
  21. 😞Reminder to self: I will not comment on posts last thing at night from a mobile device.
  22. 10.44 for Android dropped onto my device today. I'm told it addresses background sync to catch up with iOS.
  23. Am I missing something here? You say you have Evernote Professional. If that is correct then that may account for why Salesforce doesn't connect. This requires, I think, a Teams account. If you do use Teams and just mistyped "Professional" then you have great advice above. Otherwise, if you are using Professional, then I don't this is going to work for you.
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