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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. Nice to see the various parts coming together. Please give some consideration to creating a video on reminders. I'm sure I'm not the only one interested to see what is planned in that area.
  2. Google authenticator is only available for customers in a plus/premium or business plan.
  3. Yes, the Evernote web betas have been numerous and confusing. It now looks like they have dropped "beta" and have only "new Evernote Web" (though it is still not feature complete) and "previous version of Evernote" and the new Evernote Web has either the beta editor or classic editor options.
  4. Correct, the web version doesn't support reminders yet, just the native client version at the moment. Glad to hear you sorted it out.
  5. Are you using the Windows native client or are you accessing Evernote from the web on Windows? When you say you couldn't change it, do you mean the reminder date or are you having trouble finding the reminder? Some additional information and a screenshot would help.
  6. If you haven't already, try the web version with the "beta editor" enabled (lower right option). EN is working on a universal edior that is being test driven on the web version first so this will give you some insight into what they are working on and then you can comment on it if you like.
  7. I don't think text encryption is implemented yet in the web version ... at least I don't see it. You need to use the Windows or Mac client for now.
  8. It definitely was significant. The pre-cloud version was actually EverNote. It was changed to Evernote once they came out with the cloud version. Never heard why. It has expanded over time to be a more complete digital file cabinet, but its early DNA was as note storage.
  9. When notes are merged, the originals go into trash. Did you try looking there? Not to pour salt in the wound but the third option, which you don't have, is to restore from personal backups. Something to think about for the future. IIRC the monthly rate is around $5. Not a bad fee to get your data back especially for a user on the free plan. FWIW I've also never lost data where I can definitely pin the blame on Evernote. It has only been on my end usually moving data around.
  10. If you have data that you are ... uhmmm, concerned about either use local notebooks or avoid cloud storage all together.
  11. I somehow missed this and just happened to check to see if the issue was fixed and I confirm, it is fixed for me as well! Thanks. I also don't think changing the view option should update the date. I think that should be for content change only.
  12. The ix500 is my scanner of choice as well. I will pile stuff up for a week or two and then run it all through. The most time consuming part is labeling and tagging the notes after.
  13. That sounds terribly painful and time consuming. For the occasional receipt or single piece of paper snapping a picture is ok but a duplex multi-sheet desk scanner is easily worth the initial investment, at least for me.
  14. I probably don't even do it that often but I imagine there are some OCD types that like to tidy up after themselves so just providing a reminder that history may not always keep you out of trouble.
  15. Just to be clear, history will not help if you have deleted an entire note. There needs to be a note to reference to find history on. History is great for when you have accidently deleted some part from a note and you want to get back a version before the deletion. If you have accidentally deleted your entire note and flushed it from your trash you need to rely on personal backups to retrieve it. It "might" be possible for Evernote support to help get it back but it will depend on several factors. No harm in asking if you have no other choice.
  16. I use a few "dashboard" notes for work. One for all active work that is at the top of my shortcut list and then one for each major project. These are just bulleted lists of links either to other Evernotes or database links to some applications that we use, or files. The fanciest I get is adding a horizontal line to separate out areas on the note. No perty pictures, weather reports, inspirational sayings or even tables for me but having a collection of frequently accessed links, notes and files is VERY helpful to me. A huge time saver.
  17. You're about 15 years too late 😀. EverNote in its original form had a continuous tape view that allowed you to endlessly scroll through your notes. Here is a link to an early user manual with some pictures: http://www.adesso.com/productmanuals/EverNote-QSG.pdf It was actually pretty polarizing. People either loved it or hated it. Before it was removed most of the forum traffic was about how awful it was. After, comments focused on how wonderful. it was and how it was missed. Software designers will never please everyone 😉
  18. The link that @CalS has above is the official help document and here is the forum announcement. I see the change was actually 2018 ... hmmm seems like yesterday.
  19. Where did you get that from? I believe that is total notebooks regardless of whether local or sync'd. The change from 250 to 1000 is fairly recent.
  20. Not sure if this is related but Evernote recently made a change for Basic customers in how many times you can unsync devices per month.
  21. If you are referring to in app upgrade messages then there is no way to suppress them unless you sign up for a paid account. Upgrade nag messages is the price for free admission.
  22. I suppose you could just block them or put your phone on silent. Mine would be beeping and booping 24/7 if I didn’t do that.
  23. If not being able to erase some files from an SD card is a big problem in your world, then life sounds pretty good in Hankville 😁 SD cards have a write protect switch. Check to see that you haven't accidentally switched that to lock. If not that, then what the others said, or just toss it and buy another. Unless you really need a large capacity, these things are pretty cheap now.
  24. @May L, yes, this is with the web client only and I'm using the beta editor. Correct, this issue is happening on view. No search was involved.
  25. @May L, fyi I just checked today and the timestamp changing problem still exists. It does appear to only affect pdf containing notes.
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