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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Sorry to hear that your experience is different. Yes, the example I shared is a single page because my multiple page PDFs all have personal information in them which I don't want to place in a public space. I did see the highlighting on larger documents. Have you tried opening a support ticket? Also you could rebuild your local data which I think fixes some indexing for searches.
  2. I think you must be doing something very different to me. I don't have to create any folders. The export I described does everything I need.
  3. It isn't coming anytime soon. At least there is no apparent discussion. So you'll be waiting a long time. If Markdown is important for your workflow then try a different product.
  4. Works for me. Just as I described. I just did it with the notes containing PDFs. The export to single web page created a folder containing three PDFs. All three show as PDFs in the Windows file explorer. All three were easily combined into a single PDF. If I get a moment later I'll create a set of screen shots to illustrate my process. Or maybe a video of the process.
  5. I'm not sure that my solution will be suitable for you. But here it goes in v10... I highlight the notes that contain the PDFs I want to combine. I right click and select Export (not Export as PDF). I then select export as Single web page. The export proceeds and I open the directory. Inside there is folder which contains the PDF files. I combine them in Acrobat. However, the current limit of 100 notes for multiple actions means that you would have to manually increase the limit for your account or do the work in batches of 100. You could the reconfigure the config.json file to, say, 900 and then you would be able to manipulate the 450 PDFs.
  6. There's rarely any need to announce your departure but even less value in announcing that you aren't signing up. Well done for knowing what you need and being able to clarify that Evernote isn't for you.
  7. If you search you'll find discussion of this. I shared a means of doing this with note previews. I prefer, however, the third-party Kanbanote.
  8. Did you try opening a support ticket? I hope you are successful finding a suitable replacement.
  9. Yes, as advised, fully uninstall and reinstall from scratch.
  10. The Evernote V8 app for Android is no longer supported. It does not have access to the newest features including the checklist that you are using in v10 of the desktop apps. The best solution would be to use checkbox on the desktop which are supported on Android V8.
  11. When I search inside Evernote. Any matching term in a PDF is highlighted. In this example I searched for Gale Way. It found a bus time timetable with lots of different 'Way's included but as you can see - all are highlighted.
  12. Is this an official Evernote video or one of the very many produced by users. If the latter then there is little for Evernote to do. I've certainly never seen any Evernote material that offers a two way sync. However, I've spoken with a number of users who infer that it should be possible because that is what they expect.. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500009437482-Evernote-Google-Calendar-Overview https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/4406218334355
  13. There are many discussions of this issue. The Evernote sync is now relatively elderly. It uses an approach that was adequate 15 years ago but things have moved on and the prevalence of mobile devices exacerbates the challenges. A new sync process is currently in test alongside a collaborative editing mechanism so that multiple users can edit a note together simultaneously. This is working in beta quite well I understand and at least one user has reported that he found it resolved the problem with note conflicts. Of course, beta tests also reveal problems and I suspect that there are still some issues to fix before full release. But it is in hand. Until then you can avoid conflicts largely by ensuring a note is only open on one device at a time. That certainly works for me.
  14. Thank you for letting us know. Sally you've mostly reached the wrong people. We're all users around here. To contact Evernote open a support ticket and be sure of a response.
  15. I suggest you send this as a direct suggestion. However Proton will be way down the work list. Outlook 365 (in beta) and Apple are next. For now submit feedback in the app or open a support ticket.
  16. Not my experience. Perhaps clear out your browser cache for evernote.com and see if that helps.
  17. The problem was created by Microsoft. There really is a simple workaround as detailed above (actually a couple that seem to work for others). They work just as well as the Evernote keyboard shortcut.
  18. Hi, There is no form of account called a 'corporate account' just Free, Personal, Professional and Teams. The information is shown with your identity at the top of the sidebar on desktop and web or the menu bar on mobile. Still the size of the images is relevant too.
  19. This has been discussed many times. I'd suggest you submit a support ticket to ensure you needs are noted.
  20. There is an issue which affects Windows users which has difficulty handling images for copying/pasting. Just highlight the text. If you need an image drag it to the desktop then into the destination note/application.
  21. No offence intended, but I won't download these things which I don't know are safe. Can you describe the issue in words as well?
  22. This is an issue that has been reported a few times. My daughter experienced as did I. It is not intended. If you go offline and edits should sync when you reconnect. Please submit a technical support ticket.
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