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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. Disrespectful is one word that comes to mind, but I have others I can add ...
  2. Evernote has allowed this long thread to exist. Maybe these Evernote alternatives comments would be better collected there? On one hand, it seems a little disrespectful to me to use Evernote's forums to discuss alternatives. On the other hand, it benefits Evernote to understand why some are leaving and to which apps they are moving to.
  3. I looked at DEVONthink a while back, and I think it is a great solution depending on your needs. If I were on a Mac, only I would have switched. There is a little learning curve, but it is not bad. I tested it with one of my larger notebooks of about 7000 notes, and it appeared to import correctly, or at least as well as my limited checking could tell. It is good to be looking at a plan B and prepare, but I would suggest waiting a few months to see how v10 shapes up and get a better sense of the direction Evernote is planning.
  4. That does appear to be what is happening. A long press shows several options including open in browser and open in Evernote. The last option used appears to be the default. So, not a bug but a design decision and now that I understand what it is doing, seems fine to me.
  5. The link worked fine for me when I clicked on it using my Windows system that is running the legacy version of EN. I later clicked on the link from my iPhone that has v10 installed and see this issue as well. It opens EN on my phone and displays an error message. Looks to be a v10 issue..
  6. Thanks - glad to be wrong on this one. Also, I've seen "somewhere" that top list view is coming but can't find the posting at the moment. It was in the Mac forum, but since common code is used, it should apply to Windows too.
  7. Nicely done. If only Evernote had posted something similar "prior" to releasing v10. One comment on the table, concerning the Outlook clipper, as I understand it, the desktop clipper has been removed, so if you use the Outlook desktop app you are SOL. The Outlook clipper browser plug-in is available for those that use the web version of Outlook.
  8. Evernote's text encryption is fine for what it does, and I also use password protected PDFs for personal documents, but neither of these cover the main reason why I use local notebooks. For work, I keep everything local and off the cloud for security. About 50% of my database is work related and are in local notebooks. The current options are impractical for that, but encrypted notebooks would be a viable solution. I was surprised when Evernote reported that local notebooks were a little used feature. That was a key feature for me. I'm aware of that other thread, thanks, and already voted up ... FWIW
  9. Not for the Evernote development team 🙂
  10. An adequate alternative for me would be to have zero-knowledge encrypted notebooks as an option.
  11. This may be old news, but if it was, I missed it. ScanSnap Manager for the ix500 now supports Catalina. You can avoid using ScanSnap Home and their cloud service. I just installed it, pointed it to the Evernote application (not v10, I'm sticking with the legacy version for now) and it scans directly into Evernote like it did on Mojave. I was pleasantly surprised. Here are a few links with more information. https://www.fujitsu.com/global/support/products/computing/peripheral/scanners/scansnap/faq/catalina-ss.html https://www.fujitsu.com/global/products/computing/peripheral/scanners/topics/news200625.html
  12. It is about 7000 notes. I don’t need it offline but trying it as a test since I have downloaded it with the prior version. It did take a few days.
  13. I'm looking for that answer as well. Does that mean a direct scan into Evernote, or through some additional cloud path? The last thing I want is pdf scans going through another cloud service before they get to Evernote.
  14. Thanks. I've done the uninstall/install dance a few times now. Each time I can get the two smaller notebooks downloaded but it chokes on the last (largest) one. I'll give it another go when the next version is posted.
  15. Covid has nothing to do with this, IMO. It probably slowed development and test a little, but likely that is it. The current development direction was set well before the pandemic. To speculate, I think Evernote will succeed, but maybe not in the form that some of us want. The challenge for them is to add features that will entice free users over into a paid plan. Evernote has been stagnant for some time and the number of paying users hasn't grown enough for them to stay on their present course and speed so the decision was made to move to a common development platform that will enable more rapid innovation. Unfortunately, this decision has broken workflows and upset many current paying users. Some will leave. It will be interesting to see what they add in the short term to entice enough new paying users to overcome this deficit and start growing the business.
  16. Yes, that was how I updated new PCs too. Only having to deal with the exb file was nice. I would hope that Evernote does not remove enex export and import, so we hopefully will still have that option, but I think you have to do that notebook by notebook otherwise you will lose the notebook information. A tedious process if you have many notebooks.
  17. Thanks for confirming my suspicions. So, we are "not" good. We will be limited to the server copies and any history it has for backups and will no longer be able to make our own backups. Well, sh&t ... Or, and I thought of this after posting, we probably can still use enex files for backup and restore. For my usage, a little more work since my preference was to just backup the exb file as part of my system backup solution.
  18. I’m having the same problem. I have 3 notebooks set for offline. I’ve been able to download one with 50 notes and another with about 600, but my 7000 note notebook never completely downloads. I’ve tried all of the tips mentioned. So far no luck. Sometimes when I go and check it will show download selected notebooks checked but not show the list of notebooks. If I wait on the screen to see if the list populates the app will crash. Definitely some more work needed in this area.
  19. Thanks. I saw that but didn’t know if a single exb was still being used, or some other structure. I wonder if v10 will provide us a way to perform a local backup that we could restore from if needed?
  20. I’ll have to rethink backups. Currently I take periodic dumps of the exb and call it a day.
  21. How is the local data stored in V10? Does it use one .exb file like V6.25 does or is some other structure used?
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