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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. I use the CamScanner application. It generates a PDF which I then send to Evernote. A much better result than using the Evernote camera.
  2. Do you have something to support this assertion? I've not been aware of anything like this.
  3. THat is incorrect. If it is doing that for you then you have an installation problem. Once imported, documents in an import folder are ignored UNLESS they are are edited/changed/amended in which case Evernote will treat them as a new document but only then. I have a BATCH script that runs each morning and empties my import folders but that isn't necessary - it just keeps my tidy mind happy
  4. v10 is emphatically an online application. The assumption is that you are working online. You can go off-line and things will continue to work provided you have Evernote open before going off-line. There is no local database in the way that the Legacy application had. But the desktop applications work off-line and catch up when you return online. I use v10 for everything except printing (which I do so infrequently that it isn't a big deal). I'm told that bulk tag manipulating remains better in Legacy. You can also export the whole Evernote data in Legacy as a single ENEX. However that has always suffered from the problem that the all note export loses the Notebook structure. v10 allows Notebook export of ENEX files which has always been the advised way of exporting to retain the structure as well as the notes. There are also a handful of third-party programs that will export the data for you. The v10 Android app has not enitirely caught up the older version. I am led to understand that some significant imporvements to the Android app are scheduled this week.
  5. @Nick Drakon A bit confused... In your first post you say you are using the Windows Desktop app. In your second post you say you are using the web browser. You can export individual notes as PDF in the Windows Desktop app with a subscription. There is greater function in the Desktop app with a Professional plan. Of course you could print to PDF. However printing doesn't work well for v10 of Evernote. Haven't tried that with the web version myself. You might find it worthwhile installing the Legacy app to handle this.
  6. There is also the File | Sign Out | Remove data from my device Then log back in and the data will be rebuilt.
  7. As an academic, I used Zotero all the time in Word. It was Zotero that created the Word add-in. It will have to be Zotero that created an Evernote add-in. I'm not sure that they will be willing or interested but take it up with Zotero support.
  8. Updates come every 2-4 weeks. Not weekly and definitely not daily. The only reason you might get more frequents notifications is that you decline an update on which case you'll get a reminder the next day and so on. Just accept them when they come along and you shouldn't be pestered more than once a month or thereabouts.
  9. You could choose to save your annotations into a folder which is linked as an import folder. That would create a note automatically.
  10. I don't think I can advise you further. I don't suffer this issue. Raise a support ticket - see below...
  11. As described there are three or four elements which might be causing the issue of which Evernote is just one. If you have a link which always takes 20s to load then copy that and save it as a desktop shortcut. Now, open from the desktop. That will confirm whether or not it Evernote, the browser or even the PC is causing the issue. I'd agree with @Jon/tthat restarting your computer would be a good move. If the issue is within Evernote then I'd recommend rebuilding your notes from the server. In settings uncheck the save Evernote data. Then log out. Now log back in and your data will be rebuilt which might resolve the issue.
  12. The Tasks pop-out has the option to view by note. I'm not aware of a list by notebook option. You could open a notebook and search for notes containing a task using advanced search syntax.
  13. The Task context is a note. So rather than creating a task in a generic note with a link to another note, add the task to the specific note. It will then appear in the task pop out connected to a note to which you can jump to. Once I grasped the potential of creating tasks inside the relevant note thyey became much more useful to me.
  14. I'm not sure that it necessarily is an easy request. Easy to say and describe but I cannot say what would be needed in the editor to achieve it. Neither do we know who marked the answer as solved. It is usually the original poster of the question. In any case that resolution related to the old, now unsupported version of Evernote. I'd recommend you raise the issue with Evernote devs via Feedback or a Support ticket to get attention for the current version of Evernote apps.
  15. Evernote tasks cannot sync with an external program because the API is, yet, to be updated. You can connect via third party applications to check boxes and note reminders but not directly to tasks. Evernote tasks is, currently, a standalone feature. Outlook calendar sync has proved rather more difficult than you might imagine to integrate with. Google calendar was the first choice, I think, because Evernote uses Google infrastructure and the connections were easier to achieve. There are no timelines ever provided by Evernote but I anticipate Outlook calendar connection within the next three months. But I'm just another user so what do I know? So far all the integrations are one way. So you can view Google calendar inside Evernote but you cannot update that calendarfrom within Evernote. Expect the same with Outlook when it arrives and also the Apple calendar stuff too.
  16. I think that most users favour the direct download from evernote.com. The store version runs inside a sandbox which sometimes limits what you can do. However, one or two users have said that they find that the store version resolves some issues. I would go with the download. See if that meets your needs without hassles. If so, then stick with that. If though you find issues that don't work for you then pop back and see if we can advise the store version to resolve. Please note that the download does not, generally, update as speedily when a new release comes along. If that isn't a big deal then nothing to worry about or just download from the website and install over the top of the current version you are using. If, though, you want the latest version with the minimum in interaction as quickly as possible then the store version is better but I would say that the benefits of the download outweigh getting the new release right now
  17. The limit on dropping devices is two times per month. The easiest way is to subscribe for one month which is a modest price. You can then do all the changes and get everything working. Otherwise, wait until the next month. The page @Jon/t pointed too should guide you through everything.
  18. Clearly there should be this option and others have not reported this. Have you uninstalled the app on the iPad? If not try that first. Otherwise you should open a support ticket.
  19. Sorry to hear that an OS update has broken Legacy for you. We've long recognised that the most likely cause of Legacy ceasing to work would be an OS change whether on MacOS or Windows.
  20. Personally, I'm not convinced the auto update process is all that reliable. So when I hear that a new release is available I grab it an install if there isn't a flurry of problems reported.
  21. In not sure that the feedback form allows you to include and image. You could save a copy in Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive or similar and include a link to the image in your feedback. Otherwise good need to open a support ticket.
  22. As ever, @Dave-in-Decatur, you could download the latest version direct from evernote.com and install the latest version manually if you want to move ahead a little more speedily.
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