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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. @MissArdbeg I agree that it is annoying when something disappears and you don't know if it is gone for good or just not ready yet and will be released later. Evernote could do a much better job in communicating changes. That said, the Apple Watch support was one of the few features mentioned in their blog and it will be coming. "There are a handful of features (such as editing tables, widgets, and Apple Watch support) that weren’t quite ready for today’s release, but we’re actively working to get those done and you should see them in one of our regular updates."
  2. @rdj999 Glad to hear that you worked out the difference. I just took a leap of faith and installed it as well. I looked at the note count before doing do and the new installation is different by 4 notes. Two are old inbox notes that I've had problems with and just ignore. I haven't dug into this to find the others, but it is close enough for me 🙂 . I'm not a heavy iPhone EN user. I use it mainly for lookup, but so far so good and I do like the search enhancements.
  3. Not knowing what syncing is required when the new version is installed, maybe some time is needed for the new installation to stabilize? Maybe wait a day or two to see if it changes and then open a ticket if it doesn't.
  4. Ok, I was thinking that maybe it was a trash difference between devices and you answered that. The note difference is concerning. Do you have offline notebooks on your iPhone? Those can take a while to download and maybe that could be messing up the note totals. Just guessing. Thanks for reporting and let us know if you learn anything new.
  5. Do you know if the note count matched up before the installation? Mine is usually off.
  6. The web version is where they were initially test driving the editor changes. As @DTLow mentions, these have now been rolled out to the beta clients.
  7. I would like to see the note content encrypted but metadata left unencrypted. I think that would be a reasonable tradeoff between security and searching.
  8. I agree but would alter this slightly to, feature parity across device platforms: with no loss of legacy functions or performance. Next up would be some long awaited new feature and my primary hope would be for password protected notebooks.
  9. Don't get our hopes up Gaz 🙂 Seeing some new and useful functions added instead of legacy functions removed would be a welcome change.
  10. Interesting. I just tried this as well and Classic editor is no longer the "classic" editor. It is basically the same as the new editor but with a few very minor UI changes. Or at least that is all I noticed. I'm also in the no reminder camp as well, though I know I've seen it there before in the new editor. I rarely use the web version, so I'm not sure when that change occurred.
  11. Isn't the new web version representative of the UI changes coming? I think everyone has access to that now.
  12. Yes, all of my notebooks are organized into one of two stacks, home or work. Work notebooks are all local and home notebooks are sync'd to the cloud.
  13. My line of separation is local notebooks for work and sync’d ones for personal. That has worked well for 12+ years I’ve been on Evernote. Like others there are things that I would like to see changed or improved and I occasionally check out the latest shiny tool but when renewal time comes I don’t spend much time deciding whether premium for another year is worth it to me or not. i have jumped around with todo apps some for various reasons but I find that an easier playground to experiment with.
  14. Some manage this by using separate EN accounts. I keep everything in one account but I have setup a work stack and a home stack and then have two saved searches, one to search only home and another to search only work. If I’m in a sensitive setting I’ll click on the work saved search first and then drill down from there.
  15. If I'm understanding what you want this can be done today on Windows and the Mac. As you type keywords, tags, or any search criteria the note list updates with the filtered view of notes. You can then save that search string as a saved search for later use if you want.
  16. I'll grudgingly agree to Shemp as a 4th, but anyone putting up Curly Joe or Joe will be dead to me... Yes, I spent way too much of my youth with the Stooges.
  17. I was also on the one task, one note team and with saved searches that worked well for me for several years. My workplace recently moved over to Outlook and I discovered that Todoist has a really nice plug-in for Outlook that allows me to keep a todo pane open all the time, so at least for work I've migrated over to Todoist. In a bit of overkill I'm been checking out Things 3 for personal todos. I do find dedicated todo apps a little more seamless than using Evernote which for task management is usable but is a little clunky and missing some features ... IMO
  18. Personally, I have no interest or need for that. Maybe in a business environment. Not discrediting your input, just offering a different perspective.
  19. I believe if you change this value to 0, search-as-you-type feature will be completely disabled. It has been there for about 8 years (according to the note I saved), but agree that it is not easily discoverable.
  20. The work around isn't bad, but I also would prefer true pinning especially now that I use it in my email client.
  21. It would be an interesting experiment if Evernote did add this but only for Premium users to see if it drives additional business. I suspect we would just see additional forum traffic asking for it to be added to the basic plan.
  22. On Windows, if you don't have the arrows on the toolbar, use customize toolbar to add them.
  23. They haven't been implemented yet.
  24. Same here. I'm a fairly recent convert over to a Mac and there are still times when I'll hook up a mouse instead of using the touch pad. Too many years with a mouse I guess...
  25. Interesting ... I only have one account (premium) account that I'm aware of, but maybe I accidently created a free one in the past that I'm not remembering.
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