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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Thanks for the suggestion. Remember that these forums are largely/mostly user to user. So to be sure that your suggestion is seen by Evernote you should use the Feedback option one the apps. Meanwhile, you shouldn't expect a response to your post on anything but the long term.
  2. You might also choose to update your application. The current version is 10.48.5
  3. In Windows you have the equivalent of a sync button by using the keystrokes Ctrl+R. On mobile apps the Settings/Sync menu. A little less convenient than tapping an icon but it works.
  4. There is a significant curve to the learning required moving from Legacy to v10. Some proponents of GTD will say that it isn't possible to do with Evernote v10. Others have learned to work around and discovered new ways of doing old things. You could run Legacy alongside v10 on the same machine although I would not advise switching back too often if you intend to move up to v10. For me, making a determined decision to switch and not use the old version meant to got the new v10 ways in my muscle memory. As a Windows user I can't say that I notice anything apart from a second or two for search results to update. I search for notes with a specific tag. Select a note in that list and, for example, remove that tag and the note disappears from the search results almost immediately.
  5. I doubt that any changes to the font stuff is coming. The limited choices are designed so that notes display uniformly on all platforms. So no 'fix' is likely because it is by design. While you have Legacy that will be a good choice if this is important for you. You might get some success advocating for a setting to choose one of the pre-chosen fonts and font-sizes as the defalt starting place but the free choice of font seems, to me, be never coming.
  6. I think comment sums up this discussion. (NB I agree that the mobile apps need to perform better). But each of the points made is entirely personal. If I didn't use the mobile app I wouldn't need attention on mobile performance. Who needs internal links? Not me. I don't care if they exist but I do care if they get attention which stops the things that are important to me getting the attention that everyone knows that they need. All emphasis with tongue in cheek. As it happens I think that there are developments in the wind that will please some and infuriate others. Nobody will mind that they are provided but they won't be enough or won't be the thing that is most important for those that are upset.
  7. The old Evernote Plugin for Outlook has been superseded by a new application. Instructions are here... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005997-How-to-use-Evernote-for-Outlook However, please note that this does not support connecting the Outlook Calendar to Evernote. Work is underway and, I believe in early internal testing, regarding the Outlook Calendar connection. But this will depend on the version of Outlook in use AND the Outlook API supporting your connection.
  8. Just to note the the Evernote connection to Google is one directional. Google to Evernote AND is only with Calendar & Drive. Not tasks.
  9. I concur. It is infrequent for me with the Android app but once or twice I've created a note in Android. It has successfully appeared in my desktop view but the green sync triangle remains displayed in Android. It is definitely rather infrequent for me so, no, I didn't raise a ticket and won't do so until I get the issue again and can include the relevant log file with the ticket.
  10. In addition, occasionally the sync flag isn't cleared for ages. So the sync takes place but for whatever reason the flag doesn't clear on the mobile device.
  11. @Sjors G Only Grammarly can say. They have specifically said that they don't support Electron apps. https://support.grammarly.com/hc/en-us/articles/4428282986893-Grammarly-for-Mac-doesn-t-work-in-certain-apps-for-Mac This has never been an Evernote function, rather something Grammarly produced.
  12. There have been a few reports of this behaviour in 10.48 although Ihaven't experienced it yet. The user who seems to have delved deepest seemed to find that the issue comes when you click at the beginning of the note rather than , say, half way down. As I say, I haven't experienced this yet. This would merit a support ticket so that a pattern of behaviour can be noticed by the developers. Please report and let us know if you get a resolution.
  13. You need to raise this directly with a tech support ticket. It isn't a widespread issue so unless you tell Evernote directly they will not realise how significant it is. These forums are user to user so we cannot fix anything for you.
  14. @ronrun The reason you were asked if you were a Free plan user is because the symptoms you describe often affect Free plan users. We cannot tell from your initial post which plan you are on. You should remember that these forums are user to user support. So you are talking to fellow users. The good news is that you can still access Evernote on your old computer. So it seems to be an issue with Evernote and the new device rather than with your account. You don't say whether you are using Windows or MacOS. Either way, your first stop will be to uninstall with an Uninstaller - not just the standard uninstall. On Windows Revo Uninstaller will fully uninstall. Then you can reinstall and ensure any corrupted files are properly replaced. There is a similar program for MacOS. If that doesn't work then add a passing user you can open a support ticket with Evernote.
  15. It seems that the spell check can be set to two languages as long as one of them is English 🤐 https://www.evernote.com/PersonalSettings.action Select Recognition Language I've no idea how well this works but perhaps worth trying.
  16. I'm sorry that you presume to know my intentions. I responded to a specific question from a user at the same time pointing to a wider issue agreeing that it is an issue for those who are affected.
  17. It is a year since the OP asked for help but apparently nobody had anything to offer. Please tell us how you are trying to achieve this. That may give us a clue.
  18. You can pay for a month of Personal subscription - a couple of cups of coffee at a shop - and that gives you support for a month.
  19. Except that I don't have that experience either. Even the first character position immediately after opening a note doesn't do that FOR ME. Have you tried rebuilding your data as I suggested? Indeed, if that doesn't work a clean uninstall using Revo Uninstaller will completely remove all corrupted program files. Failing that you may need to open a support ticket.
  20. No. The Local notebooks feature in the old version of Evernote was to allow you to hold notes which NEVER went ONLINE. Never stored in the cloud. v10 will keep notes for you to view when off line. For mobile devices you have a setting which keeps a copy of some notebooks on your device. You choose so that you control how much data is stored on your phone. For laptops you can access anything in your account provided Evernote was open before you went offline.
  21. Because support costs a lot of money to run. By limiting it to paying users they can employ fewer people.
  22. That would depend. If you used the stand-alone web clipper extension/add-on that exists for most browsers then that doesn't count as a device. Just don't open the resulting note in the web version of Evernote.
  23. OK. Got it now. This is a web clipper issue. I don't think I've ever thought of using the web clipper to capture screen shots. So I've no experience of that to offer. Web Clipper will capture a screenshot which it will place into a new note in your chosen notebook. You are correct that you cannot save, by that method, into a specific note. On Windows 11 Win+Shift+S will give you a pair of cross hairs to highlight what you want to capture. Then open the desired note and paste Ctrl+V. I think that should work on Windows 10 too.
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