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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. I don't think that answers the question you were asking, what is the difference between the legacy version and the last pre-v10 version? Gaz's comment, as I understand it, points out that v10 is using a new database, so if you want both a pre-v10 version and the v10 version installed, two versions of the database will be downloaded doubling the amount of space used. That will happen whether you use the last pre-v10 version or the legacy version. It is possible that the icon change may be the only difference. If it isn't, I would be interested in knowing the changes too.
  2. You can, but as @DTLow mentions above, there is a current limitation of 50 notes. We expect this will change in the future. Limiting export to 50 notes makes no sense.
  3. I would suggest that you reinstall your old version first and get that going and backed up before trying the new version. Even then you can run both the old and new in parallel.
  4. I would find improvement in task management helpful. My guess though, considering the changes to their syncing, is simultaneous editing of shared notes. I'm not interested in that, but that one looks likely to me. Maybe we should start a betting pool?
  5. This will take some work to maintain, but will be helpful to others. I would also suggest adding DEVONthink, Apple Notes and Bear to the list, and maybe posting this on Google docs. Posts here aren't editable by anyone other than the poster.
  6. I think the pretty highlighter colors is the killer new feature 🤣
  7. I suspect for issues like performance and syncing they needed to take the apps to scale and load the service to see what they were dealing with. There is only so much that testing with a small subset of users can show them. I'm not excusing that they poorly communicated this, and IMO still released it too early, but there was likely a tradeoff between waiting for more features to be added vs getting something out there so they can work on optimizing the new service.
  8. There were power users in the beta programs, but not heavily weighted. Evernote likely wanted input from a population representative of their overall user base and not just the 2%ers. Power users have already drunk the Kool-Aid and are paying for the service. Evernote's challenge is to add features that will convince basic users to sign up for premium and do this without losing too many of their paying customers in the process. There is a lot of huffing and puffing on the forums right now, and some will leave, but I think most will hang on with legacy for now and migrate to v10 later, assuming there is continual improvement.
  9. You can revert back to the old version while Evernote works out the kinks in v10. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314
  10. While editing click on the blue + sign. This is the insert menu and the separator line (divider) is located there.
  11. If you want to get rid of the pre-v10 files, then the .exb will be the main one. Go to Tools -> Options -> General to find the location. That said, if you haven't been using v10 long, you might want to hang on to your "legacy" version for a bit longer until you are comfortable that v10 isn't missing anything you need and that you are ok with the performance. It is pretty stripped down at the moment and most users are finding it slower. In some cases, painfully.
  12. Offline downloading is still ... imperfect. I was never able to get my 7000 note notebook downloaded. Others, include one with 700 notes did download. With the large notebook I tried what you mentioned and would get about 2/3 complete when the app would start crashing. Once that started, the only fix was to uninstall / reinstall. I've tried this three times now with the same results. I will wait for the next update before giving it another go. I hope they work through this. Downloading offline notebooks has always been slow but at least it would eventually complete, and then work fine after that.
  13. I don't see if officially documented either. It must have been a tip that I picked up in the forum.
  14. I think we are wearing different shades of rose tinted glasses. 🙂 My reading of the tea leaves is that local notebooks are gone (and I would love to be wrong) but they may be reconsidering their position on import folders.
  15. The only information shared that I’ve seen is this help article. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047889234
  16. With the legacy version ctrl-Q shows Saved Searches right below Recent Searches. If you preface the name of the Saved Search with a character like !, it will show at the top of the Saved Search list. I don't have v10 loaded for Windows so don't know what happens there.
  17. Thanks for checking. Maybe the discussion was about offline notebooks instead of local notebooks?
  18. Same here. I would be interested to know what the percentage is for paying customers. I suspect most just jump to the search box and dig out notes that way. After 12+ years and 17K of notes I'll admit that is what I do. I only have a handful of notebooks and maybe 50 tags but I only add them into the search if the initial keywords search doesn't narrow it down enough. That continues to work for me. I've considered higher levels of organization but stick to what I've always done. I'm probably just lazy, but I always find what I'm looking for. That said, I don't think tags are endangered either.
  19. My solution is to have a work stack and a home stack and a saved search for each stack. If I’m in a situation at work where I don’t want others to see home information, I’ll use the saved search for the work stack instead of the general search.
  20. I would like to believe that, but everything I’ve seen points to the opposite. Can you provide a link?
  21. This. Especially on iOS where no rollback is possible. Even on Windows or the Mac, the installer should have included a link to a webpage that outlined the differences and gave you the opportunity to understand the changes before you "upgraded." Instead, users upgraded in good faith that the new version would be a step forward, then realized what they got, became angry and then headed to the forums to find out how to downgrade.
  22. I decided to dip my toe in the water and have downloaded v10. During the installation I was given an option to keep my existing installation and add v10. I don't know if this is a change from the original download, but thanks for that. I was expecting that v10 would remove my existing copy and then I would have to download the legacy version after, which would have been a pain, but I was prepared to do it. I don't think I've seen this mentioned before and I believe I reported on this during the beta. If a note contains only a PDF and you are in snippet view, it tries to render some text from the PDF. It is unsuccessful and just shows gibberish. If a note only contains a PDF, it should not try to add text, just show the title and attachment icon. Here is how it shows in 7.14 and this is how it looks in v10. The added text is not helpful. I know many others have already mentioned this, but please bring back the sync button. I get that you want sync to be seamless, but no matter how good it is, when using multiple devices, especially in questionable wifi conditions, we will still run into sync conflicts. We need the manual sync option, even if buried in a menu.
  23. Yes, it will be for me at work. I'm not a fan of OneNote but we use Office 365. I've started migrating notes over to check it out. I prefer EN but OneNote will be ok for work if they pull the legacy version and don't add encryption. Either way I will likely stay with EN for home use. If I do end up moving away from it for work, the question then is will I continue to pay for premium. I renew in April. I'll see how v10 progresses and then decide.
  24. This one is on the list of items that are not returning. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047889234-What-s-new-in-Evernote-for-Windows This was a major one for me since I keep all work related notes in local notebooks. No mention, though Ian has alluded to some big new features in the next several months. My fingers are crossed this may be one of them, but I'm prepared for disappointment.
  25. I've had downloads stall out and the only way I can get them started again is to delete the app and reload. Of course that requires you to start the offline downloading from square one. I can get smaller notebooks to download but still not my main one at 7000 notes. At about 1/3 the way through the app closes and even if I restart it has trouble keeping the download screen open without the app exiting. I've tried this a few times now. I'll wait for 10.0.5 before trying again.
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