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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. If you are not using the new v10, it is pretty easy. All of your data is stored in the .exb file. Make sure your current Windows app has been fully sync’ed and then copy the .exb file to a portable storage device. On your new PC install Evernote and then exit the program. It will have created a new .exb file. Replace this with the one you backed up on your storage device. Restart Evernote and log into your account as usual and you should be good to go.
  2. While we are speculating, here is my reading of the tea leaves. No one knows when the plug will be pulled on legacy. Those who are expecting a high level of feature parity with the legacy version will, I think, be disappointed. I think they are close to where “they” want to be. If v10 is close to what you need, then you can wait. If v10 horribly breaks your workflow, and there is a long list of items needed to make you whole, then I would suggest you start the search now. Picking a replacement won’t be easy. There is no clear winner. It is dependent on your workflow and what features are important to you.
  3. There are several existing threads already covering alternatives. Some of them are extensive. You may want to check them out.
  4. V10 barely has any menus. Nothing complicated there.
  5. The comparisons you are providing, are, to me, apples and oranges. Those apps have different purposes with some overlapping function. I think Evernote and Workflowy are essentially different implementations of a note taking app. Evernote does have added function. For my usage, Workflowy provides one advantage over Evernote, and that is text collapsing. I won’t store notes in another application for only that feature. I’ll continue to do without. We all have different definitions of what basic functions Evernote should have. IMO this is one of them.
  6. Sure, Workflowy is quite nice but personally I don't want to use another app to pick up one function that really should be integrated in a note taking app, IMO.
  7. The sync button isn’t hidden. They have removed it. There are numerous comments on the forum requesting it back. No matter how good they think they can make the sync, and v10 is definitely not there yet, I think we should always have a manual sync option.
  8. And it should be no surprise when users stop participating in betas. Without knowing which features were dropped permanently, or just not implemented yet, or any acknowlegement of which bugs were fixed (for the most part), I found participating in betas extremely frustrating and ultimately not worth my time or effort.
  9. Good question, and I've wondered the same especially when I see @gbarry post the exact same change list for new Windows and Mac updates 🙂. I think they need to tell us if there is enough of a difference to justify the separate sections. I think a consolidation would be helpful if it makes sense.
  10. They acknowledge some here usually as a request for information on a specific issue. They don’t provide a detailed list of what defects they are working on or have on the backlog. It is best to try v10 yourself to see how it is with your workflow. Some appear to like it, others hate it.
  11. I just use a bullet list for this. Position the cursor in front of the first word at the top of the list and press enter. This moves the list down and creates a new bullet at the top of the list for your new entry.
  12. Using 10.2 I’m not seeing any improvement in the behavior described in this thread. Slow downloads, incomplete downloads for large notebooks, and stuck updates on notebooks that had completely downloaded.
  13. It is possible that your old database is still on your system. It’s worth a try.
  14. I would suggest looking at the date code of the .exb files to see which is the most current and then rename the others first. Only after confirming that the remaining file is the one and only one you want, then delete the files you renamed.
  15. Were the missing notes stored in a local notebook? V10 does not support them. If that is how the missing notes were stored, and if you have a backup from before you upgraded, then installing the legacy version should give you access to them again.
  16. None yet that I’ve seen. I’m eagerly awaiting the next iOS update. Offline notebooks are not functional until this is fixed.
  17. The horizontal line is still there. In the upper right is a + blue button for insert, and one of the options is a horizontal line. Concerning the limited fonts, they reduced it to a number that can be supported on all platforms consistently. In prior Evernote versions there were complaints on fonts changing depending on which device they were viewed on. I think this is a case of you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. For v10 they decided on the limited but consistent approach which is ok for me but I do understand others would prefer more font offerings.
  18. That is my experience as well. A 700 note notebook downloaded, but not my main 7000 note notebook and what I have downloaded does seem to make the app unstable. I've given up trying until the next iOS version is released and currently have offline notebooks disabled.
  19. There are probably others posts on this but I didn't stumble across them. I'm using v10.3.7 on a Mac and created a note with an attached PDF. I see the "all changes saved" message and everything looks ok. I tried viewing this note on another system to add some comments and find that it never sync'd. I created another test note on the Mac and confirmed that sync stopped. I then deleted the note with the PDF to see if syncing will start again and it doesn't. Other than I just so happened to check on another system, there is NO indication that the note sync failed or that the Mac syncing is now stuck. I will likely need to reinstall to get it working again. 🤬 We REALLY need a sync button with success or fail indication!
  20. It doesn't work this way on the Mac. After scanning you need to give focus to Evernote and it then "attaches" the file and opens a new note full screen. It doesn't create a new folder. It opens in my default folder. In the full screen window you can then move the note to another folder and tag as usual.
  21. Sorry to hear that Windows is different. FWIW, this is what I see on the Mac. I'm able to switch between Evernote (v10) and Legacy.
  22. I had a database corruption problem on Windows legacy that I think was caused by a note created on v10 iOS, but so far no problems with having both v10 and legacy Mac installed together on another system.
  23. Not difficult. The link is above. You can have both installed. V10 does use a different database structure so if you install both there will be two copies of your data, in case storage is a concern.
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