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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. How long has it been since you downloaded it? It can take sometime to download the new database. If it has been overnight, then you have a problem. I would suggest uninstall and then install the latest 10.2 version.
  2. I have one notebook with 7000 notes that has yet to download completely no matter what I do. Two other, much smaller notebooks have completed initially but then when I add notes or move some around they change to partial download status, and then never complete.
  3. You can't. The plus subscription option was removed a few years back. If you were in the plus plan, you were grandfathered in, but once you have left, I don't think you can get back in.
  4. I'm not seeing this but I have no secondary display attached.
  5. It looks like a selection can only be saved to Evernote. Is there any way to save it to the clipboard? Windows had a nice option where by pressing the ctrl key you could select saving it to the clipboard instead of Evernote.
  6. I don't believe we can yet, but I've seen elsewhere that it is coming.
  7. Yup, glad to see the sort options added and offline notebooks do appear to be downloading in the background.
  8. It wasn't showing up in the "check for updates" for me, but I was able to download it (Mac version) from the Evernote download page. Update - Whoops, this is the iOS forum, but a Mac update is also available and the iOS update was available to me in the App Store.
  9. Or hover over the emoticon of the person you want to DM, and in the window that pops up, message is one of the options at the bottom.
  10. That's correct and we have built workflows based on how Evernote evolved and ones we hope to eventually use on v10. I'm not debating the direction Evernote is taking, I actually agree with it. The surprise is that they released v10 too early. It was too stripped down to be useful for many of us. Very little was communicated prior to the release of v10. The permanent removal of local notebooks, a key feature for me, was not early announced, though I suspected it was coming.
  11. You are missing the point. We have been using workflows based on what Evernote is (or was). v10 breaks many of those workflows. It is not a case where we are trying to use Evernote as not intended.
  12. I think a different way of saying this is that you don't have a workflow that is impacted by the limitations of v10. Many of us do.
  13. Like pretty much everything on the internet, use at your own risk. That said, I've seen the site mentioned here numerous times and no reports of problems.
  14. I've experienced this problem as well. Created a short note on my iPhone, saved it and then later went looking for it and found an empty note. Nothing I typed was saved. Suspiciously, at about the same time I experienced a sync problem on my Windows system running I've tried all of the usual steps to resolve the sync problem, including the cntl-help options with no luck. I've tried everything that I know of, with the exception of rebuilding the database, which I hope to avoid. Interestingly, I have both v10 and legacy running on a Mac and no sync problems on either. The problem is only on the Windows legacy system. I use mainly local notebooks on the Windows system, so this hasn't been that big of a problem but I do need sync fixed and have opened ticket #3189584. @Shane D. the activity log is pointing to a specific note. Here is the error message: 19:20:44 [ERROR ] [21984] [2792] 100% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Note.guid" key="99b667b1-a925-331d-ffc0-e5741092f2e5" 19:20:44 [INFO ] [21984] [22632] Client synchronization finished, status: failed I tried copying internal note links for all my notes, dumped them into a file and searched for the GUID with no luck. If support would like the full activity log, I can send that. 10/28/2020 Update - after waiting a couple of days for customer support to respond, and needing this fixed, I decided to wait no longer, roll up my sleeves and rebuild the database. Problem is, I have numerous local notebooks for work, so first those had to be exported. Next Evernote uninstalled, then reinstalled, the database downloaded and then all of the exported local notebooks imported back. I have several shortcuts to individual notes that disappeared and had to be recreated. Oh ya, all links within the local notebooks were broken. Fortunately, I don't use too many for work and I'll recreate them as I stumble across the broken links. Several hours later I'm back up and running again, but what a ROYAL PITA and I'm convinced the database problem was caused by a note I created on iOS v10.
  15. It was a large notebook and took a while to export so was going to try that later, but you saved me the trouble, thanks. It appears export isn't fully baked on either desktop client.
  16. Interesting. With the common code development I'm surprised to see a difference like this on v10.
  17. Local notebooks will not be coming back. I suggest you should start making a plan now on what you want to do with those in case support for the legacy versions drops without advanced notice.
  18. At least on the Mac, click on Notebooks to get to the Notebook list. Then in the ellipsis (more actions) menu there is an export notebook option. I just tried that on one of my larger notebooks and it appears to have exported the full notebook. I didn't confirm but the resulting file was quite large.
  19. You can. You can also run both in parallel if you prefer. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  20. It appears to be permanent. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005107-Convert-local-notebooks
  21. I don't see a way in v10 yet, at least in the Mac version. I don't have v10 installed on Windows, but I think they are basically the same. You will need to use the legacy version to save attachments. Select your notes and then the right mouse button meno shows the save attachments option.
  22. Last I've seen, recently in an interview with Ian Small, is that Linux is definitely coming. There were first going to stabilize the Windows, Mac and IOS clients first before rolling out Android and Linux. Evernote never provides target dates, but at least they have indicated that a Linux client is coming.
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