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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. @Condor, can you confirm that no Calendar events are displaying... If that's the case a solution I've seen once was to disconnect your Google account in the Evernote settings then reconnect. Remember, there is no connection between tasks and a Google calendar.
  2. I don't think that there is a plan to end Legacy. Rather, I think it will be OS changes that will one day mean that Legacy ceases to function.
  3. Works just fine for me on Windows. That said the new limit of 100 selections is more than sufficient for me.
  4. Your very welcome. There will be some learning with the new version. Things often work differently. If you get stuck then come back and have a search for the answer you need to get v10 doing what you need.
  5. My guess, you have the MacOS Ventura and you are using the Legacy version of Evernote. Legacy is doomed to eventually dying. The Ventura OS update has broken Legacy. It will not be fixed. You have the option to upgrade Evernote to v10 or suffer the wider gap.
  6. For others passing by, I can confirm that I can easily access my Evernote account using my browser of choice, Firefox, running on Windows 11. If I was attempting to resolve this I'd follow the Firefox support advice for issues accessing websites... https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/firefox-cant-load-websites-other-browsers-can https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/websites-dont-load-troubleshoot-and-fix-errors
  7. You already posted this question. Please try to not post multiple times. You have some suggestions in the other thread https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/144385-evernote-app-wont-install-on-samsung-a71/
  8. I've seen reports of this. You should raise a support ticket.
  9. I've not seen any reports of this on any scale. If you discussed it with Evernote they'd would probably be sanguine. The system has worked well. It has trapped the attempt and ensured that you are the one with control. You would need to raise a support ticket to discuss the issue although I'm guessing you are on a Free account in which case tickets are not available to you. You could add some additional security to your account by enabling two factor authentication. Do this in your account settings. Evernote is closed for the Christmas/New Year holidays. You may not get much assistance until 3 January.
  10. You have received the help through the forum that is expected. A user has responded. It is not normal to get no response from a support ticket. 1st line support typically responds within 48 hours. You are now in the Christmas/New Year holidays so responses will not appear much over the next 10 days. I understand that the Evernote office started its holidays earlier this week. I notice that you mention that CloudHQ had a similar issue. If you have two unrelated applications giving trouble then If investigate what they have in common. You should probably open a new ticket after 1 January and see if that gets done progress unless, of course, you get a response on the meantime.
  11. Are you participating in any beta/preview version of Evernote?
  12. Yes, the pop up no longer pops up. A small update icon appears in the sidebar ready for you to click on.
  13. There is a known issue affecting import folders affecting those with the collaborative editing preview. Take a look in the Preview forum threads.
  14. This is not the case. Files left in the Import Folder will not be reimported unless they are edited or the update flag is reset for some reason. That said, it is a simple task to write a short batch file (for Windows) which will empty the folder on a schedule or at login to the PC.
  15. The new note preview feature makes it possible to create a Kanban style board inside a note. Create a table with the number of coumns you require and insert note links in preview form in the appropriate columns. The note links can be dragged from column to column as desired. I still marginally prefer the approach taken by the Kanbanote application which selects notes based on notebook and tags. But the preview approach demonstrated does give more information.
  16. Thanks, I see you've decided that irritating your fellow users is the best course. But thanks for opening a ticket as well. Meanwhile, if you take a look at the description for this forum it says "Community-based help for Evernote Windows."
  17. It could also be some local data corruption. I'd rebuild my local data and see if that resolved the issue.
  18. I thought that this was an issue in the Windows desktop too. I find that if I hover over the link, there is a three dot menu which includes converting to a preview. In Android I click in the link and the underlying link appears in a bar across the bottom of the editing area. The three dot menu is in that bar. I have the mobile edit lock on so I have to go into Edit mode first.
  19. I can succesfully select 99 notes and perform the option to add a tag to each one. I didn't want to try a move or merge but I've no reason to think that wouldn't work. I'm not entirely sure what you mean when you say that PDF export (and later HTML export) do not work. I am able to export a note in general but I do find that if there is a link to, for example, another note then if that shows either the preview or title display then the export contains a warning that that view could not be displayed in the export. I can switch to display just the link (the original display option) and then export works as expected. I hope you'll report this to Evernote support. The PDF and HTML export 'viewers' obviously do not support this new feature. I can, though, print the note and select a PDF printer and that does contain the preview. All my thumbnails are present I cannot replicate the task move problem you describe. I click the move option, select the destination note, and it moves and there is no remnant left empty or otherwise in the original note. I would concur that it is possible that you have some left over junk from a previous installation or, possibly, that you would benefit from a data refresh. You could achieve both with the standard advice to unistall with Rev Uninstaller (for Windows) and then reinstall allowing your data to be rebuiilt at the same time. But perhaps you have tried this. But whilst I agree that the PDF and HTML export needs attention I fear your experience with the other issues isn't universal.
  20. I don't think that there is any colour in dark mode. You and I might imagine that this is an easy fix. But who knows what does this and how to fix it. Not me for sure
  21. TRy switching keyboard in Windows settings. Maybe use the ENG/UK or ENG/USA setting on your PC. The best option will depend upon your keyboard layout. If you have the International keyboard selected then you probably have a keyboard layout that will be better suited by the USA settings. See if either of those fixes the issue for you. If so that will confirm the keyboard drivers being the issue.
  22. Yes, I suppose that the purple is less clear in dark mode. You'll need to suggest this directly to Evernote via Feedback or a support ticket if you require a response. But don't expect a sudden change. I'd imagine that this will not get high attention.
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